
DarthToadDoes anyone know how to restore sound devices that KDE oh so helpfully permanently forgot about?00:03
fhritpKuser: it didnt do anything O_O00:03
* fhritp has a nervous breakdown00:03
Kuserfhritp: Sorry not running 14.04 here so i really don't know .. Sometimes the lts versions I feel might have more bugs due to old software ... cause often bugs fixed in newer versions are not backported00:05
fhritpKuser: its possible to upgrade to newer kubuntu from terminal right?00:06
Kuserfhritp: If you have an internet connection yes00:07
fhritpi think ill do it00:07
Kuserfhritp: I think you might need to upgrade to 14.10 first00:07
Kuserthen 15.0400:07
KuserKuser: If your home is on a seperate partition ... you could also fresh install00:09
fhritpno its not but i was thinking about it00:09
fhritpanyways im upgrading00:10
Kuseror if you have backup media (which you should anyway) copy the contents of / home and restore it00:10
fhritpi got nothing important =/00:10
* fhritp drinks his pain away00:10
Kuserfhritp: If your pc and internet are fast enough upgrading to 14.10 then 14.10 to 15.04 won't take long00:10
KuserFresh install could be extemely fast ... kubuntu 15/04 installs in 2 minutes on my system00:11
KuserWhen installed from a USB 3 flash drive00:11
fhritpthe screen went blank idk WTF is going on00:28
fhritpthe cpu is still on00:28
fhritpand doing something00:28
Kuserfhritp: Still updating probably power saving or somthing?00:29
Kuserfhritp: What are the specs of this machine?00:29
fhritpi have a desktop00:29
fhritpits been forever should i just reboot =/00:29
fhritp6GB ram00:30
fhritpok im gonna reboot00:32
KuserIs the hard disk being used>00:33
fhritpi waited until it stopped spinning00:36
fhritpok its fine00:36
fhritpbooted -_-00:36
Kuserfhritp: updated to 14.10?00:39
fhritpKuser: no im sorry :( i installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop00:46
fhritpi know what youre thinking... you loser idiet00:46
fhritpbut i just cant take it anymore00:46
fhritpive had so many problems with kde00:46
phoenixzvalorie: Hey Valorie! Sorry to be bothering but.. What was the new apt command again? sudo apt upgrade --full or somehting?00:50
Kuserfhritp: You don't even know if the issue is realted to kde , the people who made the packages for kubuntu, or you doing something xD00:57
fhritpprobably the second00:57
KuserBeen using kde for ages .. No major issues with any recent versions ... but also using it on archlinux for a while. Personally for me Kubuntu has always been good only when keeping the supposedly unstable ppa for the latest kde release active. I've never stuck with old releases.00:59
fhritpKuser: youre right i like KDE but i dont like *buntu01:13
fhritpthey are crap now01:13
fhritpbut ive no time to install arch -_-01:13
fhritpno time for anything01:13
Kuserfhritp: Yeah arch takes a while to set up . But then after that its pure boring laziness. Just need to update the packages and check the news on the website incase tiny manual intervention is needed for upgrades (very rare)01:14
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keithzgAre file transfer progress graphs set to return in an upcoming Plasma 5 release? Kindof missing them.02:36
Kuserkeithzg: they vanished?02:38
keithzgKuser: At least with Pasma 5.2, there's no graph anymore during file transfers.02:41
Kuserkeithzg: Oh I see are there file speed notifications at least? or progress bar?02:41
KuserHave not come accross a large file transfer in a while...02:42
keithzgKuser: Yeah, it still gives progress and speed, just no graph thereof.02:42
keithzgHad a friend over who wanted to copy some multi-gigabyte files from me to their USB thumb drive, which is how I discovered this.02:43
keithzgFor file transfers over my network, it isn't usually a big deal, since a gigabit network tends to get things done quickly enough either way ;)02:46
keithzgUSB drives (and their often lacklustre flash memory) have a way of bursting then falling down to much lower speeds, though, so it's really nice to see a speed graph especially in their case.02:47
