
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukitteru
rosco_ySoftware Updater tells me that "The package system is broken: run following command: apt-get install-f", I run 'apt-get install-f' which gives me: E: Invalid operation install-f, What should I do?00:03
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SJrHow do I update my Intel graphics driver is Kubuntu 14.04?00:09
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[Relic]15.04 stable enough to use now?  or still a lot of new version bugs?01:10
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SJrHow do I update my kernel in and intel video card driver in Kubuntu 14.04.203:55
SJrBasically my problem is that Kubuntu 14.10 is going out of service in 3 months, Kubuntu 15.04 is buggy on my laptop, and Kubuntu 14.04 has rendering issues.03:56
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valorieSJr: please try one at a time04:23
valoriethere is probably a PPA for an updated kernel; you might check with #ubuntu-kernel for advice about that04:23
SJrokay thanks04:23
hyper_chSJr: you could just go to 15.10 :)04:24
valoriethere are PPAs for video drivers as well04:24
valoriehyper_ch: yes, I think we roll an ISO already04:24
SJrYeah I couldn't find any that worked04:24
hyper_chwill wily have 4.x.x kernel?04:27
valorieno idea; and that's not up to us04:34
valoriethe experts live in #ubuntu-kernel04:34
hyper_chwell, just a couple of nasty bugs currently in 4 reagrding dm-crypt as well as ext404:35
=== Guest69931 is now known as thelionroars
hangman13usCan someone help me with the activation and usage of the Windows Key (between FN and ALT). I'd like to use it instead of ALT+F1 to open my menu. I found a topic for Ubuntu, but it doesn't work for me (Kubuntu15.04). Maybe there are other ways...05:31
valoriehangman13us: afaik it can only be used with other keys05:33
valorienot alone05:33
hangman13usSo it I manage to get it to work it will be Win+Something just as ALT+F1... which somehow make the whole try a bit pointless... I though I can use it they way I used in in Windows environment...05:35
hangman13usBut currently it is totally inactive - even if I try to include it as alternative shortcut, it doesn't recognize it as button at all. Which is a bit odd to me...05:37
valoriethere is an xkey program or something05:38
hangman13usI was reading this: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/use-the-windows-key-for-the-start-menu-in-ubuntu-linux/05:39
valoriehas a few alternatives05:39
hangman13usBut it doesn't work on my PC. I will see if I can get something on this xkey stuff.05:39
igor__hi all09:36
igor__is anyone online09:36
uwehallo, ich habe ubuntu  und seit ein paar Tagen habe ich im Internet automatische,ungewollte "tracky umschaltungen zu irgentwelche werbeseiten. Hilfe, was kann ich tun?09:40
xennex81hi folks09:42
xennex81I need a little advice I think09:46
xennex81on how to setup my computer, and which version of Kubuntu to use09:47
xennex81but I see blueskay is not around ;-).09:47
ussher_I like kubuntu 14.04 because the next update Im scheduled for is 16.04  its a long term support release.  If you like upgrading, go for 15.04 its next release is in october 15.1010:00
xennex81I am looking for something stable also, and I'm not sure the 15.04 madness will provide that at all times10:14
xennex81on the other hand, I feel like upgrading to 15.10 straight away10:14
xennex81but I'm not even sure that is a good idea10:14
xennex8114.10 was my distribution of choice but it is said to be no longer supported...10:15
xennex81which is kinda odd, but perhaps not an issue10:15
xennex81I am hoping to install it alongside Windows 7 or Windows 8, but my Windows 7 has this bad activation (illegal copy) and Windows 8 I have legal but I don't like it so much10:16
xennex81I currently have 15.04 installed here10:16
xennex81I have taken 140GB off the harddisk and put an LVM in there, gave 12GB to the root, and put the rest in swap and home10:17
xennex81root now has 5.5GB free and I think it will hold out for a while, but I can always add swap to it10:18
xennex81I just want a stable solution with Windows and Linux both installed and workable10:19
xennex81I'm thinking I may want to go with 14.10 anyway but currently I have this installed and it is fine for the moment (15.04)10:20
xennex81have to go, be back later10:20
BluesKajHiyas all11:02
madmouser1xennex81: If you want to go / stay with an old release ensure it is a LTS release else you will run into not supported and update issues.11:03
BluesKajmadmouser1, that's not entirely true11:05
madmouser1But for a "general" guidance it is the best option ..11:05
BluesKaj14.10 is more stable than 14.04 IME including updates and upgrades11:08
aart3kHi, I've just updated to Plasma 5.3 on Kubuntu 15.04 and after logging in it freezes on the progressbar - any ideas?11:18
BluesKajprogressbar ?11:20
=== Galico is now known as Clandestina
ClandestinaBuenas. Estoy intentando actualizar mi version de kubuntu y no quiere, ni con Moun Discover, ni ejecutando comandos11:24
Clandestinacon $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:24
Clandestinani $ do-release-upgrade11:24
