
Unit193bluesabre: Debian Bug #786582 :P00:23
ubottuDebian bug 786582 in xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin "xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin: FTBFS in Ubuntu due to patch fuzz" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/78658200:23
Unit193Maybe 786620.00:23
micahgUnit193: it's already fixed in svn02:11
Unit193micahg: Right, yeppers.  I think I saw that, but good to know for sure.02:11
micahgI meant to upload as 1svn1, but got tired of fighting with svn-buildpackage02:12
micahgI guess Loga-n went and fixed it02:12
Unit193Oi, yeah...  I need to figure that out, used to gbp myself.02:12
micahgI test built fine, but couldn't get it to spit out a package without needing to commit02:13
Unit193I'll have to bug you about a good page for the workflow sometime. :P02:14
GridCubeknome, http://xubuntu-showcase.deviantart.com/blog/535637153/02:28
ochosimorning all06:43
elfymorning ochosi 06:44
ochosiwtf, now i can reproduce that problem with the black icon and xfpm1.506:52
ochositime to investigate...06:52
elfylol - I've got the icon currently ... 06:53
ochosiawesome, it seems eric broke it with his last commit :'(06:53
ochosiguess i should've reviewed that more closely before releasing 1.506:54
ochosihowever, we still have some old icons there in xubuntu-artwork06:54
ochosiso yeah, it really doesn't use symbolic icons now06:57
bluesabreelfy: now we can say ochosi is the crazy one :)10:30
* lderan wonders how much extra crazy one needs to have to be the crazy one here10:40
* bluesabre remembers knome holding that title for a while10:41
bluesabreit might come with XPL10:41
knomei was too crazy so i dropped the glass trophy and thus lost the title10:41
* ochosi rolls his eyes frantically and hops on his desk10:44
knomenow you have two desks10:45
knometwo TWO-LEGGED desks10:45
bluesabreNew Ikea line of minimalistic desks?10:48
knomei think elfy has one of those two-legged desks... no kidding10:48
bluesabresounds about right, I think Unit193 mentioned something about those too10:49
bluesabrewe should check with pleia2 if she has any recollection about that10:49
ochosibluesabre: anyhoo, what i noticed is that i need to refresh xubuntu-artwork, it still has some of the fake symbolic icons10:50
knomeultimately, i think it's better to ask slickymasterWork to verify10:50
bluesabrewhere'd that 21 come from, meh :D10:50
ochosivery short password?10:50
knomedid you try to fake your age on an alcohol-related site?10:51
bluesabreprobably both10:51
bluesabreochosi: cool, will that fix xfpm, or does it also need an update?10:51
ochosibtw, since you guys are around, shall we finally set up some blueprints for w?10:52
bluesabrewe need to10:52
ochosibluesabre: nah, the last commit by eric broke xfpm's icons :/10:52
knomei was going to ask when you'd like to do that the other day10:52
bluesabreI think feature definition freeze is tomorrow...10:52
knomethere isn't much plans for website10:52
knomeat least anything that is cycle deadline related10:52
knomebut FDF is just... blah anyway10:53
bluesabredev plans: update catfish/menulibre/parole, wiggle around libreoffice packages... maybe the overlay that I've been lazy on for a few years10:53
knomei think it's a historical artefact from time when community actually was involved with the main OS spec planning..10:54
ochosistill empty, but here goes the umbrella bp: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-w-flavor-xubuntu10:54
bluesabreknome: re website, we wanted to revamp the FAQs and such, right?10:54
knomesomebody create a pad so i can dump my workitems there while playing FIFA10:54
knomebluesabre, yes10:54
knomebluesabre, i'll also look more into adding artwork there10:54
knomebluesabre, and also update the "get involved" section10:55
knome(that's WIP already)10:55
ochosii'll start setting up the other blueprints now10:55
ochosibluesabre: what about panel-switch`?10:55
bluesabrecan also bump the dev documentation, since our little xubuntu-dev family keeps getting bigger10:55
bluesabreochosi: yeah: panel switch can be finished early this cycle10:56
bluesabreI guess another dev thing is getting xubuntu-core on cdimage... maybe?10:57
knomebluesabre, sgt-puzzles launcher10:57
bluesabreknome: that too10:57
bluesabreman, I really do have a todo list10:57
ochosibluesabre: please just jot down everything here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-w-features10:57
ochosiwait, i might've screwed up the dependency tree there10:58
bluesabreI think "Development" might be a better title than New Features at this point10:58
bluesabrewe're pretty stable these days10:59
ochosiok, i'm fine with that too10:59
ochosii can remove the bp again (or rename)10:59
bluesabreyour call, boss :)11:00
ochosii'm wondering, i guess the right assignee would be xubuntu-dev, not xubuntu-team11:00
ochosianyway, done11:00
ochosiso go ahead, work your magic bluesabre ;)11:00
ochosielfy: please check out https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-w-qa11:02
knomeochosi, i suggest just creating -community for community+web+marketing11:03
ochosiok, fine by me11:03
knomewe can split later if needed11:03
ochosiwould be good if you could note that straight away in the bp11:04
knomeactually i think i'll create another one for -web11:04
knomebecause then the LP teams make sense11:04
* knome does magics11:04
slickymasterWorkask me what ochosi, knome?11:05
ochosislickymasterWork: i didn't wanna ask you anything, however, your blueprint link is coming up in a minute..11:06
knomeslickymasterWork, i was just messing around with everybody later11:07
slickymasterWorkheh, I was wondering when will we start seting up those11:07
knomeeh, earlier11:07
ochosislickymasterWork: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-w-docs11:08
