
darthanubisanybody else with a white lock screen?06:47
darkxstdarthanubis, yes! buts its snow and intentional ;)08:40
JockeTFI like alpacas!08:43
darkxstNoskcaj, Bug 133935508:49
ubot5bug 1339355 in gnome-contacts (Ubuntu) "Update gnome-contacts to 3.14" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133935508:49
darkxstNoskcaj, can most likely go to 3.16 if you update the patches08:49
darkxstJockeTF, no alpacas, just mountains covered in snow08:50
ricotzdarkxst, hi10:35
darkxstricotz, hi10:35
ricotzit would be reasonable getting for an g-i update first10:35
ricotz(of course in debian)10:36
ricotz(I am also pretty swamped with my current stuff for now)10:38
darkxstricotz, I'm still taking a break from everything for now10:43
ricotzdarkxst, don't worry, and take your time10:45
darkxstricotz, thanks10:57
ricotzdarkxst, Noskcaj, I will try have a look at the staging ppa, sync some updates from wily/debian and update some "3.17"-core libs12:57
darkxstricotz, thanks, I would prefer to see 3.16 filtering into ubuntu/debian right now, but know you prefer the fresh stuff13:14
LinDolhi all14:53
darthanubisanybody else with a white lock screen?15:30
darthanubiswhen something crashes, the apport dialog pops, I click report, and no browser activity as expected15:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1268595 in One Hundred Papercuts "Apport does not use default web browser" [High,Triaged]15:53
darthanubisfixed that I hope...now this15:59
darthanubisanybody else with a white lock screen?15:59
darthanubisthat was dumb on my part16:00
darthanubisI'm all set, thx16:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1295247 in cheese (Ubuntu) "Cheese says "There was an error playing video from webcam"" [High,Confirmed]16:48
=== alvesadrian is now known as adrian
Noskcajdarkxst, I'll have a look sometime this week. I've got some xfce stuff to do first20:09
howudodathave a question running gnome-shell on ubuntu using wayland :)  which of the 3 forums would be best to ask my question in?21:34
Noskcajdarkxst, It needs evolution >=3.13.9022:09
eeryowlHi. I read about the Xubuntu plan to make a Core version with no applications installed. Is there any talk of doing this with Ubuntu-gnome?22:30

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