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liuxgshould I use import com.canonical.Oxide 1.0 or import import Ubuntu.Web 0.2 for webview development in QML?06:32
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dholbachgood morning06:51
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rbasakDoes anyone else have issues with the battery status since the OTA that improved battery life?07:54
rbasakMy phone permanently overestimates battery charge now. Until suddenly it dies. While on standby, it suggests that battery doesn't drop at all, but I'm pretty sure that's false.07:55
rbasakBattery life is definitely improved, but the charge indication is far more optimistic than that. It hasn't even dropped one pixel below 88% in the last twelve hours.07:56
mcphailrbasak: Have been down to about 20% battery status since the last update. Phone didn't die, so probably accurate07:58
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bqphonehit here,08:29
bqphonehi there08:29
bqphonemy phone used to open from right to left, now its from left to right08:30
bqphonehow to make it open from right to left again?08:30
mcphailbqphone: The lockscreen can become unresponsive to the swipe for some reason. I think it is being fixed in the next update. For the time being, a reboot should fix it08:32
seb128did you try to swipe for the left?08:33
seb128sometime the right edge stops working but the left one still does08:33
seb128ups, for->from08:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1435988 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "sometime right edge swip stop working on the lockscreen" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:34
bqphonetrying a restart08:36
bqphonewell the restart did fix the problem, i thought i did change the way the phone get unlocked somewhere in the settings08:38
bqphonethx for the help08:38
mcphailseb128: I think that may be a duplicate of another bug...08:39
tsdgeossil2100: you there?08:39
sil2100tsdgeos: hey, what's up?08:39
tsdgeossil2100: i'm trying to build http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=landing-00408:39
tsdgeosand it complained about "Silo config is missing these packages: qtmir-gles, qtubuntu-gles"08:39
tsdgeosi know there's some magic stuff involved when building those08:40
tsdgeosbut i don't know exactly what needs to be done08:40
tsdgeosafaik "IGNORE_MISSING_TWINS" is a way to workaround it, but i guess "not the proper fix" if you want the silo to be usable on the phone08:40
tsdgeosor is it?08:40
seb128mcphail, that's possible, feel free to mark it as such/give the other bug number if that's the case08:40
sil2100tsdgeos: yeah, so there's a trick for that08:41
mcphailseb128: I can't find the other bug just now as I think it was "fixed" in vivid (by accident)08:41
sil2100Let's reconfigure your silo with 'qtmir-gles qtubuntu-gles' as additional source packages to land, then build all your packages with the ignore missing twins flag08:41
sil2100Once qtmir ang qtubuntu build in your silo, prepare merges for the -gles parts that only modify the changelog and the debian/watch file to fetch the latest tarball from your silo08:42
sil2100(you can check how that's done in the -gles branches of qtmir and qtubuntu)08:43
tsdgeossil2100: that's not a trick, that's a monstruosity :D08:44
tsdgeossil2100: i.e. i didn't understand a single word of what you said08:44
sil2100tsdgeos: we know, this really should be simply automated08:44
tsdgeosi'll try to follow the instructions08:44
tsdgeoswill ping you when i fail to08:45
sil2100tsdgeos: first of all, let me reconfigure your silo and just build it with IGNORE_MISSING_TWINS then08:45
sil2100tsdgeos: when did you get your silo?08:45
sil2100Was that yesterday?08:45
tsdgeossil2100: no, it's older08:46
sil2100Ah, nvm!08:46
sil2100Give me one moment08:46
* tsdgeos waits08:48
brunch875hey ogra_, did you create any non-webapp game?08:48
brunch875I'm having trouble getting started...08:49
sil2100tsdgeos: ok, after I finish reconfiguring, try rebuilding it without the IGNORE_MISSING_TWINS flag even08:50
sil2100Still reconfiguring though08:50
sil2100tsdgeos: done, you can build08:51
tsdgeossil2100: what did you "reconfigure" exactly? is this something i could have done?08:51
sil2100tsdgeos: once your qtmir and qtubuntu packages build, you'll have to prepare merges that look like this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/gles-sync-mir/+merge/258053 - so you copy-paste the changelog from your qtmir and only modify the debian/watch file08:52
sil2100tsdgeos: you can request a silo with the qtmir-gles and qtubuntu-gles already written in the additional source packages to land08:52
tsdgeosi see08:53
sil2100But if they're not set there in the time of assignment, you'll need a trainguard to reconf for you08:53
