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mptjgdx, I did install the silo, but it didn’t change the APN UI at all, and I don’t know why07:10
seb128mpt, did you restart the settings?07:12
seb128the application, not only reopening the panel07:12
mptseb128, yes07:14
seb128mpt, what device/channel do you use and what silo did you install?07:14
mptseb128, ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/krillin.en07:23
mptand silo 3607:23
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday and happy Don’t Fry Day! 😃08:04
brunch875Hey dobey, I think I've understood it now. Utouch doesn't come with python2 installed at all and neither is there /usr/bin/python. And python3 isn't going to replace that executable since old stuff which depends on python2 (/usr/bin/python) would go insane when trying to install dependencies08:36
brunch875Am I right yet? :D08:36
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Laneycan someone show me adb shell ls -l /etc/timezone on a phone please?10:46
BOHverkillLaney: "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Feb 19 22:21 /etc/timezone -> writable/timezone"10:49
* Laney screams RELATIVE SYMLINKKKKKKKKKKK and fires his pistol into the air10:49
hsanjuanHi... anyone has managed to pair the BQ phone with a regular Ubuntu laptop (as audio source - phone -> laptop)? In my case the connection drops right after connecting...11:32
* ogra_ only ever used BT speakers and headsets ... works fine with these ... 11:36
jgdxmpt, did you try what ken suggested the other day?11:42
jgdxmpt, apt-cache policy ubuntu-system-settings should confirm that the version installed is not the one from the silo11:42
jgdxI can kick off a build of the silo, maybe that will clear things up11:43
seb128mandel, hey, did you manage to reproduce the settings issue?11:57
mptjgdx, I didn’t see that12:04
mpt  Installed: 0.3+15.04.20150514-0ubuntu112:04
mpt  Candidate: 0.3+15.04.20150514-0ubuntu112:04
jgdxmpt, is there a version table as well?12:05
mptjgdx, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11283801/12:06
jgdxmpt, then the command is apt-get install {ubuntu-system-settings,libsystemsettings1}=0.3+15.04.20150515-0ubuntu112:06
mptsudo !!12:07
ogra_... or sudon't ... that is the question12:07
jgdxwhat's the deal with sudo12:07
mpt\o/ It’s working12:09
mptWhat’s the deal with the purple text?12:10
kenvandinegreat, it was the pinning12:10
jgdxmpt, get out of here12:10
jgdxthey are visited links12:10
mptI know, hard to believe, right12:10
mptwhoa, the Reset button actually restarts the phone?12:12
mptand is in the same place as the Cancel button usually is12:13
jgdxmpt, the packages that are building right now removes the restart story.12:14
mptjgdx, what do the checkboxes do?12:14
jgdxmpt, they toggle a state12:14
seb128mpt, is that vertical layout of buttons?12:14
mptjgdx, sorry, I mean, the checkboxes in the top-level “APN” screen12:15
mptseb128, yes12:15
jgdxmpt, they set the Preferred property on a APN12:15
jgdxan APN12:15
seb128mpt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/+bug/142645712:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1426457 in Ubuntu Brand Guidelines website "Design recommendation for positive actions on top/bottom layouts" [Undecided,In progress]12:16
jgdxmpt, which the system interprets as "this is the APN the user wants to use"12:16
seb128mpt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/+bug/1426471 as well12:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1426471 in Ubuntu UX "Guideline/documentation has no layout recommendation for buttons in dialogs" [Medium,In progress]12:16
mptjgdx, so why are the auto-detected APNs unchecked by default?12:18
jgdxmpt, they aren't preferred12:19
mptjgdx, what is the use case for preferred vs. non-preferred?12:20
mpti.e. why would anyone want to set up, or be interested in, a non-preferred APN12:20
jgdxmpt, in my mind it's like an 'automatic' setting. I'm sure Tony has some thoughts, though. If no APNs are preferred, NetworkManager picks one that works12:21
jgdxmpt, the packages that are being built will make the APN that NM picked appear as checked12:22
jgdx(if no APNs are preferred)12:22
jgdxmpt, but it's not well defined12:22
kenvandinejgdx, what happened with checking the active one if none are set as preferred?12:23
jgdxkenvandine, ^12:23
kenvandinei'd actually be in favor of setting the current active one as preferred automatically when the UI starts up and there is none set to preferred12:24
kenvandineit'd be a one time thing12:24
kenvandinebecause after that we'd always have 1 that's set preferred12:24
jgdxin the UI?12:25
kenvandinejust se none have the preferred property set true, and set the one that's currently active to preferred12:25
kenvandinebut only when there is none set as preffered12:25
jgdxthere was a counter argument there, can't remember what it was12:25
kenvandinei think it iwas my argument :)12:25
jgdxconsistency man12:26
kenvandinethat preferred means it was always a users choice12:26
mptWhat is the difference between choosing a “non-preferred” APN and auto-detecting the APN settings?12:26
kenvandinebut... it sucks for the UI12:26
kenvandinempt it becomes the preferred one12:26
mptHow many preferred APNs can I have at a time?12:26
kenvandinejust 112:27
jgdxone for internet, one for mms, one for lte12:27
kenvandinejgdx, but mms and lte only apns don't have the check box right?12:28
* kenvandine doesn't remember now12:28
jgdxkenvandine, they do12:28
mptkenvandine, I just checked the checkboxes for both auto-populated APNs. Is that a bug?12:28
jgdxmpt, the package you have installed is quite old.. maybe?12:28
