
=== Guest____ is now known as joaojotta
redrawhello, what's the correct way to rename or delete the user home folders in Xubuntu?01:45
GridCubeif you have several that are not root?01:51
GridCubewell... even then it would just respawn i guess01:52
redrawGridCube, rename or delete my user folders01:58
redrawin ~/01:59
Unit193redraw: usermod -h  and userdel -h01:59
GridCubeUnit193, he just wants the folders01:59
GridCuberedraw, launch thunar using sudo, sadly pkexec doesnt do thunar, and once you have a root enabled folder manager just delete the folders like you usually do02:00
redrawyeah, not changing the home location02:00
redrawdoes any other program would look into the old folders?02:01
GridCubewhy would them?02:01
redrawi.e Screenshot02:02
GridCubei dunno what programs you have02:02
GridCubeif you dont run those users why would they?02:02
redrawI am the user02:02
GridCubethat would pretty much deny the reason to have different users right?02:02
redrawI need to rename my folders02:02
GridCubeif a program need said folder theyll respawn it02:02
redrawwhat does respawn means here?02:03
GridCubethey recreate them and the files that go inside02:03
GridCubelike the first time you open the program02:03
redrawso, I can't rename my folders02:03
GridCubeyou can, but the programs that need them will create new ones with the old names02:04
GridCubeclean slates02:04
redrawthere a file in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs02:04
redrawbut it seems to be from ubuntu using xdg02:04
redrawwhere's the file that contains those variables in Xubuntu?02:05
GridCubeno idea02:05
redrawUnit193, any idea?02:05
Unit193Sorry, missed the question.02:07
redrawsorry guys to bother02:08
redrawis there any ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs file that Thunar reads to get the user folder paths?02:08
Unit193Edit that, run xdg-user-dirs-update, relogin.02:09
redrawdione@saturno:~/.config$ xdg-user-dirs-update02:13
redraw/home/dione/escritorio was removed, reassigning DESKTOP to homedir02:13
redraw/home/dione/public was removed, reassigning PUBLICSHARE to homedir02:13
redraw/home/dione/documentos was removed, reassigning DOCUMENTS to homedir02:13
redraw/home/dione/imagenes was removed, reassigning PICTURES to homedir02:13
redraw/home/dione/videos was removed, reassigning VIDEOS to homedir02:13
DazPetty  file "repomd.xml" was not found in metalink02:16
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svaloHello everybody! something strange is happening if I use xubuntu with /home over glusterfs mounted via nfs: libreofice doesn't start and pidging takes ages to open, I tried w/ local home and everything works fine, any idea?09:55
lderanmm haven't tried doing that myself, maybe the nfs disk goes idle and needs a second to spin up09:59
svalolderan, I also tried with 2 different method of caching and nothing10:05
svalolderan, however if I try from ubuntu mate it works mounting using glusterfs10:06
svalolderan, mounting /home via glusterfs on xubuntu makes it fails to start10:07
svalolderan, sorry maybe not very clear: I tryied goanysync and cachefilesd as caching method but nothing changed, from ubuntu mate using glusterfs as mount driver everything works, under xubuntu i'm not able to make my session start using glusterfs because it complains about xconfd10:09
brainwashshare the exact error message. your problem appears to be a very specific one (not the usual test case)10:11
svalobrainwash, here it is :) http://pastebin.com/4YQeEXnW10:18
brainwashsvalo: does the same thing happen if you start with a clean LO config? rename ~/config/libreoffice10:22
svalobrainwash, i've tryed several time to completelly erase ~/config/libreoffice10:23
brainwashother than that, maybe someone in #libreoffice knows how to debug this10:23
svalobrainwash, but no luck10:23
brainwashsadly, no clue then.10:24
svalobrainwash, I've already asked but so far no answer bot on irc and on ask.libreoffice10:24
brainwashwell, maybe you can try to disable the extension manager somehow and test again10:26
svalobrainwash, i'll try10:26
svalobrainwash, i tryed to use unopkg to disable everything but it fails to start giving errors on the same file10:35