[Relic]upgraded to 15.04, but forgot how to pin multiple konsole instances to the different virtual desktops I want them on, any good instructions on this?02:52
]Relic[welp that was fun ask a Q and have to hard reset without knowing if it was answered :(03:09
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valoriephoenixz: hope you got it from someone else, but you are looking for `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`05:33
valoriewhat saves my bacon, often, is that you can up-arrow for previous commands05:34
lordievaderGood morning.06:37
drawkwardGood morning lordievader06:42
lordievaderHey drawkward06:43
drawkwardlordievader: can I PM you?06:44
lordievaderErr, why?06:48
drawkwardI just have a few questions, not related to this channel.06:50
lordievaderdrawkward: Hmm, go ahead.06:52
lordievaderCan't say how long I'll be around though.06:52
fuzzy__Does anyone else have trouble adding items to "places" in the dolphin file browser?07:00
fuzzy__aw no one is active here :(07:05
valorieyes, there is a bug report about it07:05
fuzzy__Hey a response!07:05
valorieI think solved but not released07:05
fuzzy__ohh i didn't know about that.Thanks valorie07:06
valorieif you find the bug report there is a workaround07:06
valoriebut I think most will just wait for the next release07:06
fuzzy__I'll try to find it then07:06
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blackrathello all10:43
cf_happenedhi, I swithed from fglrx to ati driver via gui driver manager. after reboot I proceeded to purge fglrx * , which failed because fglrx driver was still used10:58
cf_happenednow it does not boot to graphics nor to command line10:59
cf_happenedany tips what to do next?10:59
menacesgclark, yofel, online?11:03
menacei have a few questions regarding the openconnect-networkmanagment-plasma-plugin11:05
thelionroarsI'm using proprietary Nvidia driver on 15.04. My windows on some applications are huge, with the menubars dominating the screen: http://i.imgur.com/0DqHW9l.png (this is a 1920x1080 screen). Other applications such as Rekonq are normal (Maybe a GTK issue?) Any suggestions on how to fix this?11:06
sgclarkmenace: online, but I can't say I am entirely familiar with that plugin :(11:11
menaceyou packaged plasma-nm and openconnect works there.. in the older plasma widget the openconnect code (i talk about the authdialog, which handles the initial tls communication) breaks with tls errors.. i wanted to try to backport the openconnect part of the plasma-nm package, because i cannot backport the entire network-manager-stack to precise.. any suggestions how to do that? :D11:15
menacei wrote you and yofel an email about that topic :)11:16
sgclarkI will read them email. It is still crazy early for me and I need more coffee to understand lol11:20
ibrahimHi, how can i minimize thunderbird to tray after clicking close? add ons did not work on 15.0411:40
alex_hi :)11:58
alex_just install kubuntu 15.04 on my laptop asus U36SG11:59
alex_wow, very nice and beautiful12:00
alex_but, my dual screen over VGA and HDMi doesn't work12:00
alex_screen of laptop + hdmi screen works12:01
alex_screen of laptop + vga works12:01
alex_vga + hdmi doesn't work. Hdmi screen put in black screen and CGA seem to power off12:02
ArcherGodsonmaybe your graphic card do not capable12:02
alex_in kubuntu 14.04, this work fine12:02
hateballalex_: what sort of GPU are you using? perhaps it is a driver issue12:04
alex_hateball: i'm not sure to well understand: I use the nvidia driver 346.59 updates12:06
hateballalex_: Yeah, I was thinking if maybe you were running that driver prior to update, and were using noeuvau now or something12:07
hateballUnfortunately I don't have a 15.04 machine handy right now so I cant test myself12:07
hateballalex_: are you using nvidia-settings to configure the setup?12:07
alex_hateball: not for the moment12:07
alex_I have to do, but, when I plug the VGA cable, i loose my screens :-/12:08
alex_(hdmi, VGA and laptop :-/ )12:08
hateballalex_: strange. I guess you could try clearing out kscreen configs and start fresh12:09