mandelseb128, yes, I did, I added some prints and I think I should get a fix in a few hours (I was distracted by another bug)12:30
mandelseb128, but is an easy fix, I just want to do some more unit tests for that code12:30
seb128mandel, ok, great, thanks12:30
seb128good that you could reproduce12:31
mptjgdx, can I install a newer one by reinstalling the silo?12:32
jgdxmpt, no, the packages are building as we speak, so they aren't published yet. I'll let you know as soon as I know.12:32
mptjgdx, should I hold off testing until then? (if a lot has changed since 0.3+15.04.20150515)12:33
jgdxmpt, the superficial stuff won't change much though12:37
mptkenvandine, meanwhile, you gave me <http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11026257/> as an example of APN settings that the specced design couldn’t handle. Can you explain why?12:37
mptkenvandine, it looks like straightforward Internet-only APN settings to me12:37
kenvandineno, that's a combined MMS and internet12:38
kenvandineMessageCenter is MMS12:38
kenvandineand MessageProxy12:38
mptkenvandine, so why does “Type” not say “internet,mms” or something like that?12:38
mptwell, anyway12:38
jgdxin the ui we say that the type is internet+mms if the type is internet and the MessageCenter property exist12:40
mptkenvandine, how would that break the design? In the “MMS APN” dialog you’d see all those settings, and in the “Internet APN” dialog “Copy from MMS APN” would be selected12:40
kenvandinempt, we were all confused by "Copy from MMS APN"12:41
mptOk, would “Same as MMS APN” be clearer?12:41
kenvandinenot really, it's still creating a separate MMS context12:42
kenvandinethen marking the internet one with same as mms12:42
kenvandinewe have to store the MMS one you created12:42
mptYes, but the thing is, I’d rather make life more difficult for you than for people using it ;-)12:43
kenvandinehaving all the fields on one page has benefits for real people using it :)12:43
kenvandineso anyone who has to use this page is doing it by following a help page from their carrier12:43
kenvandinemost of which have screenshots from android12:44
kenvandinewhich has one big form for all of it12:44
kenvandinenot create an MMS one and then create an internet apn which is tagged to use the MMS12:45
mptThat’s race-to-the-bottom talk. We could easily make “Same as MMS APN” the default for Internet APN, so they would only need to use one screen anyway12:45
kenvandinehow is that possible?12:45
kenvandinewhere do they put the MMS details then?12:45
mptIn the “MMS APN” dialog12:45
kenvandinethey would create 2 APNs12:45
mptThey would not be “creating” “APNs” at all12:46
mpt“Creating APNs” is something that only makes sense if you are a client-side networking engineer12:46
kenvandinedefining contexts...12:46
kenvandinethey would need to use the mms dialog to enter the details there12:46
mptI suspect that even if you’re a telco engineer, they’d pat their server and say, “nope, we just have one APN, and here it is”12:46
kenvandinethen use the internet dialog to enter details and mark it with same as mms12:47
kenvandineit's still 2 dialogs that we have to translate to a single context for ofono12:47
mptUnless “Same as MMS” is the default12:47
kenvandinethen where do you enter the MessageCenter?12:47
kenvandinethat isn't on your spec'd internet apn dialog12:48
kenvandineit's in the mms dialog12:48
mptIsn’t MessageCenter the same as MMSC?12:48
mptSo, in the “MMS APN” dialog12:48
jgdxmpt says mms dialog would then edit the internet context12:48
kenvandineso you wouldn't ever use the internet dialog?12:48
mptNot unless your Internet APN settings needed to be different from the MMS ones12:49
kenvandinethen you wouldn't even need the "Same as MMS"12:49
mptIt exists only to reset things back to the MMS settings if you changed them and realized you did the wrong thing12:50
jgdxmpt, how can we make an easy, elegant solution when we don't know what problems the user will face?12:50
mptPerhaps we could make it less obtrusive12:50
kenvandineso what we have in the prototype should be pretty familiar to users that are following help pages from their carrier12:51
mptYes, but it has needless risk of mistakes even if you are following help pages12:51
kenvandinenow so?12:51
mptFor example, thinking that you need to get the “Name” of the APN exactly right12:52
mptWhen in reality it doesn’t matter what it is12:52
kenvandineyeah, but they'll just type in what they are given12:52
mptIt could be fhqwhgads and still work12:52
mptSo we’re asking for info that doesn’t do anything12:53
kenvandinempt, ^^ for example, users look at something like that and type in what they see12:54
mptAnd the only reason we ask for it is so that it shows up in the list of “APN” entities which needn’t exist either12:55
mptkenvandine, yes, I found many pages like this in my initial research :-)12:55
kenvandineright, so my point is we should just give them something familiar that easily translates to a working context12:56
=== _salem is now known as salem_
mptThis is like when Network Manager had an “Edit Connections” window, on the assumption that people would understand a “connection” as a thing that could be created, deleted, or edited12:57
jgdxit does have that though12:58
mptIt’s data-structure-ese.12:58
jgdxand when things go wrong, that's where you can go. Just like the apn editor13:00
kenvandinempt, so how would a user know to use the MMS dialog only, that if they are following one of these guides they can ignore the internet apn?13:00
mptkenvandine, if they don’t know, they’ll go into the Internet APN dialog, and see that all the settings already have the values that the page is telling them to enter13:02