svalobrainwash, just FYI i logged in using a local account launched libreoffice sucesfully then copied everything form ~local/.config/libreoffice to ~remoteuser/.config/libreoffice and now it works10:59
brainwashsvalo: ah, great that you were able to resolve it :)11:00
svalobrainwash, it's not solved actually but it's a workaround...still I can use it :)11:01
ZerkalerkaHey guys, I am having issues with the panel, FCITX will not show up.. it use to, but then I deleted the original panel and created my own and now I can't get it back.  In FCITX itself it now says kim panel configuration option not available, where as before I deleted the original xfce panel it was there :(14:02
oiuIs there a way to apply an emblem to every directory and file within a certain location?17:21
oiuI have a directory full containing directories containing some videos. I want them all the have the white emblem. I didn't know if it was possible to do it from Bash or something instead of manually doing everything by hand.17:21
oiu$ find . -exec gvfs-set-attribute '{}' -t stringv metadata::emblems emblem-colors-white \;17:31
oiuThat seemed to work!17:31
oiuJust in case anyone else in the future wanted to know how: https://askubuntu.com/questions/408743/how-do-i-set-emblems-in-thunar-without-the-gui & http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152240117:34
ibouvousaimewhat library shoud I install for tommath.h ?18:53
DoomBoomtry https://www.debian.org/distrib/packages#search_contents18:54
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/332884/how-to-compile-a-c-program-that-uses-math-h might be relevant as well18:54
DoomBoomseems like libtommath-dev18:54
ibouvousaimeyes I downloaded that but I get this error when I do a sudo make install on it  : install -d -g wheel -o root /usr/lib18:58
ibouvousaimeinstall: invalid group ‘wheel’18:58
holsteinthe creators of the software should be able to tell you the requirements19:00
ibouvousaimeok holstein19:07
xubuntu34iwhile the system is being installed19:22
Unit193Not for long?19:23
xubuntu57iHi, I can not install xubuntu at an encrypted system, the installation process cancelled with grub-efi-amd64-signed can not be installed at /target/ ...20:17
xubuntu57iany help please20:17
DoomBoomxubuntu57i, duckduckgo-ing tells me it's a common problem, though not one I have experience with. How did you partition the HDD?20:22
xubuntu57i@DoomBoom http://pastebin.com/H22ba9L720:29
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:31
DoomBoomhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/367582/grub-efi-amd64-signed-failed-on-luks-encrypted-disk seems to say /boot shouldn't be encrypted, maybe that's the problem here20:31
DoomBoomI'm no expert though20:31
xubuntu57ibut uefi is in /dev/sda1, it is not encrypted?20:33
xubuntu57iah, ok ... so I need a uefi partition AND a /boot partition outside the encrypted volume20:35
DoomBoomseems like it20:39
xubuntu57ineed to reboot now, I will try - thanks20:42
MattD_Hi all, Just set up Xubuntu 14.04 with full disk encryption as well as encrypted Home. Problem is I have no swap partition. It's missing and I'm running out of memory to the point my laptop locks up. How do I activate swap?20:44
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:45
MattD_Yes, I know this and it worked fine when I didn't use encryption.20:47
brainwash_what does not work now? can you share any error messages?20:48
MattD_There is no swap partition, no error messages, just missing.20:49
MattD_Nevermind, I know it's a known bug, just looking for an easy workaround.20:50
brainwash_so, why don't you create it then?20:50
DoomBoomget swappy20:53
oiuI'm a new GNU/Linux user that knows nothing about this stuff. I want to set up a local Web server so I can run site scripts written in PHP. Which HTTPd/etc. should I be using, and is there some sort of guide to help me properly configure it?21:01
oiuRunning 15.04.21:01
holsteinoiu: i suggest ubuntu server, running in virtualbox21:01
oiuholstein: I couldn't trade this machine for a pack of gum. I can't run VirtualBox very well on this hardware.21:02
oiuIt's a very old and slow laptop with little RAM.21:02
holsteinoiu: sure. so, dual boot, and dont run a GUI21:02
