
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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trollixxIs it possible to publish a desktop app in Ubuntu Software Center? http://developer.ubuntu.com/ talks only about mobile apps.01:47
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davidcallestephwil_, patricia_, hi, how are you ? We are landing our scopes templates changes in doc and code today, so don't feel blocked by it08:54
patricia_davidcalle: thanks for letting us know!08:55
stephwil_Thanks David!09:54
mcphailpopey: http://themcphails.uk/ubuntu-touch-sdl-template.sturmflut_0.4_armhf.click !!!!09:54
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popeymcphail: !09:55
mcphailWe're in business :)09:56
* mcphail needs to go to attend to real life for a while, but Baldur's Gate is a-comin'09:58
popeymcphail: Dots! Thousands of them!09:58
mcphailpopey: _SDL_ dots !!!09:58
popeyis what was done documented somewhere?09:58
popeythis is awesome09:58
mcphailpopey: I'll write it up later09:58
popeythanks mcphail09:58
mcphailpopey: you can use the sdl libs from that click for now. Haven't compiled in any audio drivers or anything - kept it as basic as possible for testing09:59
mcphailgtg. send me a link to scummvm when you get it working this afternoon :)10:00
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kalikianat1mp: can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/textDocument/+merge/252798 please?10:57
t1mpkalikiana: I top-approved it yesterday, but jenkins kicked it back11:05
t1mpkalikiana: ah, that's the one where I asked you to update components.api11:05
kalikianat1mp: hrm hold on, somehow the diff doesn't look like the latest update11:06
kalikianat1mp: my bad, I had managed to put the components.api update in another branch entirely... now it's actually in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/textDocument/+merge/25279811:19
t1mpkalikiana: happroved11:23
kalikianat1mp: thanks!11:25
t1mpkalikiana: and I have one for you :) https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/90-IconButton/+merge/25990611:29
kalikianat1mp: I should've known there's always a price to pay :-D11:30
kalikianalemme grab something to quaff and I'll have a look11:31
t1mpkalikiana: owww :( these failures again https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-vivid-mako/2505/#showFailuresLink11:41
t1mpkalikiana: we need to fix those before we can land anything11:41
t1mpkalikiana: were you looking at those yesterday?11:41
kalikianat1mp: I was looking a bit and then waiting to hear back about how to get the missing video files - which apparently have been disabled at one point - I didn't try the instructions yet http://ubuntu-test-cases-touch.readthedocs.org/en/latest/#provisioning-and-executing-autopilot-tests-for-an-mp11:44
kalikianat1mp: atm I'm looking at the tst_listitem issues which crash on CI on a 50% or so chance now...11:45
mcphailpopey: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mcphail/ubuntu-touch-sdl-template/master/lib/src/how_to_build_sdl_for_ubuntu_phone.txt12:02
* popey hugs mcphail 12:02
popeymcphail: I tried bundling love2d in for fun, it launches (which is better than it ever did before) :)12:03
mcphailGreat! definite progress12:04
mcphailI will probably not get a chance to try anything exciting until next week, but I'm a happy chappy today12:05
popeyyeah, good work!12:05
NingerJohnguys, I am using ubuntu sdk on ubuntu 14.04. however I was not able to create a devices. When I clicked the Devices tab, there's no reaction12:43
NingerJohnAnyone know the possible reason about this issue?12:43
davidcallebzoltan, zbenjamin ^ any idea?12:52
davidcalleOh wait, he left12:52
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bzoltandavidcalle:  did he push the + button?13:41
davidcallebzoltan, heh, no idea13:41
bzoltandavidcalle:  let's ask when we see his nick13:43
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balloonsso popey are you happy if jenkins is? https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/add-waits-for-selects/+merge/25993215:29
popeyballoons: jenkins is happy, thus I am happy15:30
* popey happroves15:30
* popey waits for jenkins15:30
popeyTime passes...15:30
popeyYou have been eaten by a grue!15:30
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