
ahoneybunEtriaph: updated 00:03
Etriaphmissing: http://tinyurl.com/qb3wjy200:12
EtriaphMissing image.00:12
ahoneybunI fixed that00:14
ahoneybunworks in my copy00:15
sgclarkokies sorry folks, I know everyone is waiting on packages, but it is taking 1+ hours just to upload to launchpad, and then additional unknown time to build, I started one 2 hours ago that still has not started.00:26
ahoneybunits all good sgclark we know you are working very hard :)00:28
wgrantsgclark: Launchpad had a serious cloud outage, but it's all fixed as of about 20 minutes ago.00:29
wgrantWill take an hour or so for the queue to catch up, though.00:29
sgclarkwgrant: ahh okies :) probably playing catch up. Thanks for the info!00:29
sgclarkright :)00:29
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: http://www.99blogger.com/how-to-install-wordpress-on-a-vps-with-nginx-on-ubuntu/01:33
ScottKIf you're going to run your own WordPress you need to pay super close attention to security fixes. 01:35
EtriaphYup, I'm really wary of WordPress as a platform, I've been involved in about 130 WP sites over the years and security-wise it's a lot of open holes.01:41
ScottKI don't know what's better though.  The all seem to be made of PHP and that, IMO, is pretty much a recipe for disaster.01:45
EtriaphScottK: My thinking, when I was considering assisting with the website, is that the Kubuntu site really isn't big enough to require a whole CMS for it.  A small Rails or Django app would have suited just fine.01:49
EtriaphRails and Django having a far better history of security stability than WP ever has.01:49
EtriaphBut there was already quite a bit of work put into the site before I arrived to assist, so WP it is.01:50
EtriaphKubuntu will probably get better support, long term, from the community as PHP developers are *everywhere*01:52
EtriaphRegardless of how craptastic the language has become.01:52
EtriaphIf it came down to setting up a server, I can do that.01:54
EtriaphIf need be, for WP01:54
Etriaphbbiab, gotta take out the trash01:55
valorietalk of setting up our own server is sort of leaving out maintainence - good sysadmin is crucial03:05
valoriecanonical IS might be slow as snails, but they keep things secure03:06
ScottKahoneybun: re the release milestone stuff, ping me when we get to the alpha release week and I'll help you get up to speed.  The particular tasks infinity was asking for help on are really for release team members, but there are definitely things you can do to help out.03:13
Etriaphvalorie: I would agree, I don't want to have to setup a server, but I can :D03:14
valorieEtriaph: I don't want to move anywhere, tbh03:14
Etriaphvalorie: Where's the current site hosted?03:15
valorieI'm hoping that the CC will take a deep breath, step back, and we can all live in peace and harmony03:15
valoriewe do have a small server with some stuff on it, but the mainsite is on canonical kit03:15
valorieand they do provide a machine to KDE as well03:16
EtriaphPardon me for saying that makes me nervous.03:16
valoriewhat makes you nervous?03:18
valorieloads of KDE packages in the archives03:19
valoriejust because there is a social issue, does not mean that there is a technical one03:19
wgrantI'm not sure where the whole "Canonical wants to exterminate Kubuntu" thing is coming from.03:21
EtriaphI wasn't assuming that was the case.03:21
ScottKwgrant: The usual place random negativity comes from: The Internet.03:21
valorieMark has explicitly said that that is not the case03:22
valorieEtriaph: the ubuntu community is sending me to Akademy this year, and Scarlett, and Aaron03:22
valorieRiddell I think as well03:23
valoriewe are supported03:23
valorieit's important to stick to facts03:23
EtriaphI don't have blinders on.  I understand what Canonical's concerns are, I understand what the concerns of the KC are.  The nature of why I'm nervous is not related to events of recent days.03:25
wgrantHm, so, to be clear, it's the elected Ubuntu Community Council that has concerns.03:25
wgrantTwo elected members and the sole permanent member of that body are Canonical employees.03:25
EtriaphI understand.03:26
EtriaphA conversation left someone feeling sour, it festered, this happens all the time.03:26
valoriein any case, this conversation would be more on-topic in #kubuntu-offtopic03:27
Etriaphvalorie: Yes, I agree.03:27
valorieI have nerves tingling about the future as well03:27
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: how is that tutorial related to our topic?05:59
lordievaderGood morning.07:39
sick_rimmitAny of the web team about ?09:22
sick_rimmitI could do with a rough idea of how much traffic Kubuntu.org gets ?09:22
sick_rimmitCan I confirm that the ISO hosting for download is on a different server ?09:23
