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wxlelfy: present for your team— bug 136255517:12
ubot5bug 1362555 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "notification dialog has horizonal bars" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136255517:12
elfywxl: nope - all fine here17:14
wxlelfy: how so?17:15
elfydoesn't affect me17:15
elfyI thought I remembered this bug - ochosi commented - must have shown up in #xub-dev17:16
wxli think we need to get ochosi and rafaellaguna together17:17
wxlelfy: also, ochosi's comment is quite old.17:22
elfyeven so - not apparently affecting me17:23
elfywxl: I've not seen any notify issues like that ever17:26
elfyand I get notifications when music changes - and I listen to that for hours and hours at a time17:26
pvsenanballoons: Hi18:31
balloonspvsenan, hello18:35
pvsenanballoons, few days back, there was a mail chain for creating test for ubuntu help app18:36
pvsenanballoons, can you give me some more details18:36
balloonspvsenan, certainly. Have you pulled the app sources?18:38
pvsenanballoons, I am just pulling it from here bzr branch lp:help-app18:39
pvsenanballoons, is it correct ?18:39
balloonspvsenan, yes that's correct18:39
pvsenanballoons, just finished18:39
balloonsthis is the original bug Daniel filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/help-app/+bug/145692418:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1456924 in Ubuntu Help App "Add initial functional tests to the app" [High,Triaged]18:40
pvsenanballoons, I've seen this but it doesnt have much details18:42
balloonsthe bug also links to the tutorial, which helps a little bit if you need info on setup18:42
balloonsbut basically, I can help by writing down some user stories so you know what tests to write :-)18:42
balloonsI was going to get that from Daniel today, but didn't get a chance. I can take a first stab at it though18:43
pvsenanballoons, that will be great18:48
pvsenanballoons, I've installed selenium and i am reading the tutorial now18:49
balloonspvsenan, the first mp I would propose is basically to copy the template to the app so we can launch it and introspect it18:55
balloonsthen it will be easy to add tests.18:55
pvsenanballoons, How do I do that ?18:57
balloonspvsenan, create a new html5 application in the ubuntu sdk. You should get the new template. It's what's discussed in the tutorial18:58
pvsenanballoons, I'm sorry, still confused19:00
pvsenanballoons, the app is already there right ? why should I create a new one ?19:04
balloonspvsenan, sorry I don't mean to be confusing. I'm just saying the current application doesn't have any functional tests. The template however has an example testsuite you can copy into the project to make it easier19:05
balloonsperhaps I should just propose what I'm talking about so I don't confuse you :-)19:06
* balloons creates mp19:06
pvsenanballoons, I should use ubuntu SDK GUI right ?19:14
balloonspvsenan, for test writing you don't have to, but it's handy. Feel free to use your favorite editor19:16
balloonsi personally use it and geany19:16
* balloons tests mp19:16
pvsenanballoons, this is my status, I have launched ubuntu sdk and now Run Click is running and retrieving files19:18
balloonspvsenan, ahh right, building a root19:19
balloonsin the interim, you can build the app in the terminal. Have a read of the HACKING guide, but basically  'make app' in the root will buld it19:20
balloonspvsenan, ok, so I'm pushing my quick version with a basic template in place19:22
balloonspvsenan, https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/help-app/functional-test-template/+merge/26020619:23
pvsenanballoons, I am branching it19:25
balloonsthat should allow you to easily add testcases now and they will run via autopilot19:25
pvsenanballoons, i have managed to launch the app19:28
balloonsawesome :-) With my branch you should be able to follow the notes in HACKING and run the basic testcase. It has no asserts, heh, just launched the app19:29
pvsenanballoons, should I copy the functional test folder to the original source ?19:33
balloonspvsenan, ? if you want to play with things now, merge my branch locally with what you've been working on, or just start modifying from it and push something new19:35
balloonsmake sense?19:35
pvsenanballoons, how do I merge it locally ?19:36
balloonspvsenan, so if you did bzr branch lp:help-app, you can merge my branch on top by bzr merge lp:~nskaggs/help-app/functional-test-template19:36
balloonsor simply just bzr branch lp:~nskaggs/help-app/functional-test-template and modify it from there19:39
pvsenanballoons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11376527/19:45
balloonspvsenan, looks like launchpad isn't happy atm, I can't access it19:48
balloonsdid you branch my changes already?19:48
balloonspvsenan, also if you are new to bzr, here's the quick info you need to know: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/DevelopmentToolsUsage and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/DevelopmentToolsSetup19:49
balloonspvsenan, ok looks like I can connect to launchpad again. Everything get branched ok?19:55
pvsenanballoons, I think so19:58
balloonspvsenan, ok, sorry for the initial trouble. So what questions do you still have? We can write a first testcase together now; would that help?20:01
pvsenanballoons, can you give me some time..I am going for dinner and will be back in 30 mins20:03
balloonspvsenan, ofc ofc.. I'm here to help with whatever. I want to make sure you have a good understanding of things20:08
dkesselballoons: good evening. i filed bug 1458314 about the unity8 live session issues the other day. do you think it needs more information for someone to work on it?20:31
ubot5bug 1458314 in unity8-desktop-session (Ubuntu) "unity8 session does not start on ubuntu-desktop-next image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145831420:31
balloonsdkessel, howdy.. I too had some fun with unity8 the other day! I finally got a few mins on friday to have a play20:31
balloonsI encountered the same issue with the image. The lxc session worked, but i couldn't install anything, that failed20:32
balloonsthings in general with wily were a bit off20:32
balloonsdkessel, you got an oops id? did it file I wonder?20:33
dkesselballoons: i got the oops after plugging in the ethernet cable and reading the ID in the syslog file20:36
dkesselthe network connection availability triggered the upload i think20:36
dkesseli don't know how to find out what happened with that oops20:37
balloonsbdmurray, ^^20:39
dkesseloh, errors.ubuntu.com i guess :)20:39
bdmurrayright, e.u.c/oops/xyz20:40
balloonsnice so it's there: https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/5db6880c-0200-11e5-b05b-fa163e4ccdf220:42
dkesselmkay. not publicly accessible. i guess that is a good idea, though20:42
dkesselbut good that you encountered the same problems balloons20:43
balloonsyes, I'll probably carve out some time again this week to have another go and review what's landing in wily20:44
bdmurrayits not publicly accessible because it may contains private data20:44
balloonsthe wily change broke a lot of things20:44
pvsenanballoons, I have a few questions20:53
balloonspvsenan, ok20:57
pvsenanballoons, the initial tests you updated in the bug, in all the scenarios a browser will open and how do we validate that21:00
balloonspvsenan, I would suggest the first test to be simply loading the app and opening each page21:06
balloonsfor opening a browser, I have to confer with Daniel about expectations. I don't think we should be leaving the app . . .21:06
pvsenanballoons, OK. I'll try to do that. I21:07
balloonsIt's unclear to me. However if we should indeed be leaving, we can figure out how to test the browser was launched21:07
balloonsI don't know offhand, we'll have to figure it out :-)21:07

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