
slickymasterWorkpleia2, thanks09:14
knomeupdated the website front page with an image09:39
knome(which has been in the pipe for a long time09:39
slickymasterWorkknome, the website isn't loading the top right images09:52
slickymasterWorkFailed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) menu.js?ver=0.1:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined http://xubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/desktop-laptop.png Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)09:52
brainwashworks fine here09:53
brainwashreload the site09:53
slickymasterWorkalready done that brainwash, still the same09:54
slickymasterWorkcleaning the browser cache09:54
elfyfine here too 09:54
slickymasterWorkyeaps, loading them now09:54
elfyknome: thanks :)09:54
slickymasterWorkknome ^^^09:55
knomeelfy, np10:00
knomeslickymasterWork, yah10:00
knomewas on the phone10:00
knomeand taking another call ->10:00
bluesabregood morning everyone!11:51
knomehello bluesabre 11:53
bluesabrehi knome11:55
knomewhat's in the agenda for today?11:56
bluesabreanswer my pings, release updated exo for gtk2/gtk, sync/merge some packages in xubuntu11:56
knomeno real work? :P11:57
bluesabrememorial day in the US11:57
bluesabreoffice is closed11:57
knomei have the official "call everybody" day11:57
knomewell i guess it could be fun if you just called them11:58
knomebut since you have to prepare for the calls so you get certain things talked through...11:58
knomeand massive talking in phone is exhausting12:00
elfynot surprising when you've got words like äesch and Peräsmiehiä :p12:02
elfyhi bluesabre :)12:02
bluesabrehey elfy12:03
bluesabreoh wow, just discovered super+tab12:03
knomewhat's that supposed to do?12:04
astraljavaelfy: Those are more like natural sounds of knome, not real words most ordinary folks would use.12:04
bluesabreknome: seems to switch between windows of the same app12:04
elfybluesabre: so it does 12:12
ochosihey folks12:14
knomehey ochosi 12:14
ochosisad day, my laptop died :'(12:14
elfyhi ochosi 12:14
elfyoh noes 12:14
ochosijust thought i'd let you know, might be a week or two until i get a replacement12:14
elfywas it like this ochosi http://i.imgur.com/hLD8p.jpg12:14
ochosielfy: pretty much12:15
ochosiwell, graphics card is fried12:15
astraljavaPoor laptop, but at least ochosi isn't hungry.12:15
ochosiwell, i'm using an ancient thing from the past now12:16
ochosibut it's hard to get anything done with it12:16
elfyI bet 12:18
bluesabreochosi: but, that means you could probably get some ancient hardware testing done on it :)12:26
ochosibluesabre: haha, yeah, let's focus on the bright side ;)12:28
ochosii mean i haven't really used or tested 32bit systems in ages12:28
ochosiso that's definitely new12:28
ochosielfy: btw, that xfpm bug i asked you to test a longer time ago, we might have a fix for that finally12:32
ochosieric was able to reproduce12:32
elfyoh cool 12:32
ochosithe new patch is attached to the bugreport12:33
ochosiso in case you're still able to test that, that'd be much appreciated!12:33
ochosi(if you need steps or anything, just lemme know)12:33
elfyI can do that 12:34
elfyochosi: link to bug report please :)12:34
ochosik, brb (lunchtime)12:41
elfyochosi: assuming I patched it properly - no icon still xfpm is at the far right of panel http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot2015-05-2513-46-00.php12:47
ochosihmm, i see12:56
ochosiyou could - just to be sure - maybe run "git reset --hard origin/master" and then "./autogen.sh clean"12:57
ochosithen re-apply the patch and rebuild12:57
elfyoh - clean install here - grabbed it again from scratch 12:57
ochosiin that case, crap, i guess12:58
ochosihow did you apply the patch?12:58
elfytop terminal in screenshot12:59
elfyoh hang on13:01
ochosihm, why not "git apply blabla.patch"?13:01
ochosior "git am blabla.patch"13:01