sil2100Well, we would really automated this 'hack' long ago but people actually using this workflow are so experienced in this that they don't mention it as a problem08:53
sil2100So we forgot it's actually an issue, since no one reports it as an annoyance ;) Because they're just doing it out of automation08:54
tsdgeoswell it is bad08:54
tsdgeosi tell you :D08:54
ogra_brunch875, nope, not really, only webapps08:57
brunch875Ah, ok+08:57
ogra_brunch875, but i guess if i would write a game i would do it in html and just use a local index.html file08:59
brunch875ogra_, I tried doing an html5 webapp using the phaser game engine. It would launch perfectly on the computer from the sdk but the phone would only display a blank, white page09:04
brunch875I think the issue has something to do with the app I tried being horizontal; so I'll give it another go later on09:04
brunch875I also tried doing the game with QML/C++ but it semt to be awfully complicated. It's the first time I touch Qt so I just need a proper guide09:06
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mcphailbrunch875: http://qmlbook.github.io/ is a decent introduction (but a bit of a work-in-progress)09:08
mcphailbrunch875: it is a generic qml book, rather than Ubuntu-specific09:09
brunch875that's pretty neat, thanks!09:10
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Lindy Hop Day! 😃09:13
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E524Hi all, does anybody know if there is a port in progress for the neo900? a google search does not suggest it....09:37
ogra_E524, i dont think there is09:44
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices09:45
E524hm... said. a the neo900 seems to have a nice keyboard, which i had in my previous device. it was really nice to have one...09:46
tsdgeossil2100: i've addded the -gles branches to silo4 spreadsheet, i guess you need to press some button so that they move over to http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=landing-004 ?09:58
sil2100Yeah, you can reconfigure the silo now - let me double check your landing entry10:03
sil2100tsdgeos: ok, now that you added the -gles MRs, remove the qtmir-gles and qtubuntu-gles entries from column G and then reconfigure your silo - you can do that yourself by accessing the 'Landing tools' menu and pressing 'Reconfigure' while you have your row selected10:04
tsdgeossil2100: can't edit column G, is it because you're on it?10:07
tsdgeosand now i could10:07
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
sil2100uh oh10:09
sil2100Spreadsheets \o/10:09
tsdgeossil2100: where is "Landing tools"? i can find it neither on the spreadsheet nor on http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=ubuntu%2Flanding-00410:09
sil2100hmm, it should be on the spreadsheet10:09
sil2100Next to the 'Help' menu entry10:09
sil2100In the spreadsheet menu :)10:09
sil2100If you don't have it, you would need to refresh the spreadsheet until you do, sometimes the scripts don't always work10:10
tsdgeossaw it10:11
tsdgeosi was expecting not there10:11
mcphailI've founf the volume settings and "silent mode" don't affect sound volume on a game I am porting to the phone. It seems to use openAL for sound. Is this a known bug?10:19
mcphailAgainst which package would I file a bug in launchpad?10:29
lotuspsychjemcphail: on wich touch version are you? channel?10:31
mcphailkrillin rtm10:31
lotuspsychjemcphail: and wich device?10:31
lotuspsychjeis that nexus5?10:32
lotuspsychjemcphail: maybe ogra_ or popey know this?10:32
lotuspsychjeim on nexus7 devel-proposed10:33
mcphaillotuspsychje: I may be able to knock up a test case tonight to try on different devices10:33
lotuspsychjemcphail: good idea10:33
ogra_mcphail, you mean it plays sound via OpenAL *on* the device if deliveread as a click package ?10:33
* ogra_ thought apparmor would prevent you from direct device access10:34
mcphailogra_: yes - I've bundled openAL in the click10:34
mcphailogra_: actually, you may have a point. Having to use unconstrained environment for developing this just now10:34
ogra_well, to have proper volume control you somehow need to involve pulse ... not sure how that would work ... wait for rsalveti, perhape he can help10:35
mcphailogra_: I'll make a test case tonight and see if a standard apparmor profile changes things10:36
tsdgeossil2100: are these errors something i need to be worried about or they're fine? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11368925/11:18
sil2100tsdgeos: those look fine, when building packages the builder tries to fetch the tarball in a few different ways11:20
sil2100Before it can decide what to do in the end11:20
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tsdgeosok, thought so11:21