hateballalex_: it should be in ~/.kde/share/apps/kscreen, one config for each monitor you have12:10
alex_I don't have a kscreen folder  in ~/.kde/share/app12:12
hateballPerhaps one doesnt, when using nvidia...12:13
hateballI am using intel machine atm, got nvidia at home and I use nvidia-settings on that to change stuff12:13
hateballalex_: if you start up nvidia-settings maybe you can see some strange config for multiple monitor or so12:14
alex_nvidia-setting crash when I wan tto detect screen: Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)12:16
hateballThat doesnt sound so good12:17
alex_hateball: no :( .. i'm going to try the legacy driver (older)12:24
lordievaderThat sounds a bit like a broken driver.12:24
hateballalex_: yeah, it's easy enough to switch12:24
otjurahey how am I supposed to enable chinese typing12:25
otjurathe "input" in system menu does absolutely nothing12:25
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lordievaderotjura: You need an IME, like ibus.12:28
luc4Hello! Anyone who knows if it is possible to run kernel 3.16 on 15.04?12:31
ArcherGodsonyou need gentoo12:32
otjurathis is horrible weakpoint compared to gnome12:33
hateballThat's horribly inaccurate12:33
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds12:33
hateballluc4: ^12:33
luc4hateball: yes, I know that, but can I also run  a previous kernel?12:34
hateballluc4: Sure, install as many kernels as you like. Choose at boot-time12:34
luc4hateball: great, thanks!12:37
menacesgclark: sorry, i don't know your timezone ;)12:50
xennex81does anyone know whether it is possible (in an easy way) to get the Amarok "Action->" actions configured for Clementine also?13:15
xennex81I mean Amarok has "append to playlist" "append & play" and "queue"13:16
xennex81I would like to be able to differentiate (from Dolphin) between "append" and "append and play"13:16
xennex81as well as regular "open"13:17
xennex81but not for Amarok, for Clementine13:17
phoenixzvalorie: Actually, I figured I was too lazy after I asked, so I went for the man page, it's right there :) Thanks anyway! One weird thing though, apt still refers to apt-get for (for example) autoremove.. if apt is the new and improved replacement, should it not be complete?13:45
xennex81I found my solution: /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/amarok_append.desktop is the file that configures the actions14:00
xennex81But the downside is that Clementine cannot even use it: it's default action is always to append.14:00
xennex81now at least I can remove Amarok14:01
xennex81Clementine doesn't have a default "open and play" action.14:01
lordievaderxennex81: You can set Clementine to add things if you double click an mp3, or so I thought.14:17
xennex81it can do no different thing ;-)14:17
xennex81it always adds14:17
xennex81I didn't even know14:17
xennex81i was expectinga context menu like in Amarok and Winamp14:18
xennex81it's a bit weird that there is no way to immediately start playing a file @lordievader14:18
lordievaderYou can set it to that as well.14:18
xennex81you can? I cannot even achieve that from the command line.14:18
lordievaderxennex81: Was somewhere in the Clementine settings, IIRC.14:19
xennex81I'll check it out... later ;-) I am writing somethign about it in their google groups14:20
xennex81and sending an email to the writers :P14:20
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nick_82hola, alguien sabe de alguna aplicación que sea compatible con skype pero que funcione mejor que skype en ubuntu? gracias15:08
BluesKajHowdy all15:11
EvilRoeyHello BluesKaj  :)15:22
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  trying to decipher why my external backup drive's partition table is not recognized15:23
EvilRoeyfor some reason15:23
EvilRoeyI hope nothing borked the filesystem on it!15:23
lordievaderEvilRoey: What does parted say about it?15:24
EvilRoeyI'd tell you when I'm in front of the machine (in the office now connected to it via SSH)15:24
EvilRoeylordievader:  but running cfidsk /dev/sdb gives this: Device does not contain a recognized partition table.15:25
EvilRoeylordievader:  and it pops up this menu asking for a label15:25
