
dholbachgood morning06:51
josehello, dholbach!06:53
bkerensadholbach: good morning06:54
dholbachhi jose, hi bkerensa06:56
joseall going good?06:56
MooDoohello all06:56
dholbachyep - how about you?06:56
elfymorning all06:58
bkerensaelfy: morning07:00
joseI'm good, long day07:07
josehey elfy, long time no see07:07
elfyhi bkerensa jose07:07
elfyjose: heh - I'm always somewhere :)07:08
dpmmorning all07:14
elfydpm: hi07:16
dpmhey elfy07:17
* jose goes to bed07:20
elfynight night :)07:26
davidcalleMorning all07:43
* dholbach relocates to the office, brb07:44
dholbachpopey, dpm, balloons, mhall119, davidcalle: any reason why the Q&A was moved to 17 UTC?08:22
dholbachnow it stops at 20:00 my time08:22
dholbachwhich would be the second time in the week where I work until 20:00 which I'm really not looking forward to :-/08:22
dpmdholbach, no idea, I'd rather move it to 15:00UTC as it was when we originally scheduled it the first time08:23
dholbachI guess that'd conflict with our standup08:23
dholbachmaybe that's why it was moved(?)08:23
dpmI don't know08:24
dpmhappy to move it08:25
silverliongosh. can somebody tell that guy on the mailing list to stop wasting our time?09:07
dholbachif you want to make yourself heard, write to the list09:11
silverliondholbach: I would love to but I think I'd better not because my fear is that those words which are in my mind right now - would act as an insult09:18
balloonswow, where did may go?14:21
knomeballoons, home14:22
knomeand if you didn't notice, there's still almost a week of it left :P14:26
balloonsknome, I didn't!14:51
elfythere is ALWAYS a bonus - regardless of what other people might see or think14:52
davidcalleballoons, not sure if you know about it, but there is an incoming scopes branch with a python-harness tutorial inside, could be interesting for you https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity-scopes-shell/sphinx-docs15:12
balloonsdavidcalle, awesome.. that's what I was waiting for from Pawel15:13
balloonswith docs <315:13
davidcalleballoons, don't tell him I'm spying on his branches! :p15:13
balloonsdavidcalle, hehe.. nice to have an insider!15:13
josehey guys, anyone around here knows how to make an rt ticket urgent? I'm not able to send emails to ANY mailing list, and kinda need that...15:31
knomejose, i guess poke #canonical-sysadmin15:32
joseknome: no one on vanguard, already checked :(15:32
knomecall mr. shuttleworth then15:32
josephone's busy :(15:32
* jose scratches head15:33
knomethen you got no other chance than to retry aforementioned options15:33
mhall119jose: what's going on?15:33
josemhall119: I can't send emails to any mailing list, reasons unknown15:36
joseI don't get any error messages or anything, but my emails don't go through15:36
mhall119jose: do you have an RT#?15:37
joseno, was thinking there was maybe a way to mark it as urgent, but I can file one noe15:37
popeyjose: how do you know they aren't getting through, and can you give an example of a list this happened on?15:40
joseYesterday I was sending emails to ubuntu-news, loco-contacts and ubuntu-news-team as usual, but none of my emails went through (I had someone on the other side of the list check) or were archived. Same happened with ubuntu-pe, there are some emails are sent that are not on the archives.15:41
josemhall119: rt.u.c#2658415:42
joseon ubuntu-news my email didn't go to the moderation queue and I checked with Lyz and she didn't get any emails, then I tried with the other two but same happened, no emails were sent out even though I contacted the list15:43
popeyjose: has anything changed? I mean, you sending from a different address?15:45
josepopey: nope, still jose@ubuntu.com15:45
josesame PC, same email cline15:45
popeydoes that address receive mail?15:46
joseit does15:46
popeyi just sent you a test mail, can you reply?15:46
josereply sent15:47
* balloons waves to jono16:19
jonohowdy balloons!16:20
mhall119jose: FYI, I'm trying to find someone to look into this for you16:31
josemhall119: cool, thanks a bunch!16:32
mhall119jono: FYI, kubuntu-council as an entity has existed for a very long time, it's not a new thing16:33
jonomhall119, that's what I thought16:33
mhall119shadeslayer was proposing a change to it's constitution16:35
balloonsand indeed the proposed changes were adopted16:41
balloonsjcastro, nice comment on http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/37bedk/can_we_please_get_an_easier_way_to_submit_bugs/17:17
jcastroit would be nice if we could just get apport to stfu though17:21
jcastroI've only ever seen it hang up on junk in /var/crash17:21
jcastrosomeone needs to ttl that stuff17:22
balloonsjcastro, bdmurray landed stuff to apport that should have shut it off for lts17:22
balloonsthat's been a bit, so I'm sad to see this post again17:22
jcastroI would just like it never to show up17:24
jcastrojust do the background thing17:24
balloonsright exactly. Unless you experienced something needing attention it really isn't supposed to appear17:25
balloonsbut I agree with your statement about how to "solve" the problem. Automated reporting and better testing17:26
jcastroI don't think I've had to manually file a bug in years17:31
jcastrowell, for a defect anyway17:31
jcastrowishlist and others, then sure. :D17:31
josemhall119: did you get anyone available on IS?20:40
mhall119jose: not yet, there doesn't seem to have been a vanguard all day22:37
mhall119jose: there's one there now, let me see if I can get some action on your rt22:37
josewoot woot, thanks22:38
mhall119jose: all good now?23:10
josemhall119: yup, looks like it was an unnoticed error on my side. thank you!23:10

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