kenvandinempt,  none of us could figure it out13:03
kenvandineso it's multiple dialogs that actually edit the same context under the covers13:03
kenvandinenot separate contexts13:03
mptIn data-structure-ese, yes, they happen to be the same context if you leave “Same as MMS” selected13:04
mptMeanwhile in user-ese, there would be no such thing as a “context”13:04
mptAnyway, I couldn’t follow the instructions on this page <http://apn-settings.com/t-mobile-apn-settings-step-by-step-configuration/> with *either* design, because it asks me to enter “APN type: default,supl,mms”, and we have no equivalent to that. What is “supl”?13:05
kenvandineno idea :)13:05
mptor MCC or MNC fields13:06
kenvandineso our prototype is slightly less crude from android...13:06
kenvandinewe only provide fields that ofono will use13:06
kenvandinethe "APN type" is that selector13:06
kenvandineinstead of free form13:07
kenvandineand we simplify the form if possible, depending on the type13:07
mptyes, you and I know that “Used for:” maps to “APN type:”13:07
kenvandinewe could change the string :)13:08
mpt(even if we don’t know what supl is)13:08
kenvandinewe use the selector to enforce values that ofono will know, and to help simplify the form when possible13:08
kenvandinewe debated just doing a simple form with key/value pairs13:09
kenvandineletting the user enter anything they wanted13:09
kenvandinewhat we came up with should be more likely to create a working context13:09
mptRight, because it doesn’t let them type inetrnet or mss13:09
jgdxmpt, 0.3+15.04.20150522-0ubuntu1 was published13:10
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mptjgdx, great! So is just “citrain device-upgrade 36 XXXX” enough?13:11
mptor do I have to do other things afterward13:11
kenvandinempt, i'd say just use apt13:12
jgdxmpt, on the phone you can do $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ..13:12
jgdxsame command as before, just replace the version number13:12
mptoh bother, I Ctrl+Ced the citrain device-upgrade and now I have “E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock”13:13
kenvandinempt, give it a few minutes13:13
kenvandineit's probably still running apt in the backgroundf13:14
mptthat worked, thanks13:18
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mptbut now it’s stuck on “100% [Connecting to ports.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8001::18)]”13:19
mpt(and of course became unstuck two seconds later)13:20
dobeybrunch875: well, if you grab a random python thing off the net that requires python2 and /usr/bin/python is python3, it won't work.13:20
dobeybrunch875: it's upstream Python policy that /usr/bin/python should never be python3, as well iirc.13:20
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jgdxmpt, http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/9940/convince-apt-get-not-to-use-ipv6-method13:22
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jgdxmpt, so $ apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update13:22
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mptjgdx, after upgrading, I can’t simultaneously check an “Internet and MMS” APN and an “Internet” APN, but I can simultaneously check an “Internet and MMS” APN and an “MMS” APN (that’s a bug, right?)13:25
jgdxmpt, yes, I think so13:26
mptjgdx, I entered APN settings that couldn’t possibly work (APN “thiswillnotwork” and user name “itreallywon't”), tapped the check button in the corner, and exited all the way back to the System Settings main screen. At what point should I have been stopped?13:39
mpt(Its checkbox is checked on the “APN” screen)13:39
jgdxmpt, that needs to be phase 2 of the apn editor imo13:49
jgdxmpt, I have no idea how system settings would, at the moment, detect that the apn failed.13:50
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seb128kenvandine, mandel, I've an issue with some updates on my bq (rtm proposed channel)14:00
seb128they fail to apply14:00
seb128google-plus-app and telegram14:00
seb128the u-d-m warning log has14:01
seb128"Tried to remove filename ' /home/phablet/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager/Downloads/com.ubuntu.developer.majster-pl.google-plus-app_0.6.20_all.click' when it was not owned by any object.14:01
seb128the INFO log has14:01
seb128"Cannot install /home/phablet/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager/Downloads/com (2).ubuntu.developer.majster-pl.google-plus-app_0.6.20_all.click: Signature verification error: debsig: findMember: archive appears to be corrupt, fmag incorrect14:01
ogra_disk full ?14:01
seb128/dev/mmcblk0p6                               2.4G  1.8G  643M  74% /14:02
seb128ogra_, ^ no14:02
mandelseb128, I'm dealing with a network issue, that looks diff14:02
seb128mandel, right, indeed, that's not with the silo as well, just with plain rtm channel14:02
mandelseb128, and we have had no issues until now without the network changes.. interesting14:03
seb128in fact the other update install, it's just google-plus-app having the issue14:05
ogra_seb128, thats because you dont use my g+ app :P14:06
seb128ogra_, I do as well, I just had several installed to compare ;-)14:06
ogra_ah :)14:06
seb128"Signature verification error: debsig: findMember: archive appears to be corrupt"14:07
seb128I've 3 downloads of that app, all with the same md514:07
seb128I wonder if the archive is corrupted in the store14:07
seb128can anyone try to install com.ubuntu.developer.majster-pl.google-plus-app_0.6.20_all.click ?14:07
ogra_works on my vivid arale14:08
seb128hum, k14:09
seb128ogra_, thanks14:09
ogra_but indeed that wasnt an update,  just a plain install14:09
