
Kilosmorning all07:11
Ananti want to install voice commands in ubuntu how can i........?17:48
geniiAnant: The support channel is #ubuntu and not here :)17:51
Kiloshi Anant  17:51
wxl!patience | also, Anant17:51
ubot5also, Anant: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:51
Ananti want to install voice commands in ubuntu how can i install it on my ubuntu17:52
wxlAnant: as genii said, you would need to go to #ubuntu for support. go there and ask your question.17:53
Kilosgenii  hows your head?17:58
geniiKilos: About the same17:58
Kiloswow go see a doc man17:58
Kilos1 week headaches not natural17:59
geniiI have Monday scheduled off work, will try to see him then17:59
Kiloshope you get fixed, i miss my coffee17:59
* genii slides Kilos a fresh mug and makes a new pot of the strong stuff18:00
Kiloslol ty18:00
geniiNo problemmo :)18:00
* wxl sucks down some of his own18:01
* wxl needs to go to the doctor, too18:01
wxli hope i didn't break my freaking foot18:01
* wxl sighs18:01
Kilosoh my whats the matter18:01
Kiloswhat did you kick18:02
geniiOr drop ...18:02
wxli had a little skateboarding accident and it was after that it started hurting18:02
wxlit's weird, though. if i step on something in the right way, the underside of my foot hurts18:02
wxli'm worried that perhaps i have some sort of bone fracture due to the impact18:02
wxlcuz i hit the ground hard18:02
Kiloshopefully just bruised18:03
wxli keep thinking that but it's been a while18:03
wxland everytime i think it's good, i end up aggrevating it and it hurts again18:03
Kilosanti inflammatories should help18:04
geniiIf it is broken or something is misaligned or pulled out of a socket or something, better to get it fixed before it begins to heal  in a way accomodating the problem18:04
wxlbeen sucked them down :(18:04
* wxl is going to call the doc today and get an x-ray18:04
Kilosyeah then better go see the doc18:04
geniiI dislocated my thumb before and didn't know it for a year, it healed in a way that made it impossible to put it back in the socket without surgery first18:05
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