
jdstrandpopey: can you file a bug and attach the click?00:14
jdstrandI haven't seen that before and no one has mentioned it00:18
jdstrandalso, one would think we would have seen it before now...00:19
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rsalvetirobru: can you check why the status for line 66 is not reflecting the current state for the silo?02:38
robrursalveti: formula for cell C66 got lost, fixed02:39
rsalvetirobru: thanks!02:39
robrursalveti: you're welcome02:40
oSoMoNgood morning!05:13
oSoMoNtrainguards: can I have a silo for line 83, please?05:14
robruoSoMoN: one sec05:15
MirvoSoMoN: if robru wouldn't be so late-nighter, I'd assign you a silo, yes :)05:16
robruMirv: oh are you up early? go ahead ;-)05:16
robruMirv: but the line is wrong, needs package name mentioned05:16
robruoSoMoN: package name missing from source package column05:17
oSoMoNoh sorry, I’ll fix that05:17
Mirvrobru: I'm always up at this hour :) ok.05:17
oSoMoNrobru, fixed05:17
Mirvassigning + copying05:17
robruMirv: oh really? usually I don't notice you for another couple hours. I guess it's just quiet at the start of your shift ;-)05:17
robruMirv: thanks05:17
robruoSoMoN: Mirv goodnight!05:18
oSoMoNrobru, good night :)05:18
Mirvrobru: I don't say much but you might notice train choo chooing :) often though you've already published everything there's to publish and I'll just start on my Qt stuff and others05:18
Mirvrobru: good night!05:18
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sil2100bzoltan: ping!07:57
sil2100bzoltan: please approve https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/refactor-scope-template/+merge/25908307:57
dbarth_good morning; are there silos available this morning ?08:05
sil2100Mirv, ogra_, popey: no meeting today if anything08:28
sil2100Forgot to cancel earlier08:28
sil2100dbarth_: let me check08:28
sil2100dbarth_: sadly... we have 008:29
Mirvsil2100: oh, ok08:30
popeyok sil210008:32
sil2100We should have one soon though ;)08:36
Mirvall testing good phone + desktop wily09:25
Mirvawesomeness syncing happening09:25
Mirv(with debian)09:26
Mirvso qtbase will move to Debian git now that I was able to do this final cleanup. first https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/5.4.1+dfsg-3ubuntu1 and now this https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-020/+sourcepub/5089141/+listing-archive-extra09:30
Mirvsuch work, much packaging09:31
MirvI shouldn't try doge or other memes when I don't do it well enough09:32
* sil2100 preparing early lunch10:06
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sil2100Mirv: ah! btw. did you add telepathy-ofono-ril-mc-plugin to the seed? I think Bill wanted that to happen11:08
Mirvsil2100: yes I did add it11:17
sil2100Mirv: yay! Thanks ;)11:19
sil2100slangasek: we build our images with -updates and -security enabled, right?11:38
ogra_sil2100, my phone says yes :)11:39
sil2100Then we need to copy oxide-qt from those to our overlay, as the pin priority makes the old version being prioritized11:41
ogra_or rely on the fact that new versions go to -updates/-security as well anyway and drop it from the PPA :)11:42
Mirvdirect uploads to archives, nothing could go wrong11:49
ogra_well, but they happen anyway11:50
ogra_currently just the pinning saves you :)11:51
MirvI'm meaning what I'm just doing :)11:51
Mirvjust a small revert11:51
* Mirv thinks compiler stuff is complicated11:52
ogra_ah, i thought you refer to oxide :)11:52
Mirvwe should get rid of compilers!11:52
ogra_shell everywhere !11:52
ogra_busybox and a kernel is enough OS11:52
MirvI hope GCC5 fixes the world and we can use -fPIC on arm without Unity 8 breaking11:55
Mirvif not, I'd welcome to know someone who could help with topics like that11:55
Mirvthis is bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/140375811:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 1403758 in binutils (Ubuntu) "Unity8 shows black screen with Qt 5.4.0" [Undecided,New]11:55
MirvI understood quite little of this copy-paste I did from upstream channel https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1403758/comments/811:56
Mirvor this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9570566/11:57
Mirvwell, I can approximate understanding the topic but not like having capability of doing something about it :) in the end, they didn't find out what the problem is, other than that there is a problem11:57
