
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (xAstaraOS spamming)11:23
bazhang<IamTrying> How is 15.04 doing? is it more EVIL popups or more friendly for kiosk projects?13:51
bazhangperhaps he wants snappy!13:51
genii@random Tizen Touch14:58
genii@comment 67713 Racist propaganda spam16:40
ubottuComment added.16:40
bazhang<cyclick> TaZeR: they did this to confuse people17:50
bazhangon why lts are every two years17:51
bazhangis this guy really clueless, or something worse17:51
bazhang<mohit> trd, heloo mf18:04
ubottucowbacon called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:28
geniiJordan_U: Ban evading now for them besides just the holocaust remarks.21:39
geniiOh, wait, no...one was in #u-ot, the other in #u21:43
geniiNeed more coffee :-/21:43

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