elfybecause you do this stuff often - I drive a van and rarely do :p13:02
elfyand not even sure it's downloading properly13:03
ochosiyeah, .cgi doesn't look good tbh13:06
ochosiand hey, you've done a great job at this so far, so no reason to doubt you! :)13:06
ochosiyou can go to this page and just save as "bla.patch" or something and then apply: http://bug-attachment.xfce.org/attachment.cgi?id=628013:07
elfyso cd into the power manager - then git apply foo.patch13:07
elfywhich then just echoes back with no error - assume that's right 13:08
elfystill no icon ;)13:09
elfyat least the plugin isn't crashing constantly 13:10
elfyI'll get a blue crayon for the screen now :D 13:10
ochosihm, not crashing might be considered a step up13:11
elfyyep for sure 13:11
ochosianyway, i'd say comment on the bugreport with your findings13:11
elfyjust so you're sure - this is on wily - not sure if that'd make a difference 13:11
ochosiyeah, don't think so13:12
elfyobv eric can ping me if he wants to 13:14
knomeelfy, you likely saw my reply on the mailing list (x-d this time)13:14
elfythanks :)13:15
ochosiperfect, thanks elfy°13:19
knomeochosi, saw the artwork on x.org already?13:28
ochosiyou mean the lappy and the desktop?13:28
elfyochosi: ha 13:28
knomeochosi, yeah13:28
* elfy has icon ... 13:28
ochosisaw it today when i downloaded the 32bit iso ;)13:28
ochosielfy: oh, what changed?13:29
elfyredid it with existing xfpm uninstalled13:30
elfycommented on bug again 13:30
elfyhappened to be in synaptic - package version looked wrong ;) 13:31
elfyimage changes at different panel px size than the one that shows up in notifications btw 13:32
elfyone in standalone changes at 28px ,one in notification at 24px13:33
ochosisorry, i don't understand that last part13:35
ochosiin the notifications, the icons should always be the same size13:36
ochosialso, aren't we talking desktops? so what notifications13:36
elfyin the panel notification area - xfpm showing - different icons from the plugin xfpm 13:37
elfyreally biab now 13:38
ochosioh, yeah, that's the plan13:38
ochosithe notification area is supposed to use colored icons whereas the panel plugin is supposed to use symbolic icons13:39
ochosithe one you have there would actually be visible with the icon-theme from git13:39
elfyochosi: ok - ty - just thought I'd mention it now rather than in 6 weeks as an aside :)14:49
ochosihehe, yeah, well done14:53
ochosibluesabre: good change for whisker settings btw15:47
ochosicould be that we could've done that already for 15.0415:48
bluesabreochosi: hm?15:52
ochosiwell at least i received a notification from x-d-s15:52
bluesabreoh that15:52
ochosiyeah, that :)15:52
bluesabreyeah, required with whisker 1.515:53
ochosii thought we shipped that in 15.04 already?15:53
bluesabreexo release done :)15:54
ochosii guess i'll try to do xfpm soonish then15:56
ochosisince we have the last blocker out of the way (thanks again, eric_the_idiot and elfy ;))15:56
bluesabrevery nice15:56
ochosii guess then we'll get more testing and more bugreports15:57
bluesabrewith xfpm, is gtk3 currently trunk?15:57
bluesabrecurious since I'm going to merge in the gtk3 exo and do a 0.11.0 release as well15:58
ochosiyup, that's gtk3 + symbolic-icons + upower0.9916:02
ochosithe latter was optional in 1.4, but now it's mandatory16:02
ochosididn't want to keep all the related ifs and keep the old icon system in place on the side16:03
bluesabremakes sense16:04
ochosiwe'll see whether folks will complain about that16:05
ochosiand i think gtk3.12 is the minimum, so along the lines of the 4.14 roadmap16:05
ochosihowever, the trayicon was kept alive16:06
ochosiso there's that upside ;))16:06
ochosibluesabre: was there anything else you wanted to work on tonight?16:12
bluesabreochosi: exo and packaging, and I might play with xfce4-settings mirror mode later tonight16:14
