
oiuDJJeff: Just fired up Software Updater and got it. Thanks for letting me know! :)02:38
onrso i should install 14.04.2 or 15.04?07:00
Luyingood morning07:02
elfyonr: depends if you want to have long term support or short07:02
elfy15.04 will be superseded by 15.10 and then 16.04, 14.04 will be good till 201707:03
onrelfy: 16.04 will be LTS as well?07:03
onrnice. i think i should use with 14.04 until 16.04. especially since i'll use it on server and inside virtualbox07:06
onri had to switch to windows after 7 years :(07:06
Luyinhi guys! I've upgraded my version of pycharm just now. now, in the whiskermenu, both versions, 4.5.0 and 4.5.1 are showing. but only 4.5.1 is yet installed. when I open menulibre, I see only 4.5.1. how do I get rid of the useless entry 4.5.0?07:09
chrispage1980hi, is there a way to turn off guest in 15.04?08:27
Luyinchrispage1980 sure08:43
DJJeffoiu, cool09:34
cq-auxhi I've lost my password and I can't just add the word single to my grub options,.. how do I reset it please?10:04
bekkscq-aux: you need to boot from a live cd.10:11
cq-auxand delete /etc/shadows or something right?10:12
cq-auxbekks: how would you do it?10:13
bekksIf you delete /etc/shadow you will never be able to login again.10:13
bekksI'd boot a live CD and reset the user password to a known value.10:14
cq-auxbekks: how exactly?10:15
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords10:16
cq-auxok I'm going to try that now10:22
cq-auxbekks: thanks10:22
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sirmodokHello. I don't need help, I'm just bored while my install completes and I want to say thank you all for support.16:57
dedihey. Im on xubuntu 15.04. My guayadeque shows gstreamer plugin error when playing...how do i fix it?18:14
brainwash_dedi: did you install xubuntu-restricted-extras?18:17
drcor install them during install (checked the codecs box) ?18:18
dediboth no...how stupid I am?:D18:19
dediwill try it...18:19
drcThen install xubuntu-restricted-extras with USC...should be good.18:19
rflemingI've got a problem on my home install and wanted to get a couple of debug ideas whilst at work.19:24
rflemingIt's nothing important, but is irritating.   The logon screen is white.  After logging in it will show the logon screen wallpaper, then switch to mine.19:25
rflemingit doesn't do this on any other machine I have, and it's a (relatively) fresh install and has done this since day 119:26
rflemingI'm running 15.04 on a clean SDD19:27
holsteini have seen issues like that with certain graphics hardware.. and, if you have not seen it on other hardware, as i havent as well, then, its likely hardware related19:28
holsteinwhat would i do? look for and apply any proprietary graphics drivers, and then, i would look for, and file a bug about it19:29
brainwash_completely white?19:29
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:29
holsteinwhite background, is what i had..19:29
rflemingbrainwash_, yes, completely white... with the login prompt sitting on top19:29
brainwash_multi display setup, right?19:29
rflemingI can log in just fine, but the wallpaper does not show up19:29
rflemingNope, single display.  Laptop19:30
holsteinmine was not dual head either19:30
holsteinit was ATI hardware..19:30
brainwash_bug 142666419:30
ubottubug 1426664 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "After booting to lightdm-gtk-greeter, get a white screen until I click a mouse button" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142666419:30
rflemingMine is Nvidia Quadro FX 88m19:30
brainwash_probably this one19:30
rflemingbrainwash_, no, it isn't.19:31
rflemingI can click and so forth.  I can even log in.  It isn't until after I log in does the LightDM wallpaper load up, then reverts to my own wallpaper19:32
rflemingI'm also using the nouveau driver19:32
brainwash_it's the lightdm-gtk-greeter? with the Greybird theme?19:33
rflemingshould be.  I haven't changed a thing19:33
brainwash_hmm yea, can you file a bug report? run ubuntu-bug lightdm-gtk-greeter19:34
rflemingI'm 90% certain that when I log out, the wallpaper shows... only on fresh boot is it 'white'19:34
rflemingI'll make a note of that to run when I get home19:35
rflemingI've tried to use Google to scope an answer, without luck.19:35
brainwash_oh wait, you should test a newer version of the greeter first19:35
brainwash_either compile from source or use https://launchpad.net/~lightdm-gtk-greeter-team/+archive/ubuntu/daily19:35
rflemingI'll do that as well.19:36
rflemingThat bug says clicking the white screen makes it go away?19:37
* rfleming wonders if his laptop is reporting dual screens19:38
rflemingbrb... going to config my VM to dual screen and see if the 'white' comes up19:40
rflemingVMware doesn't allow running multi-monitor prior to logging in.19:53
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xubuntu65wis there anyone who can help me with a keyboard recognition problem?22:56

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