
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
blrI liked anatoly's suggestions for the ppa view.21:19
blrwgrant: would be very useful to have pack-objects --revs --shallow sha1 which afaict was added in 2.2.122:40
blrcjwatson: any thoughts on packaging a newer release?22:58
wgrantblr: What would that buy us?23:42
blrwgrant: entirely selfish, in this case it makes it easier to generate packs for tests23:45
wgrantAh, heh.23:46
wgrantblr: If you add a commit, pack, then add another commit, and pack again, it should give you two packs normally.23:46
blrby 'pack' do you mean gc? because that seems to merge packs23:47
blrI do wonder if we should contribute back pack/re-pack to pygit2 (presumably in libgit2, I haven't looked yet)23:50
cjwatsonblr: Ideally Debian will get round to it soon and then we'll just need to run backportpackage :)23:52
blrcjwatson: ok! yes, let's let them worry about it :) (I'm not desperate)23:53
cjwatsonblr: PPA view> the yellow top bar looked awful to me, but the rest of it seemed mostly reasonable23:54
blroh agree about the yellow bit23:54
blrbut generally not repeating ourselves and relying on the context of a heading is good23:55
blradding the add-apt-repository command seemed sensible23:55
wgrantYes, the yellow bit is awful, but the rest is fairly obviously good.23:58

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