EvilRoeySelect label type--[gpt, dos, sgi, sun]15:25
lordievaderI have no experience with cfdisk.15:28
vbgunzNanumGothic is the most beautiful font ever on KDE **but** the backslashes are W's with a strikethrough... it's so upsetting. Anyone know how I can fix this without changing the font?15:31
fantazhey, any chance that plasma 5.3.1 appear on vivid backports?15:53
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BluesKajfantaz, yes in the next week or 215:59
fantazcool, thanx.16:01
fantazBluesKaj, you spoiled me with 5.3 release which came out the same day as kde announced :-) again, thanx and have a nice day16:05
[RO]Danielhi all, i installed clamtk from terminal and is working fine but the gui is outdated, then i installed the gui from the sourceforge and it does show up in start menu but it does not run16:54
[RO]Danielcan anyone help me find out why it does not start?16:55
david__try running it from the terminal, then pasting the error message17:48
david__*pastebinning the error message17:48
[RO]Danieli have installed the old version now, but it was saying something that /usr/share/perl5/ClamTk/GUI.pm was missing or something17:50
[RO]Danielprobably too much work to fix it, thx anyway17:50
* david__ tried17:50
[RO]Danielhow do you do that? :)17:53
[RO]Danieldavid__: ?17:54
ds_hello guys .. i think I'm stupid. I cant find any option to make kde stop making the Icon black and white when you minimize a window ... could anybody help me? :< (kubuntu 15.04)18:04
hyper_chds_: there is none as far as I know... but I'd also like tha18:11
ds_hyper_ch: ah okay, thanks. It really sucks when you have only icons (like in Windows 7) ... i hope that option comes :c18:14
hyper_chds_: you also use icon-only task manager?18:14
hyper_chds_: http://images.sjau.ch/img/8630cb25.png18:15
ds_hyper_ch: http://i.imgur.com/F8j4Q2i.png ... just switched to kubuntu today, thats why there is almost nothing in it yet lol18:19
hyper_chwell, with black background color they don't seem to vanish ;)18:20
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MissCutzieHi, nothing will install on kubuntu on one of my machines. On the one I just installed kubuntu on it works.18:21
MissCutziee.g I get "Couldn't find package vlc"18:21
MissCutzieAny ideas?18:24
ds_do you install via software center MissCutzie?18:24
MissCutzieI used apt-get18:26
ds_MissCutzie: what does "sudo apt-get update" say?18:26
MissCutziebunch of 404 errors18:28
BluesKajMissCutzie, looks like your sources.list needs checking18:36
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fachherHi everyone18:54
fachherI have installed Kubuntu 15.0418:56
fachherEverything works fine18:56
fachherBut sometimes when I boot my computer the desktop stops loading and I can do nothing. In which logfiles can I find a reason18:57
fachherI can move the cursor but I can not interact with the desktop or run any commands. In such situation I press Alt + Ctrl + F1 to change runmode and reboot18:58
fachherI am new to kubuntu18:59
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ubottuKDE bug 338999 in general "Desktop freezes time to time on plasma 5" [Major,Unconfirmed]19:02
fachhersounds like this bug19:02
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morgan_will the backports PPA be getting plasma 5.3.1 ?19:04
morgan_i.e -> https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.3.1.php19:04
imgxxHi! I have an issue with backports PPA. kde-l10n-ru was deleted from it19:07
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Etriaphmorgan_: Maybe in the backports19:25
Etriaphmorgan_: But not yet19:26
morgan_Etriaph: cheers - I asked in #kubuntu-devel and it was confirmed it will be in the backports ppa19:28
EtriaphYa, but it's still going to be a week or so.19:29
EtriaphMaybe less, depends on the speed of the packagers.19:29
yezariaelhey all, I'm having trouble upgrading. I just did 'do-release-upgrade' to get to 14.10 which went fine. now I want to go to 15.04, but there seems to be a problem with broken packages. I don't know how to fix this. My /apt/log/dist-upgrade/<date>/apt.log is here: http://pastebin.com/Jii3ppUc19:29
