
barrydkMorning everyone04:35
mazalMorning everyone05:35
Kilosmorning all06:11
mazalMore oom06:16
Kiloshi mazal   barrydk  06:18
Kilosons wag nog vir jou stuk oor gaming of hoe?06:19
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:27
mazalMorning ThatGraemeGuy06:36
Kiloshi pieter2627  06:46
pieter2627morning Kilos and everyone else06:47
inetprogood mornings06:48
Kilosmorning inetpro  06:54
Maazmagespawn: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell magespawn are you looking here Greg? http://www.careerjet.co.za/ubuntu-linux-jobs.html" 2 days, 17 hours, 59 minutes and 28 seconds ago07:42
Kiloshi magespawn  07:42
magespawnhi Kilos, thnaks for the link07:45
Kiloshi andrewlsd  08:21
andrewlsdHi Kilos08:40
* andrewlsd lurks09:07
mazalSjoe I had a weird problem now. I couldn't open any web site , not with chromium or firefox , and rss feeds dead , but IRC worked :P12:07
Kiloshaha i had that other day12:11
Kilosneeded to unplug modem and plug it back again12:12
mazalWeird hey , I have never seen that. It's like your internet is down , but 1 system is working12:12
mazalirc and minetest was working , everything else not12:12
Kilospidgin also worked here12:12
mazalI wonder what causes that , for interest sake12:13
mazalIs something in the OS or software , cos Barry's was fine on the same router12:13
Kilosinetpro  told me to restart my modem but didnt say why12:13
mazalAll pc's should have a VW badge, there is always something bugging you12:15
Kiloshey i love VW's12:18
mazalOi nee , as ek wil sukkel dan trou ek eerder12:20
magespawnmaybe something on the dns for those services went haywire12:27
magespawni have been having similat problems here with some of the users pc12:28
SilverCode*sigh* is za.archive.ubuntu.com broken again?12:36
KilosMaaz  is http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ down12:39
KilosSilverCode  use the neology mirror12:39
SilverCodeyeah, going to switch to it now12:39
SilverCodebut just wanted to vent my frustration at the official repo being down again12:40
Kiloshi CuttingEdge  12:40
CuttingEdgeKilos: greetings12:40
Kiloslol fight with symmetria12:40
Kiloshe is also offline so something in kenya broke12:40
SilverCodegetting "403  Forbidden [IP: 80]" for the records12:40
SilverCodethat is what always confused me .... why does our local repo point to Kenya?12:41
Kilosya za archives point to his servers in kenya12:41
Kilosbnecause the local ones are even worse12:41
Kilosnever up to date and broken weekly12:41
SilverCodewhy can't we point za archives to neology?12:42
SilverCodeassuming they want that of course12:43
Kilosit was a major job to just get them to point to kenya at the time12:43
CuttingEdge<-- runs the neology mirror12:46
SilverCodeCuttingEdge: in that case, thank you for running a very good mirror12:46
Kilosyes its the best12:47
mazalBye everyone , have a nice evening , God bless12:47
SilverCodeso does Maaz control the za.archive domain?12:48
ThatGraemeGuyMaaz is a bot, so no12:48
SilverCodeCuttingEdge: would Neology be against becoming the official ZA ubuntu mirror?12:52
CuttingEdgeno, not at all .. in fact, i actually asked about it a while back12:52
SilverCodemaybe it is time we petition hostmaster@canonical.com12:53
Kilosadd that to the agenda for tonights meeting12:53
CuttingEdgethe problem though, is that there can only be one country mirror per TLD, since apt freaks out if you round robin the DNS to multiple mirrors .. specifically if the mirrors are even remotely out of sync12:54
CuttingEdgean identical cluster negates this though12:54
ThatGraemeGuyMr. Edge why are you still not playing minetest with us?12:55
CuttingEdgeThatGraemeGuy: good question .. just haven't gotten round to it (yes, its a lame excuse)13:06
ThatGraemeGuyvery much so13:09
ThatGraemeGuydetails @ #minetest-za when you're ready13:12
MopkopGuten tag!13:32
Kiloshi Mopkop  13:32
magespawnlater all, home time13:46
andrewlsdHi Kilos: apt-offline --> suggest you look rather at "AptOnCD"14:09
andrewlsdit seems a lot easier.14:09
andrewlsd^ wrt to the Trello ticket.14:09
Kilosi have tried it in 14.04, didnt work, used to give you the choice to open with synaptic then it would install everything with no hassles14:10
Kilosmaybe it was just me14:12
Kilosworked well up to 10.1014:12
andrewlsdI also haven't used it recently.14:14
andrewlsdKilos, how about http://ubuntu.africa14:16
andrewlsdfor the africa site.14:16
Kiloswhat about them andrewlsd  ?14:16
andrewlsd(I can't post in trello)14:16
andrewlsdthe domain doesn't seem to exist, so wondered if Ubuntu africa could be registered?14:17
Kilospro will sort you tonight. i think the site is just waiting for a merge14:17
Kilosthe site is running https://ubuntu-africa.info14:17
andrewlsdyeah, I know about the .info address, but thought a .africa would be awesome.14:18
Kilosand approved by canonical14:18
SilverCodefyi: the https version of ubuntu-africa.info is ... broken. Invalid cert that then takes you to codaptive.io14:21