tsdgeoswanted to make sure11:21
nerochiaroelopio: quick question about the textfield emulator in the ui toolkit: would it be possible to be able to set the speed at which the characters are typed when using the write() method ? right now it is really slow and in most cases it should be ok to go faster, especially when doing desktop tests11:23
nerochiaroelopio: autopilot supports a delay named parameter on the type() method, so maybe just allowing to pass that in through write() will do11:24
tsdgeossil2100: i need help finding out what error in https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-004-1-build/168/console is the real error causing the failure11:26
tsdgeossince there's all those errors that you say that are not real errors11:27
tsdgeosit's a bit confusing11:27
nerochiaroelopio: also it would be useful to have the method _is_all_text_selected exposed as a public method11:27
sil2100tsdgeos: looking11:43
sil2100tsdgeos: ah, let me take a look at your -gles merges11:44
sil2100I think the version number on their changelog entries are wrong11:44
sil2100tsdgeos: yeah, so, you need to put the versions in the debian/changelog in the -gles merges exactly the same as the packages in the PPA11:46
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elopionerochiaro: both things seem good. The api on the toolkit is emergent, we just add what we need in tests. making those two changes would be nice.13:55
elopionerochiaro: you can report a bug to the toolkit, or make a branch. If you make a branch, please add tests for your changes, and brendand or rhuddie can give you a review.13:56
ahayzenrsalveti, is there a bug tracking that on the latest devel image if you start/seek a track the volume notification appears (i've definitely seen this before but it was fixed)14:20
rsalvetiahayzen: I thought that this was fixed already14:24
rsalvetiif not, please open a bug against indicator-sound14:24
ahayzenrsalveti, i'm on what i believe to be the latest mako build for my channel, so i'll open one :-)14:26
nerochiaroelopio: the one to type faster i doubt can be tested14:27
nerochiaroelopio: and the other one it turns out i actually don't really need it14:27
nerochiaroelopio: but i can add it anyway if you want. where would the test go ?14:28
elopionerochiaro: we already have tests for typing speed on autopilot. testing it on the toolkit would just be to make sure that we are sending the right argument to the autopilot api. Using a mock is ok.14:28
elopionerochiaro: tests/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit/tests/custom_proxy_objects14:29
ahayzenrsalveti, bug 145889714:29
ubot5bug 1458897 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "[mako] When starting/seeking music the volume notification appears" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145889714:29
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ahayzenrsalveti, ah unless the channel i'm on hasn't been built for a few days...14:32
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tsdgeossil2100: any idea of the error in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/207523720/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-armhf.unity8_8.10%2B15.10.20150526-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz ?14:45
tsdgeosThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:45
tsdgeos libconnectivity-qt1-dev : Depends: libconnectivity-qt1 (= 0.5.1+15.10.20150519-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed14:45
tsdgeoswho did that happen?14:45
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seb128kenvandine, jgdx, hey, can you do an easy review https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/language-punctuation-description/+merge/259771 ?14:56
jgdxseb128, sure14:56
seb128kenvandine, jgdx, I'm going to put a landing for settings/wily up today or tomorrow14:56
kenvandineseb128, thx!14:58
seb128jgdx, thanks14:58
seb128kenvandine, yw :-)14:58
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seb128kenvandine, hum, is there any reason you didn't approve https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/translate-pusher-helper/+merge/259612 ?15:23
seb128jgdx, kenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/security-dash-option/+merge/259770 as well15:23
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seb128kenvandine, thanks ;-)15:25
kenvandinedone :)15:25
ogra_jdstrand, chrisccoulson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11372912/ i get this for every webapp i open in recent (vivid) images15:49
ogra_(not sure why oxide or the webapp container wants to read /proc/mounts ...)15:49
jdstrandboth are odd denials15:51
jdstrandogra_: can you file a bug?15:51
jdstrandogra_: start with webbrowser-app15:51
jdstrandthen I'll comment15:51
