
bluesabremicahg: should adding packages like this to 'supported' add them to the packageset? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.wily/revision/98301:32
Unit193elfy: Basically, whatever you feel good with, and gives you the least work.  So that sounds good.02:10
Unit193That's a lot of backlog, btw. :P02:10
Unit193bluesabre: Super+tab is entirely awesome, I use it so very often and 'tis why Openbox breaks my workflow.02:12
Unit193ochosi: I can poke Lubuntu for trayicon testing if you need, sure.02:14
micahgbluesabre: yes, I believe it should02:40
ochosiUnit193: yes, that would be great. we already have a bugreport against the trayicon, but well, more testing won't hurt06:15
ochosiand morning all06:16
elfymorning :)06:16
elfyUnit193: downside being we'd be putting https://unit193.net/xubuntu/core/ on tracker 06:17
ochosielfy: do you still have xfpm 1.5.0 installed on your testbox?06:19
elfyoh bah - no icon06:19
elfyno idea - still got whatever I built from git06:19
ochosiok, that's good06:20
ochosiwait, you don't have an icon now?06:20
elfy... 06:20
ochosiok, i guess it's time to reopen that bugreport then i guess06:21
elfyno idea what's different between this restart and the dozen I did after building it yesterday 06:21
ochositbh i wasn't very convinced by the fix when i saw it06:21
ochosiit wasn't very logical, it just seems that sometimes upower doesn't return the icon name correctly or something06:21
ochosibut what i don't get is why the fallback isn't being displayed at all times06:22
ochosianyway, hopefully we'll have 1.5.0 in -staging soon, then testing will be easier06:22
elfy\o/ 06:22
* ochosi glances at Unit193 06:22
elfyochosi: I commented on the bug 06:22
ochosithat was one reason for me to do the release yesterday06:22
ochosithanks elfy!06:23
elfyI saaw talk of it going to staging - I'll watch for that 06:24
Noskcajbluesabre, panel 4.12 is working in my ppa, nothing broken locally. DO you want to upload it or should it go in xubuntu-staging?07:52
bluesabreNoskcaj: xubuntu-staging please so elfy and the others can pick it up10:26
bluesabreUnit193: cool, didn't see any of the new packages in the packageset today, maybe micahg can run the update script for us :)11:00
knomeGridCube, let's move the actual discussion here, actually..13:18
knomei would say deviantart is better at least now, since i don't think we want to maintain any submission thing13:18
knomebut i still think that there needs to be another way to participate, so if not else, there needs to be somebody that can take submissions and post them to deviantart/our own queue13:20
GridCubewe just need people to upload a link to an imgur image for example and they to mark that they are licensing, i think that should be less confusing to people who doesnt have a dA and needs to send a mail or something to me and all that13:20
knomemanaging the to-be-featured list in a wiki is a good idea13:20
knomeyes, that works as well13:20
knomeideally, we should be looking at all of our social media for those, but that means people need to be proactive13:21
knomei mean people in the team13:21
knomeand since that's not always possible, it's a bit meh13:21
GridCubea simple form that says URL:  and a disclaimer that says clearly "You are submitting an image and providing us with a CC3 share alike licence, and you are sure all images you provide in the screenshot are the same"13:22
knomethe point is, it's not "simple"13:22
knomecreating that is, sure13:22
knomegetting that through the IS pipeline and to xubuntu.org and maintaining it not simple, it's a lot of maintaining overhead13:23
lderanto the lots of overhead13:35
knomeyeah well13:35
micahgbluesabre: I can get someone to run it14:04
GridCubeknome: maybe hosting it somewhere else?14:15
knomeGridCube, that is just as good as imgur/deviantart/name the service really, since it's not "official"14:15
knomebut let's not get into the technical details... we just need the project happening14:22
GridCubeill see to restart the dA group and look around to see if i can find a more efficient way to get submissions14:28
knomeand as always, let me know if there's something you need help with14:29
knomei'll either draft an email to set the final pieces together, or add an item to the meeting agenda soonish14:30
knome(or both)14:30
lderanpoke me GridCube if there is anything i can do, think i can remember my dA login lol14:39
GridCubewill do lderan 14:55
rafaellagunahello brothers! :)17:29
rafaellagunaochosi, are you here?17:29
ochosisort of17:29
rafaellagunawe're discussing about xfce4-notify daemon problems on lubuntu desktop17:30
knomeochosi, sort of are, or sort of here?17:30
rafaellagunawhen will you be available for a chat?17:30