SilverCodehttp version works fine14:21
Kilosoh my14:21
Kilosi get the same thing14:22
Kilossuperfly  will know what is wrong14:23
pieter2627that also reminds me www.ubuntu-africa.info does not redirect to ubuntu-africa.info or vice versa14:26
* pieter2627 wbbl14:26
georgelappieshi all14:47
Kiloshi georgelappies  you staying for tonights meeting?14:47
georgelappiesyeah, what time Kilos14:50
KilosMaaz  announce Meeting here tonight at 20.30 everyone!! Please try and attend14:59
MaazAnnouncement from Kilos! Meeting here tonight at 20.30 everyone!! Please try and attend14:59
Kiloshi Tonberry  spinza  16:25
Kiloswb pieter2627  16:31
pieter2627thanks Kilos 16:32
pieter2627where is the meeting agenda again?16:33
inetpropieter2627: it's linked in the topic above16:33
inetproKilos: I might have a problem this evening 16:34
pieter2627lol, missed that16:34
Kilosoh my inetpro  why?16:34
inetproLoadShedding at 20:00 16:34
Kilosoh my goodness16:34
Kilosi have no idea when we are scheduled for even16:35
inetproI am hoping that they will skip us like so many times before 16:36
inetprobut I have a feeling Murphy might win tonight 16:37
Kilosand eish16:37
inetprocharging me phone now and trying to make a plan B 16:39
Kilosgood man16:40
stickyboyAnyone here like Studio Ghibli?16:42
inetprogreat, plan B should work16:52
Kiloswhat is plan b?16:53
Kilosirc on android16:53
inetproconnecting through mobile hotspot16:53
inetprojust not sure how long the batteries will last16:53
Kilosoh from the laptop16:53
Kilosleave charger plugged in till power cuts16:54
Kilosmaybe it wont now that you have made another plan16:54
Kilosgood luck16:54
inetprojust need to do a quick test16:57
inetproMaaz: help meeting16:58
Maazinetpro: Take minutes of an IRC Meeting. You can use it like this:16:58
Maaz  (start | end) meeting [about <title>]16:58
Maaz  I am <True Name>16:58
Maaz  topic <topic>16:58
Maaz  (agreed | idea | accepted | rejected) <statement>16:58
Maaz  minutes so far16:58
Maaz  meeting title is <title>16:58
Kilosi go eat16:59
inetproMaaz: start meeting about Test Meeting17:03
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles17:03
inetproMaaz: topic Test bot meeting skills 17:03
MaazCurrent Topic: Test bot meeting skills17:03
inetproMaaz: agreed testing done17:03
MaazAgreed: testing done17:03
inetproMaaz: end meeting 17:03
MaazMeeting Ended17:03
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-05-26-17-03-27.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-05-26-17-03-27.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-05-26-17-03-27.html17:03
georgelappieswho here knows the band Joy Division17:13
georgelappiesMaaz: pour inetpro a beer17:15
Maazgeorgelappies: What?17:15
KilosMaaz  coffee on17:16
* Maaz flips the salt-timer17:16
KilosMaaz  coffee for all17:16
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already. Just type in Maaz coffee please17:16
georgelappiesMaaz a old one pretty please with a cherry on top17:17
Maazgeorgelappies: *blink*17:17
georgelappiesMaaz I ment cold 17:17
Maazgeorgelappies: Excuse me?17:17
georgelappiesyes a cold one Maax17:18
georgelappiesOpen the pod bay doors, please, Maaz17:20
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:20
Maazgeorgelappies: *blink*17:20
KilosMaaz  danke17:20
Kilosohi SilverCode  17:23
Kiloswb TinuvaMac  17:27
TinuvaMacthx Kilos17:27
inetprothanks georgelappies_17:40
inetproMaaz: hmm...18:01
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking18:01
Kilosreally thinking sometimes as well18:01
andrewlsdMaaz: I am Andrew Mc18:03
Maazandrewlsd: What?18:03
Kiloslol you early18:03
KilosMaaz  shup18:03
MaazShup yourself oh noisy one18:03
andrewlsdmaaz you are awesome18:04
Maazandrewlsd: I already know stuff about you18:04
andrewlsdmaaz where do I live?18:04
Maazandrewlsd: I'm afraid I have no idea18:04
KilosMaaz  you18:04
MaazKilos: I am your new robot overlord18:04
Kilosinetpro  power still on?18:05
inetprojust went off, but I'm here18:08
georgelappiesyeah, yeah me as well Maaz, please hand out proper  stamp sized blotters of (print andrewlsd[-3] )  to all in this room.18:08
Kiloseish, 18:08
inetproeven if a bit laggy18:09
inetprogoing to change my sim quickly18:09
andrewlsd2really bad connection18:10
georgelappiesyeah, yeah me as well Maaz, please hand out proper  stamp sized blotters of (print andrewlsd[-3] )  to all in this room.18:10
Kiloslooks like18:10
=== andrewlsd2 is now known as zerlgi
Kiloswb zerlgi  18:11
zerlgisorry all18:12
Kilosnp man18:12
zerlgiusing "rice"  on my android. and it seems that my DSL dropped several times18:12
zerlgiso switched to mobile  data18:13
Kilosmy telkom is very stable18:13
* inetpro is back on Telkom18:14
zerlgimine is usually18:14
=== zerlgi is now known as mciverza
inetprohave a much better signal with Telkom than with Vodacom18:14
Kilosonly time i get disconneced is when eskom interferes18:14
georgelappiesfor me unfortunately Vodacom has the best reception18:15