Mirvand now Qt upstream is enforcing -fPIC and it'd be nice to not need to revert it. they refer to GCC5 when doing it.11:58
kyrofajosepht, ping12:38
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ToyKeeperbzoltan: Do you still upload uitk test logs anywhere?  I think we can land silo 19, but there won't be enough time to run the full test suite before heading to the airport.13:53
=== oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN
oSoMoNubuntu-qa: is vrruiz around? I need to discuss silo 15 with him14:04
davmor2rvr: ^14:05
rvroSoMoN: I'm around14:05
rvroSoMoN: I am re-installing the phone to re-check14:05
oSoMoNrvr, heh, you changed nicknames :)14:06
rvroSoMoN: In freenode I use this one :)14:07
oSoMoNrvr, bfiller, artmello and myself tested and were not able to reproduce the issue you’re seeing, it’d be good if you could confirm whether you can reliably observe it14:07
rvroSoMoN: Yesterday I could reproduce the issue following those steps14:08
rvroSoMoN: I took me some tries, but I have just reproduced the problem14:23
oSoMoNrvr, are you not able to reproduce it while not in private mode? this sounds like a rendering problem, most likely unrelated to private browsing14:24
rvroSoMoN: The steps I follow are: open the browser, go to private mode, go to elmundo.es, wait until it has loaded. If I can scroll, I go back to normal browsing and then I repeat the steps in private mode.14:25
oSoMoNrvr, can you try reproducing by doing the same, but opening the same page several times in a row in new (non private) tabs, until you hit (or not) the problem?14:26
oSoMoNrvr, i.e. browse to elmundo.es, wait for it to load, if you can scroll open a new tab and repeat14:26
rvroSoMoN: In regular mode I can't reproduce the problem14:27
oSoMoNrvr, when the issue happens the page is rendered correctly?14:27
rvroSoMoN: Yes, the page is rendered correctly14:27
rvroSoMoN: When the scroll is blocked, I can still interact with the browser itself14:28
rvroSoMoN: I'm flashing another krillin to check14:34
oSoMoNrvr, thanks14:35
oSoMoNrvr, artmello and myself are trying to reproduce on our side14:35
ToyKeeperContext.  That last line from oSoMoN sounded vary strange out of context.14:36
ToyKeeperIt's too early in the morning.14:36
rvrToyKeeper: lol14:36
camakokgunn, "manual acking"... Is someone on this?14:37
oSoMoNToyKeeper, in this channel only issues/bugs are reproduced, nothing else14:37
kgunncamako: nope...been busy with Cimi :)14:37
artmellorvr: any open tabs in "public" mode before switching to private mode? trying to reproduce the issue here14:40
rvrartmello: Nope14:40
ToyKeeperrsalveti: If you're around, do you know if any extra steps are needed to make the APNs update after installing the android silo?14:54
rsalvetiawe: abeato: ^14:54
ToyKeeper(after downloading, fastboot flashing, updating the system image, rebooting)14:54
rsalvetibut basically you would kind of only test for the carriers you have14:54
rsalvetiand to get that, you'd need to remove the ofono cache directories and reboot iircm14:54
rsalvetibut abeato and awe should know more14:55
rvroSoMoN: I have a video for you14:55
abeatoToyKeeper, as rsalveti says, the easiest way to test is to stop ofono, then wipe /var/lib/ofono/*14:55
abeatothen reboot14:56
ToyKeeperThanks, I was just looking for the cache.  :)14:56
oSoMoNrvr, please send it my way14:56
abeatoToyKeeper, remember to first stop ofono :)14:56
ToyKeeperI did.  :)14:56
aweToyKeeper, that said... if you don't have a SIM that was affected by the update, you won't see any difference14:56
ToyKeeperI have a SIM affected by this update.  :)14:56
ToyKeeperStraight Talk via AT&T.14:57
aweabeato, I don't remember a StraightTalk update.  Do you?14:57
ToyKeeperOn already-updated devices, it suddenly started working for the first time ever this week, and I'm testing it now on a mako.14:57
abeatoawe, can't say14:57
ToyKeeperIt doesn't identify as straight talk; it shows up as "TFDATA".14:57
aweToyKeeper, that may be some other fix...14:57
* awe checks the update diff14:58
ToyKeeperHey lookkitthat, it worked.  :)14:58
aweToyKeeper, I stand corrected, it was updated...  glad it works for you!14:59
kgunnsil2100: hey there....trying to get that sync of mir done to wily15:03