knomerafaellaguna, this isn't answering for ochosi, or this situation explicitly, but generally (at least on this channel): just type out your worries and we'll reply when we read it17:31
rafaellagunaokay, sorry, I thought he was "in charge"17:32
rafaellagunathis is the situation: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-notifyd/+bug/136255517:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1362555 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "notification dialog has horizonal bars" [Low,Triaged]17:32
knomerafaellaguna, well he's in charge for his own words... ;)17:32
knomerafaellaguna, but as i said, we generally welcome all discussions here without needing to ask permission17:33
rafaellagunagood to know :)17:33
rafaellagunaI come from a channel that uses to be more "chaotic"17:34
knomemhm, the people here usually behave well17:34
* knome hides the whip a bit better17:34
elfy ...17:34
knomeexcept elfy of course, he's the worst troll ever17:35
rafaellagunawe're all trolls17:35
rafaellagunathat's why we have an alternative non-dev channel for Lubuntu things, but 85% of our chat is sex, music, etc17:35
knome#xubuntu-offtopic :P17:36
rafaellagunaanyway, we have this bug for three releases now. it's affecting LXDE and MATE17:36
brainwash_and you did not forward it upstream yet?17:36
rafaellagunabut MATE uses its own notify daemon, so they don't really know about this. but Lubuntu uses xfce4-notifyd, and it's using the panel background for its own background. odd17:37
rafaellagunaany clue?17:38
knomehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-notifyd/+bug/1362555/comments/6 <- that?17:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 1362555 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "notification dialog has horizonal bars" [Low,Triaged]17:38
rafaellagunanope. already tried that 17:38
rafaellagunait fails with all themes, including those downloaded from gnome-look.org, for example17:39
brainwash_and bug 1337303 ?17:40
ubottubug 1337303 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "xfce4-notifyd uses tiled image as background " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133730317:40
rafaellagunathe funny thing is there's no background specified in its gtrc, but it takes one17:40
rafaellagunaduplicated bug17:41
brainwash_ye :)17:42
rafaellagunaI think I must locate the coder, not the packager. or call an exorcist :D17:42
ochosiok, now i'm around17:48
ochosirafaellaguna: what's up?17:49
ochosiah, i remember that bugreport17:49
rafaellagunayes, but as it's not affecting XFCE or Xubuntu users at all, it's "a bit ignored" :(17:49
ochosiwithout looking at your theme code, i'd say that's the problem17:50
ochosiwhere's your theme at?17:50
rafaellagunaI tried fixing it, using 3rd party themes, but nothing happened17:50
rafaellagunaI'm using default theme for Lubuntu. but it happens with Elementary, Greybird, Yosemite, and all that uses a dedicated image for the panel17:51
rafaellagunait automatically sets as notification background too17:51
ochosijeeez, you're using the unico engine for lubuntu-artwork?17:51
ochosiwell then it's likely that the themes are at fault17:51
rafaellagunayes :( for the moment17:51
rafaellagunawhy? I'm removing it, anyway17:51
rafaellagunaremember that lubuntu-theme is just a "fork" of Radiance17:52
ochosiwell i never knew, so no way i could remember that17:52
ochosiso yeah, in xubuntu your theme works as expected17:52
rafaellagunaI expect it to work nice :)17:52
rafaellagunait might be an interaction between xfce4-notify and our daemon17:53
rafaellaguna*settings daemon17:53
ochosiehm, first of all, why do you have your xfce4-notifyd style in two places? that can't be a good idea17:53
rafaellagunano, I removed the one in /apps17:54
rafaellagunathe daemon will only look for its config in its folder17:54
ochosiwell, i'm using 15.04 and that's what i get17:54
rafaellagunayes, that modification isn't included in that release17:54
ochosiso how do i get the most recent version of your theme then?17:55
rafaellagunait's in the PPA17:55
ochosiand the source?17:55
ochosii don't need a PPA, just the source (git, bzr) is fine17:55
ochosiso within xfce4-notifyd-settings you have selected Lubuntu-default as theme, right?17:57
rafaellagunaso it uses the folder inside the theme, of course17:58
ochosii'm pretty sure the problem is one of these lines: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-art/lubuntu-artwork/quantal/view/head:/src/usr/share/themes/Lubuntu-default/gtk-2.0/apps/lubuntu_lxpanel.rc#L9317:59
ochosiyou're matching some widget within xfce4-notifyd with that "theme-panel" style and then you get the tiles17:59