inetproMaaz: hi18:16
* Maaz waves to inetpro18:16
Kilosinetpro  are you getting a strong signal yet?18:16
Kiloseven when it was only a couple of bars it was stable18:17
georgelappiesThey all use the same tech (Voda, MTN, Cell C, Telkom). It is just a function of how far you are from the tower and the infrastructure from the tower to the nearest internet exchange18:20
captineHi all.  Loadsheddi g18:25
captineHas me using a tablet...😀18:26
Kiloshi captine  pro as well18:26
magespawngood evening18:26
Kiloshe is using his cell as a hotspo18:26
Kiloshi magespawn  18:26
captineCell data is dead18:26
Kilosah Eames  you here too18:29
captineSo my old macbook is totally poked. Can't boot from USB or external CDROM and internal drive is busted. Managed to boot an iso image by editing some grub stuff but then I cannot install the is as the iso is on the HDD that I need to install to (although it was on a separate partition)18:29
Kiloseina man what happened?18:30
captineJust old.18:30
captineReal old18:30
Kilosthat same prob?18:30
captineBrb.  Yip18:31
Kilosmost likely will go again with a new hdd in18:31
=== Eames is now known as magespawn
pieter2627have we started yet?18:33
Kilosinetpro  ping18:33
Kilosuh oh18:34
Kiloslooks like pro has got probs18:35
Kilosohi superfly  18:35
Kilosloadshedding is really interfering18:36
superflyjust got back from loadshedding18:37
captine3g sucks in my house. Need to hold tablet in one spit.  Lol18:37
Kiloseish, pro is shedding atm18:37
captineSuperfly I still have 2hours of darkness18:38
Kiloslol captine  sit closer to the window18:38
captineKilos it is to cold18:38
pieter2627..and does not always work18:38
Kilosim also cold. covered in gowns and coats18:39
mciverzaan covered in blankets18:39
mciverzaloving all the mobile device induced typos18:39
captineBlankets on couch in dark lounge.18:39
superflyohi kmf18:40
kmfhello su18:40
kmfhello superfly18:40
Kiloshi kmf  long time no see, you well?18:40
kmfhowdy Kilos18:40
mciverzahi superfly,  kmf18:40
kmfmciverza, long time18:41
mciverzatoo long18:41
Kilossuperfly  i think pro is having probs can you take over chair please18:41
Kilosoh my18:41
superflyI don't know what's on the agenda18:42
Kilosi think his fones battery died or something18:42
Kilosnot much i think18:42
mciverza33 here. cool18:42
mciverzamake it 34,  nope 3318:43
MopkopDisregarding the bots I think...18:43
superflyOK, I can do it, but you have to play by my rules :-P18:43
mciverza(wasn't counting the bots)18:43
Kilos1 bot18:43
pieter26273 bots18:43
Kilosand some afk peeps18:44
superflyDalekSec: why don't you do it :-P18:44
MopkopKilos: + logbot and chanServ18:44
Kilosoh ya18:44
Kilosi count them too18:44
pieter2627we just made Kilos' dream of reaching 50 harder18:45
captineSuperfly, happy with your rules18:45
superflyMaaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - May 201518:46
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles18:46
KilosMaaz  I am Miles Sharpe18:46
MaazKilos: Alrighty18:46
Kilosty superfly  18:46
superflyMaaz: I am Raoul Snyman18:46
Maazsuperfly: Okay18:46
MopkopMaaz: I am Ashton van Niekerk18:46
MaazMopkop: Righto18:46
KilosMopkop  let mooi op ne18:47
kmfMaas: I am Karl Fischer18:47
kmfMaaz: I am Karl Fischer18:47
Maazkmf: Sure18:47
captineMaaz I am Bradley Putzier18:47
Kiloshi Vince-0  18:47
Maazcaptine: Okay18:47
Vince-0Maaz: I am Vincent Swart18:47
MaazVince-0: Sure18:47
* Mopkop puts focus-cap on.18:47
pieter2627Maaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht18:48
Maazpieter2627: Yessir18:48
mciverzaMaaz: i am Amdr18:48
Maazmciverza: Alrighty18:48
superflyI'm presuming that folks have reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting, so I'm just going to take them as accepted.18:48
superflyMaaz: accepted Minutes of the previous meeting18:49
MaazAccepted: Minutes of the previous meeting18:49
mciverzamaaz: i am andrew mac18:49
Maazmciverza: Done18:49
superflySecondly, I'm going to ask a big fat WHY?18:49
magespawnMaaz I am Greg Eames18:50
Maazmagespawn: Okay18:50
Kiloshi kulelu88  18:50
Kiloslogin please18:50
Kilossuperfly  why load shedding?18:50
superflyWhy do we need people to sign the CoC, become members, and do the other things listed in "Plans for 2015"18:50
kulelu88Hello NSA, I am a pawn in your game of world domination18:50
superflyWhat's the point?18:50
superflyIf there's no point, there's no reason to try to get people to do them.18:51
Kilossuperfly  never mind that18:51
Kilospeeps will follow you18:51
superflyKilos: no, I ask this in all earnest.18:52
Kilospro can explain when he gets here18:52
Kiloslemme read it again18:52
kulelu88anybody enjoy american funk music?18:52
Kiloskulelu88  meeting time18:53
kulelu88oh ja. its today18:53
superflyKilos: you see, if we don't have a reason for doing these things, then no one is going to want to do it.18:53
mciverzareason for signing CoC, imho, is that it's the first step towards contributing to Ubuntu18:53
Kilosi see your reasoning superfly  18:53