ochosioh yeah, that one.16:14
bluesabreanything in particular you'd like me to look at?16:14
ochosii was actually wondering whether we should tweak the auto-handling of newly connected monitors16:14
ochosiso, say we get the mirror-mode working16:15
ochosiwe could auto-enable any newly connected display in mirrored mode16:15
ochosias an alternative to the popup or as an extra16:15
bluesabremaybe, but that could be a pain with 3+ monitors16:16
ochosi(could ofc also enable any other setup as default, but mirror seems safest for hotplugging [presentations etc])16:16
ochosiright, but are we even actively supporting that?16:16
bluesabreI've tested 8 with vbox :)16:16
ochosii mean good if it works16:16
bluesabreit does, surprisingly :D16:17
ochosiyeah, quite so16:17
bluesabrebut yeah, we can start thinking about that16:17
ochositbh i've been so consumed by other things in the last weeks that i'm not really very aware of potential TODOs right now16:17
ochosiso if there's anything you'd like to work on with me, tonight would be a good night ;)16:18
ochosi(tonight, my time, which starts about now)16:18
ochosi(gah, too many commas...)16:18
bluesabrefor now, its lunch time around here, but I'll bbiab16:19
ochosiokeydokey, bon appetit!16:20
bluesabreif there is anything you're interested in working on, let me know and we can tackle that16:20
ochosisounds good16:21
ochosii'll compile a list or something in the meantime16:21
brainwash_if there's some time left, please look at the recent xfce4-settings lp reports16:23
ochosibrainwash_: sorry, i had to bulk-delete all the launchpad bugmail when i returned from my 1week break, any bugs in particular?16:24
brainwash_reports which address display related issues16:25
brainwash_there are quite few16:25
brainwash_the 14xxxxx - range16:26
ochosiphu, all those display bugs are extremely hard to tackle/fix, when most of the time you can't reproduce and there are so many driver/hw combinations16:30
ochosialright, closed one.16:37
ochosibrainwash_: any reason why you didn't close that one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/145842817:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1458428 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "XFCE Display Settings Will not start" [Undecided,New]17:25
ochosii mean yeah, maybe that error message could be a bit more informative17:26
brainwash_just waiting for a response from the reporter17:27
brainwash_you are right, the error message is a bit cryptic17:28
brainwash_shouldn't there be more reports about this? is this a recent change somewhere?17:29
ochosii'm not sure, i haven't used amd hw in ages17:30
brainwash_what about the nvidia driver? does it support randr?17:30
ochosialso, people who use proprietary drivers have to install them by hand and iirc the respective settings tool gets installed alongside17:30
ochosiyeah, it does. i've done my fair share of testing with nvidia + xfce4-display-settings17:31
brainwash_ok then17:32
brainwash_feel free to close the report17:32
ochosii'll do that when bluesabre returns from his endless lunching17:34
ochosimaybe he has more input17:34
bluesabreoh god, fglrx17:36
bluesabreochosi: poke17:48
ochosibluesabre: great timing, now i'm getting ready for dinner..17:52
ochosibluesabre: i'll be around in a minute20:11
bluesabremessage from the future!20:11
Noskcajbluesabre, Do you have time to sponsor xfpm?20:23
bluesabreNoskcaj: sure, can do20:23
bluesabrecurrently working on the xfdesktop merge, unless you've already done that one20:24
Noskcajonly stuff i've done is mousepad and xfpm20:24
bluesabrethen yeah, got a bug or debdiff for me?20:24
NoskcajThe ubuntu to new debdiff20:26
Noskcajactually, changelog is broken there, one second20:26
Noskcajhttp://pastebin.com/R1RW6h2u is the fixed debdiff20:28
bluesabrelooks good20:33
NoskcajI'll merge thunar if no one is doing that20:33
