
josepleia2: hey, want me to release?01:51
pleia2jose: go for it, I just got home and have shopping things to unpack :)01:53
josecool, will do in a bit01:54
pleia2I'll do whatever you can't later (forums, right?)01:54
pleia2jose: still planning on releasing tonight?04:26
josepleia2: damn, I'm sorry, I got a phone call and got distracted04:26
joseyes, I can do it for sure04:26
pleia2ok :)04:26
pleia2we can do it together if you want04:26
pleia2you can send emails, do fridge and discourse, I can do social media, wiki, forum?04:27
joseas you wish04:27
josesounds good!04:27
pleia2and you prep the wiki ;)04:27
pleia2lmk when it's ready04:27
josehehe, sure04:27
josewiki is ready, I'm working on email04:34
josepleia2: http://mirza.joseeantonior.com/418/04:39
pleia2erg :( http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/newspaper-icon4.jpg04:40
pleia2ah, thanks I ran it myself04:40
josewat, we'll have to re-upload and poke IS04:40
pleia2looks like it lives here now http://fridge.ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ab28/newspaper-icon41.jpg04:41
pleia2least that's what the last fridge post has for a link04:41
josepleia2: want me to update the script so it has the new link?04:41
pleia2I'll submit a ticket with IS though, since it broke links all over the internet ;)04:41
pleia2let's wait on IS04:41
pleia2broke them all on forums, discourse...04:41
joseI'll poke David to see how can we get that fixed04:42
josenow, I sent that email to the list but it's not on the moderation queue...04:42
joseI'll resend04:42
josepleia2: ok, mailman hates me.04:43
pleia2are you sending with an address that's subscribed?04:45
joseyes, jose@ubuntu.com04:46
josemy usual04:46
pleia2can you send to the other lists>04:47
joselet me try.04:47
josedid you get any of those?04:48
josepleia2: nope. they're not on the archives.04:49
josewould you mind sending out the emails? If you can't then we'll have to check what's going on04:50
pleia2sent off rt ticket for the images04:52
josecool, if you've got a rt# lmk so I can bookmark04:52
pleia2ticket #2658104:53
josecool, thanks04:54
pleia2my dinner just arrived04:54
Unit193Crap, now I want food.  I need food. :304:55
pleia2Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 418 for the week May 18 - 24, 2015 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue41804:56
josepleia2: did you send that email out?04:56
pleia2not yet, was working on social media04:57
josenp. I'm thinking it's my email that's blocked somehow.04:58
joseI don't see my latest loco-contacts or ubuntu-pe posts either.04:58
josethere we go.05:00
pleia2alright, all emails, wiki, forum and social media done05:02
pleia2you just have fridge and discourse to do, I'm going to eat, then probably sleep05:02
joseworking on it atm :)05:02
josethanks pleia2, and sorry for the hassle05:02
joseI'm gonna ping IS later today, seems like a big bug.05:02
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pleia2jose: I suspect they didn't realize we were using the image links externally, so they made an in-wordpress replacement for past articles on fridge with the new URLs, but otherwise though it would be fine16:10
pleia2oh, your email bug :)16:10
josepleia2: should be just a folder thing and easy to fix server-side, right?16:10
joseyeah :P16:10
pleia2jose: usually, but they switched to being hosted in openstack so they may have started stashing images and things in swift16:11
pleia2either way, not hard to fix, an apache rewrite rule is all that's needed16:11
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josepleia2: hey, do you think the attendee registration announcement for ubuconla is suitable for the fridge?21:26
pleia2jose: I think that would be fine (we posted the self ubucon cfp)22:44
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