seb128ogra_, what's the md5 of /home/phablet/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager/Downloads/com.ubuntu.developer.majster-pl.google-plus-app_0.6.20_all.click ?14:09
ogra_doesnt exist14:10
ogra_in fact Download is empty14:10
seb128I guess it cleaned behind because it successfully downloaded/installed14:11
ogra_i dont see it appear when it downloads either14:11
seb128it's magic :p14:12
ogra_ah, just bad timing14:12
ogra_it appears but is so fast to install that i wasnt fast enough to see it14:12
OerHeks click verify PACKAGE-FILE ?14:13
dobeyogra_: fwiw, the "update" and "new install" are really the same thing, technically. the difference is all in the UI/UX.14:15
ogra_ah, good to know14:15
dobeythe .click file is the same, and the updates UI should be doing "pkcon install-local foo.click" as well14:16
dobeykenvandine: actually, did you change the updates stuff to use the click scope install-helper script yet?14:17
kenvandinedobey, nope14:17
dobeyah ok14:17
kenvandinejgdx, libqofono building in silo 36 now14:18
jgdxkenvandine, thanks14:18
jgdxabeato, how can I track this code, btw? bug 142692314:24
ubot5bug 1426923 in lxc-android-config (Ubuntu) "Allow ubuntu-system-settings to set a device's firmware" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142692314:24
jgdxI have probably asked you alread, come to think of it14:25
abeatojgdx, not sure what you mean... the wpa code?14:26
jgdxabeato, yes, the change to the policy14:26
jgdxwill that be in a branch?14:26
jcbjoe_whats the diffrence from devel and stable ?14:27
abeatojgdx, hmm, ok, I thought that already has landed, is not the case?14:27
abeatocyphermox, awe we need to land the changes in wpa_supplicant.conf for enabling loading wifi firmware ^^14:28
cyphermoxno such thing.14:28
jgdxabeato, not in proposed, but maybe somwehere else?14:31
cyphermoxabeato: if you rather mean the code, I would be under the impression it should already be available: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpa/2.1-0ubuntu514:31
abeatocyphermox, no I mean the configuration changes to let system settings call SetInterfaceFirmware14:31
abeatocyphermox, that is in wpasupplicant package14:32
cyphermoxthen that's in lxc-android-config. not in wpasupplicant14:32
cyphermoxand regardless, it's not in wpasupplicant but in wpa14:32
cyphermoxthe wpasupplicant source package is no longer used14:32
awersalveti, ^^14:32
awedidn't you already land the DBus perm changes14:33
ogra_the bug is against lxc-android-config obviously :)14:33
rsalvetiwas part of the hotspot silo14:33
rsalvetiwhich, afaik, we decided not to land yet14:33
ogra_and kenvandine told me hotspot wouldnt land this OTA14:33
aweabeato, ^^14:33
abeatook, I see, jgdx ^^14:33
ogra_(which is why we moved the tethering fix out of it)14:33
* awe sees lots of redirects; pretty funny14:33
abeatostack trace of redirects :p14:34
* jgdx reads.14:34
awersalveti, was it part of lxc-android-config?14:34
cyphermoxmakes the most sense that way14:35
jgdxabeato, aaah, great. Didn't connect that with the silo. Thank you14:35
rsalvetiawe: yeah14:35
tsdgeosveebers: See the comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/unity8/adding-extra-helpers-from-sanity/+merge/256419 ?14:38
tsdgeosoh 2am for him :D14:40
veeberstsdgeos: Hey, currently in the US :-) I'm hitting that now14:49
jcbjoe_can the devel brach be used as a daily driver ?14:49
ogra_jcbjoe_, no14:49
tsdgeosveebers: ah, cool14:49
ogra_there are no guarantees for wily14:49
ogra_(it is not supposed to end up on any phone and the switch to snappy underneath might result in unexpected breakage during the cycle)14:50
seb128boiko, hey, is bug #1449710 fixed? it has a merge request attached which has been merged it seems14:57
ubot5bug 1449710 in Canonical System Image "No way to get out of conference call except for disconnect" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144971014:57
boikoseb128: yes, it is fixed, hmm, not sure why launchpad didn't update the bug, let me mark as fixed14:58
boikoseb128: thanks for spotting it14:59
seb128boiko, yw! I'm trying a bit phone bugs ;-)15:00
seb128boiko, can you confirm that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dialer-app/+bug/1398880 was fixed as well? I think https://code.launchpad.net/~boiko/dialer-app/rtm-greeter_refactor/+merge/246289 too care of it15:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1398880 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "[phone-app] Emergency dialer visible during incoming call" [Undecided,New]15:15
seb128boiko, you can also probably close https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/139240015:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1392400 in dialer-app "Avoid overdraws and batch breaking" [Medium,New]15:16
seb128boiko, what about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dialer-app/+bug/1391522 ? ;-)15:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1391522 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "tel:/// URLs dispatched when phone is locked are not respected" [High,Confirmed]15:17
jcbjoe_ogra_: why can't devel be used as a daily driver ?15:27
ogra_jcbjoe_, i explained that above15:27
jcbjoe_oh .. let me look15:27
jcbjoe_ogra_ | (it is not supposed to end up on any phone and the switch to snappy underneath might result in unexpected breakage during the cycle)15:29
jcbjoe_is that it ?15:29
=== oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN
seb128is long pressing on the dialer "1" to dial voicemail working for anyone?15:44
davidcalleseb128, works for me15:48
seb128davidcalle, ok, thanks15:48
