[02:52] Does anyone know how to set up the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file for grub4dos? Im trying to install by getting Windows' efi to boot the setup.exe [02:59] Qwik: have you asked in a grub4dos community? [02:59] we dont ship with grub4dos, and i would think its different enough that not a lot of folks use it [02:59] for my hardware, i literally let the ubuntu installer magically deal with the efi [03:04] Holstein: but how am i supposed to install Windows without grub4dos? My laptop doesnt have a disk drive [03:04] Qwik: use whatever windows installer microsoft provides.. it will also deal with that "automaticall" [03:05] they have access to signed/trusted efi data [03:05] its a security step, that you can sometimes disable in the bios, but, if not, you cant just fake that easily AFAIK [03:05] or, at all.. though, i havent tried [03:06] Holstein: i dont think you understand my situation. I have my Windows.iso which is mounted in its own partition and in the /mnt folder but it still doesnt show up on the bootlist [03:06] Qwik: sure.. but, lubuntu/ubuntu/linux cant really facilitate the installation of windows on your hardware. your hardware is specifically blocking you from doing what you are doing.. not linux [03:07] windows will have what your hardware needs.. [03:07] i would ask them what it needs, and provide it, and get windows installed, as you want it to be [03:07] Holstein: no, linux is blocking me not the hardware. And i know this because i successfully did it before. [03:08] Qwik: cool.. you should try a general linux channel.. no ubuntu ships with grub4dos [03:08] Holstein: the 40_custom file is probably the culprit [03:08] !uefi [03:08] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [03:08] ^ thats all the specific information i have referred to [03:09] Holstein: so you guys dont know about chainloader and grub commands? [03:09] Qwik: "you guys" might.. i am just a volunteer [03:10] Qwik: you can ask in the main ubuntu channel, or a general linux channel, since this is not related to lubuntu/lxde, and not specific to linux distros generally [03:10] what would i do? backup my linux install, wipe the drive, do what is needed to install windows, reinstall linux.. [03:11] But it is. [03:11] Not that simple bro [03:11] Linux isnt simple at all [03:12] linux doesnt have to be related to your windows install, in any way [03:12] efi can be complicated, for sure.. [03:14] Holstein: so hypothetically, if you wanted to install windows, you would simply just run the Windows.iso from your Lubuntu desktop..? [03:14] Thats what u make it seem like [03:15] Qwik: i dont think microsoft makes a product that installs the windows os that can be ran from the linux desktop.. not that im aware of [03:15] if i wanted to install windows, i would just put the machine in whatever state it needs/requires, since, i know that they need certain envrionmental variables to be consistent [03:16] Holstein: so where exactly can i go for help? I've search the internet allllllll day [03:16] Qwik: ideally, microsoft, since, its their product [03:19] But if i ask them about grub.d/40_custom they wont know what im talking about because thats on Ubuntu [03:19] Nvm ill keep searching. [03:20] sure, which is why i remove it from the equation [03:20] make the environment what it needs.. and then, reinstall linux afterwards.. which will take not much time [03:22] Holstein: I MUST BE A TARD BECAUSE YOU'RE MAKING IT SOUND SIMPLE WHEN IT'S NOT. [03:28] installing OS's can be tricky [07:32] Hi i have question, i have a working .openvpn configuration file if i initiate the connection via console manually but i don't get it to work with lubuntu 14.04 and the network manager === mugebjgd is now known as gebjgd [19:56] is anyone still here? [19:57] penguin1263: yes.. just ask if you have a question, and a volunteer will try and assist [19:57] https://askubuntu.com/questions/627790 [19:57] thats my question [19:59] On Server 2, I have interfaces eth0, wlan0, and wlan1. On Server 1, I have eth0. [19:59] I want to share wlan1 on Server 2 with Server 1 via eth0. I want Server 1 to only use Server 2's wlan1, and Server 2 to only use it's wlan0. [20:00] penguin1263: you can always ask in #ubuntu since your question is not related to lxde or lubuntu [20:00] im running lubuntu on the servers [20:00] penguin1263: sure, i understand, and dont debate that, friend [20:00] #ubuntu gives no crap [20:01] anyways, you'll just read about networking, and implement what you like [20:01] you want one machine to use the nic of the other.. making one machine basically a router, as i read it [20:03] http://askubuntu.com/questions/60980/how-to-share-a-wired-internet-connection-via-wifi looks like where i would start [20:03] making the connections as i want/need [20:04] you dont need to refer to them as "servers".. its not going to help.. makes support volunteers think they are not running a desktop environment [20:04] which is fine.. but, it'll uncessarily narrow your scope, like asking here does as well.. not that you are unwelcome in any way to sit and wait.. [20:12] penguin1263: I have done that on two machines with gui with bridgeutils and then sharing the connection in network manager but not exactly sure of how to do it without the GUI [20:13] its running gui >_> [20:13] there is no server version :p [20:13] but that doesnt matter [20:16] who wants to do a heptaboot? [20:18] Hello [20:20] How is everyone doing? [20:20] I would like to know if there is someone that could assist me. [20:20] penguin1263: on the one you have both wifi working and the wired output to the other one you need brigdutils on that machine and then right click network manager and click for the ethernet be shared with other computers [20:21] brb let me murder my ethernet cable [20:21] because the one with only eth0 is ironically my bouncer [20:21] are you confused yet? [20:23] I have a question regarding a Lubuntu based distribution. [20:25] Hello - sometimes (maybe 1 of 7 times) the machine hangs an black-lit screen at boot. I have to hard reboot at which point a menut (ubuntu, or memtest ....) comes up. Any ideas for how I could troubleshoot this? [20:26] grant_heckel1: I am probably of no help, but what distro are you thinking of? [20:26] I have an old computer and I was wondering if anyone knew the login and password to the LXLE live DVD. Does anyone know? [20:26] uio: LXLE [20:26] All help will be greatly appreciated. [20:27] grant_heckel1: Cool. Yeah, I just installed Lubuntu 14.04, but had looked into LXLE as well. [20:27] uio: How was it? I am new to this distro. [20:27] grant_heckel1: I've never used it, but what is your qustion about? [20:27] I was wondering the login and password for the live DVD. [20:27] grant_heckel1: I mean, from the reviews I've seen, it looks visually very nice. [20:27] grant_heckel1: Ah. [20:27] i thot dvd ones dont come with password? [20:27] uio: hmmm. [20:28] uio: I don't think so. [20:28] uio: I see a login screen on the LiveDVD. [20:28] did enter with blank worked? [20:28] grant_heckel1: Hmmmm.... [20:28] I don't think so [20:29] If Lubuntu would work any better, then I should try Lubuntu instead. Any thoughts. [20:29] ? [20:29] i use Lubuntu [20:29] its lite and nice. [20:29] used to be MINT and PuppyLinux user [20:29] Cool. [20:30] nothing beats Puppylinux cuz it runs off RAM [20:30] grant_heckel1: I would check both of them out on live CD [20:30] so its super fast. [20:30] Mr_Comet: I have used Gentoo, Linux Mint, and Ubuntu. Possibly a few others. [20:30] Lubuntu is decent. [20:30] uio: Thanks uio. I will try that. [20:30] Mr_Comet: Well... I sure runs well, but visually I find it somewhat lacking.... But it is a miracle for old machines! [20:31] uio: A blank username and password did not work. [20:31] grant_heckel1: I assume it is lxle 14.04? [20:31] uio: 12.04.5 [20:31] grant_heckel1: Oh. Any particular reason for not using the most recent LTS? [20:32] uio: Like I said, it is an old computer. I tried Ubuntu 12.10 and 12.04 but it gave me an error to upgrade BIOS or use force. [20:32] uio: On the other hand, LXLE never gave me that error. [20:32] uio: The computer has approximately 0.512 GB of RAM. [20:33] grant_heckel1: I mean, is there a reason you are not trying LXLE 14.04 ? [20:33] grant_heckel1: Oh... [20:33] uio: BIOS issues and lack of resources. [20:33] grant_heckel1: Hmm. I think Lubuntu might be better as, if I remember correctly, LXLE uses more