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tsdgeosdednick: what do you think of https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fix_indicators_update_state/+merge/260104 ? Makes sense? i think it fixes the occasional race with the timer i mentioned on friday08:49
dednicktsdgeos: hm. will have to check it out. Need to make sure we don't need to update while dragging.08:50
dednickand that it updates when we let go08:50
tsdgeosdednick: sure, need CI to run too, to make sure i didn't broke something else :D08:51
dednicktsdgeos: seems to work09:06
tsdgeoslet's see what CI says09:07
dednicksure :)09:08
dednicktsdgeos: are there any scope qmltests which contain video cards?09:10
dednickmultiple i mean09:10
dednicknevermind. it doesn't appear so.09:21
tsdgeosdednick: yeah no, but we can always add some if you need to09:23
dednicktsdgeos: can probably survive without for now :)09:26
dednickI'll just hack the phone to skip the media-hub so I can demo without phone crashing ;)09:26
dednicktsdgeos: there seems to be something wrong with the Preview.isCurrent flag. it's always being set on preview010:14
tsdgeosdednick: tests or real life?10:15
dednicktsdgeos: real life.10:15
tsdgeoslet me grab a coke10:16
tsdgeosjet lag is kickin in10:16
tsdgeossee if caffeine helps10:16
dednicktsdgeos: and tests (try anyway)10:16
dednicktsdgeos: :) ok10:17
tsdgeosdednick: which tryXXX are you using ?10:20
tsdgeosah yeah10:23
tsdgeoslistview is a mess :/10:25
dednicktsdgeos: tryDashContent10:27
tsdgeos+                item.currentIndex = subPageLoader.initialIndex;10:30
tsdgeosin the onLoaded of qml/Dash/GenericScopeView.qml seems to help10:31
tsdgeosit should not be needed10:31
tsdgeosbut oh well10:31
dednicktsdgeos: it's in the onLoaded already? item.initialIndex = Qt.binding(function() { return subPageLoader.initialIndex; } )10:33
tsdgeosthat should make it work10:33
tsdgeossince we have the onCountChanged trick to set currentIndex10:33
tsdgeosbut it's obviously not10:33
tsdgeosso forcing currentIndex directly10:33
tsdgeosmakes it a bit more robust10:33
tsdgeosnote i said currentIndex and not initialIndex10:33
dednicktsdgeos: ah10:34
tsdgeosand no need for the binding, just a one time thing on load10:34
dednicktsdgeos: ya. works now.10:36
tsdgeos:) and :/10:37
tsdgeosdednick: when you have 5 min can you comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~feng-kylin/unity8/OpenUrlInIndicator/+merge/258836 ?11:04
larsultinkl, mzanetti: I know this queued signal thing is causing you headaches, but I dislike merging this patch based on conjecture11:07
larsuwe integrate with glib in a lot more places, and they all might face the same issues11:07
dednicktsdgeos: done11:16
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lolekhello everybody11:32
lolekI've got a situation with GtkMenuBar and Unity,and I'm looking for some ways to fix this. The thing is that the app has got multiple gtkmenubars, and hence if I use global menu, then I've got that gtkmenubar duplicated so I'm forced to disable the use of global menu. My question is if there's some option to "tell" the menuproxy which gtkmenubar it should use?11:33
larsulolek: the menu proxy is really meant for legacy apps. You can set the global menu explicitely with gtk_application_set_menubar11:52
larsuor include a gtk/menus-traditional.ui resource with a "menubar" element that describes your menu11:53
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lolekhi larsu, thank you for the information I'll check what I can use from that11:59
loleklarsu: what if my menu is changing like for example.. each tab has got different menubar?12:02
larsulolek: you can call that function again, or replace parts of the GMenuModel that you pass in12:08
lolekuhm, ok12:11
pstolowskimzanetti, hey, how was the sprint?12:50
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tsdgeosdandrader: do you kwow what defines MirTouchInputEvent ? is it mir itself or something else?14:48
dandradertsdgeos, I think it's mir, although grep cound't find it there :/14:51
tsdgeosi think they renamed it14:52
ltinkltsdgeos: http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/group__mir__toolkit.html#ga285e4165eda60a851a2d0c4c232be03614:52
tsdgeossee #ubuntu-mir14:52
tsdgeosltinkl: i can google too ;)14:52
tsdgeosthing is grep disagrees with the webpage14:53
tsdgeosbut thanks :)14:53
ltinklalways happy to point the obvious :p14:53
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pstolowskimzanetti, hey, any news about landing of review-edit widget?15:58
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kgunnmterry: is there a snappy channel on freenode ?20:03
mterrykgunn, yup20:03
mterryAnd #snappy-internal on our server20:03

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