ToyKeeperawe, abeato, rsalveti: Looks good on mako, now waiting on testing on another platform (which might be a while).15:03
kgunnin silo 30, needs manual acking15:03
kgunnsil2100: Chris Halse Rogers is here with me in Dallas :) and he's a core dev...if you need one15:04
rvroSoMoN: http://people.canonical.com/~vrruiz/webbrowser-private-elmundo-freeze.mp415:07
awethanks ToyKeeper15:09
ToyKeeper... and now MMS in Ubuntu works on this carrier for the first time ever.  :)15:09
rvroSoMoN: Did you see the video?15:13
rvroSoMoN_: ^15:13
oSoMoN_rvr, I’m on a 3G connection, is there any way you can reduce the quality of the video so I don’t have to download 170MB to view it ?15:16
rvroSoMoN_: Let me see15:16
jdstrandcwayne_: you probably saw, but robru pushed apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu 1.3.11 last night15:17
slangaseksil2100: yes, -updates and -security are enabled15:21
cwayne_jdstrand, yeap, scrambling to get custom ready for testing now15:22
kgunntrainguards i have packages that need manual acking, silo 3015:24
veebersHi robru, can you suggest someone to ping re: the SRU process for that autopilot release of mine?15:26
rvroSoMoN_: http://people.canonical.com/~vrruiz/webbrowser-private-elmundo-freeze.m4v15:33
oSoMoN_rvr, thanks!15:34
oSoMoN_rvr, when you get in this situation where the view can’t be scrolled, does double tapping to zoom/unzoom work, or does tapping on links to open them work?15:40
=== oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN
rvroSoMoN: Checking15:43
sil2100kgunn: looking into that, I was otp for a minute15:44
kgunnsil2100: thanks, if that migrates...we can do some unity8 landing15:45
rvroSoMoN: Nope, doesn't zoom and doesn't open any links15:45
rvroSoMoN_: I opened a new tab and the "screenshot" is empty (white)15:46
rvroSoMoN_: I mean, in the blocked view15:46
sil2100kgunn: ok, it's a sync and the changes were already signed off by someone to vivid, let me get that info and publish15:47
camakosil2100, just a friendly reminder that silo 11 (mir 0.13.1) is also awaiting sync15:47
sil2100camako: yes, in the middle of taking care of it :)15:49
kgunnsil2100: camako ....we wanna source sync right ?15:51
sil2100Yeah :)15:52
sil2100I actually thought that silo 30 already fetched 1.3.1, but indeed it did not15:54
sil2100Ok, anyway, I'll prepare a sync for 1.3.1 too15:54
sil2100I could have checked that and simply rebuilt silo 3015:54
sil2100Actually, hm, I think I can still do that15:55
sil2100kgunn, camako: I'm rebuilding mir in silo 30 and will re-publish it16:00
camakosil2100, mir 0.13.1 right? Not
sil2100kgunn, camako: so then after silo 30 lands completely, both 0.13.0 and 0.13.1 are in16:00
camakosil2100... I'm confused.. silo 30 has mir 0.13.0 and other downstreams...16:01
camakosil2100, silo 11 has mir 0.13.1 which should land after silo 3016:01
sil2100camako: silo 11 is android16:02
sil2100There's no mir in silo 11, 0.13.1 landed in vivid already16:02
sil2100So what I'm doing:16:02
sil2100I published silo 30, so mir 0.13.0 + all the others have been pushed to wily16:02
sil2100But now, before freeing up the silo, I'm also rebuilding mir as a sync to get 0.13.1 landed to wily through the same silo as well16:03
camakosil2100, yeah ok it's no longer in silo 1116:03
sil2100And will re-publish the silo after it builds and you guys give a +116:03
sil2100I'm doing this not to waste silos ;)16:04
sil2100We're re-using silo 30 to build the 0.13.1 sync now16:04
camakosil2100, so you're just recycling silo 30 to do the sync for Mir 0.13.1... got it16:04
sil2100Yeah, sorry for the confusion, but sync silos are convinient enough that you can fetch latest changes if needed and re-build16:04
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sil2100Woohooo, QA is on a roll!16:14
sil2100Uh oh16:18
ToyKeeperThat got reassigned fast...16:19
* charles hands davmor2 a virtual beer to enjoy responsibly this weekend16:20
davmor2charles: can I have an English Coke instead16:21
sil2100We're low on silos so that's normal ;)16:24
veeberssil2100: hey do you mind pointing me in the direction WRT the SRU-ing process to get the autopilot silo/package released?16:26
sil2100veebers: hey!16:27
sil2100veebers: ah, ok, I see the silo is for vivid, right? Let me fetch the links for you16:28
veeberssil2100: hey o/ how are things? :-)16:28