ogra_jdstrand, bug 145892315:54
ubot5bug 1458923 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "webapp-container apps or even straight WebView apps in QML all want to read /proc/$pid/mounts on startup " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145892315:54
ogra_i dont think its the webbrowser app since i see it in plain WebView as well15:54
jdstrandok, thanks15:54
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josue__hi everyone!16:35
brunch875Hello, josue__! Be very welcome!16:35
josue__i think that i can report a bug from my ubuntu phone bq aquaris ubuntu edition beta 15.04 r.22316:36
josue__where i can write it?16:37
brunch875short answer: launchpad16:38
brunch875question answer: what bug do you want to report?16:39
davmor2josue__: what channel are you on the correct channel for 15.04 only has 15 images, there was a big channel re-org16:39
josue__looks like that when the battery is critically low you lost the phone conection (2g/3g)16:40
josue__you cant recive o send calls16:40
josue__if you charge the phone looks  that the problem persist untill you restart the connection16:41
brunch875Uh oh... this also happened to mine which is using the BQ channel16:42
brunch875I never reported it since I thought of it as a feature16:42
josue__is a reported bug then?16:42
brunch875I'm not finding it16:43
josue__in the top status bar you can see the network phone icon working correctly16:43
brunch875my phone also disables wifi16:44
brunch875and ultimately phone as battery gets lower16:44
josue__i didnt see anything about battery in last week... I can see that from yesterday I didnt consume more than 5% maybe because network isnt working from yesterday XD16:46
brunch875I've always thought of it as a hardware issue since it isn't possible to power on the device when the battery is so low16:47
josue__Im not sure about this, now i have 65% battery, but phone network isnt working16:48
josue__since yesterday...16:48
brunch875Yikes, I don't remember having this issue16:49
josue__I noticed that when a friend told me today that he was calling me yesterday16:49
josue__then... how i can report this?16:50
brunch875pick from this list https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers16:51
brunch875maybe under ofono? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono/+filebug?no_redirect16:53
brunch875but don't trust me, I have little idea :p16:53
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peat-psuwitawe: ping18:32
awepeat-psuwit, pong18:33
peat-psuwitawe: I have question about multisim 3g selection18:33
peat-psuwitI can make ubuntu phone use both of modem now, using different sockets for different modem.18:34
peat-psuwitAfter I check with android, it use RIL_REQUEST_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE to set that.18:35
peat-psuwitBut, other SIM must be using 2G before selected can use 3g.18:36
peat-psuwitQuestion is, where should I put this restriction?18:36
aweI'm not sure I understand you18:37
aweare you saying that only one of the SIMs can be used for 3g?18:38
aweand the other needs to be 2g?18:39
peat-psuwitawe: Yes.18:39
aweif you send GET_PREF_NETWORK_TYPE for both, what are they set to by default?18:39
aweis one always 2g and the other 3g?18:40
aweor are both 2g only?18:40
peat-psuwitawe: What do you mean for "by default"?18:41
awethe state of the device after it first boots without changing anything18:44
peat-psuwitawe: The settings seem to stick across reboot.18:46
aweso what your saying is that if you try to change which SIM is '3g', you have to correspondingly change the other to '2g', correct?18:46
peat-psuwitawe: correct18:47
aweand do both have the same value for RadioSettings 'ModemTechnologies'?18:49
aweeg "gsm umts"18:49
peat-psuwitawe: yes18:50
aweso you'd need to quirk this in your derived rilmodem driver18:52
awethe BQ phone only allows one SIM to be used for 3g as well, but it has a request that can be used to change this18:52
aweit's a bit complicated,  and causes a modem reset when it changes18:53
aweso at some point, the request to change the radio-tech filters down to rilmodem, where it sends the RIL_REQ_SET_PREF_NETWORK_TYPE18:53
aweyou're going to need to catch this, and probably interact with the device plugin to cause it to flip the other modem's type18:54
aweusing the device plugin is the only way to coordinate this kind of limitation18:55
peat-psuwitawe: My plan is to catch this in ril_set_rat_mode, and then change other modem's radio mode. Not sure how I change other modem's settings.19:00
aweagain, you need to do this via the device plugin19:01
aweplease take a look at the code in mtkmodem and mtk.c ( the mtk device plugin )19:01
awewe have to do similar things to ensure that only one SIM can attach to GPRS19:01