slickymasterWorkgreat, thanks ochosi 11:08
ochosisorry for being a bit late with that11:08
bluesabreusing the whiteboard here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-w-development11:08
ochosiknome: so no -marketing?11:09
bluesabre!team | please add any items you'd like to be considered for development this cycle https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-w-development11:09
bluesabrenever ever ever works for me11:09
knomeochosi, there is no marketing LP team, let's group it under .community11:09
knome- too11:09
ubottubluesabre, elfy, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19311:10
bluesabresee above11:10
knomeochosi, if pleia2 gets sad, then i'll split it for her11:10
knomehmm, i'm not sure if that came out all right11:10
ochosihehe, "nice"11:10
bluesabreok, gotta run, bbl11:10
bluesabrethanks for getting things rolling, guys11:10
ochosianyway, all blueprints set up11:11
ochosik, now the pinging begins...11:11
knomepleia2, elfy: you have inherited work items in that BP (carried on from last cycle)11:12
ochosiUnit193, Noskcaj: we've set up the development blueprint here. if you have ideas/suggestions, note them on the whiteboard for now. if you wanna take up one of the existing ideas as a task for 15.10, please add it as a workitem assigned to yourself: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-w-development11:12
bluesabrelderan: you can pull something from that list as well, if you're interested11:13
bluesabre(panel switch is an interesting one)11:13
ochosilderan: actually it would be nice to track the meetingology stuff in the development blueprint11:21
knomeochosi, i would vote for -communit11:21
ochosiyeah, that's fine too11:21
ochosijust in some blueprint would be nice11:22
ochosiotherwise it's not really on the radar11:22
* knome does his infamous radar imitation11:22
lderanochosi: oo11:22
elfyknome: nope - I don't have a 2 legged desk - it has just the one 11:26
knomeeven better :P11:27
elfytotally :D11:28
elfyochosi: thanks ... I especially like the workitems 11:28
ochosiyup, well obviously you gotta fill in the blanks yourself ;)11:29
elfycollect £200 go straight to 100% on topic progress11:29
elfyoh bah 11:29
elfyknome: yep - expected that to turn up on the wibbly blueprint 11:32
elfythe inheritance that is 11:33
elfybluesabre: was the -bugs blueprint at all useful? 11:34
elfyoh nvm - I see ochosi built it :)11:34
slickymasterWorkknome at some point we'll have to gather to discuss the best approach to deal with the third item in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-w-docs11:34
knomeyeah, +1 for -bugs11:34
ochosielfy: i pulled in the open bugs from 15.04 that made sense11:35
knomeslickymasterWork, propose dylan that he comes to IRC some time and schedule a meeting with us, him and somebody technical11:35
ochosielfy: feel free to add new ones as you notice them11:35
elfyochosi: ack11:36
ochosibluesabre: would you mind setting the "in development"-wallpaper for 15.10 when you're around again?11:52
slickymasterWorkok, knome, I'll mail him and to schedule it and then I'll warn you and bluesabre of when it's going to be13:37
ochosielfy: ok, we have a fix for xfpm in git. if you wanna rebuild cleanly from git without any patches and test that...16:19
pleia2so many pings16:24
pleia2I thought I missed a meeting :)16:24
ochosiwell, sort of ;)16:24
pleia2knome: thanks for updating the blueprints16:25
ochosipleia2: so i didn't set up a marketing blueprint cause knome said it should go in community16:25
pleia2yeah, that's fine16:25
ochosiif you feel you need one during the cycle, we can always set one up16:25
* pleia2 nods16:26
elfyochosi: ack - did that - have icon 16:27
ochosieric_the_idiot_: ^16:28
eric_the_idiot_let us know if it goes missing later :)16:28
ochosielfy: i guess if you added the shimmer daily ppa for an up-to-date elementary-xfce, all the icons should be fixed now16:28
ochosiincl the symbolic icons for the plugin16:28
elfyochosi: had that since whenever16:28
elfyand symbolic icons is one of those it's an ellipse no it's not things ... 16:29
elfywouldn't know a symbolic icon from not 16:29
elfythough it doesn't appear any different than before to me16:30
elfychanges when panel size increases16:31
elfyeric_the_idiot_: ack 16:34
elfymmm 16:35
elfysynaptic showing xfpm from staging 16:36
elfyI guess it'd not show the one I built from git 16:37
Unit193bluesabre: Libreoffice also includes x-d-s update.16:55
micahgI'm working on the packagesets now FWIW16:55
ochosielfy: yeah, you'd have to uninstall first17:13
elfyochosi: that's what I thought17:16
elfyso I did - which removes the other 2 xfce4-power-*packages - then there's no plugin available to add to panel 17:17
ochosidid you compile with "./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr"?17:28
elfyochosi: ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --enable-debug=yes17:29
ochosik, sorry, i gotta run, i can look again tomorrow if that's ok17:29
elfyof course it is :)17:30
ochosik, ttyl then :)17:31
micahgis there a reason we're seeding apt-offline?19:18
Unit193skellat had a reason.19:18
* micahg digs through bzr19:18
Unit193It's in the docs too.19:19
Unit193Think a meeting had it.  The docs has a very good write up though, linked to it elsewhere.  Think something along the lines of it being small and very useful for those in spotchy internet places.19:19
micahgsigh, and he quotes me19:20
micahgah, I see the comment now19:20
micahgsigh, ok, well, the packagesets aren't getting updated today :(19:22
ochosimicahg: any concerns wrt aptoffline or,are you trying to get us below 1gb? :)22:16
ochosisry, meh, typing sucks on the ipad22:17
micahgochosi: neither actually, trying to update the packageset first22:25

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