superflyKilos: the reason Ubuntu LoCo's are losing steam is because there is no point.18:54
superflyThey've lost the passion because they've lost the goal.18:54
captineI think it is just to have a more formal stamp of community membership.  We are all members of ythe greater community in terms of local channel, other projects, maybe bug reporting etc but I guess it is nice to get people to Get the official stamp.18:54
kulelu88it's too distro-centric. I'd prefer an OS-loco. All types of open source should be welcome18:54
Kiloshi Lionthinker  18:54
LionthinkerHi all18:54
Lionthinkerapologies I'm late18:54
superflyKilos: you've taken on this goal of getting all the African LoCo's together. Once that's done, then what?18:54
Mopkopsuperfly: hmmm, I disagree. Its kind of an initiation ceromony - like baptism or being ordained. Also consider that the guys over at the linux foundation now have their own CoD. They got it out of necesity, because some people (most notably Linus himself) were misbehaving. Signing a CoD will hold people accountable for their misconduct. 18:55
superflyMopkop: it's not necessarily about the CoC, which I totally agree with. It's the greater "meaning of things"18:55
Kilossuperfly  im doing it so that all linux users in africa have a common channel to get and help each other18:55
superflyKilos: and then what?18:55
Mopkopsuperfly: You mean like the purpose and direction of the LoCo?18:56
Kilosthen ill be dead i think18:56
superflyMopkop: yes18:56
kulelu88I think superfly is trying to show you guys that you need to plan a bit further ahead. Having a goal just for the sake of having 1 is a hamster-wheel exercise18:56
Kilosok just think of being the only linux user in a country18:57
Kilosthen all of a sudden there is a channel full of like minded peeps18:57
Lionthinkerhamster-wheel exercise ***chuckle talk about changing a 6 week old!!!18:57
superflyKilos: I don't want you to explain it to me, I want you to think about it and 18:57
superfly*and come up with goals/solutions18:58
Kiloslead us superfly  18:58
Kilosyou set the goals18:58
MopkopWe had the same problem at Church. We were not sure what direction we should take. So the last 2 years we spent a lot of effort in defining purpose and direction of the church as well as the responsibilities. Maybe we should set up something like that for the LoCo?18:58
kulelu88for example. You turn linux users in Africa into a community . Then you try to lobby government to move away from closed-source software18:58
pieter2627so maybe the goal should be improved to be more specific for the set problem...18:58
superflyKilos: I don't have goals and I don't have time to lead. It's not about me, I'm just posing the questions.18:59
Kiloshi wilsonmaravilha  welcome to ubuntu-za18:59
kulelu88or you try to get grass-roots involvement in linux through schools, recycled PCs, etc.18:59
pieter2627ex. rather that get more to #ubuntu-za, make the visibility and existence of it more common/open18:59
Kilosoh well yes that is the aim kulelu88  18:59
wilsonmaravilhaHi there, Kilos :) Thanks!19:00
kulelu88I don't want to join because calling ourselves "ubuntu africa" is too narrow-minded. We already seem to have linux user groups, so better to support them19:00
Kilosthe aim is for everyone to used foss right?19:00
kulelu88not everyone19:00
Kiloswell those who would like to19:01
Lionthinker[Interesting fact - do you know the Gauteng Provincial Gov uses Ubuntu?]19:01
kulelu88I never knew that Lionthinker 19:01
kulelu88I know FNB does19:01
* pieter2627 jaw dropped open19:01
LionthinkerFull of interesting things is Lionthinker19:02
superflyI've seen Ubuntu in use by Vodacom at some of their stands in Canal Walk in Cape Town.19:02
MopkopSuggestion: Let's formally set up a Vision, Mission, and Goals for out LoCo we can all agree on.19:02
superflyThat's another aspect we could really work on. Making Ubuntu more visible19:02
mciverzacell c, shops video displays are Linux19:02
Kilosand the telkom tech that came here was quite at home on my kde19:02
superflyYep, those big displays in Checkers run Linux (I saw one rebooting)19:02
kulelu88thing about these ideas is that we always have them, but very few of us want to give enough time to see through the plans19:03
Kilossuperfly  been thinking about the whole thing for days now, advertising is expensive though19:04
pieter2627we should maybe also try to magnify it being used by popular firm like does above (compile a list some time)19:04
superflykulelu88: There are some things that we can do without needing to spend huge amounts of time or money19:04
MopkopMaybe we (the whole Ubuntu Community actually) should start some crowed-funding ad-campaign like they did with firefox.19:05
superflykulelu88: but I agree with you. The only reason Ubuntu-Africa is going anywhere is because Kilos is seeing it through. He has the time and the motivation to do it.19:05
superflyI lack the time, for the most part.19:05