Clandestiname dice que no encuentra la nueva version, pero ya ha salido... alguien sabe que mas puedo probar, o donde puedo buscar informacion para actualizar?11:25
BluesKaj!es | Clandestina11:31
ubottuClandestina: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:31
Clandestinaups, es verdad, tambien estoy alli, me he equivocado al marcar el canal, merci11:32
BluesKajde nada11:33
=== soee_ is now known as soee
PasNoxHi, I'm using recent kubuntu kf5/kde4 and I get conflicts between kwalettd5 / kwaletd (kde4), when conflcit appear, many applicaion don't respond , like can't openinig system settings, IM account configuration etc. any ideas ?15:22
PasNoxstrangely, when starting those apps from terminal, they do starts :/15:23
PasNoxbut from kickoff / desktop they don't15:23
xennex81BluesKay, what would you say? In my better moments I vow to go with Windows 8 on the dual boot option. I have a 500 GB harddisk with 70GB dedicated to Windows, 140 GB to Kubuntu and 256GB is reserved for data (personal files, music, video). I want a stable dual boot at this point. The size for Kubuntu is for installing some games (Diablo 3, Borderlands 2, perhaps WoW). Windows won't need so much. Data should be shared in between. Nothing is encrypted at15:27
xennex81this point. Grub will be (obviously) the loader of both. Encryption and grub is difficult although I could encrypt the Linux install, to what avail I don't know. The Linux is in an LVM with 3 partitions, root, swap and home. Root is 12GB, I have no space dedicated to another root (for e.g. another Kubuntu) but it is easy to accomplish at the end of the home partition.15:27
xennex81I have had pains coming up with a decent "sharing home" configuration between several Kubuntus, because of the .kde directories (and .cache, and so on) being shared between installs which would give trouble.15:28
xennex81I could go that route and introduce an overlay where .cache and .kde are taken from a dedicated volume, or placed upon the root filesystem, and /home is actually overlayed with that root filesystem.15:29
xennex81aufs actually does that quite well and is easy to setup although the manual page is a horror15:29
xennex81(but it gets rather complicated like this).15:30
xennex81(Currently I have Kubuntu 15.04 installed and currently I just vow to stay with it, not do any backports, and just see whether the updates break anything (hopefully not).)15:30
xennex81BluesKaj: my question is really whether you would suggest I stick to 15.04 now or do another fresh install and get 14.10 running for quite some time still until 15.10 comes out perhaps.15:32
xennex81the biggest gripe I have with Kubuntu (or 15.04) is that Dolphin might be too weak in the knees (or leave me weak in the knees) for lack of quality.15:35
MoonUnit`annoying dolphin problem for me is moving files, click and drag, doesn't move, click and drag, doesn't move, click and drag, decides to move the file.15:42
BluesKaj15.04 will probly have dolphin problems for a while, so fi you're not willing to put up with it's shortcomings then IMO 14.10 might be the solution, xennex8115:42
xennex81the only downside to that is that I won't be able to contribute to bugfixes or bugreports or the like15:43
BluesKaji reluctantly switched to 15.04 on my "stable hdd' , and now I regret it, xennex81, I'm still thinking of switching back15:44
xennex81right @BluesKaj15:45
BluesKajI'm using a couple of older hdds , one for 15.10 and othe is my supposed stable drive15:46
BluesKajactually 15.10 is less glitchy than 15.04 atm15:47
xennex81I'll think about it.... it means another whole install, not that I've installed much, but a few things..15:48
BluesKajxennex81, but you do have a / and /home directory?15:49
BluesKajthen switching back should be easy enoughj15:49
xennex81I'm just reluctant to do so, perhaps moving to 15.10 would even be better?15:50
xennex81but I want to hold that off15:50
BluesKajI'm not familiar witj lvm stuff tho15:50
xennex81lvm is easy, for me at least15:51
BluesKajxennex81, yeah if you have critical data then it's understandable15:51
xennex81not really, or at least, not here now15:51
xennex81there is a backup on a Synology nas hdd15:51
xennex81I have to go buy some food, be back later.. (in a while)15:52
xennex81and I need to log off to see if the Oxygen icons will catch on, so brb15:52
BluesKajnever has any reason to use lvm, and I like to keep things simple15:52
xennex81I like how I can just shrink a partition like that and add a new one15:52
xennex81I still have Breeze icons in the system tray15:55
BluesKaji thought lvm made it simple to resize partitions even when they're mounted in use15:58
xennex81I don't know about resizing while in use.... BluesKaj16:22
xennex81but you can resize (shrink) non-vital partitions while they are in use16:23
xennex81or grow16:23
xennex81and then you can add new partitions on the fly16:24
xennex81which is quite handy @BluesKaj16:48
phoenixzxennex81: 14.10 should still be supported btw, IIRC for 18 months total, so still about a year before support is dropped17:01
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/vivid17:05
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support for this release will end in July 2015. For more info see !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic17:06
