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joseaisrael: gotcha, thanks!01:51
thomithumper: does 'juju destroy-service <foo>' call the 'stop' hook for the service's juju charm?02:25
thumperthomi: by default, I think yes02:25
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thomithumper: ...and 'juju destroy-service <foo>' should block until the 'stop' hook has finished, right?02:58
thumpernothing blocks02:58
thumperexcept bootstrap02:58
thomiahhh, well that might explain something02:58
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thomithumper: is there a way to call a charms 'stop' hook from within a deployed unit? I'm seeing some odd things where calling 'service stop <foo>' does something different to asking juju to destroy the service03:39
thumperfrom the client do this:03:39
thumperjuju run --unit=foo/2 'hooks/stop'03:40
thomiahh, thanks03:40
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thomiok, problem solved. Turns out if your charm is missing relation-departed and relation-broken hooks (even though this charm doesn't use relations), 'juju destroy-service' won't shut down the service nicely... confusingly, 'juju debug-hooks stop' shows the stop hook getting called. I have no idea what's going on, but happy that I found a reproducible way to get things back into a sane state.04:38
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl-AFK
Zetasi've got my openstack infra stood up and connected, everything is green across the board and i can login to horizon09:49
Zetasbut im trying to make sure my changes to the ceilometer charm are working and im not sure how to force it to log something to the database09:50
bloodearnesthmm, any idea why I might be getting a permssion denied error running relation-get from inside a juju-run environment?11:26
bloodearnestrelation-get --format=json -r db-admin:42 - updown-app/011:27
bloodearnestsome context: I previously added/removed the db-admin relation to perform a db migration11:28
bloodearnestif I juju run again, it works11:28
loveaTrying to use JUJU with aprivate Openstack cloud12:27
loveaAll the Openstack endpoints, e.g. keystone and swift and nov-cloud-controller have IP addresses belonging to a management network. The juju bootstrap process fires up a juju-state-machine-0 but this is on the private tenant network and cannot see the management network endpoints. Bootstrap fails with connection errors. Any ideas?12:31
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mattywlazyPower, ping?15:57
lazyPowermattyw: pong15:57
mattywlazyPower, hey hey, hope you're well... The mongodb charm. If I deploy 1 unit, relate it to my charm. Then add some units to mongo at a later date it should still setup a replicaset right?15:58
lazyPowermattyw: correct, i would test in a staging env however15:59
lazyPoweri haven't looked at mongo in quite some time15:59
lazyPoweri'm not even sure if we've upgraded to deploy the 3.x series15:59
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mattywlazyPower, ok thanks16:25
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lazyPowerHmm.. do we not have access to unit-get in action context?16:29
lazyPoweri take that back, we do when i'm in debug hooks16:29
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lazyPowermarcoceppi: tvansteenburgh aisrael - is there a pattern for calling actions from amulet? eg: i have a health check action, and i''d like to flex it in an amulet test. is our path forward for now to just subprocess call it and parse the output of the uuid? or is there a branch w/ action helpers pending?16:37
marcoceppilazyPower: there is not a mechanism yet in amulet16:38
marcoceppiI'll open a feature request for it16:38
lazyPowerok, i figured that might be the case. Thanks for the confirmation16:38
lazyPowerhowever that is silly nice to have, at a glance health check until we get the actual health-check hook16:38
marcoceppilazyPower: we've talked a bit more about health and we're shying away from actions tbh16:41
lazyPowermarcoceppi: considering its a stop-gap fix until the hooks are impl, whats the issue w/ an action?16:41
lazyPowerjust curious16:41
marcoceppilazyPower: well it's not a wholistic view of health, which is what you really want, it's just a snapshot. cory_fu and I (and others) talked about using a monitoring relation instead for this16:42
lazyPowerwell, thats a fair statement in 80% of services out there. YOu're polling for a snapshot of a single units health vs the cluster - whereas this is a builtin of the service.16:43
lazyPoweretcdctl does introspection of the cluster and reports a sanity check essentially - this is like the benchmark to figure out if your cluster is even configured properly16:43
* marcoceppi nods16:44
lazyPowerbut most services wont have something like this, so yeah - 100% understood16:44
lazyPowerand i agree w/ that statement too16:44
tvansteenburghhazmat: are we on for 4pm today?16:52
hazmattvansteenburgh: yup16:54
lazyPoweryo yo hazmat o/16:54
hazmatlazyPower: greetings!16:55
lazyPowerglad to see you're still kickin over there :)16:55
josehey guys, any idea when that hvm patch for aws t2.micros is landing?16:58
lazyPowerjose: i haven't heard anything about it yet17:26
joselazyPower: huh. I saw the mp being approved on gh17:26
joseor, well, as you call it on gh, pr17:26
lazyPowerseems like you know more about it than I do17:26
lazyPowerif you're using the nightly docker container, should be able to test it now17:27
lazyPoweror you can fetch/compile if you're opposed to using the container17:27
joseI'll check.17:28
lazyPowerhmm... getting an interesting error when attempting to bzr branch lp:charm-helpers -  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11374382/17:31
aisraellazyPower: I get the same error17:32
lazyPowermarcoceppi: have we updated charm-helpers repo with anything? or is this a breaking change introduced in bzr?17:32