MissCutzieAny significant fixes in 5.3.1?19:30
Etriaphyezariael: Does the system boot?19:30
yezariaelEriaph: yeah, 14.10 runs fine19:31
EtriaphMissCutzie: I think you'll see more KF5 apps instead of the KF5/4 hybrid19:31
Etriaphyezariael: So the upgrade failed?19:31
Etriaphyezariael: And 14.10 is still what /etc/issue says?19:31
MissCutzieEtriaph: In 5.3.1 ? I don't think so as its just a bug fix release?19:32
morgan_hmmm when I sort my life out and have a child that actually sleeps ever I could potentialy help packaging.... I am not a programmer but do know packaging..19:32
EtriaphMissCutzie: A lot of the 15.04 applications are still KDE 419:32
MissCutzieI am aware19:32
yezariaelEtripah: yes, calling 'do-release-upgrade' fails with message http://pastebin.com/TjWZcCkh /etc/issue says 14.1019:32
MissCutzieI was talking about the plasma 5.3.1 release19:32
EtriaphMissCutzie: Oh, if you're specifically talking about the 5.3.1, check the changelog on it, lemme find it19:33
MissCutzieUpgrading now and doesn't seem like there are any updates to kde applications apart from plasma and its dependencies for 5.3.119:34
MissCutzieSo does not look like there are any more qt5 / frameworks 5 app ports yet19:34
EtriaphNo, backports is going to have 15.04.1 apps in it at some point in the near future.19:34
EtriaphMissCutzie: Even now there are some.19:34
EtriaphMissCutzie: Konversation, which I'm using to IRC, is 5.9.0 KDE version.19:35
MissCutzie5.9 is 15.04?19:36
MissCutzieHow do I find the kde apps version19:36
EtriaphHelp -> About KDE19:36
MissCutzieSo if my Konsole says 5.10 it means I'm using kde apps 15.04.1?19:37
EtriaphIf it's 4.14.7 it's KDE 4 libs, if it's 5.9.0 Frameworks version then it's KDE 519:37
MissCutzieFrameworks Version 5.10.019:37
Etriaph15.04.1 hasn't come down to us yet19:37
EtriaphThen you have a PPA that I don't.19:37
MissCutzieOh no lol .. this is on my archlinux system . Tends to get kde updates the same day as release19:38
MissCutzieSo I just got plasma 5.3.1 on that19:38
EtriaphAh, OK.19:40
MissCutzieUbuntu's really ancient packages had me annoyed. At least Kubuntu gets fairly new KDE updates. Like Eclipse in ubuntu 15.04 repos is years old!19:41
MissCutzieIts v 3.8 v 4.42 is the latest!19:42
EtriaphI find Kubuntu to be consistent, been around distros of every kind since '9819:42
EtriaphIt's never failed to allow me to do work, consume and produce media and, ultimately, make money.  :D19:44
MissCutzieEtriaph: Kubuntu is fine and really well setup. its just that Ubuntu does not care about non core packages . Many packages apart from the usual firefox gnome etc have not been updated in ages19:44
MissCutzieLike seriously who uses eclipse 3.8 anymore!19:44
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WalexMissCutzie: Etriaph: if you are talking about LTS that's policy. For rolling releases it is whatever the volunteer packagers of Debian consider "stable" or simply have time to update. It is the famous "scratch your itch" principle.20:37
MissCutzieWalex: Ubuntu is not rollinmg release20:38
MissCutzieWalex: But I guess that makes sense. But also leaves the system  seem unmaintained imo and may even miss out on security fixes in new releases20:39
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WalexMissCutzie: the releases between LTS are *almost* rolling, as in every 6 months and some updates in between (but rarely).20:40
nobullanybody had problems with 15.04 freezing on the kubuntu screen?20:41
WalexMissCutzie: but surely it is not fully rolling, as in there are formal releases.20:41
Walexnobull: you probably.20:41
nobullother than me...funny20:41
MissCutzieWalex: Well for the core packages like kde yes. However those not installed by default I don't see this. Eclipse 3.8 is really really old. It was released years ago current version is 4.4.220:42
Walexnobull: we are sorry but our psychic monitors that scan the minds of all Kubuntu users are currently on other astral planes..20:42
nobullIt doesn't take a physic to answer a yes/no question20:43