geniiHopefully they keep the repo up for Utopic until July 30 when Alpha 2 for Wily comes17:09
BluesKajhmm forgot that support has dropped to 9mos for non  LTS releases17:10
geniiBluesKaj: I'm on Utopic now. Will probably do-release-upgrade to Vivid just before EOL17:12
johngrecohttp://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Linux+x86 Hi! is it possible to install this on my Ubuntu 14.04 x64?17:26
xennex81i have these breeze icons in the taskbar systemtray and they are hideous17:36
xennex81i can hardly distinguish them from each other because they are without colour17:36
xennex81even when I have selected Oxygen icons17:37
xennex81but 14.10 was not without its problems, on my laptop it had a real bad CPU hog in the plasma-desktop component17:37
xennex81requiring or even mandating me to log out every few minutes17:38
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xennex81hey how can I determine the locking behaviour of the standby-timer when I am idle?18:12
xennex81I don't want the screen to lock so often18:12
xennex81in 15.0418:12
xennex81oh found it18:14
* Ethoscience pira19:05
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Guest47271Since I updated today I get the error KDEInit could not launch /usr/bin/kate19:24
Guest47271Any idea?19:24
check1why dont you try openSuSE13.2? .. no issues19:25
rattkingcheck logs for segfaults I suppose.. That happened to me a few days ago19:25
geniiGuest47271: try launching it from Konsole and see if there are any more informative output19:26
Guest47271genii: Starting kate from the console does not produce the error. The error only comes when I open a text file by double clicking and then when I close it the error comes up: "sorry ... KDEinit could not launch ...19:28
Guest47271Just fixed the problem by re-associating the file with kate.19:32
BadLuckRyanHow come Kubuntu installs on my laptop with the alternate version but not the desktop version?20:09
geniiAlternate has additional drivers20:09
BadLuckRyanOh ok so do you know how I'd get the desktop one to work?20:10
geniiYou would have to dump the list of drivers the alternate is using with lsmod, then get to commandline on the desktop install one, and modprobe the missing ones20:11
BadLuckRyanSounds out of my league20:12
geniiBut this might or might not work, if they aren't there to begin with then trying to load them of course won't help20:12
BadLuckRyanXubuntu 14.10 installation hangs at the loading screen using liveUSB. Anyone know the issue?21:26
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dewarhello , can some one help. I have mixxx 1.12 beta and want to roll back to 1.11. how can I do this?22:24
dewarah, hold a sec i think i fixed it may bad22:26
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Ninjahmahsanyone any good with customising bookmarked folder icons?22:43
genii!info mixxx vivid22:50
ubottumixxx (source: mixxx): Digital Disc Jockey Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11.0~dfsg-4build1 (vivid), package size 2684 kB, installed size 7673 kB22:50
Ninjahmahsmixx is epic22:52
geniidewar: To install a specific version, like for instance the one the bot says, it would be: sudo apt-get install mixxx=1.11.0-dfsg-4build122:52
Ninjahmahsi love it22:52
geniidewar: You can find what versions are available with: apt-cache policy mixxx22:53
Ninjahmahsgenii are you anygood with custom icon stuff?22:54
geniiNinjahmahs: Not particularly22:54
Ninjahmahsim really trying to figure out how to get a folder i bookmark to have its own custom icon in the bookmark pane in file manager22:55
Ninjahmahsthe only guide iv seen so far that looks like it could work is to kind of mask one of the default directories like downloads or videos and then assign that the image i want and so on22:56
Ninjahmahsbut thats really sloppy22:56
geniiNinjahmahs: If you assign a custom icon to it on the left with rightclick...Edit 'Foldername' ... it doesn't use that in other views after?22:58
geniiYes, that's sort of counter-intuitive22:58
Ninjahmahsthat basically is down to some config file that iv been kind of tracking down22:59
Ninjahmahsessentially the default bookmark directories have some sort of "assignment" in some file or other and i think they have images in areas that also have like utf-8 code that couples with it22:59
Ninjahmahsin all honesty its not like its a major deal but its bugging the hell out of me XD23:00
Ninjahmahslike basically iv found some information around xdg-user-dir which is to do with assigning default directories like downloads and stuff23:01
Ninjahmahsbut im quickly lost from therein23:01
geniiNinjahmahs: I wonder if they use some convention like how home folder will use a graphic if it's a file in there called .face.icon23:02
Ninjahmahsyeah it kind of works like that23:04
Ninjahmahsthese are like the best 2 sources of information i have found on the issue so far23:05
Ninjahmahswith the second link basically getting you to take a default directory that doesnt see much use and kind of hack it in to be the folder name you want and change its default icon23:06
Ninjahmahsi could do that, but im looking to try and figure a way to do it properly as im sure there would be a way23:06
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