ochosiyou could comment line by line until you find the offender17:59
rafaellagunawidget "*PanelWidget*" ?17:59
ochosino, all lines that set "style "theme-panel""18:00
rafaellagunabut it's supposed that the notifier only uses "XfceNotifyWindow" as widget definition18:00
ochosino, it inherits other stuff from the theme that is currently in use as well18:00
ochosithe alternative to searching for the offender is to explicitely set a background in your notifyd-theme18:01
ochosithose are the two pointers i can give you18:01
rafaellagunaOMG, this looks very suspicious: "idget_class "*notif*"style "theme-panel""18:01
ochosiit does18:01
rafaellagunaI feel stupid now :D18:01
ochosino worries, happens to everyone ;)18:01
ochosiand all in all, it didn't take long for us to get here18:02
rafaellagunaok, I'll try to comment those widgets and see what happens18:02
rafaellagunayes, more eyes involved :)18:02
ochosisure thing18:03
ochosigotta take off to dinner now18:03
rafaellagunaok, thanks a lot!18:03
rafaellagunaI'll try right now!18:03
ochosigood luck meanwhile, and as knome said, if you need help, just ping and i'll reply when i'm back18:03
rafaellagunaochosi, I'll tell you if it works18:03
rafaellagunata mate!18:03
ochosigood good ;)18:03
ochosi(actually you dont have to cause i'm subscribed to your bugreport)18:04
rafaellagunaokay, but if it gets fixed you'll now here too :D18:04
brainwash_Noskcaj: any idea what's broken here? bug 139979918:38
ubottubug 1399799 in garcon (Ubuntu) "missed some languages in xfce-settings.directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139979918:38
knomehello again20:09
rafaellagunahelo knome :)20:09
rafaellagunaI've had to get back to tell you: http://lubuntublog.blogspot.com.es/2015/05/notifications-fixed.html20:09
knomegood to hear20:09
rafaellagunayes, it is :) a bit late, it didn't upload with the distro release, but nice anyway20:11
rafaellagunaso thanks to you all20:12
rafaellagunaand to ochosi :)20:12
rafaellagunao/ lderan 20:15
Noskcajbrainwash_, Just some compile-time thing. We had this issue already, i forget what package with. It should just need a rebuild20:21
brainwash_Noskcaj: so, close the report and say that the issue is (or will be) fixed in later releases?20:25
NoskcajIt's fixed in later releases, if you have time this might be worth an SRU20:25
NoskcajJust double-check it is fixed though20:26
brainwash_I won't touch anything SRU related20:26
brainwash_it's not even SRU worthy, or?20:26
Noskcajnot really worth, but it won't break anything so it would probably get through20:27
brainwash_I fear that there won't be anyone to verify the potential update =S20:28
brainwash_Noskcaj: want to update the bug status?20:30
Noskcajnew panel, new xfburn in xubuntu-staging20:45
Noskcajxfpm will be in a few minutes20:45
Noskcajbluesabre, ochosi: Does xfpm still need libsystemd-login-dev for logind?20:53
NoskcajIt's a transitional package that provides a .pc file and depends on libsystemd-dev20:54
brainwash_should be libsystemd-dev20:55
brainwash_starting with 15.0420:55
Unit193Noskcaj: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-xfce-devel/2015-March/020066.html20:56
ochosirafaellaguna: good to hear. one more thing/hint: you could make the title/heading of the notifications bold. that tends to look good20:57
rafaellagunayes, they are. I just invoked from the command line to do the screenshot20:58
rafaellagunabut summary is bold in the theme20:58
NoskcajUnit193, corsac already dropped that one, i'm just checking there's no hidden need for the .pc file20:59
rafaellagunaso THAAAANKS ochosi 20:59
ochosiah ok :)20:59
ochosinp, yw20:59
rafaellagunabtw, I didn't know you were you21:00
ochosiwell, what can i say. i am me.21:00
rafaellagunaI mean, I knew your work at shimmer project before yourself :D21:00
ochosii think we got in touch a looong time ago, pretty much when lubuntu became lubuntu21:01
rafaellagunaat the very beginning21:01
ochosianyway, good to see you stick around21:03
rafaellaguname too21:03
rafaellagunaI'm a fan :)21:04
ochosii guess now's not the time to invest heavily into redoing your gtk theme, since you'll be moving to qt soonish21:04
rafaellagunayes, we're working on it21:04
ochosihehe, well, enjoy it as long as you can time-wise ;)21:04
rafaellagunaI will :D21:04
rafaellagunaand I'll keep you informed21:05
rafaellagunanite, guys and girls!21:05
Noskcajxfpm is now in staging21:17
ochosinice, thanks Noskcaj, i'll give it a try21:27
ochosianything you noticed during packaging/testing so far?21:27
Noskcajpanel with xfpm 1.4.4 had 2 battery indicators, but i'll install 1.5.0 now and see how well it works21:28
Unit193Noskcaj: You sure you didn't have indicator-power installed?21:28