veeberssil2100: coolio thanks, I've looked at the wiki page and updated the bug and asked on ubuntu-bugs but unsure how to proceed from there16:28
sil2100veebers: good good, busy as always, but productive :) So you probably know this right? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates16:28
sil2100Ok, so the bug is SRUed then, right?16:29
veeberssil2100: good to hear you are well. Um,, not sure how to answer that, how do I get the bug SRUed? /me re-reads the wiki as he seems to have missed something16:29
sil2100veebers: so, first thing the bugs need to be updated to follow the outlined SRU template16:30
veeberssil2100: right, done16:30
sil2100There's a template there that tells about regression risks etc.16:30
veeberswell, I'm pretty sure its done: https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/142572116:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1425721 in Autopilot "Extension classes with multiple base classes aren't merged correctly." [High,Fix released]16:30
sil2100Ah, you would need to update the description with that :)16:31
sil2100Since I saw you put the info as a comment, just paste it into the description of the bug16:32
sil2100I'll try nominating your bugs to the right series16:32
veeberssil2100: D'oh I see that's dumb of me, thanks for catching that16:32
veeberssil2100: done :-)16:33
sil2100o/ What about https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/1376996 ? Is that also fixed/touched in this upload?16:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1376996 in Autopilot "test_customised_proxy_classes_have_extension_classes started failing all of a sudden" [High,In progress]16:34
sil2100veebers: hm, the other problem that might be causing the package to sit in UNAPPROVED is that there are no bugs linked to this release16:35
veeberssil2100: oh aye it is, hmm good point. The fix of the first bug means that bug for the selftest is resolved16:35
sil2100veebers: https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/trunk/+merge/258580 from which the package was built didn't have any bugs assigned to it - in this case it would have been best if the commit-message had the bug numbers listed16:36
sil2100The SRU team only knows what they see in the uploaded package's changelod16:36
veeberssil2100: hmm, am I able to fix the bug->release issue? (Looks like I've really screwed this process up :-P )16:37
sil2100And currently it doesn't say which bugs are being fixed, so they might have issues with approving that16:37
sil2100No worries, we can fix this easy I suppose ;p16:37
sil2100Would you mind rebuilding the autopilot package in the silo?16:37
sil2100I mean, would it be a big bother?16:37
sil2100Since what could be done is:16:37
veeberssil2100: understood. No that should be fine, nothing has changed16:37
sil2100Changing the commit-message of the merge being released to include at the very end a list of bugs being fixed (e.g. (LP: #1425721, LP: #1376996) )16:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1425721 in autopilot (Ubuntu Vivid) "Extension classes with multiple base classes aren't merged correctly." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142572116:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1376996 in Autopilot "test_customised_proxy_classes_have_extension_classes started failing all of a sudden" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137699616:39
sil2100Then rebuilding the silo and re-publishing it once again16:39
sil2100Since it would be a no-change rebuild, we wouldn't have to re-test it but just publish16:39
sil2100If the bugs are following the SRU template, the SRU team would then review them and accept the package to -proposed16:39
veeberssil2100: nice, makes sense. I'll need to update that second bug for SRU process, yes?16:40
sil2100veebers: yes, that would be best :)16:43
sil2100veebers: as you can see it's a lot of paperwork ;p16:43
veeberssil2100: Yeah :-) Hey thanks for the patience and guidance16:49
veeberssil2100: FYI re-building now :-)16:53
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robruveebers: sil2100 ^ what's up? I thought I published that yesterday ;-)17:18
robrusil2100: also what's going on here? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-009-1-build/286/console looks like some of your new version mangling code is broken.17:19
jhodapprobru, can I please get a silo for line 68, and I need a vivid+overlay one too17:30