bfillerrvr, oSoMoN_ : just saw your video. so it froze on the 7th time I see. guessing same thing would happen in non-private mode. the freeze will most likely have nothing to do with private browsing15:54
rvrbfiller: I haven't been able to freeze it in non-private mode15:54
rvrso far15:54
bfillerrvr: did you try moving the app to the background and back to foreground when it's frozen?15:54
rvrbfiller: Yes15:55
rvrbfiller: Well, at least to open a new tab and switch back15:55
bfillerrvr: swipe back to dash, then return to browser15:55
rvrbfiller: Still frozen15:55
bfillerrvr: also do a top -d1 and see what the memory usage is15:56
bfilleroSoMoN_: what else should he check?15:56
rvrbfiller: I can change orientation, and will display fine, but cannot interact with the view15:56
bfillerrvr: check the log15:56
bfillerrvr: .cache/upstart/application-legacy-webbrowser-app.log15:57
bfillersee if anything interesting in there15:57
oSoMoN_bfiller, well I’m guessing that the webview’s enabled property is set to false, but I have no clue how that would be possible, and there’s no way to verify that without adding some debug code15:57
bfillermy guess would be we are running out of memory or something15:57
bfilleras it only happens after 7 times15:58
oSoMoN_bfiller, rvr: I just managed to reproduce the issue!15:58
bfillerwhich btw, I think is not a reason to block the silo, rvr15:58
rvroSoMoN_: logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/11287538/15:59
oSoMoN_bfiller, well we shouldn’t take this issue too lightly either15:59
cwayne_pmcgowan, btw, we're probably going to need https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-api/+bug/1457698 fix landed for ota4 (otherwise nearby is pretty broken)15:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1457698 in unity-scopes-api (Ubuntu) "Aggregator can't subsearch the same child twice to get different depts" [Critical,New]15:59
oSoMoN_(although it’s frustrating that the whole silo is blocked, I agree)15:59
bfilleroSoMoN_: lets debug if its' related to private browsing, could be oxide bug, who knows16:00
oSoMoN_bfiller, yeah, not sure it has anything to do with private browsing, I’ll instrument the code and will try to reproduce again16:01
bfilleroSoMoN_: how many times did you need to load the page?16:01
pmcgowancwayne_, its not likely to make it now16:01
pmcgowancwayne_, is that a regression or some new code in the nearby scope16:01
cwayne_pmcgowan, it's a  regression in unity-scopes-api, same exact scope works on rtm16:02
cwayne_thostr_, ^16:02
veeberstsdgeos: fyi have resolved that conflict in the MP16:03
tsdgeosveebers: cool16:03
thostr_cwayne_ pmcgowan: fix expected for monday16:03
oSoMoN_bfiller, about 15 times, but I reproduced with a different page (local HTML file on disk)16:03
pmcgowanthostr_, ok I tagged it then16:03
bfilleroSoMoN_: did you switch between private and regular mode each time?16:04
oSoMoN_bfiller, yes16:04
tsdgeosveebers: what about bredan/leo comments?16:04
cwayne_pmcgowan, thostr_ thanks16:04
bfilleroSoMoN_: maybe something not getting cleaned up correctly when leaving private16:04
bfillerand hanging around and causing problems after some time16:05
rvroSoMoN_: I just reproduced it with another page too16:07
veeberstsdgeos: ah good point, sorry will follow up now16:09
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posix4eWhen will you support Firefox16:23
ogra_posix4e, once firefox supports Mir ...16:24
ogra_(and i guess once the convergence for the desktop is there ... but then FF will only be used in desktop mode)16:24
ogra_(under XMir)16:24
dednickjhodapp: ping16:29
peat-psuwitIs it possible to connect to pulse's cli socket from Android side?16:31
dobeypeat-psuwit: you'd probably need to bind mount the socket inside the android container16:32
dobeyposix4e: if you want the firefox mobile browser on an ubuntu phone, it's best to ask mozilla to port the firefox mobile browsesr to ubuntu and get it in the store16:33
jhodappdednick, pong16:33
peat-psuwitdobey: How, please?16:34
dednickjhodapp: hey. i'm working on the video playback in the dash previews and am having some issues with the media-hub/qtubuntu-media integration. unity8-dash is hanging when i try to play, and it's because the media-hub-server has hung somewhere.16:35
posix4eDobey:  thinking about porting servo myself16:35
dednick(i think)16:35
dobeypeat-psuwit: mount --bind16:36
jhodappdednick, trying to play a local video for this example?16:36
dednickjhodapp: ya16:36
jhodappdednick, QML MediaPlayer-based implementation?16:36
dednickjhodapp: yep16:36
dobeyposix4e: is that some firefox thing? i have no idea what servo is16:36
dednickMediaPlayer + VideoOutput16:36
jhodappdednick, I assume you've looked at mediaplayer-app's code to compare?16:36
jhodappdednick, it shouldn't be any different16:36
dednickjhodapp: indeed. it's working locally on my desktop (without the qtubuntu-media plugin)16:37
peat-psuwitdobey: I mean, where should I put that?16:37
jhodappdednick, hmm, there's got to be something that's different between the two implementations16:37
jhodappdednick, the same video plays just fine on a phone with mediaplayer-app?16:38
posix4eDobey: the new version in rust yes16:38
dednickjhodapp: hm. not sure. I'll need to revert to make sure.16:38
dobeypeat-psuwit: what are you trying to do exactly?16:38
jhodappdednick, yeah, on your desktop it'll use software decoding and straight gstreamer via qtmultimedia (won't use qtubuntu-media nor media-hub)16:38
jhodappdednick, yeah, that's your test metric then, does it play on the phone in mediaplayer-app16:39
jhodappdednick, if it does not, then there might be a bug (or unsupported codec/profile)16:39