aweunfortunately, it's complicated19:02
awebut it can be done19:02
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mukais it possible to send a sms via web page? I read Android uses something like this: <a href="sms:/* phone number here */&body=/* body text here */">SMS</a>19:59
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tmash_hey all20:22
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tmash_alright, im porting ubuntu touch for htc desire 816, having issues with mounting system.img partition, doesnt seem appropriate: [    3.173026] c3    393 pid:393(ureadahead)(parent:390/sh)  (debugfs) umounted filesystem. [    3.173998] c3      1 init: ureadahead-touch main process (390) terminated with status 5 [    3.440137] c2    445 pid:445(cgmanager)(parent:1/init)  (loop0) umounted filesystem.20:24
tmash_its currentyl s-on with unlocked bootloader20:24
tmash_is debugfs partition required? guess s-on disabled rw for debugfs.20:24
tmash_thanks, its would really appreciate any response, stuck on this for almost a month, im not new to porting, but facing incompatibilities in vendor (due to htc ) is a difficult task (?))20:27
tmash_oops almost forgot here is a dmesg: http://pastebin.com/E8xUz3mJ20:28
tmash_using cm-11 sources , faced no issues, compiled  completely from the first try ;). yes i did configure fstab, but i dont think this has anything to do with mounting an image in /data20:30
mcphailogra_: following on from this afternoon's conversation about the voulme control not working for openal apps, can you test a click for me?20:31
tmash_i would happy to contribute and be a 'dog feed' for ubuntu touch :D20:32
mcphailrsalveti: ping20:32
tmash_is it really worth it to port ubuntu touch for htc phones, incompatibility/performance wise20:34
taiebotHey all, I have not read anything about this yet. This was happening on vivid and it is still in willy so i suppose it should be not fixed on arale. Can anyone confirm that it has been reported http://uppix.com/f-screenshot2015045564d8b200190441.png http://uppix.com/f-screenshot2015045564d8880019043f.png20:35
tmash_what is arale?20:36
tmash_codename model?20:36
taiebottmash_ next ubuntu phone20:36
taiebottmash_ yeah they are code names for phones (Bq is using dragon ball names)20:37
tmash_oh, so thats probably a bq?20:38
taiebottmash_ i think it is the MX420:39
tmash_epic phone.20:40
tmash_too bad im on an eastern time, kernel devs are probably asleep :p20:41
tmash_this line in dmesg is killing me: pid:445(cgmanager)(parent:1/init)  (loop0) umounted filesystem.20:41
tmash_control group manager, lxc container, fs corruption?20:44
mcphailpopey: you around? I'm looking for someone to test a .click on something other than krillin/rtm. It is a simple test app to play sound via OpenAL. The volume control doesn't seem to work for openal on my device and I want to know whether to file a bug20:45
mcphailpopey: cheers - http://themcphails.uk/altest.njmcphail_0.1_armhf.click - does the volume control or mute button work for you?20:47
popeymcphail: i hear footsteps20:51
mcphailpopey: does the volume slider do anything?20:52
popeyi actually have my phone in silent mode20:52
popeyand still hear it20:52
mcphailthink I should file a bug?20:52
popeyit carries on making noise in the background too!20:52
popeyi may not be on latest image on this device20:52
mcphailit does go away if you switch to something else20:53
mcphailactually, you're right ... :(20:53
* popey updates device20:53
mcphailkeeping playing when screen off as well20:54
mcphailThis breaks everything an app is supposed to be able to do20:54
* mcphail feels kind of proud20:55
mcphailThe source is in the .click. Just a simple OpenAL test I copied off a blog20:56
taiebotpopey is it a known bug http://uppix.com/f-screenshot2015045564d8b200190441.png?21:02
popeypossibly a toolkit bug21:03
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
mcphailAny idea what package I should file a bug against?21:14
popeymcphail: not sure really :S21:40
mcphailpopey: can you bring it up with your ubuntu chums at your leisure? Very odd bug, and possibly worrying21:42
mcphailat the very least it gives capability to drain battery21:43
popeyyeah, just updating my device to see if it still happens21:44
popeytook longer than expected21:44
mcphailwhich device is this one?21:44
mcphailon wily?21:50
popeyno, vivid21:51
mcphailsame behaviour still present?21:51
popeyhow are you launching?21:52
popeydirectly executing the sdl linked binary?21:52
popeynvm, I can read the desktop file21:52
mcphailpopey: source code is in click. Shell script sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH21:53
mcphailHanyway, off to kill a few wizards on Chaos Reborn before bed21:54
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