
andrewlsdMorning all, just here briefly today.06:02
barrydkMore almal06:07
andrewlsdMôre barrydk06:12
Kilosmorning all07:10
ThatGraemeGuylo Kilos 07:10
Kiloshi dan TinuvaMac  07:20
Kilosdanfowler  too07:21
inetprogoo mornings07:26
Kilosgoo morning inetpro  07:27
Kilosthe calender reminder thing works good ty07:27
inetprohmm... at least it's Friday07:27
Kiloshi mazal  barrydk  MaNI2  07:34
mazalMore oom Kilos07:50
mazalAnd everyone else07:50
ThatGraemeGuyhi mazal 07:51
pieter2627morning mazal and all others08:04
Kiloshi pieter2627  08:04
mazalMorning pieter262708:10
magespawngood morning08:18
Kiloshi magespawn  08:18
stickyboyy u no08:18
Kiloshi stickyboy  08:18
stickyboyKilos: ohai08:18
stickyboySouth Africa is heading for wjl1ln31l08:18
Kiloswhat is that stickyboy  ?08:28
stickyboyKilos: Africa's Worst New Internet Censorship Law Could Be Coming to South Africa08:59
stickyboyEncrypt all the things.08:59
Kiloshmm... such a noisy channel12:14
MaNIvarious countries seem to want to ban encryption entirely12:26
MaNIwait what, I can't make a game and give it to people without applying for a permit first?12:27
MopkopHello all!12:48
Kiloshi Mopkop  13:03
magespawngood afternoon13:18
Kiloshi magespawn  q13:19
Kilosno q13:19
Kiloshi gremble  16:21
grembleHow are you Kilos?16:31
Kilosgood ty and you?16:31
grembleI am well thank you16:31
Kilosjust dont like the cold16:31
grembleI'm just so glad that it is friday16:31
grembleI'm so tired haha16:31
Kilosare you going to rest?16:31
grembleI'm not going to wake up at 5am16:32
gremblebut no rest16:32
grembleAlmost exams16:32
Kilosoh my , good luck16:32
grembleDoctor WHO!18:07
superflyGuess what time it is?!18:16
superflyno, it's LOAD SHEDDING TIME!!!18:17
Kilosoh my18:18
grembleGood tymes18:19
superflyKilos: have you learnt HTML yet?18:22
Kilosai! superfly  its too much for me but i changed some stuff with the tools in google and it seems to be working18:23
superflyKilos: it's not too much for you, I know you can do it. Just take it slowly and try out all the examples.18:24
Kilosok ill try again18:24
superflyhtmldog.com is still the best HTML-from-scratch tutorial I've ever seen.18:24
Kilosfor normal peeps yes18:25
superflyKilos: and you don't need a web site and an internet connection to do it. You can do it all on your computer. Just press "Ctrl+O" in Firefox or Chrome to open the file you edited.18:25
Kilosbut ill give it another go18:25
Kilosthat shoes my desktop18:26
superflywell, you'll need the site, but you don't need to host your code on some web site, you can just put it in a file on your computer18:34
Kiloslooks like pro is gonna chair next meet18:37
grembleWhy don't you host it Kilos?18:38
Kiloswe trying to get new peeps to feel the power18:39
Kilosi cant keep up with what i have to do as is, so more thinking is more headaches18:41
inetprogood evening18:49
inetpromagespawn: really!?18:54
inetprosuperfly: your loadshedding over?18:55
Kiloshi inetpro  18:55
superfly"It's only just beguuuuun..."18:55
superflyit started at 8, due to finish at 1018:56
superflyor soon thereafter18:56
inetproah, so you are on the mobile?18:57
superflynetbook + phone18:57
inetprowhat do you have again, LG?18:57
superflyLG G218:58
inetprohappy with it?18:58
superflyFAN tastic phone18:58
inetprowhat was the price?18:58
* inetpro feels like kicking magespawn18:59
inetprooh hi gremble18:59
inetprogremble: all the spam18:59
Kilosai! shame inetpro  19:00
Kilosits his connection not him19:00
inetprosuperfly: black or white? and how much memory and storage?19:01
Kilosyou becoming a real gumpy19:01
superflyblack, 32G19:01
superfly2G RAM, I think19:02
superfly*maybe* 319:02
inetprobut Kilos, he won't see all our conversations anyway19:02
superflycan't remember, but it doesn't matter19:02
inetprosuperfly: nice!19:02
inetproKilos: inetpro grumpy? never!19:03
superflyinetpro: bought it from the ZA Orange store19:06
inetprosuperfly: I remember you talking about it19:06
superflytook 6 weeksto get here19:06
inetprolooks like a good deal19:06
inetproyikes! That is long...19:07
inetprosuperfly: how's the battery performance?19:09
superflyyeah. it's fine if you're expecting it, but not if you aren't. the G2 is a popular phone19:09
superflyinetpro: AMAZING19:09
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:24
inetprogood night oom...19:25
inetprooh superfly, have you checked you Trello menu? I don't think the power-ups are only for gold members 19:27
inetproyour Trello menu*19:28
superflyinetpro: actually, I think those power ups have always been there19:43
superflyI remember the "getting old" one from when we used to use Trello at work a few years ago19:43
inetpronice to know, thanks for checking19:44
* inetpro likes the aging and the calendar features19:44
inetprovoting could be useful as well but I don't think it is very visible to users19:45
superflywoo, power back on19:51
inetprosuperfly: great!19:55
inetprosuperfly: have you ever seen or heard of https://www.mindmup.com/ ?19:56
superflyinetpro: have you ever used Freemind, BTW?19:56
inetprosuperfly: yes19:56
inetprothis one looks like it's open source19:57
* inetpro enjoyed VYM for some time19:59
inetproVYM for View Your Mind19:59
inetproaptitude show vym20:00
grembleI use a pencil and paper for those things usually20:00
inetpronice thing about mindmup is that you can collaborate online with others20:01
grembleThat looks very cool20:03
* inetpro agrees with gremble20:06
inetprosuperfly: @Eskom_MediaDesk Eskom stopped load shedding at 21:50 on 22 May 2015. It is important to note that restoration of power takes longer in some areas.20:16
superflyinetpro: yep20:23
gremble"we have iPads in the afterlife? haha We have Steve Jobs"20:51

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