dednickjhodapp: ok.16:39
dobeyposix4e: good luck then :)16:40
jhodappdednick, keep me posted16:40
oSoMoNbfiller, I instrumented the code and now I’m unable to observe the freeze, 60 tries and counting…16:41
dednickjhodapp: i did see this go past in media-hub log. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11288187/16:41
jhodappdednick, yeah, looks like possibly an unsupported codec16:42
dednickjhodapp: and i saw this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/media-hub/+bug/1435088. It's marked as fix released, but the code doesnt seem to be merged.16:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1435088 in Canonical System Image "Crash of media-hub opening a .avi file" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:42
posix4eDobey: any guide16:42
posix4eOn port ing apps to Mir16:42
ogra_posix4e, perhaps ask in #ubuntu-mir16:43
jhodappdednick, fixed committed, not released yet16:43
ogra_if there are any, these guys should know16:43
dobeyask #ubuntu-mir about that16:43
dobeydepending on what ui rendering toolkit is used though, you might not need to do anything there16:43
ogra_well, firefox uses its own :)16:44
peat-psuwitdobey: I'm trying to set sink proplist from rild via libmedia.16:44
dobeyi thought it still used a thing on top of gtk+ (at least on the normal linux builds)16:44
dednickjhodapp: ok, well I can give the MPs a review/test if the same problem exists in with the media-player app.16:44
jhodappdednick, that'd be great16:45
ogra_dobey, i think its more "aside of" than "on top of"16:45
ogra_(but i'm no FF dev)16:45
ogra_and you indeed need to get he renderer to work with Mir16:45
dobeywell, it's gtk2 though16:45
dobeyi don't know if gtk2 has a mir backend?16:45
jhodappdednick, I can get that into a silo once reviewed, it was waiting on another media-hub silo, but that won't land yet so let's override with this one16:46
dobeyi also don't know what the rust servo thing is doing. i guess it's completely different16:46
ogra_only XMir i fear16:46
boikoseb128: back from lunch, that one I don't actually remember fixing, maybe salem_ fixed it?16:46
dobeypeat-psuwit: why? to fix some bug?16:46
yayahtc image name please16:46
seb128boiko, which ones? I pinged you with several bugs :-)16:47
dobey!devices | yaya16:47
ubot5yaya: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices16:47
seb128boiko, just seems to be fixed from an user play with the device, maybe it's not16:47
peat-psuwitdobey: some clever guys at Qualcomm use libmedia's AudioSystem::setParameters to tells audio HAL about dual-sim's active call.16:47
boikoseb128: ah yes, just scrolled up to the last one you mentioned, the URL one16:47
seb128boiko, k, dunno about that one, just that Saviq commented on the bug saying it seems resolved16:48
dobeypeat-psuwit: oh. well, you should put the bind mount config in the same place where the existing bind mounts are configured for the android lxc16:48
yayacan i install ubuntu touch in hrc desire bravo16:48
dobey(i'm not quite sure where that is)16:48
seb128boiko, see the previous line as well then btw ;-)16:48
boikoseb128: yep, checking them16:48
dobeyyaya: read the wiki page and see. if it's not listed there, you'll have to port it. if it is listed there, ask whomever the developer of that port is16:48
jhodappdednick, bbiab, quick dog walk16:49
seb128boiko, thanks16:49
yayathanks byeee16:49
boikoseb128: 1398880 is fixed indeed, closing it16:50
boikoseb128: same for the QSG optimizations one, just the URL one I will have to confirm with salem_16:50
seb128boiko, k16:50
seb128boiko, thanks for looking at those ;-)16:50
seb128boiko, on that note I'm calling it a week, have a good w.e16:51
boikoseb128: np16:51
boikoseb128: have a nice weekend too!16:51
oSoMoN_bfiller, Ugo’s findController branch landed in oxide trunk16:53
oSoMoN_bfiller, and I still can’t reproduce the freeze with my instrumented code16:56
=== MickeyVirus2 is now known as MickeyVirus
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oSoMoNrvr, bfiller: I wrote an autopilot test that runs the steps described by rvr in an infinite loop, with my instrumented code, let’s see if it ever blocks at some point17:12
rvroSoMoN: Cool17:12
oSoMoNrvr, apart from that issue, how is the silo looking in your opinion?17:12
rvroSoMoN: I was running a selected number of cases from the test suite and stopped on the scroll problem. The private mode works fine, apart from that.17:16
oSoMoNrvr, note that we spotted two rather important issues with private browsing, artmello pushed fixes to his branch and I triggered a rebuild of the silo17:17
oSoMoNrvr, both fixes are one-liners, so they shouldn’t warrant a complete re-testing of the silo, we’ll just need to verify that those issues are fixed (bugs have been filed to track them)17:18
oSoMoNrvr, on the freeze issue, can you confirm that when this happens, you can still leave private mode from the drawer menu (or close the frozen tab from the tabs view), and everything is back to normal ?17:19
rvroSoMoN: Yes, I can leave the private mode17:19
oSoMoNrvr, in that case I think we shouldn’t not block the silo on this, it’s an important issue indeed but it doesn’t break irreversibly the UX flow17:20
oSoMoNrvr, I’ll continue debugging the issue tonight, but I might need more time to nail the issue, and it would be a shame not to land the rest of the feature + all the other fixes just because of this17:21
oSoMoNjust got my autopilot test to hang after 10min, i.e 37 cycles17:24
oSoMoNfalse alarm, it’s autopilot that hanged, not the webview that froze17:25
rvroSoMoN: Ok, I'll be in holidays next week, but I'm leaving relevant comments in the current card.17:27
