
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest27565
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest28842
Kilosmorning everyone05:37
dholbachgood morning07:00
Kiloshi dholbach  07:01
dholbachhi Kilos07:01
Kilosafternoon genii  TaeheeJang  DarkCircle  FlannelKing  14:09
Kilosgenii  hows the head14:09
* genii waves to Kilos and slides them a coffee14:09
TaeheeJanghi Kilos good to see you!14:10
geniiKilos: Headache is lessening last couple days but still there14:10
DarkCircleyup~ good night to you :P14:10
Kiloshavent you been to the doc yet genii  ?14:10
Kilosnight DarkCircle  14:10
DarkCircleHere is 23:1014:10
Kiloswe at 4pm now14:10
geniiKilos: Work has been too busy to go. By the time I finish the doctor's office is closed.14:11
DarkCirclenope 14:11
DarkCirclerepublic of korea (aka south korea)14:11
Kilosoh ya14:11
Kilosnot too far from TaeheeJang  14:12
TaeheeJangAll people are living busy... But take care of your health!14:12
TaeheeJangActually, DarkCircle and I sometimes meet lol14:12
DarkCircleyes. myhome is almost 2hours far from Jang's home by train(maybe?)14:12
Kilosaha cool14:12
DarkCircleJang is so cool guy.14:13
TaeheeJangCheer up men!! Firday is coming!!14:13
TaeheeJanghaha thankyou to say so14:13
Kilosim glad you have friends near guys14:13
DarkCircleI was try to use nvidia-drivers-352, but I've met segfault. suckx ... it's  garbage =3  14:14
TaeheeJangKilos, do you usually meet ZA members?14:14
Kilosi have met only one face to face but have good online friends14:15
Kilosthanks to ubuntu14:15
TaeheeJangyes, me too!14:15
Kilosand im collecting more friends in africa http://kilosubuntu.blogspot.com14:18
TaeheeJangoh you made a new blog! congratulations!14:19
Kiloslol ty14:19
anantmy firefox not launched.. how can i fix it?18:09
anantany body is there?18:13
Kiloshi anant  this isnt a support channel, type in /j #ubuntu and ask them please18:14
Kilosai! didnt enjoy doing that18:15
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel

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