holsteinthese are nice, as well http://www.turnkeylinux.org/21:02
oiuI only have one computer and that's this laptop.21:03
holsteinthey are ubuntu based, and can be run live21:03
oiuI don't see how dual-booting would help.21:03
holsteinoiu: sure, friend. so, install what you want21:03
holsteinoiu: apache, the whole lamp stack. whatever you like.. its all in the repos21:03
knomeoiu, you'll likely want something light like lighttpd21:03
maijinholstein: https://bitnami.com/stacks in the same spirit21:03
maijinholstein: didn't know your turnkey21:04
holsteinoiu: dual booting would help by isolating the testing environment21:04
holsteinno need to add things to your desktop install, and no need to have a GUI on the server install.. so, dual booting would be a way to isolate those.. but, there are many ways..21:04
oiuI think I understand.21:04
oiuVirtualBox was my first choice -- I like the idea of having a separate OS for the L*MP stack, but this machine is terrible.21:05
oiuI'll look into doing what you suggested. Thanks.21:05
holsteinlighter choices like knome suggested are great, if they meet the needs of what you are trying to run21:06
knomein the age of cloud and microinstances, it might be just more pleasurable to set up something like that up, if connectivity is not a problem21:07
holsteinwhen, digital ocean droplets are $5/month, and you can get $10 credit free, many places, such as jupiterbroadcasing..21:08
holsteinyou can spin things up and pay by the hour..21:08
knomei totally acknowledge that cloud is not always an option though21:09
oiuIf I'm to go for virtualisation that's presumably the best option since I don't have the power to run things locally.21:09
oiuEither that or get a new machine/a Raspberry Pi.21:09
oiuUnfortunately I am extremely poor. :p21:09
knomewell, with cloud, you're going to get much more than pi with the same amount of money21:10
holsteinas long as you are patient, i think you can do it with what you have..21:10
knomeof course, it's not yours forever, but you do get a lot more really21:10
knomeand hey, things change, maybe you aren't extremely poor in 12 months :)21:10
oiuI hate to disregard the advice I'm asking for but I'm really not sure if I like the idea of having to reboot whenever I want to do any PHP development, holstein.21:11
knomethat said, i avoid subscription-based stuff like plague myself..21:11
holsteinmonetize something on the droplet, and you end up getting paid to have the testing in the cloud..21:11
holsteinoiu: sure.. install what you like on your system. if something lighter meets your needs, it meets them..21:12
holsteinwont hurt to try it21:12
knomemost people do not "need" apache21:12
knomeit's just very common, thus usually works without too much hassle.21:12
oiuI'll give it a go. I wasn't too keen on the idea of cluttering up my machine running a Web stack on the host OS, but it's looking like that's my only option. I'll try Lighttpd as knome suggested.21:12
oiuMy only free* option. :p21:13
oiuThank you all very much for the advice.21:13
oiuI appreciate it.21:13
knomeif Unit193 were here, he'd tell you many reasons why you *shouldn't* use apache :P21:13
holsteinyou may find older/broken hardware laying about that can do that job21:13
knomeoiu, disclaimer: i haven't used lighttpd myself21:13
holsteini'll get older laptops with broken screens for free, and use them as "headless servers"..21:13
knomeoiu, the aforementioned Unit193 is using cherokee, so maybe check that out too21:14
oiuI don't leave the house often. I may check eBay for something, though. I know that old Pentium 4 boxes go for cheap so I guess I could try and get one of those cheaply.21:14
knomeUnit193, well hello sir!21:14
holsteinoiu: free, is what im talking about..21:14
oiuI don't know of anywhere where'd I could get free hardware.21:15
holsteinoiu: if you were standing beside me, i could give you a P4.. but, im sure you can work something out21:15
oiuI'll try.21:15
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andrewrkhi, when light-locker locks my screen, it modifies my volume setting. how can I prevent this?23:59
andrewrkubuntu 15.04 vivid23:59

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