bluesabrewe might be able to just sync thunar, the gvfs issues should be fully resolved20:33
NoskcajI can't see "udisks" is the thunar code, so how much does it actually do?20:35
bluesabreas I understand it, it was an issue with gvfs depends, didn't pull enough for the automounting to work20:36
bluesabrenow gvfs correctly pulls what it needs20:37
bluesabreI'll probably go ahead and sync thunar tonight once syncpackage sees the new release, and we can reintroduce that patch if needed later20:37
Noskcajsounds good20:38
NoskcajIf you have upload rights for the xfce4 metapackage, can you sync it too?20:38
ochosialright, i'm back20:38
ochosiso, what did i miss?20:39
elfywell ... 20:39
ochosii see some syncing, but i thought maybe bluesabre was up to other stuff as well20:40
bluesabreNoskcaj: I don't have upload rights for the meta20:41
Noskcajok, i'll just leave a sync bug then20:41
bluesabregoing to experiment with adding it to the supported seed20:41
bluesabrego ahead20:41
bluesabrehi ochosi20:41
ochosiknome: elementary upstream have added a rather nice keyboard icon, i have to admit: http://i.imgur.com/dlQ6P1l.png20:44
knomebut that looks nowhere near my keyboard, shoo!20:45
bluesabreyeah, my keyboard is black and has a numpad, lame20:46
ochosibluesabre: you mentioned exo-gtk3 a shorter while ago20:51
ochosihave you started with that yet or do you know how much work it would be?20:51
ochosii presume it's too much work for the two of us and one evening?20:52
bluesabremerged Nick's branch here http://git.xfce.org/xfce/exo/commit/?id=cd1611c78a1641a0917d3528c2d592ec32d1c32320:52
bluesabreapparently, that's everything except widgets20:52
ochosiyou're planning to support both gtk2+3 at first?20:53
ochosiwhat widgets were there again? (apart from that iconbar that nobody uses anymore)20:53
bluesabrepretty sure that's going to be a requirement20:53
bluesabrethunar is the main user of exo, but the plugins do too20:54
bluesabretowards the bottom of that commit, you can see what is not enabled in gtk320:54
bluesabre+#if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)20:54
ochosiyeah, that's what i was looking at20:54
ochosithat's cool though, that way you can even do a release and exclude certain widgets20:55
ochosiso yeah, i'd say icon-bar can either be dropped or doesn't have to get ported20:55
bluesabreyeah, thought I might leave it open for a week or two and try to get some of those widgets ported20:55
ochosiis there any way to test them though?20:56
ochosisounds like a small test-programme would help20:56
Noskcajbluesabre, What's the plan with xfce4-panel? Debian split a separate gtk3 library out, is it ok for us to keep that?20:56
bluesabreNoskcaj: we'll need to update xfce4-indicator-plugin for the split packages, since it depends on both20:57
bluesabreochosi: I think we can just start with getting it to compile, then fix things as ports-in-progress find issues20:58
ochosiok, so the first release will just compile and be sort of untested20:58
ochosisounds like an ok strategy20:58
bluesabreyup, a very dev release ;)20:58
ochosimight be a while until thunar is at that point though20:59
bluesabrethat's ok though20:59
bluesabreI think thunar will be blocked by https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11556 though21:00
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11556 in Iconview "gioscheduler deprecation warnings cause build failure" [Minor,New]21:00
bluesabreso really, the first goal might be to get exo to compile with debug again21:00
bluesabreby fixing that and other issues21:00
ochosiyeah, oh right, that one21:01
ochosithat makes sense21:01
bluesabreochosi: here's one for you and eric_the_idiot https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/145867821:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1458678 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "xfce appearance settings windows crashes occasionally " [Undecided,New]21:01
