
infinitywgrant: I was going to fix the displayname myself, but although I have access to the name changey page, it gets annoyed with me when I submit. :P00:49
infinitywgrant: Still, I think the namespace pollution of the username itself is also wrong.00:49
wgrantinfinity: Sure, but we don't forcibly change people's names unless their abusive.01:13
infinitywgrant: No, but we can suggest a name change, and then execute on it if they agree.01:17
infinitywgrant: I wasn't suggesting forcing anything, just asking if you had contacts, since they've talked to you in the past while writing the bot.01:18
wgrantinfinity: It seems to be different people every time, but I'll see if I can work out who is in charge.01:18
infinitypitti: Do you know why the apport autopkgtest has been failing for ages?01:35
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NoskcajIs something broken in the lp:debian/* branches? None seem to be updating07:17
wgrantNoskcaj: It wasn't updated for stretch and wily. I've added them and restarted it.07:45
Noskcajthanks wgrant07:45
Noskcajalso, http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ needs a wily version if you have time07:45
Noskcajtumbleweed, http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/neglected/ seems to be broken07:46
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tumbleweedNoskcaj: it looks like UDD imports broke on syklone17:47
ari-tczewxnox: could you take a look in free time on bug 1458397 ?21:19
ubottubug 1458397 in fuse (Ubuntu) "Merge fuse 2.9.3-16 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145839721:19
Noskcajari-tczew, mousepad merge should be fixed.21:43
NoskcajThe delta should be gone before we release wily, so i don't think it's a huge issue to over-simplify it21:45
ari-tczewNoskcaj: You just edit debdiff manually, right?22:01
ari-tczewI don't think today is 07 May.22:01
ari-tczew"patch: **** malformed patch at line 154: "22:02
NoskcajI edited it manually, i think the malformed line is from a missing whitespace line22:04
NoskcajI suppose i'll just wait till UDD is fixed, since debdiffs/MoM is always a pain to use22:05
ari-tczewNoskcaj: I don't think using debdiffs is a pain.22:05
ari-tczewIt's a question of quality work.22:06
NoskcajI realise, i've just never used debdiffs since they take longer, so i forgot easy stuff like fixing the name22:07
NoskcajAnd irrelevant of my quality of work i don't get upload rights, so i try to get as much stuff done in the little time i have to do ubuntu stuff22:08
ari-tczewNoskcaj: You could just use dch script and rebuild a source. Then you can regenerate a debdiff. It's simple and don't take too much time. In effect you provide appropriate quality of work.22:09
NoskcajI'll look into it22:09
ari-tczewNoskcaj: You take it as "easy stuff" and your reason is a fact you still don't have upload access. It's not a reason to poor taking care of minor things. Personally, I'm not aware that you'll remember about such things when you got upload access.22:14
ari-tczewNoskcaj: anyway, your debdiff needs to be fixed. I'll comment that on LP.22:27
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