rvroSoMoN: Can you actually check by code when the webview freezes?17:27
oSoMoNrvr, as soon as the silo lands, I’ll file a bug to track the issue with all the data we have collected on it, I’ll mark it critical and it’ll be my top priority for next week, does that sound alright?17:28
posix4eDo you guys know where the one plus one build lays?17:29
oSoMoNrvr, well my theory is that the webview’s enabled property is incorrectly toggled to false, for some reason. that’s easy to check in the code. if it’s really a freeze of the renderer, then I can’t detect it, no17:29
oSoMoNrvr, it could very well be an oxide renderer hang though, in which case it’s going to be much harder to debug17:30
jhodappdednick, you ok with reviewing the MRs for silo #32, we can land that quickly for you once you review it for me (and see if it might help your issues)17:35
rvroSoMoN: The black preview, is it reproducible in the phone easily?17:37
oSoMoNrvr, on the phone it’s a bit racy, on the desktop it’s 100% reproducible17:38
oSoMoNrvr, on the phone, chances are if you open 10+ tabs at least one will end up having a black preview17:38
rvroSoMoN: Ok, I'll try that17:39
rvroSoMoN: Opening the 19th tab, the view got blocked, I cannot zoom it. This is not private mode.17:48
oSoMoNrvr, ah, so it doesn’t seem to be a regression introduced by private mode then17:48
oSoMoNrvr, it’s starting to smell of a renderer hang17:49
oSoMoNrvr: can you shell into the device and send me the output of "ps -ef | grep oxide" ?17:49
rvroSoMoN: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11289210/17:50
oSoMoNrvr, can you reload the view (by focusing the address bar and pressing the reload icon)?17:51
rvroSoMoN: Yes, it continues to be blocked.17:52
oSoMoNrvr, but it has reloaded correctly, right?17:52
oSoMoNrvr, can you reproduce on the current image, without the silo?17:53
rvrHaven't tried, reflashing17:53
oSoMoNrvr, I’ve opened 50 tabs and I still can’t observe the hang, I wonder why you seem to be able to trigger it much more easily than I can17:58
rvroSoMoN: Maybe because of the memory footprint of the sites I use ?17:59
rvrelpais.com and elmundo.es has lots of contents18:00
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oSoMoNrvr, just reproduced with elpais.com18:06
rvroSoMoN: Cool18:07
rvroSoMoN_: Just saw the black preview on the second tab without silo. With 20 tabs and the silo packages, I didn't see any black preview.18:15
oSoMoN_good, that one seems to be fixed for good :)18:16
oSoMoN_rvr, were you able to observe the hang without the silo?18:16
rvroSoMoN_: Currently testing that18:16
rvroSoMoN_: I opened 21 tabs without the silo and none has been blocked so far18:27
oSoMoN_rvr, I’m now at 39 tabs with the silo, and none blocked so far either… (wasn’t able to make sense of what I was seeing when I observed the hang, so I restarted)18:28
posix4eand can you give me some advice on getting stuff into the app store and cross compiling18:35
RAOFposix4e: A relevant question for you, that I don't know the answer for: I wonder if we allow writable+executable mappings?18:37
RAOFposix4e: Does servo include a JIT?18:37
posix4erust is not garbage collected or jitted18:38
posix4eit's runtime is actually smaller than c++'s18:38
posix4eit does include spidermonkey18:38
posix4eif that's what you mean18:39
posix4eit uses the iomonkey jit compiler18:39
RAOFYeah, that's what I mean.18:40
RAOFA javascript JITer.18:40
posix4eyea i assume that might make it more difficult to get it through the appstore18:40
posix4eespecially on ios18:40
RAOFBecause *if* we restrict writable+executable mappings - which is a very reasonable security thing to do - the iomonkey jitter won't work.18:40
posix4ebut you guys are cool18:40
posix4e: ) gatta let a man have a little jit18:40
RAOFUnless you can request an exception to the confinement, which is possible for some things.18:41
RAOFThis is an area that I don't know about.18:42
posix4eI mean, y'alls browser does js right?18:42
RAOFYeah, but it's unconfined, because we ship it :)18:43
RAOFI legitimately don't know whether we have this security restriction (like iOS and WP8, unlike Android).18:43
RAOFIt's a very reasonable restriction to have, but we have all sorts of other confinement so we *might* just let your app get p4ned since it can't trash any data that's not its own.18:44
posix4eFor sure18:44
posix4eios app store does the same for sure18:45
posix4enot how they got around that on android18:45
RAOFAndroid doesn't restrict writable+executable mappings.18:46
RAOFSo you can jit to your heart's content.18:46
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oSoMoNrvr, any luck with reproducing the hang without the silo?18:53
rvroSoMoN_: I just installed the overlay ppa packages18:54
posix4eI wonder if syscall based isolation is the way to get the best of both worlds, or if it's too slow18:56
dednickjhodapp: the same issue exists with the mediaplayer-app19:05
dednickjhodapp: but i don't think those fixes are related.19:05
dednickjhodapp: i think the media-hub is hanging.19:05
dednickI'm still getting a "Fail to connect with playback backend" error, which I'm presuming is because it can't connect to the hub dbus.19:06
jhodappdednick, alright, mind still doing a code review for me on that one?19:07
dednickjhodapp: yeah. sure19:07
jhodappdednick, thanks kindly19:07
rvroSoMoN: Ok, I got a blank tab19:09
oSoMoNrvr, what do you mean by blank tab?19:11
oSoMoNdo you mean a black preview?19:12
dobeyRAOF, posix4e: well, it's easy enough to see what we block, since it would just be in the apparmor rules19:15
rvroSoMoN: White page19:15
