
penguin1263An "inferior" 12-year old has taken control of this bouncer, have a nice day!04:00
Kilian]1Hi, can someone tell me how long lubuntu 14.04 will be supported the wilie says for 3 years. But when was it released?10:51
gsilvaptKilian]1, our LTS are for 2 years and yea, it was release on April, 201411:15
AutoclesisFor USB mic I found pavucontrol package but not pulseaudio package on software center so what now14:14
rubiksmomoHey. What's the best way to restore access to the system after forgetting filesystem encryption password?15:11
geniirubiksmomo: Remembering the password15:48
rubiksmomoThen what's the 2nd best way?15:51
geniirubiksmomo: If you need access to the data that was contained there, there is no other way. If you don't need the data there, just reinstall your operating system.15:55
rubiksmomoThat's what I thought. Thanks for confirmation.15:57
geniirubiksmomo: You're welcome15:58
ianorlynrubiksmomo: I actually think writing down the encryption passphrase and putting it in a safe deposit box might be a good place for it as you would need both the bank key and your key to get access has the security of a bank to try and gain access and stealing things from a bank gets lots of cops after you16:03
rubiksmomoHow about having one half of the password at home and the other half in bank deposit box?16:06
ianorlynrubiksmomo: that would work too16:06
rubiksmomoyey :)16:08
=== mugebjgd is now known as gebjgd
Funhi folks22:02
FunI downloaded lubuntu 14.04 lts22:02
Funhowever installed somehow is different22:02
FunDISKNAME  Lubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" - Release amd6422:02
Funwhen I select guided partioning with LVM22:02
Funit says cand too many volumes exist already22:02
Funwhat to do?22:04
holsteinFun: i would look at whatever im trying to do with my hard drive, and make sure its functioning properly22:48
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:48
holsteinyou can use a mini iso ^ or alternate iso, and add lubuntu packages *after* installation22:48
Funwhat is alternate iso?23:06
holsteinFun: *not* the live iso, that may not provide you want you want, functionally23:06
holsteinwhat i would do is, use the smaller, mini iso, to get the 14.04 "base" installed, and hard drive setup as i want.. then, add what i want23:07
Funthe standard one is live right?23:09
holsteinFun: the normal one, you reported trying, which, is for standard desktop use, that may not have the functionality you want23:10
holsteinthere are nother iso's for other things23:10
Fun I have use alt23:11
Funnow downloading standard23:12
Funwhich one got live lubuntu 14.04?23:12
holsteinFun: the mini iso is *quite* small.. you wont wait for it to download long23:12
holsteinits the shortest path to, 14.04, installed, as you want23:12
FunI want standard live23:12
Funand ty23:12
holsteinFun: you actually want the one that provides the installation you want23:12
holsteinFun: which, is likely *not* the live one23:12
FunI recall having cd23:13
holsteinFun: iso23:13
Funthat was a live and also provided install23:13
Funyes iso23:13
holsteinFun: you can use the iso on cd, usb, dvd. whatever23:13

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