
blryou would think repo.lookup_reference('non-existent-ref') could return None...01:29
wgrantThere are valid arguments to both approaches.01:37
wgrantBut I tend to prefer returning None, indeed.01:37
blrwgrant: would you mind having a look at the awful test test_repo_repack_verify_commits_to_pack in https://code.launchpad.net/~blr/turnip/repack-api/+merge/25731204:32
blrit passes, but with 'fatal: fgets: Input/output error' which is probably a little less than ideal.04:32
blrwgrant: oops nvm, that.04:55
blrwgrant: but wouldn't mind a quick check over the branch again before I merge it (including that test).04:56
wgrantblr: Hrm, there wasn't a simpler way?05:20
wgrantblr: I'd like to see actual assertions on the numbers of packs, since currently you have a loop over what is presumably one pack.05:24
blrwgrant: there are two packs (after pack-objects is called), confirmed if you break and have a look in the repo05:34
blrI could certainly add an assertion though05:34
wgrantblr: Yep, just some assertions to that effect would be nice, in case pygit2 decides to become better.05:35
wgrantDon't want it making the test unbreakable.05:35
blrit would be nice to have some of this in pygit205:35
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
blrwgrant: added a test helper prop @packs and the 2 pack assertion which has cleaned up the test a bit if you want to have a quick look again.07:19
wgrantblr: The "for filename in factory.packs" bit is still weird, because it only uses the last pack that it loops over.07:29
wgrantIt overwrites the local on every iteration.07:29
blrah yes, true07:45
blrwgrant: added another assertion that there is 1 pack and just used the first element07:46
blrthat makes more sense :)07:46
wgrantThe test makes sense now!07:47
blryay for sense07:47
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
cjwatsonwgrant: Mind having a quick look over my updates to https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/git-mp-move-outside-ref/+merge/260105 ?12:19
cjwatsonAnd I'm testfixing.12:20
wgrantcjwatson: Amazing.12:20
wgrantOh, of course, it's keyed on source rather than target branch, so it would never have become a totally huge list.12:20
mgzhey there, bzr private branches seem to be broken?17:18
mgzsmart server says TypeError _makeBranchTransport() got an unexpected keyword argument 'private'17:19
mgzer... all bzr branches in fact it seems17:19
mgzcjwatson: ^if you're still working17:20
mgzI filed bug 145894817:31
mupBug #1458948: bzr smart server operations fail with TypeError <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1458948>17:31
xnoxthe world broke.....17:32
xnoxbzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'TypeError', "_makeBranchTransport() got an unexpected keyword argument 'private'")17:32
xnoxand i'm not pushing to private branch....17:32
Laneybug 145894817:32
mupBug #1458948: bzr smart server operations fail with TypeError <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1458948>17:32
xnoxLaney: i bet code needs to be pushed to deploy the fix for broken pushes right.....17:33
Laneycould be https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/1752617:38
Laney...which is now 503ing17:39

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