soeesick_rimmit: yes isos are on different servers09:45
soeethere are onyl links on our site09:45
sitterthere are links and images :P10:17
sitterand moar text10:17
sick_rimmitLinks, Images, lots of pages that's all good10:17
sick_rimmitAny idea of how many hits a day / month it gets. or how much bandwidth it needs ?10:18
sitterI pulled numbers at some point but can't find them anymore, though I definitely told Riddell and possibly ovidiu-florin to write them down :P10:20
clivejohi folks10:22
sittersick_rimmit: 56 thousand views on release day10:22
sitterand I can't find where one sees the distribution through the day anymore10:25
sittersick_rimmit: random guesstimation assuming an uneven distribution of views throughout the day considering the top 10 countries accessing the site were all in europe or america so let's spread the 56k views over 6 hours giving us 9k views per hour. so I'd guess that the last release probably had an hourly traffic spike of up to 9k views (with lots of wiggly space as that doesn't take base volume into consideration etc)10:33
clivejoany update on Plasma 5.3.1 ?10:34
sitteras for the actual bandwith that would largely depend on the theme and the actual content. for example the present site has the most bandwith consumed by the banner image which is 274kb with the entire mainpage being about 0.5mib so assuming the worst case with all 9k spike views at the same time we'd be looking at about 4.5 gigabyte in raw bandwith usage10:36
sitterwhich would of course go down drastically if one were to use a CDN and store the js and artwork assets on the CDN rather than the actual server10:36
sitterclivejo: I don't think so, last I checked I think sgclark was asking for testing though10:37
clivejois it in the next stage 2 ?10:37
sick_rimmitsitter: Brilliant, that is close enough for me thank you10:40
sick_rimmitI will have a proposal for the mailing list soon10:41
=== Guest78177 is now known as thelionroars
BluesKajHey folks11:37
ahoneybunhey BluesKaj11:44
BluesKajhi ahoneybun11:44
* ahoneybun slides some coffe to BluesKaj11:45
* BluesKaj slides some donuts over to ahoneybun11:46
BluesKajhey soee11:49
ahoneybunhello soee11:50
soeeany news about this CC accusations ?11:51
BluesKajI just logged on 11:52
lordievadersoee: The article on LWN shows pretty much what we already knew, nothing new.11:57
RiddellHola I'm away today12:03
soeeRiddell: have a nice day :)12:03
clivejoenjoying the sun?12:04
clivejosend some my way, Im sick of the rain12:04
soeeha we had have rain yesterday  here in Poland :) sunny now12:05
clivejoweather here is messed up, sun shine one minute, then downpour of rain12:06
ahoneybunsounds like Florida12:08
clivejoI wish12:08
clivejostruggling to reach 10C12:08
ahoneybunhey sgclark12:09
clivejohi sgclark, get your house cleaned?12:09
clivejodid I hear you need tester for 5.3.1 Plasma?12:11
soeefreidn of mine cleand his house to after alsmost 6 months of not doig this :) took him 2 days12:11
clivejomy house will take longer than 2 days!12:12
soeebig house than :D12:13
lordievaderOw, right I need to fix my 5.3 install...12:13
lordievaderclivejo: Thanks for reminding me ;)12:13
clivejono, just needs a lot of attention12:13
sgclarkLet me look, launchpad had a hiccup last night when I was trying to fix things.12:13
clivejoit was running slow last night for sure12:13
* sgclark just woke up12:13
* clivejo looks at the clock12:14
* clivejo shakes head12:14
sgclark5am here, too late?12:14
clivejoLOL messing12:14
* ahoneybun is going to ride his bike to work today12:14
clivejoits 1:14pm here12:14
sgclarkahh hehe I would shake head too12:15
ahoneybun8:15am here12:15
clivejotime zones are such fun12:15
soeei suggest 30 min outside, biking or swimming or running sgclark :)12:15
sgclarkstill dark!12:15
lordievaderclivejo: Ah Great Britian, I knew you where close by ;)12:16
ahoneybun"Mark Shuttleworth: You can't buy off the FOSS community. Stop throwing your weight around to undermine software freedom! #ISupportJonathan"12:17
ahoneybuntwitter post12:17
clivejoThe Emerald Isle, the land flowing with water12:17
soeeahoneybun: what does it mean exactyl ?12:18
ahoneybunsoee: as in Mark is using his power to shot down Riddell's questions about licenses12:19
ahoneybunfor software12:19
* ahoneybun needs to go to work now12:19
BluesKajahoneybun, have a good one :-)12:25
BluesKajok, 61 upgrades for 15.10 this morning12:47
ScottKahoneybun: In fairness, the claim is that it's not the questions, but the way they were asked.  Unfortunately only they know what they are talking about since we don't have precise information about what they objected to.13:00
BluesKajScottK, sounds picky picky, just an excuse .. they have other reasons that aren't kosher 13:12