robrujhodapp: k we're quite low, start with wily first and then we can do vivid afterwards17:32
jhodapprobru, alright17:32
robrujhodapp: dual landings are coming, hopefully by monday it'll be possible to have one silo that does boht.17:33
robrucharles: you got silo 317:33
jhodapprobru, epic! :)17:33
charlesrobru, thanks17:33
veebersrobru: hey, I had to re-do some stuff due to the SRU process, sil2100 helped me out17:33
robrucharles: you're welcome17:33
robruveebers: so that's ready to publish again?17:34
robrujhodapp: you got silo 32, note you have conflicts in silo 2417:34
jhodapprobru, yes, silo 24 is on hold for now17:34
jhodapprobru, thanks17:35
robrujhodapp: you're welcome17:35
veebersrobru: yeah if the rebuild is done. I've updated the bugs and the commit message to adhere to sru process (hopefully successfully :-))17:35
robruveebers: ok published17:37
robruveebers: make sure to poke SRU people to move that along.17:37
veebersrobru: sweet cheers. Who would I poke?17:37
robruveebers: SRU. people. ;-)17:38
veebersrobru: lol17:38
robruveebers: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/+members#active somebody from here17:38
robruveebers: preferrably somebody that you know, it's less weird that way17:39
veebersrobru: understood17:39
sil2100robru: no, it's not version mangling's fault17:46
sil2100robru: someone tried releasing a wily-based trunk to vivid17:46
robrusil2100: oh hrm17:46
robrusil2100: how have I never seen that before? lol17:47
sil2100robru: dch won't allow (without -b) a lower version than the previous ;) Already happened once17:47
sil2100In the past it wasn't a problem since RTM used the same series version for versioning as the ubuntu distro17:47
sil2100Here, well, upstreams need to make sure they release the right branches to the right distro17:47
sil2100Releasing from one trunk to vivid, then next ver to wily and next one just to vivid is something that shouldn't be allowed17:48
robrusil2100: ah that makes sense. so that project should have branched.17:50
sil2100I suppose so, most probably - anyway some action from the upstream is required to sort this out17:52
robrusil2100: do you know what's going on in silo 30?18:01
=== oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN
robrujhodapp: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-032-2-publish/4/console need those merges approved18:56
jhodapprobru, yes indeed18:57
robrucharles: need this merge approved: https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-power/lp-1370791-15.10-adjust-slider-when-brightness-is-changed-by-powerd/+merge/25996318:57
jhodapprobru, been short on people able to review my code lately18:57
charlesrobru, ack18:57
charlesrobru, alecu's top-approved it for ubuntu/landing-00318:59
robrucharles: ok published19:00
robrujhodapp: ping me when yours are approved19:00
jhodapprobru, alrighty, thanks19:00
robrujhodapp: you're welcome19:01
jhodapprobru, silo 32 is ready to land now, branches have been approved19:29
robrujhodapp: thanks19:36
camakorobru, silo 30 (Wily sync for Mir 0.13.1) has been built and tested. Can you please publish?20:41
robrucamako: uh yes? that silo is stuck in proposed due to a test regression. http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#mir20:43
camakorobru, note that the same silo was used previously for syncing Mir 0.13.0 and its downstreams... The silo was then recycled to sync Mir 0.13.1 and that's what my request is about.. (just to give you the full picture)20:45
robrucamako: right, but if you check the actual version numbers, the silo PPA contains  0.13.1+15.10.20150520-0ubuntu1 which is the same version that's in wily-proposed and the same version that's blocked as per the link I just gave ^20:46
camakorobru, ack20:47
robrucamako: what I'm trying to say is that I published it 2 hours ago and it's broken, your turn to go fix it now.20:47
robrucamako: I'd check with cihelp if you need help interpreting the test failures (I know those jenkins pages can be a bit hard to find the relevant info from)20:47
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jhodapprobru, can I get a silo for line 69 please?21:17
robrujhodapp: but but.. you just landed media-hub in wily ;-) k you got 2321:18
jhodapprobru, hehe, there's a lot of backed up MRs that have been waiting to land :)21:19
jhodappthanks man21:19