posix4edobey: I feel like to get any other web browser in, we might have to make an exception19:16
posix4eDoes ubuntu-touch support other webbrowsers?19:16
oSoMoNrvr, please elaborate, I must be tired I don’t really understand what this means19:16
dobeyposix4e: feelings are no good. check the facts first :)19:17
posix4edobey: Sorry I didn't mean to be flippant. I'll just try and report back19:17
rvroSoMoN: Don't mind, could have been my mistake, tired here too :(19:17
dednickjhodapp: just one comment in https://code.launchpad.net/~jhodapp/qtubuntu-media/fix-1435088/+merge/25807619:19
jhodappdednick, awesome thanks19:19
jhodappdednick, prompt service, appreciate it!19:19
rvroSoMoN: Ok19:19
rvroSoMoN: So install overlay PPA19:19
posix4edobey: Thanks for the help!19:19
rvroSoMoN: I just had a blocked tab with the overlay PPA and without silo packages19:20
dobeyisn't someone shipping an app in the store with a python or nodejs interpreter included?19:20
oSoMoNrvr, ok, so it’s not a new regression, and that confirms it seems to be a hang in oxide (which in itself is not great news, but at the very least it won’t block the silo)19:21
posix4emight python be a bit different19:21
posix4ei'd assume evaling strings is a bit different19:21
oSoMoNrvr, note that the silo is rebuilding as we write, we found one more issue that we fixed (with a corresponding test)19:21
posix4ebut node for sure19:21
dobeyposix4e: python gets byte compiled; it's not just evaluating strings19:24
posix4edobey: right, but i thought the opcode mapping wasn't executable code. It's just tokens that it reads and then calls into executable code19:25
posix4elike read op code, call into some function to do soemthing with args19:25
posix4enever generating executable code right?19:25
posix4eI guess strings is too harsh19:26
posix4ebut v8 for sure19:26
jhodappdednick, replied to your comment19:26
dednickjhodapp: and approved :)19:26
dobeyposix4e: well, i'm pretty sure it has writable maps and does executions :)19:26
posix4eahh ok19:26
jhodappdednick, awesome, can you top approve as well?19:27
posix4etake your word on it, i'll look around Thanks for all the feedback19:27
dobeyyou can write a very tiny program and put it in a click package, to see if the low level pieces you need to do are possible19:27
dobeyin confinement that is19:27
jhodappdednick, top approve all 319:27
dednickjhodapp: done19:27
dobey(or just package nodejs and a node app for it in a click and see if it runs)19:27
jhodappdednick, thanks a lot19:27
dednickno worries19:28
brunch875it would be funny to see a django server running on a phone19:28
posix4edobey: Makes sense. Will do I guess i need to learn ubuntu sdk19:28
jhodappdednick, mind doing another quick review for me please? https://code.launchpad.net/~jhodapp/media-hub/player-add-prev-next/+merge/25782419:36
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jhodappdednick, and the one debug statement in there is intentional for now fyi19:37
dednickjdstrand: :)19:38
dednickjhodapp: :)19:38
dednickhm. now random people think i'm smiling at them. awkward.19:38
jdstranddednick: :)19:54
* jdstrand just smiles right back19:54
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dednickjhodapp: i've reviewed the branch20:09
dednickalso got a backtrace for you. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11291470/20:09
jhodappdednick, saw that thanks, responding to your comments now20:10
dednicklooks like gstreamer stalling when trying to change state of a video which has a decoding issue.20:10
jhodappdednick, yeah not seen that one before20:10
dednickthread 9 doens't return.20:11
jhodappdednick, can you file a bug against media-hub for that?20:11
dednickjhodapp: sure20:11
jhodappdednick, assign to canonical-phonedations-team20:11
jhodappdednick, and attach that bt20:11
dednickjhodapp: done. i've also attached the video i was testing with.20:16
jhodappdednick, perfect, thanks man20:16
jhodappdednick, replied on the MR20:16
dednickjhodapp: also added this bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtubuntu-media/+bug/145797220:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1457972 in qtubuntu-media (Ubuntu) "VideoOutput plays as soon as loaded even if the MediaPlayer is not set to autoPlay" [Undecided,New]20:28
jhodappdednick, saw that, thanks20:28
jhodappdednick, replied20:37
jhodappdednick, still there?21:01
dednickjhodapp: ya. give me a few minutes21:03
jhodappdednick, ok21:03
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dednickjhodapp: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11292470/21:11
dednickno linking errors21:11
jhodappdednick, crap yeah, I forgot to remove them from the impl header file...that's why the linker error21:12
jhodappdednick, let me patch that up, thanks for checking21:12
dednickjhodapp: ok. no problemo. couldn't get my head around why not, so i tried ;)21:12
jhodappdednick, that was brave, media-hub is a bear to compile21:12
jhodappdednick, I'll push a change in 2 mins, then approve...want to land this one tonight still21:13
dednickjhodapp: ok.21:14
jhodappdednick, ok pushed your change21:20
jhodappdednick, confirmed it compiled/linked for me as well21:21
dednickjhodapp: approved21:21
jhodappdednick, thanks!21:22
dednickjhodapp: no prob21:22
jhodappdednick, now that you know media-hub, you can review more MRs for me ;p21:22
dednickjhodapp: haha.21:23
rvrbfiller: Approving silo 1521:33
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mcphailMy SD card is mounted under /media/phablet/--Unique-id--/ . Is there a path top access the SD card generically, without the unique-id?22:55

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