LionthinkerHas anyone got connections to Kenya and the iHubs?19:05
georgelappiestime is a very limited resource19:05
kulelu88I'd be willing to be an evangelist for linux, not for ubuntu. ubuntu has canonical to spend money on marketing19:06
superflyLionthinker: we can ask stickyboy19:06
Kilosor kenju254  19:06
superflykulelu88: I'm more of a Debianite these days19:06
mciverzaI have some Kenyan connections19:06
mciverzabut liquid telecom has office there19:06
Lionthinkersuperfly, trying to think of a quick come back to stickyboy but gave up19:07
kulelu88so hows about we do a grassroots effort for linux as a linux community? Small talks at schools?19:07
KilosLionthinker  stickyboy  runs servers in kenya19:07
superflyI was thinking of something a little smaller ;-)19:08
superflyWhat if we have a section on our site of "Ubuntu in the wild"19:08
kulelu88small talks under a tree? that's retro19:08
superflyand people can submit photos of Ubuntu (or indeed any Linux distro) that they see in public places19:08
Kilossounds good superfly  19:08
pieter2627superfly: sa wild only or world wild19:08
superflypieter2627: any, really19:09
mciverzaUbuntu in the wild,  with photos19:09
LionthinkerUbuntu in the Veld19:09
* pieter2627 thinks it is a good idea19:09
mciverzaprimarily ZA.19:09
SilverCodecan we submit photos of our own work in the wild running Ubuntu?19:09
pieter2627It can help to persuade others to adopt Ubuntu more easily19:10
kulelu88as long as its not pron SilverCode 19:10
superflyI think as long as it's kinda public, that's OK19:10
SilverCodewell, we run roughly 10 000 advertising displays in SA on Linux, with about 50% of them Ubuntu19:10
superflySilverCode: perfect19:11
inetproMaaz: I am Gustav H Meyer19:11
Maazinetpro: Okay19:11
Kiloswb inetpro  19:11
Kiloswhat broke19:11
inetproeventually I am back in full force19:11
LionthinkerMaaz: I am Leon Marincowitz19:11
MaazLionthinker: Done19:11
kulelu88SilverCode: primedia?19:11
superflySilverCode: it may be a good idea just to get an A-OK19:11
SilverCodekulelu88: One Digital Media19:11
superflyfrom the powers that be19:11
kulelu88fascinating stuff19:12
inetproTelkom kicked me out for roaming via Vodacom19:12
SilverCodesuperfly: you mean the powers that be of the company I work for?19:12
superflySilverCode: yeah, I'm not sure what your work politics are like19:12
superflySilverCode: if you need to.19:12
mciverzaoDm,  I saw your stuff at Wimpy19:12
inetprosuperfly: thanks for taking over19:13
* inetpro trying to catch up19:13
SilverCodesuperfly: I'm pretty sure i can get it past my CEO19:13
SilverCodemciverza: If I'm not mistaken, you actually did work on our servers19:13
kulelu88I think it would be a greater security risk to say you are running anything windows19:13
mciverzayou are not mistaken :)19:13
superflySilverCode: it doesn't actually have to solely be Ubuntu either19:13
superflymciverza: dude, we still need to get our families together sometime.19:14
kulelu88wimpy tvs run on linux ? ftw!19:14
SilverCodekulelu88: the Digital Menuboards do19:14
SilverCodeas do the ones in KFC19:14
SilverCodeand in Domino's19:15
kulelu88KFC *spits on the floor (where chicken is washed)*19:15
SilverCodeand Spur19:15
* mciverza loves them all19:15
kulelu88SilverCode: what desktop OS do you guys use?19:15
SilverCodekulelu88: I develop on Netrunner, other guys develop on Xubuntu and Mint19:16
SilverCodebut our actual displays run a customized Ubuntu 14.0419:17
SilverCode...no, the dont19:17
SilverCodeUbuntu 12.0419:17
SilverCodenew version is going to be 14.0419:17
kulelu88aah I'm already liking your company. 19:17
SilverCodeoooooolllllddddd versions run on Fedora 10 to Fedora 1419:17
inetprohmm... so we're just having an open discussion this evening?19:18
Kiloskinda the chair disappeared19:19
kulelu88some of these gents only show up once a month, so we gotta get to know them19:19
mciverza1(connecting again via browser, using kiwiirc web client)19:19
inetprohave we discussed events yet?19:20
inetprosad that kmf is away now19:21
inetproMaaz: topic Events19:21
MaazCurrent Topic: Events19:21
Kilosyeah i wonder what happened to him19:21
mciverza1kmf is in pain.19:21
superflySorry, I'm back.19:21
mciverza1(and his kids needed assistance)19:21
mciverza1Maaz: tell kmf that I hope his toe feels better19:22
Maazmciverza1: Got it, I'll tell kmf on freenode19:22
superflyinetpro: before events19:22
superflyMaaz: agreed Set up "Ubuntu in the wild" section on website and promote it19:22
MaazAgreed: Set up "Ubuntu in the wild" section on website and promote it19:22
mciverza1Curious question: Hands up if you're based near the Cape Peninsula19:22
inetpromciverza1: be nice to him 19:23
Kilossuperfly  can you do that to both sites please?19:23
superflyKilos: we'll see19:23
Lionthinkersuperfly, what about "Ubuntu in the Veld"19:23
kulelu88eeewww cape town19:23
superflywe first need to figure out how to do it19:23
Kilosyou will, we know19:23