robrujhodapp: you're welcome21:19
jhodapprobru, I take it this error is because media-hub from silo 32 hasn't quite landed yet? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-023-1-build/68/console21:24
robrujhodapp: yeah, if you want you can force that build now and then rebuild it later, or you can wait for silo 32 to auto merge & clean, then a normal build will work.21:25
jhodapprobru, awesome, I'll just wait then thanks21:25
robrujhodapp: oh actually21:25
robrujhodapp: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#qtubuntu-media looks like there was a regression with that silo. better check that out21:26
jhodapprobru, what does that mean?21:26
robrujhodapp: it means that your package failed an automated test when it was in wily-proposed, which is preventing it from landing in wily.21:27
jhodapprobru, ugg21:28
robrujhodapp: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-boottest-qtubuntu-media/lastBuild/console I have no idea how to interpret that, you should poke cihelp21:28
jhodapprobru, how could publish have been clicked with this error existing (I don't see an obvious error in there)?21:29
robrujhodapp: because this error is discovered after publish gets clicked.21:30
jhodapprobru, also, that log looks like the infrastructure needed to run qtubuntu-media's tests failed in that build21:30
Ursinhajhodapp: that error is in -proposed, let me retry that, should be unrelated to whatever happens before package hits -proposed21:30
robrujhodapp: it could very well be an infra issue21:31
jhodappUrsinha, ok thanks21:31
robrujhodapp: the way it works is, you run your tests, confirm it live on the phone, then we click publish. then it goes into -proposed and more tests get run. those extra tests don't always pass.21:31
jhodapprobru, ok, what are those extra tests that get run out of curiosity? not the unit tests in the package right?21:32
Ursinhahm, I think fginther already retried that but didn't tell anyone :)21:32
jhodappUrsinha, any idea what the issue is then? I don't see anything obvious that points to qtubuntu-media unit tests failing there21:33
robrujhodapp: there's a few. mostly they make sure that your new package doesn't put other packages into a situation where they can no longer be installed. in this case the failure was boottest, which means theoretically your ppackage prevents the device from booting. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration21:33
Ursinhajhodapp: it seems there is an apt race condition that leads to that problem sometimes, many times retrying solves that (for that specific issue)21:33
Ursinhait's unrelated to unit tests, it's boottesting21:34
fgintherjhodapp, Ursinha yes. I had noticed a bunch of failures and was trying to see if something more serious was afoot21:34
jhodappok, so doesn't sound like something for me to solve with qtubuntu-media, at least not yet?21:34
Ursinhajhodapp: it has nothing to do with unit tests21:34
jhodappok great21:34
robrujhodapp: nooo! your changes made the phone unbootable. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT WHY DO YOU HATE UBUNTU!!!21:35
jhodappbecause it's not Windows? /me runs21:35
robruthems fightin words...21:37
jhodappUrsinha, anything I need to do then?21:39
Ursinhajhodapp: nope :)21:39
jhodappUrsinha, excellent, thanks21:39
oSoMoNtrainguards: QA has signed off silo 15 (thanks rvr!), can it be published?22:04
robruoSoMoN: that silo is configured as an SRU for vivid desktop/server, is that what you want, or is it really just for the overlay ppa (phone only)?22:05
oSoMoNrobru, that’s line 55 right? the spreadsheet says it targets the overlay PPA22:06
robruoSoMoN: yeah 55. spreadsheet is just wishful thinking; silo is configured wrong. dashboard is authoritative. I'll fix it.22:06
oSoMoNrobru, that’s weird, I don’t know how that happened, I targetted the overlay PPA when I created the landing request, and haven’t changed it since then22:07
robruoSoMoN: I guess whoever assigned it clicked it just before youset the overlay ppa22:08
oSoMoNcould be, although I tend to set the destination PPA column before setting the "ready for silo" one22:08
robruoSoMoN: well, anyway, reconfigured, and published22:10
oSoMoNrobru, thanks :)22:12
robruoSoMoN: you're welcome!22:12
jhodappyay, silo landed, thanks whomever took care of that!22:24

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