Walexnobull: "anybody" questions and "it does not work" questions are sometimes not entirely welcome :-)20:43
EtriaphMissCutzie: I use JetBrains IDEs these days.20:43
EtriaphMissCutzie: They have a price attached, but they integrate well with my OS.20:44
Walexnobull: it takes a psychic to figure out what you mean with "freezing" and "on the kubuntu screen". And a really powerful one to figure our whether exactly the same symptom happened in other cases that look similar.20:44
rattkingMissCutzie: it might be the oracle java thing mentioned here.. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19792909/why-does-ubuntu-14-04-stick-with-old-eclipse-3-8-when-4-3-is-out20:47
Walextypically i simply ignore "anbyody" and "something doesn't work" questions, because many users really hate having that pointed out to them their questions are useless, but sometimes I feel like reminding them that better questions have a higher chance of getting a response.20:47
nobullIsn't this the support forum? Fresh install and it works fine until I did a kernel update to 3.19. After restart, it had a kernel panic error.20:48
Walexrattking: ah that's another terrible aspect of oracle's takeover of Sun and general Java madness.20:48
rattkinghah tell me about it :)20:48
rattkingI am over here considering forking make-jpkg to make it do what I want20:49
Walexnobull: it is the *volunteer* support forum, and even in a paid-for one good questions have a better chance of useful answers...20:50
Walexnobull: anyhow I would describe a kernel panic as different from a "freezing" on the "kubuntu screen". Usually a kernel panic prints a backtrace that gives some clues as to the where it happened and maybe way. Have you got a screenshot or equivalent?20:51
Walexnobull: "equivalent" as in the names involves in the backtrace.20:51
Walexnobull: usually but not always kernels crash in drivers, especially for unusual peripherals. Sometimes they crash because of voltage, heat or other hardware faults.20:52
nobullIt was working fine with 14.10 then I tried to do the update. The kernel error happened and so I decided to do a fresh install. I will have to look into the backtrace. I just started over. Last round I enabled some proprietary drivers before I restarted.20:54
Walexnobull: "proprietary drivers" sometimes mean trouble... Especially if the kernel is fairly new.20:55
nobullYeah. I shouldn't have enabled them. Hopefully this iteration will work out better. I am just going to update, reboot, and see what happens. The new plasma looks amazing. I hope I can get it to work out.20:57
Walexnobull: there is a PPA with backports of 5.3 to 14.04 for example (IIRC).20:58
nobullIt looks like it might have been the drivers. It's starting now. Thinks the wireless drivers are ok to install?21:02
soeeWalex: not for 14.0421:03
soeePlasma 5.x is supported only for 15.0421:03
soeeindeed version 5.3 is in backports ppa for 15.0421:03
h_boyzGood evening , sorry for my english, but after the kubuntu upgrade to 15.04 from 14.10 kde5 don't work, at the login screen i find kde and lxde one over one and i can't that i must to do.21:16
soeeh_boyz: you man login managers ?21:17
MissCutzie!it | h_boyz21:17
ubottuh_boyz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:17
h_boyzlightdm is possible?21:18
MissCutzieh_boyz: 15..04 uses ssdm21:19
h_boyzI see the kde5 login screen,but if i move mouse to appear the lxde login screen.....21:19
h_boyzsoee: i reboot the system and try to remove lightdm, thanks for your information.21:23
To24Thanks for Kubuntu!21:56
To24Good bye!22:01
pepeeall my support to the kubuntu devs, maintainers and the community22:25
geniipepee: I'm sure they appreciate your support :)22:27
pepeewell, I doubt I'm relevant... but yeah :P22:30
pepeecanonical and shuttleworth love the drama22:30
morgan_<<<< support here too !22:31
* genii gets morgan_ a fresh coffee and cookies22:31
geniipepee: Discussion on that subject is currently ongoing in #kubuntu-offtopic if you care to join22:32
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s0n1c__666anyone here23:55

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