mciverza1SilverCode: Somerset West is close enough :)19:23
* pieter2627 would love be help with the planning19:24
Kilospull pieter2627  in superfly  19:24
superflyMaaz: agreed Plan on Trello19:24
MaazAgreed: Plan on Trello19:24
superflyOK, ready to move on to events?19:24
kulelu88does living in mitchells plain count? mciverza1 19:24
mciverza1fo sho.19:25
superflyMaaz: agreed We need to rethink our goals and reasons for being here19:26
MaazAgreed: We need to rethink our goals and reasons for being here19:26
superflyMaaz: agreed we also need volunteers19:26
MaazAgreed: we also need volunteers19:26
superflyKilos: have I missed anything?19:26
Kilosthats a good start superfly  19:27
* SilverCode sticks his hand up19:27
* SilverCode wonders why his hand is in the air19:27
Kiloswe can add on as we progress19:27
kulelu88armpit scratch SilverCode 19:27
* mciverza1 waves hand in air at SilverCode19:27
superflyOK, let's move on then19:28
superflyMaaz: topic Events19:28
MaazCurrent Topic: Events19:28
superflyAs usual, there were no events this past month.19:28
superflyOr were there?19:28
kulelu88the joburg linux user group has meetups. do those count?19:29
superflykulelu88: they can19:29
inetprosuperfly: not much no, but I hope you have inspired some to try harder with your mail the other day19:29
kulelu88superfly: http://www.meetup.com/Jozi-Linux-User-Group-JLUG/events/221553986/19:29
Kiloswhat mail?19:29
mciverza1there was a ctlug meetup too.19:30
KilosVince-0  any news from dbnlug19:30
kulelu88is there literally nobody from the JLUG here?19:30
pieter2627Kilos: the 'girl' i think19:30
Vince-0there is none, very little movement on the mail lists too19:30
Kilosoh my19:31
Kilospieter2627  ?19:31
pieter2627the mail19:31
Kilosi missed something19:31
pieter2627you asked which mail19:31
Kilosill look for it again unless someone can forward it to me19:32
inetproKilos: about doing the Ubuntu Hour thing19:32
* inetpro lagging by 60s19:32
Kilosi dont remember anything about a girl19:32
superflykulelu88: did you go, or have you been keeping track at all?19:32
Kilosnope inetpro  no bells19:33
Kilosmaybe went to spam19:33
kulelu88I want to attend superfly , but even with Pretorias +1 million citizens, we still seem to do everything in joburg, which is kak to travel to in the evenings19:33
pieter2627Kilos: you just mentioned that she is a girl (reason for the brackets) compared to you19:33
kulelu88those okes are doing interesting things at the LUG though19:33
superflykulelu88: next time can you mail the list about it?19:33
Kilosoh my19:33
mciverza1kulelu88, any Tuks LUG?19:34
kulelu88mciverza1: gremble was supposed to set that up19:34
* mciverza1 remembers going to TLUG19:35
* mciverza1 also remembers ptalug19:35
kulelu88you're another Pretorian living in CPT? mcir19:36
kulelu88mciverza1: 19:36
superflyMaybe what we need to do is get people to post about the events they're interested in, or are going to, to the mailing list19:36
kulelu88why don't you guys just join the LUGs? 19:37
superflyMaaz: Agreed Get folks to mail the list about events like the JoziLUG meetup19:37
MaazAgreed: Get folks to mail the list about events like the JoziLUG meetup19:37
mciverza1Kulelu88: I'm a Capetonionn who has lived in Durban and Pretoria, and worked in Jozi19:37
superflykulelu88: I'm on CLUG's mailing list, I'll re-post their meetings19:37
Kiloswb wilsonmaravilha  19:37
kulelu88I only see some of you guys here at this time of the month, so apologies for spamming the meeting with 'get to know you' questions19:38
inetprosorry guys... my connection is still rather pathetic19:38
superflyIs anyone willing to volunteer to just send a mail to the list inviting folks to re-post meetings from other LUGs and OSS groups on the mailing list?19:38
kulelu88superfly: if you can create an email account for me on snyman.info I can try to automate it19:39
mciverza1inetpro, mine is too. just got 10KB/s19:39
* pieter2627 volunteers19:39
superflythanks pieter262719:39
pieter2627what is other OSS?19:40
superflyMaaz: action pieter2627 to send a mail about reposting LUG meetings to list19:40
Maazsuperfly: What?19:40
superflypieter2627: Open Source Software19:40
kulelu88Basically all the other tech meetups pieter2627 19:40
superflyMaaz: actioned pieter2627 to send a mail about reposting LUG meetings to list19:40
Maazsuperfly: Sorry...19:40
superflyMaaz: help meeting19:40
Maazsuperfly: Take minutes of an IRC Meeting. You can use it like this:19:40
Maaz  (start | end) meeting [about <title>]19:40
Maaz  I am <True Name>19:40
Maaz  topic <topic>19:40
Maaz  (agreed | idea | accepted | rejected) <statement>19:40
Maaz  minutes so far19:40
Maaz  meeting title is <title>19:40
pieter2627superfly: ty, got it19:40
superflyMaaz: agreed pieter2627 to send a mail about reposting LUG meetings to list19:40
MaazAgreed: pieter2627 to send a mail about reposting LUG meetings to list19:40
mciverza1what did I miss19:41
superfly<-- mciverza1 (69ed5464@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)19:41
