
silverliono/ everybody07:00
dpmmorning silverlion07:32
dpmgood morning all07:32
silverliondpm: good morning (for me it is)07:33
elfymorning peeps07:33
* silverlion signed a new job-contract yesterday :D07:34
elfyyay -congrats silverlion :)07:34
davidcalleMorning all07:35
silverlionelfy: thanks. yep. I'm going back to school ^^07:36
dpmhi davidcalle07:36
silverlionit's a complete job training over 3 years to became an IT Specialist07:36
dpmoh, nice silverlion, congrats!07:36
silverliondpm: thank#07:37
silverlionthat get's me out of that call centre I'm currently employed07:37
popeymorning :)07:46
silverliongood morning bkerensa10:39
bkerensaWhy good morning silverlion10:40
silverlionbkerensa: just a greeting ... or would you prefer good $daytime?10:40
popey\o/ Friday10:41
bkerensasilverlion: I was not questioning just returning the greeting10:41
bkerensapopey: do you ever stop working though?10:41
silverlionbkerensa: sorry english is not my mothers tongue10:41
popeyhmm I try to10:42
popeyBeen switching off the PC at the weekend a bit more, recently10:42
czajkowskiit is harder to turn off the network at the weekends with social media10:44
czajkowskinews and games and mail to friends10:44
czajkowskiso you're always connectected10:45
popeyand I have irc gated to my tablet, so I see irc pings over the weekend too10:45
czajkowskisee my blog post :) biggest struggled for me10:45
czajkowskipopey: looon10:45
popeybut I feel bad, especially when there's community contributors working on their weekend10:45
popeywhat am I supposed to do? ignore them?10:45
popeyThey're willing to work in their spare time on code / docs etc.10:45
czajkowskiI know10:47
bkerensaczajkowski: see you in july10:52
czajkowskibkerensa: for sure10:54
czajkowskinice to get to Portland finally10:54
bkerensaczajkowski: will you be doing OSCON too?10:54
czajkowskibkerensa: I'm hoping so, currently reviewing their docs atm in fact10:57
czajkowskiright now our focus is connect our flag ship event the week after next10:58
czajkowskiand I've 3 events happening in the US over the next 6 weeks so a little bit manic :)10:58
czajkowskiBoston next week :D  very happy about this!10:58
bkerensaczajkowski: will u see paultag in Boston?11:07
czajkowskiohhhhhhhhhh I shall have to ping him!11:09
czajkowskiI've never met Paultad :(11:09
elfysay hi from me :)11:10
bkerensaczajkowski: believe it or not paultag and Benjamin mako hillnwere both in portland last summer for debconf.... Which I coorganized and I didn't even get to say hi11:12
mhall119czajkowski: you've never met paultag?14:15
czajkowskinever in person given we also worked on the LC14:15
mhall119czajkowski: will you be close enough to see Pendulum while you're there?14:16
czajkowskihmm not sure maybe on the saturday14:16
czajkowskifly silly o'clock sunday morning out to SF14:17
czajkowskinobody seems to like letting me sleep :(14:17
czajkowskimhall119: you're missing from over there--------->14:17
dpmballoons, mhall119, davidcalle, popey, stand up time?15:05
dpmAlso, I think I'll move the sprint review to Monday, as mhall119 and I have got a call to attend in 30 mins15:06
dpmballoons, do you want to go first?15:07
dpmobviously not :)15:08
dpmdavidcalle, are you up for it?15:08
davidcalleDONE: Scopes templates transition (plugin not in PPA yet, new docs still unpublished)15:09
davidcalleDOING: Platform start page15:09
davidcalleNEXT: Resuming work on online accounts + scopes15:09
davidcalleBLOCKED: Nothing15:09
dpmthanks davidcalle15:09
dpmmhall119, do you want to go next?15:11
balloonsDOING: Reviews reviews reviews! Trying to get the autopilot plugin and the testing template updates landed. Started work on functional testing for scopes document, the final guide. NEXT: doing sprint review, adding new tasks to board, exploring developer workflows with the SDK. BLOCKED: documentation imports for scopes helper and unity8 remain blocked15:11
balloonsI'm not mhall119, but I can still go15:11
dpmfor myself:15:13
dpm• Review actioning pending donation requests with msm15:13
dpm• More donations research to get some data for the CC15:13
dpm• Sync up with jose on UbuConLA15:13
mhall119sorry, wasn't paying attention to IRC15:13
dpm• Planning a possible community sprint15:13
dpm• Review convergence community plans with willcooke15:13
dpmBLOCKED: nothing15:13
dpmmhall119, no worries, go for it15:13
mhall119* Finished Q3 and Q4 donations funding reports and published them15:14
mhall119* Nailed down some more UbuCon sessions, almost have a full schedule now15:14
mhall119* Finished organizing merchandise and booth supplies for SELF15:15
mhall119* Finishing UbuCon schedule15:15
mhall119* Community Council stuff15:15
mhall119* Fleshing out action items for dpm15:15
mhall119* Nothing15:15
mhall119dpm: Monday is a US holiday, best move the sprint review to Tuesday15:16
dpmah, good point15:16
popey(monday is uk holiday too)15:16
popey(and I am on vacation on Tuesday)15:16
dpmsame here15:16
* mhall119 hopes everyone but continental Europe has the day off15:16
davidcalleHolday in France too15:16
dpmbunch of slackers15:16
popeyIPO Party weekend! *\o/*15:17
dpmmhall119, are you planning to publish the donation reports on the Fridge too?15:17
mhall119I can't wait to cash in my 0% share and get rich15:17
mhall119dpm: yes, that should have been in NEXT:, I'll write my standard blog post and have it put on the fridge15:17
dpmpopey, next?15:21
popeyDONE: Core apps meetings.15:21
popeyFinally landed some calendar fixes thanks to help from balloons.15:21
popeyInbetween waiting for autopilot runs and jenkins, I worked on better understanding binary and html5 app packaging.15:21
popeyWorked with community developers to help test bundled binary apps in clicks15:21
popeyFound a couple of html5 bugs so that's helpful15:21
popeyDOING: More calendar AP fixes and landings15:21
popeyNEXT: Podcast recording and release15:21
popeyBLOCKED(ish): Jenkins being slow. Will initiate investigation next week, but probably need to upgrade jenkins VMs to newer release (vivid) to speed things up.15:21
popeythe merges are taking a frustratingly long time, partly because of the jenkins failures earlier in the week, partly AP failures, partly timeouts in jekins and partly my lack of AP understanding15:23
popeythats getting better though thanks to balloons15:23

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