NoskcajUnit193, I probably do, just pointing out it appeared due to the panel merge21:28
ochosiNoskcaj: great, i'd be happy about any feedback there21:29
NoskcajUnit193, not installed21:29
elfyochosi: seem to have icon there now21:35
elfyand got the staging one 21:35
ochosiwell, since you said that you randomely don't get one, i'm still concerned tbh21:35
ochosialso, someone else reported a missing trayicon today with 1.5.021:36
elfygot a pointer to what logs might be the ones to look in perhaps? 21:36
ochosithere's not much magic happening there, basically we use the "icon-name" return value from upower, which you can also read via "upower -d" and provide a fallback in case upower doesn't provide a value21:37
ochosii guess it's actually time to read gnome-power-manager's source and see whether they do anything special for their battery indicator21:38
elfywandering now21:40
ochosiwhat you can do though, you can save the output of upower -d when the icon is there and compare it to when it isn't at some point21:41
ochosithat could be valuable21:41
bluesabregood evening folks21:41
ochosioh hey bluesabre 21:43
ochosihmm, anyone with any gnome3 experience here?21:43
bluesabrehey ochosi21:43
bluesabreochosi: ish, whats the question?21:43
ochosifrankly i have no clue what displays the battery icon in gnome shell21:43
ochosimaybe it's somewhere in gnome shell itself now21:43
ochosidoesn't seem to be in gnome-power-manager anymore, that one only draws graphs or stuff21:44
bluesabreoh, no idea for that21:44
bluesabremaybe ping satya?21:44
bluesabresince they're building a shell on top of gonme321:44
ochosinot sure he'll know, this is really a question about the *inner* workings of gnome, not the styling/looks21:44
ochosioh true21:44
ochosibluesabre: you can try xfpm1.5 now btw ;)21:47
ochosilooking forward to your feedback, especially since you have some devices that might finally show up there21:48
bluesabreochosi: panel icon is black, system tray icon is blue, settings icons are gnome21:53
ochosiok, you need to use the latest elementary-xfce to resolve that21:54
bluesabreah, gotcha21:54
ochosialso, i found what i was looking for. it's scary, so little code. i wonder why we have so much (ok ok, this is js vs. c): https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-shell/blob/master/js/ui/status/power.js21:55
bluesabreinterestingly, upower no longer recognizes my mouse these days21:56
ochosii guess it's a feature...21:56
ochosiit also thinks that my bt keyboard is a battery21:56
bluesabrevery nice21:57
bluesabremy headphones are at work21:57
ochosion the plus side, it actually displays the battery status of the keyboard now21:57
ochosii wonder, i really wonder, why do they use "system-shutdown-symbolic" as a fallback icon when there is no battery21:57
ochosiactually i guess i'd have to use gnome-shell at some point, maybe it'd actually make more sense then..21:58
bluesabreor less21:58
ochosiyeah, who knows21:58
ochosihave you tried using elementary-xfce daily build?21:59
bluesabrelast commit March 27?22:01
bluesabrealready running the latest then22:02
ochosiwat? that is weird22:03
ochosithat's almost impossible22:04
ochosii dropped all those fake symbolic icons for batteries22:05
bluesabreI'll try with the guest user22:05
ochosii'll upgrade to 1.5 from staging myself now22:07
bluesabreno diff22:07
ochosioh crap, no 15.04 yet?22:08
ochosii guess we should copy that over or something22:08
bluesabreI'll backport it now22:08
ochosihm, right, hadn't pushed the new settings icon yet22:10
ochosiguess i need to draw a few more sizes for that one though22:12
bluesabrepanel will build, the will copy indicator-plugin and xfpm to vivid -staging22:12
ochosik, thanks22:17
ochosialmost there with the remaining sizes of the settings icon22:18
ochosibluesabre: ok, pushed the icons. so one more thing should look right for you now ;)22:28
bluesabreochosi: cool, importing and then will build in the shimmerproject daily ppa22:31
ochosigotta hit the sack about now though22:45
ochosii'll test xfpm tomorrow when the backport is done22:46
bluesabrehave a good night ochosi22:47
ochosioh also, if you find time to add those infamouse "three lines" to catfish for CSD support, i'd be more than excited to see that :)22:47
micahgbluesabre: let me know if you need an official backport of something (easier to do with leaf packages)22:48
bluesabremicahg: ok, will do.. for now these are just ppa versions that need to be available in the vivid ppa22:48
ochosigood night all!22:50
bluesabreseeya ochosi22:52
bluesabreochosi: the new power manager icon is snazzy23:53

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