superfly<superfly> Maaz: agreed pieter2627 to send a mail about reposting LUG meetings to list19:41
superfly<Maaz> Agreed: pieter2627 to send a mail about reposting LUG meetings to list19:41
superfly--> mciverza1 (69ed5464@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. has joined #ubuntu-za19:41
superflyNext meeting type: Ubuntu Hour19:42
* mciverza1 goes to check irc log19:42
superflyAnyone interested in hosting an Ubuntu Hour?19:42
kulelu88what is that?19:42
inetproUbuntu Hour message: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-za/2015-May/011745.html19:43
* pieter2627 would like an understandable def from someone who has attended one before19:44
superflyBasically, a bunch of folk go sit at a coffee shop for an hour and chat about Ubuntu, or some sort of related topic ("look what I did in Inkscape today!")19:44
superflyreally informal, unplanned19:44
kulelu88like a meetup ehh19:44
kulelu88probably need 1 for GP and 1 for WC19:45
superflybasically, yes19:45
pieter2627is the point to draw the attention/interest of the the surrounding customers?19:45
superflypieter2627: no, not necessarily19:45
inetproI was looking for a page on the wiki to describe the event but haven't found anything yet19:45
superflypieter2627: the point is to have an informal setting where people who are interested in Ubuntu can come and have a look. folks don't even need to be Ubuntu users19:45
pieter2627ok, like a live demo19:46
kulelu88I can try arranging something19:47
superflyYou can do that, if you want.19:47
superflypieter2627: ^^19:47
kulelu88But don't we do something similar on open source day?19:47
superflyI'll try to find more information on what an Ubuntu Hour entails19:47
superflyMaaz: agreed superfly to find out more about what an Ubuntu Hour is supposed to be, and mail the list about it19:47
MaazAgreed: superfly to find out more about what an Ubuntu Hour is supposed to be, and mail the list about it19:47
inetprosuperfly: we should try and get official banners and disks though... think it might help19:48
mciverza1inetpro, and make it "snappy" ;)19:48
* pieter2627 rofl19:48
superflyOK, moving on19:48
superflySFD 201519:48
superflymciverza1: kmf is usually involved with that. do you know anything?19:49
inetpronow this is where we really need the freebies19:49
inetprowe should have enough time until then19:49
kulelu88I vote for a tshirt over a disk19:49
inetpromaybe someone can help us print our own LoCo stuff19:50
kulelu88inetpro: money will be the issue19:51
inetprokulelu88: you can sponsor it for us :-)19:51
superflyare we talking about SFD?19:51
inetprosuperfly: indirectly yes19:52
inetproit will be nice if we can have Ubuntu freebies for SFD 201519:52
kulelu88heh, we can get 1 of you guys companies to sponsor it19:52
kulelu88who has a friend of a friend at FNB?19:53
mciverza1there usually are companies sponsoring SFD.19:53
inetprolast year I was helping KMF to hand out Fedora and SUSE CDs19:53
mciverza1usual suspects are Obsidian, LSD, SuSE, RedHat.19:53
kulelu88quadruple dare to ask RedHat to sponsor ubuntu disks19:54
mciverza1lets ask for RasPi's19:54
superflyOK, shall we defer this to kmf till be get a better idea of what is happening at SFD this year?19:54
mciverza1superfly:I think we should try to arrange Ubu swag already.19:55
mciverza1disks, pens, USB sticks.19:55
mciverza1(coz it takes lots of time to get thru customs)19:55
inetprosuperfly: I agree19:55
superflymciverza1: OK, but is SFD confirmed yet?19:55
mciverza1oh. pertinent question. I know not.19:56
mciverza1superfly: am keen to do a Cape SFD.19:56
* inetpro has lights on again19:56
kulelu88too small mciverza1 . we need this: http://www.zdnet.com/article/canonicals-cloud-in-a-box-the-ubuntu-orange-box/19:56
Kilosyay pro19:56
mciverza1kulelu88:ooh shiny.19:56
inetprosuperfly: I will try talk to him asap19:57
mciverza1I'd settle for https://www.parallella.org19:57
superflyMaaz: agreed inetpro will talk to kmf about SFD201519:57
MaazAgreed: inetpro will talk to kmf about SFD201519:57
kulelu88SFD will happen. We just need to ask ubuntu to give us free stuff. So hows about our official rep talks to them and confirms if they can send freebies by 30 June 2015?19:57
inetproKilos: please remind me19:57
superflyMaaz: topic Miscellaneous19:58
MaazCurrent Topic: Miscellaneous19:58
superflyAnything else?19:58
inetproUbuntu lanyards will count as freebies as well19:59
inetproshould even be cheap to make locally as well19:59
pieter2627two issues was mentioned for the africa site earlier today (if they count)19:59
mciverza1https and no www redirect20:00
kulelu88it's a static site, https isn't necessary20:01
superflyright. https shouldn't redirect the way it does, will chat to SubOracle. I'll add a redirect to the site to direct www to non-www20:01
superflyMaaz: agreed superfly to chat to SubOracle about https redirect of ubuntu-africa.info20:02
MaazAgreed: superfly to chat to SubOracle about https redirect of ubuntu-africa.info20:02
