[06:17] Ola Africa! [06:44] hello africa [08:15] o/ Nice hackergotchi kenju254 :) [08:16] lol you okes and your funny things [08:22] ahhhhhhhhhh! I mean Kilos not kenju254 x) [08:22] kenju254, are you even alive dude??!! x) [08:23] haha my daughter did it for me, i couldnt see some of the stuff in gimp they tell you to use so she used photoshop i think [08:24] hahahah :D [09:23] Wasaaaaaaa [09:24] hi stickyboy [09:25] Kilos: Hey hey. [12:17] hi daker [12:18] elacheche why you show away when you arent? [12:19] I don't be always here.. even when am using the pc [12:20] hmm... [12:20] so you like to hide [12:21] x) [12:21] stickyboy do do know whats happening with symmetria and his servers? [13:40] Kilos: Nah, man. Symmetria is so scarce these days. [13:40] I'm on the KENET mirrors btw. [13:40] ubuntu.mirror.ac.ke [13:41] ok [14:39] what you flooding freenode for elacheche