ochosioh nice21:02
ochosialright, i commented21:04
bluesabreproductive day :)21:05
ochosiyup, especially when compared to other days in the recent past ;)21:08
Noskcajbluesabre, https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages has panel and indicator-plugin ready for upload. I'm just going to install it locally now to check21:26
bluesabreNoskcaj: cool, good work21:26
NoskcajDoes anyone here have a dvd burner they can test xfburn with? corsac and i don't, so we need someone else to test 0.5.4 before we upload it to debian21:27
NoskcajI lied, panel isn't ready for upload. I'll try and get it fixed21:28
ochosiNoskcaj: i might, what needs testing exactly?21:30
bluesabreNoskcaj: I can give it a shot... any particular formats, or would a xubuntu dvd be enough?21:30
NoskcajJust making sure the package works21:31
ochosiconga-rats Noskcaj ;)21:53
NoskcajIs xfpm ok to upload to wily or does it need testing first?21:53
ochosiyou mean 1.5.0 that i released approx 2mins ago? :>21:54
bluesabremight need to take it for a spin... want to upload it to xubuntu-staging?21:54
Noskcajsounds safer21:54
bluesabrewe can test it there initially21:54
ochosiyeah, staging is the place to go21:54
ochosilots of new stuff in it21:54
NoskcajIs the loss of the lxpanel plugin going to be an issue for lubuntu>21:54
ochosii'm already afraid of the bugreports that might generate21:54
ochosinope, we kept the trayicon around21:54
ochosiso they can use that21:54
ochosiproblem is, their panel doesn't support gtk3 plugins21:55
ochosiand since they're moving to qt, it doesn't make sense for them to add support for that21:55
bluesabrelxqt might not make it in time for 15.10 though21:55
ochosiyeah, true, but as i said, trayicon21:56
ochosialso, we've been in touch with them21:56
ochosiiirc gilir said the trayicon is ok for them21:56
bluesabrethey can also test it from the -staging ppa21:56
ochosibut yeah, let's put it in staging and see what works and what doesn't21:56
bluesabrewe can ping them or test ourselves21:57
ochosiindeed, we should definitely motivate them to do that21:57
NoskcajOne other thing, is libsystemd-login-dev still needed? It's deprecated21:57
ochosihmm, i'm not sure who in the lxde team is on irc21:57
ochosiUnit193 will know21:57
Noskcajochosi, for lubuntu, just gilir in terms of devel21:57
ochosiactually, gilir is rarely on irc afaik21:58
Noskcajyeah, he much prefers email21:58
ochosiso yeah, lemme know when you got 1.5.0 in -staging and we can drop him a few lines22:01
ochosibtw, what do you guys think of a follow-up post re: xubuntu-core?22:02
ochosiunit shared some very nice stats with me that we could blog22:02
NoskcajI'll have to go to school soon, i'll hopefully have time to do xfpm tomorrow morning.22:02
ochosisure, no rush22:03
ochosionly, when one of you puts it up, lemme know22:03
bluesabreochosi: yeah, the stats for xubuntu-core are pretty cool22:04
bluesabreaaaaaand it gives us something to blog about22:04
ochosinow we only have to find a wordsmith22:05
knometo press the words?22:09
knomeor in other words,22:09
knomefor the wordpressing?22:10
ochosii see a volunteer!22:10
* knome looks around22:10
ochosialways the one who asks!22:10
* genii hides behind Unit19322:11
knomegenii, are you saying you think that's the best place to hide since Unit193 is the biggest guy in the room or what?22:11
genii..not intentionally ....22:12
NoskcajIf someone has time can they work out why https://launchpadlibrarian.net/207464343/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-amd64.xfce4-indicator-plugin_2.3.3-0ubuntu3~ppa1_BUILDING.txt.gz is broken?22:15
NoskcajI'll be back later22:15
ochositime to head to bed, night everyone!22:53
bluesabrenight ochosi22:54

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