[05:27] there is a guy in #ubuntu named sullu that has been geektrolling pretty much all day. i have logs from a different server. i don't want to see his clutter in another channel again. who do i speak to or who wants my cuts from logs? [05:27] sallu is the nick, sorry [05:36] artisan_pickle: We'll keep an eye on him, thanks. [05:41] he's been trolling linuxmint channels most of the day, was here in your chanel this morning but no one bit. [06:33] seems to have worked. thank for paying attention. [06:34] artisan_pickle: No problem. Anything else we can help you with? [06:36] no, i just want to see him fleece more channels. thank you [07:07] flannel is a queerbasher [07:07] flannel hates gay people [07:08] he banned me because i'm gay [07:09] !ops [07:09] Thanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently [07:09] JamesRichards called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [19:35] bekks called the ops in #ubuntu (H1TL3R) [19:45] H1TL3R called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [22:13] hi [22:14] retroispresto, hi [22:15] I'll read the guidelines again... brb [22:28] Back [22:33] I. Would. Appreciate. The. Negotiation. Of. My. Ban. In. The Offtopic. Ubuntu. Core. Channel. [22:35] why the weird writing retroispresto [22:36] bazhang, Pausing while speaking to an audience helps get the message across to them. [22:37] retroispresto, it looks silly on irc [22:38] I didn't realize. Thanks for the tip! :) [22:40] retroispresto, you should find another chat channel at this time, you are not prepared to seriously discuss now it seems [22:40] /msg alis list social <--- retroispresto [22:40] Okay. When are you free? [22:43] I'll part now. Bye [22:47] indeed [23:37] lotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (elev)