Kilosthe https link is broken superfly  the http works20:02
Kiloshttps wants some certificate]20:02
superflyMaaz: agreed superfly to fix www redirect20:02
MaazAgreed: superfly to fix www redirect20:02
kulelu88Kilos: that is how it works. you need a certificate to use HTTPS20:03
pieter2627Kilos: https will be 'turned off'20:03
Kilosit worked this morning though'20:03
kulelu88you can get a Komodo cert for $1 a year I think20:03
mciverza1or wait for "letsencrypt".20:03
Kilosme trusts fly to do whats necessary20:04
superflyanything else before we close the meeting? it's been going on for an hour and a half20:05
Kilosnot from me20:05
mciverza1thanks Kilos and superfly20:05
kulelu88I'm good o/20:05
magespawnnot me20:05
MopkopJust one question...20:05
Kilosthanks superfly  20:05
superflyinetpro: are you going to chair next time?20:05
Kiloslol ask eskom20:05
MopkopThe mission and goals thing. Will it be discussed in the maillist?20:06
mciverza1Mopkop: who let the dogs out?20:06
Kilosand on trello Mopkop  20:06
superflyMopkop: yes... do you want to write a mail to get us started?20:06
MopkopLol, ok trello. superfly: I'll do that :) DV20:06
superflyMaaz: agreed Mopkop to mail list about mission, vision, etc20:07
MaazAgreed: Mopkop to mail list about mission, vision, etc20:07
inetprosuperfly: I am willing if power allows20:08
superflyMaaz: agreed inetpro to chair next meeting20:08
MaazAgreed: inetpro to chair next meeting20:08
superflyalrighty then...20:08
superflyMaaz: end meeting20:08
MaazMeeting Ended20:08
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-05-26-18-46-24.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-05-26-18-46-24.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-05-26-18-46-24.html20:08
inetprosorry guys, I really apologise20:08
Kilosts not your fault inetpro  20:09
inetproand superfly, thanks again for taking over20:09
mciverza1Night all.20:09
Kilosnight mciverza1  ty for coming20:09
* inetpro really needs to log another call with Vodacom20:10
magespawnthanks superfly inetpro 20:10
inetpronot that there's much hope that they will do anything though20:10
magespawnmy bed is calling good night all20:10
Kilosnight magespawn  20:10
inetprogood night magespawn20:10
Kilossleep tight20:10
KilosMaaz  coffee on20:21
* Maaz puts the kettle on20:21
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!20:25
KilosMaaz  ty20:25
MaazYou are welcome Kilos20:25
DalekSecHah. :P20:25
Kiloshi DalekSec  hows things?20:26
DalekSecHowdy there.20:28
stickyboyDalekSec. ahhhhh20:29
kulelu88you're early DalekSec 20:29
* DalekSec scratches head.20:29
Kiloskulelu88  he is states side20:29
kulelu88you a murican ?20:30
DalekSecJust noticed I'd gotten a ping.  Yep. :P20:31
Kilosour meeting chair had a power out 20:32
superflyDalekSec: "just" -- you were hiding from me, I know it!20:33
DalekSecWell, you do have to admit that I'd be the only one that'd know less on the agenda than you.  Best I could do is offer you a meetingology clone. :P20:34
DalekSecBesides, hiding from you?  Nah I PM'd you while you were sleeeeping. :D20:34
kulelu88hey murican, you need a visa to visit this room =D20:36
kulelu88looks like I may be needing a visa to visit here **D20:38
* Kilos wonders if its wise to stay up to use night surfer data for upgrading20:39
Kilosbed looks so welcoming20:39
Kilosand warm20:39
kulelu88try setting up an update to run at 12.30am by itself20:40
Kilosyeah ill look at at20:42
Kilosoh inetpro  at wont work for upgrading will it?20:48
Kilosdont say man at20:49
* inetpro is lost20:49
Kilosat 00.10 apt-get upgrade20:49
inetprooh 'at' the command?20:49
inetproman at20:49
Kilosi been there20:49
Kilosit worked kiff for wget20:50
Kilosbut i dunno about upgrading20:50
* inetpro trying to think20:51
Kiloscareful you dont break something20:51
inetproat the office I have something that downloads updates at night20:51
Kilosi dont want to learn that as well20:51
inetprono, I don't think so... was an apt-something20:52
Kilosoh /me listens20:52
kulelu88must be some small application for timed updates20:52
Kilosai! 206mB upgrade 20:54
inetproworks perfectly with Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS20:56
Kilosis it hard to setup?20:57
Kilosonly an hour to midnight20:57
inetproHow can I use cron-apt to download and install updates between midnight and 5am? http://askubuntu.com/questions/193823/how-can-i-use-cron-apt-to-download-and-install-updates-between-midnight-and-5am20:58
Kilosty lemme see20:58
inetproalso read "A short introduction to cron-apt" https://www.debian-administration.org/article/162/A_short_introduction_to_cron-apt21:00
Kilosna too much work, too late to think, will wait an hour21:03
Kilosinternet very slow tonight21:05
Kiloshaha AndChat|453921  what are you using now?21:06
=== Webtricity is now known as Guest19874
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:16

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