
ianorlynhi jani_17:45
jani_im completely new in this cahnnel :)17:45
jani_hi ianorlyn17:46
ianorlynyay new faces17:46
jani_is there any company for ubuntu in california, or just a free team?17:46
ianorlynthere are companies that use it at least one that sells with preinstalled17:47
ianorlynI actually have seen a few small shops that say they do repairs on ubuntu computers but they are smaller17:47
jani_That's great! :) and how about ubuntu in america? -cos in California there are a lots of other os companies, Apple, or Microsoft17:48
ianorlynI know google uses some version internally17:49
ianorlynA lot of local vendors that rent out virtual personal servers offer ubuntu as an option17:50
jani_sounds good :)17:50
ianorlynI actually do a lot of testing for lubuntu but I have a different motherboard than one used by system76 who do sell ocmputers with ubuntu preinstalled17:51
jani_In Hungary in my town there are a lots of Ubuntu pc-s, Cos nobody can afford Mac, or Microsoft. The Salary is so low, in here a Microsoft Windows can be a full month salary! or 80%17:51
DonkeyHoteibut system76 is not based in california17:51
ianorlynI know it is not17:51
ianorlynthat is only because I talked to ian at Scale in feburary and they said they don't offer vt-d on their desktops17:52
DonkeyHoteiwe do have zareason though, which is, and they talk to each other a lot17:52
ianorlynI didn't get to talk to people from zareason who is based17:52
ianorlynI have seen ads for a place called current build but those seem a little low end17:52
DonkeyHoteizareason has had booths at scale before17:53
ianorlynone thing is they don't offer intel graphics and 1080p screen on a laptop though17:53
DonkeyHoteiin fact, earl walked by me once and in passing slapped an ubuntu key sticker straight on my windows key, and it's still on17:54
DonkeyHoteiat scale17:54
jani_In Hungary laptops and PC is not a lots of money, but Softwares are :(17:55
jani_You can build a full game compatible strong pc by the price of the Windows 8 .(17:56
ianorlynactually the other bad thing about commercial stuff like windows is it is hard to report a bug to them and get it fixed17:56
jani_Yeah i know, and updates can be goes wrong :D17:57
ianorlynI really don't like windows update I like apt-get much more and that has been around for a while17:58
=== danielg4 is now known as DonkeyHotei
jani_yeah i know, in home i completely use ubuntu all the machines18:22
jani_but in work i have to use win :(18:22
jani_ianorlyn where do you live?18:23
pleia2welcome jani_18:23
jani_hi pleia2 :)18:24
jani_u are from the sun shiny california? :)18:24
pleia2I live here, that's why I'm in this channel ;)18:28
DonkeyHoteiiirc you actually joined the channel even before you moved out here18:29
pleia2yep, I had different reasons then18:29
pleia2now I'm here because I live here18:30
DonkeyHoteii wouldn't want to live anywhere else18:31
DonkeyHoteibut i might take a trip to philly in the fall18:31
ianorlynTorrance it is near LA but a little bit south and west18:37
jani_i love LA18:42
DonkeyHoteilala land18:42
DonkeyHoteii call it that sometimes18:42
DonkeyHoteithere's much about los angeles that i don't like18:43
jani_i currently live in Hungary, but i want to live in CA, but not really easy to move there fo non us citizens18:44
DonkeyHoteibut los angelenos are just as californian as us here18:44
ianorlynyeah public transport in LA isn't good18:44
jani_its not a pwoblem if u have a car :)18:45
ianorlynbut traffic is bad18:45
jani_i have a favourite series wich played in LA18:45
ianorlynI don't like the 40518:45
DonkeyHoteitraditionally, in LA everyone either drives or has someone who can driver them18:45
DonkeyHotei*drive them18:46
jani_i dont have a clue how to move LA from Europe :D18:46
ianorlynwhich means I end up driving my parents places18:46
DonkeyHoteiyour parents don't drive?18:47
ianorlynmy mom did but gave it up after a crazy storing of buying a bmw running away from people she thought were chasing her18:47
ianorlynand my dad has recently had cataracts and eye problems18:48
DonkeyHoteimy mom still drove for a while after cataract surgery on both eyes18:48
DonkeyHoteishe has since given it up18:49
jani_how about works in CA? i heard from a friend its hard to find a job there18:50
DonkeyHoteiit can be18:50
ianorlynI am horrible at that18:50
DonkeyHoteibut many parts of the country are much worse18:50
jani_how worse is that?18:51
ianorlynI really find it frustrating how they expect you to be working to find a job18:51
DonkeyHoteihere in san francisco there are more and more tech jobs so the requirements become less stringent18:52
jani_ianorlyn why is it frustrating?18:55
jani_DonkeyHotei yeah cos the apple is very near :)18:55
DonkeyHoteithere's a lot more than just apple18:56
ianorlynjani_: long personal story with I am bad at interviews18:56
DonkeyHoteiyes, unfortunately for you they actually care about facial expression, body language, and speech qualities18:59
jani_im not bad, but in my location there is very hard to find a job, cos there is no new job. And i u get a job, you will earn maximum $420 a month or under18:59
DonkeyHoteibut the cost of living is lower, no?19:00
DonkeyHoteiyou're in the european union19:00
jani_i sad it before if u buy a windows 8 its full your salary, or 80%19:01
jani_yeah and i hate it19:01
jani_i earn $521 in a month and there is nothing remains after the end of the month19:02
jani_and im an IT19:02
jani_i cant imagine the workers, and builders who earns under $300 / month19:03
jani_so i will live in ca if i can19:07
jani_but its so hard, it takes ages to move there19:07
DonkeyHoteifor jobs we hope to give priority to those already here, since more people = fewer jobs left19:10
jani_yeah i knwo19:12
jani_its true19:13
ianorlynyay screenshots http://brendanperrine.com/screenshotgal/19:31
darthrobotTitle: [screenshot gallery]19:31
DonkeyHoteicute URL19:31
ianorlynalthough I actually use a program called lazygal to make these and is pretty easy to use19:32
ianorlynalthough most people use flickr or something similar19:32
DonkeyHoteiimgur seems popular19:32
ianorlynyes that too19:33

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