RAM. [20:34] grant_heckel1: But even then, Lubuntu recommends 1 GB of RAM for everyday use. [20:34] uio: Ubuntu 12.10 and 12.04 was very resource heavy on my machine. [20:34] uio: I see. [20:34] grant_heckel1: Yeah, no way Ubuntu would work. [20:34] uio: Agreed. [20:35] grant_heckel1: I suppose I am just wondering why, if you are considering LXLE, you are using 12.04 and not 14.04? [20:35] uio: It is a 32 bit machine. [20:35] grant_heckel1: The RAM usage shouldn't differ much between the two... [20:35] uio: Okay. [20:35] grant_heckel1: Have you considered puppy? [20:35] uio: yes. [20:36] grant_heckel1: 512 RAM would be plenty with Puppy. [20:36] uio: I am not sure how puppy would work with my network drivers. [20:36] uio: But, I don't know how well it boots. [20:36] uio: I could give it a try nevertheless. [20:36] grant_heckel1: Probably well... puppy is well known for low specs and working well on a variety of machines. [20:37] grant_heckel1: Do as you please, but my inexperiences advice would be to go with Lubuntu over LXLE (due to low RAM) or give puppy a shot. [20:37] uio: I am also looking for a recommendation of a linux distribution to put on my 1 GB x86_64/amd64 machine (Dell Inspiron mini with Intel atom processor). [20:37] grant_heckel1: Or you could install lubuntu, and just use Puppy from a usb. (that is one cool feature of Puppy.) [20:37] uio: Cool. [20:38] uio: I would have to use plop linux though. [20:38] grant_heckel1: Plop. What is it based on. [20:38] uio: Not sure. [20:38] uio: It is a Linux tool to help computers boot off of USB and other devices even when the computer does not support it. [20:39] grant_heckel1: Cool. [20:39] grant_heckel1: good tool. [20:39] uio: I love it. [20:40] uio: Any recommendations for another Linux distro to put on my inspiron mini? [20:40] grant_heckel1: If you go with puppy, I would recommend the 'Precise' version. It is a good version (there is myriad) [20:40] grant_heckel1: Hmm. [20:40] uio: Okay. [20:40] uio: I will use puppy on the old computer. [20:40] grant_heckel1: Well, with 1 GB I would suggest Lubuntu. [20:40] uio: Sure. [20:40] grant_heckel1: I used xubuntu on a 1gb machine. [20:40] grant_heckel1: But found it slow. [20:40] uio: I tried the main Ubuntu but it freezes and is buggy. [20:41] grant_heckel1: Which is why I switched to lubuntu which is much faster. [20:41] uio: Thanks. [20:41] grant_heckel1: Yeah, 1gb and ubuntu would not be good. [20:41] uio: What about Kubuntu and Xubuntu? [20:41] uio: Agreed. [20:41] grant_heckel1: Kubuntu I think is even heavier than ubuntu. [20:41] grant_heckel1: Xubuntu is between lub and ub. [20:41] uio: Ohh... =o [20:42] grant_heckel1: But, for 1gb is kind of bordeline. [20:42] grant_heckel1: I mean xubuntu looks great though! [20:42] grant_heckel1: At least that is what I found. [20:42] uio: I think I will try it. [20:42] grant_heckel1: Or you could put puppy on the 1gb machine and it would fly! [20:42] uio: awesome. [20:43] grant_heckel1: Then there is the whole mint, peppermint range... [20:43] uio: Do you know the LXLE login and password for the LiveDVD? [20:43] grant_heckel1: I was looking for that... [20:43] uio: Thank you. [20:43] grant_heckel1: just interneting it... [20:43] uio: Cool. [20:44] grant_heckel1: nothing yer... try 'root' maybe'.... [20:44] uio: I did. [20:44] uio: It did not work. [20:44] uio: I also tried live, lxlelive, and lxle. No use. [20:45] grant_heckel1: Looking on the website.... love the look of it ! [20:45] uio: I know right? It looks like a gorgeous Linux distribution. [20:45] grant_heckel1: I would have gone with lxle over lubuntu for the 1gb (but on a mac, only the *buntus boot off usb)! [20:45] uio: Especially for my old pc. [20:45] grant_heckel1: Yep. I am a sucker for visuals. [20:45] grant_heckel1: Like elementary OS... [20:46] uio: How is it? Is it on DistroWatch? Do you have a link that I could take a look? [20:47] !ot [20:47] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:47] although that would be #lubuntu-offtopic in this case [20:47] ianorlyn: will do. [20:48] grant_heckel1: I guess we are supposed to go to lubuntu-offtopic... [20:48] uio: Okay. [20:48] uio: #lubtunu-offtopic right? [20:48] grant_heckel1: yep [20:48] uio: See you there.