josethat issue should be there if the branch is set to be private, but it's public...17:37
joselazyPower, aisrael: seems to be a LP error. getting it with another branch17:38
lazyPowerthanks for confirming jose17:38
marcoceppithats' weird17:41
marcoceppilazyPower: what did you do to achieve this?17:41
josemarcoceppi: general LP error17:41
lazyPowermarcoceppi: it appears to be an outage spurned by a launchpad rollout that just hit about 20 minutes ago17:42
lazyPowermarcoceppi: see #is-outage, they're on it.17:42
aisraelSeems to be working now17:42
lazyPoweraisrael: weird, still broken for me17:43
lazyPowermust have a sweet canadian LP mirror thats got the fix17:44
* lazyPower is instantly jealous17:44
lazyPowerjose: try now, appears to be resolved for me17:48
josethanks for the heads up17:48
tvansteenburghdpb: can you meet at 3:30 instead of 4?19:02
tvansteenburghdpb1: ^19:03
* dpb1 checks19:06
dpb1tvansteenburgh: so, in 30 min?  (meeting is at "2pm" here)19:06
tvansteenburghdpb1: yeah19:07
dpb1tvansteenburgh: ok19:07
tvansteenburghcool, thanks19:07
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Zetasi finally got my openstack system running but I'm not the best way to get images added. I followed marcoceppi's guide for standing up openstack on 2 machines but every image i try to add just sits there and says "queued" forever.19:47
lazyPowerZetas: incoming help19:49
Zetasi've tried uploading some of the images found at this url http://docs.openstack.org/image-guide/content/ch_obtaining_images.html19:49
Zetasok thanks lazyPower19:49
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beisnerhi zetas - can you tell us the command you're using to add the glance image?19:51
zetasbeisner: im adding it from horizon :/19:51
beisnerzetas, ok, t-shooting needs command line.19:52
zetasok, I thought maybe there was a command to add some basic images by default. When I stood up the openstack bundle on AWS it came with come coreos images if i recall correctly.19:54
zetasMy manual installation did not19:54
beisnerzetas, yep, glance will be empty by default.19:55
lazyPowerbeisner: are we planning on adding an action to glance to load up the Ubuntu images? *shameless plug*19:55
beisnerzetas, as far as troubleshooting it, I'd use the glance command line api to confirm basic service functionality.   ie.     glance image-list       should exit 0 (good), even with no images.  that would confirm that glance is able to authenticate and talk to all of its friends.19:55
beisnerlazyPower, you're the 2nd to ask ;-)   I think an "import all currently-supported Ubuntu cloud images" action would be really useful.19:56
zetasok, i'll google for glance commands to add images and stuff as well, thanks for your help19:56
zetashrm... beisner: i take it this isn't a good sign heh http://paste.ubuntu.com/11376730/19:58
lazyPowerbeisner: I should have known you cats were already on the trail for that one, but it never hurts to ask :)19:58
beisnerzetas, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11376741/20:00
zetasok awesome, thanks20:00
beisnerlazyPower, so actually, the glance simplestreams sync charm has some awesomeness.   configure it and relate it to glance, and you always have fresh images in glance as they hit cloudimages.20:01
beisnerbut yeah, use cases for actions is likely to grow wildly.20:01
lazyPowerwe have a charm that does this for you?20:01
beisneri think it needs a little updating love, but yep.20:01
beisnerwe use it in serverstack20:02
beisnerthat ensures that when CI nova boots new instances, they are the most up-to-date (smallest apt-get update delta).20:02
zetaswoot it worked, thanks beisner20:04
zetasim gonna try cs:trusty/glance-simplestreams-sync-120:08
zetassee how it works20:08
beisnerzetas, great!  so before adding to it,  i'd poke around the cli to see if you can import a small cirros or ubuntu cloud image.   generally speaking, if glance image-list works, the apis and authentication are probably happy.   next line of t-shooting might be command syntax, image format, or a storage issue.20:08
zetasyea, image-list output an empty table20:10
zetasim gonna keep poking around the CLI while this allocates20:10
zetasmy poor macbook is not loving running all these inside a virtualbox vm haha20:11
beisnerzetas, an empty table with no errors is actually good.20:11
beisnerecho $?20:11
beisnerafter glance image-list    to confirm it exits 0, without error.20:11
zetasyep, seems to be all good20:12
beisnerzetas, http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img20:13
beisnerzetas, glance image-create --name="trusty" --is-public=true --progress --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 < trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img20:13
beisnerzetas,  ^ those are rips from some automation which I know work.20:14
zetasawesome, as soon as it finishes downloading that image im gonna run it and see what happens20:14
beisnerzetas, good luck, i've got to head out for a bit.20:15
zetasthanks for all your help beisner20:15
beisnerzetas, you're welcome - happy to help20:15
zetashmm poop. I tried to deploy an instance with my new image but apparantely i don't have a hypervisor haha. I guess nova-compute isn't happy for some reason.20:24
* zetas debugs20:24
thumperlazyPower: ping21:59
lazyPowerthumper: pong21:59
thumperlazyPower: got a few minutes for a hangout?22:00
lazyPowerthumper: not atm22:00
thumperlazyPower: will you later?22:00
lazyPowerAfter dinner22:01
thumperlazyPower: are you east coast?22:02
lazyPowerthumper: yup22:02
thumperlazyPower: so 6pm there now?22:02
thumperwhen would be good?22:02
lazyPoweri'll ping after i eat22:02
lazyPoweri'll be around fairly late this evening, working on some leftover stuff from before holiday22:03
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lazyPowerthumper: ping/pong - back from food23:44
thumperlazyPower: hangout?23:47

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