ScottKBluesKaj: We don't know that and I'd prefer we don't make things up.13:13
ScottKWhat we have is a distinct lack of information.13:13
BluesKajit's my suspicion that's all13:13
BluesKajI only speak for myself ..not a KC memeber 13:14
BluesKajerr member13:15
ScottKYou're speaking in a Kubuntu channel that's publicly logged, I would prefer we don't rumor monger here.13:17
BluesKajs difficult not to speculate 13:18
ScottKUnderstood.  Just don't do it here please.13:18
BluesKajI'll do so elsewhere 13:18
sitterit's very easy really13:18
sittermuch like drugs, you also shouldn't do those either, not illegal ones anyway. no. on second thought stay away from all of them ;)13:19
ScottKIncluding alcohol and donuts?13:19
BluesKajI wish I could , but my doctor would be unhappy with me, I'm on the meds merry-go-round 13:20
sitterkubotu: order breakfast, at for sgclark13:20
* kubotu slides 5 floors of backon and some wurst with bread, a glass of schnaps and a new deck down the bar to sgclark.13:20
sitterheartattack material13:20
BluesKajsgclark, hair 'o the dog in your coffee13:20
sitterperhaps we should also stay away from food o_O13:20
sitterScottK: especially alcohol. donuts I am not sure, not technically drugs I think13:21
yossarianuksitter: some illegal ones are far safer than legal ones...13:21
sitteryossarianuk: hence why I reconsidered my stance ;)13:21
yossarianukin the UK everything is now illegal...13:22
BluesKajillegal drugs are full junk/garbage  13:22
yossarianukBluesKaj: because of prohibition13:23
* BluesKaj nods13:23
sitterwgrant: is it known that some virtual builders are apparently cleaning insanely slow? lgw01-05 for example appears to be cleaning for an hour now13:23
sittermust be cleaning with a tooth brush13:25
sitteroh the witty puns13:25
* sitter hides13:25
wgrantsitter: Yes, we're debugging an issue with that cloud.13:25
wgrantSome network links not working, it's very odd.13:25
yossarianukI wonder what percentage of opensource development is done whilst stoned on weed....13:28
sitterwgrant: a hole in the tubes. packets flooding the data center 😱?13:29
sgclarksitter: hmm packagekit-qt5, I can't seem to find this, know if it exists?13:38
sitterdoesn't exist anywhere13:39
sitterI think Jon looked into it, not sure he got anywhere though13:40
debfxoh no, the emojis are invading IRC13:40
sitterfrom what I understood at least the latest version is depending on an ABI incompatible version of packagekit and since aptdaemon reimplements the packagekit API we likely cannot land packagekit-qt until aptdaemon's compat API is ported to the new version13:40
sgclarkok, it is optional depend, so leaving missing13:41
sgclarkPlasma 5.3.1 Vivid https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging/+packages is ready for !testers13:56
ubottutesters is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip for information13:56
sgclarkthere we go13:56
soeesgclark: will test now :)13:57
sick_rimmityossarianuk: Saying everything in the UK is illegal, is also illegal. you in trouble now13:57
lordievadersgclark: If I ever fix my vivid install I'll test 5.3.1, but for now it seems hopelessly broken.13:58
sick_rimmitI am having a video problems with video..13:58
sick_rimmitHangouts in G+, Cheese, 13:59
sick_rimmitIt runs the CPU usage up over time, until the machine starts struggling13:59
sick_rimmitI think it could be something to do with that old Plasma issue with the Intel Graphics chipse13:59
sick_rimmitBut I am not sure what to use to investigate the issue14:00
sick_rimmitWell tail -f /var/logs of course14:00
sick_rimmitAny ideas ?14:00
sgclarkhonestly I have been having perfomance issues with one machine as well.14:01
sgclarkit does have intel chip14:01
sgclarkerr video14:01
sgclarkand over time 14:01
sick_rimmitYes, well on the Tech Preview I had the screen freezing issue14:01
sick_rimmitBut I can't remember it was like a init buffer things or something14:02
sick_rimmitWhen I talk to my collegue on G+ after about 10 minutes, the CPU goes way up, and all gets sticky and broken up14:02
sgclarkvideo is not my specialty :(14:02
sick_rimmitVideo and Audio14:02
lordievaderHmm, odd. Removing eth0 from /etc/network/interfaces fixed my boot problem. Time to test 5.3.1 :)14:03
sick_rimmitI turn of Camera, and it settles down14:03
soeesgclark: smooth upgrade, no errors, reboot and all seems to be fine14:15
soee^ 5.3.1 (Vivid)14:15
sgclarkokies ty14:15
sgclarkcould use a few more testers14:15
lordievadersgclark: Upgrading now.14:18
lordievaderI'll be back in a bit to see how it went.14:19
mparilloI go to muon update manager, advanced, configure software sources, Other software, Add, and I suppose I need the complete APT line of the PPA?14:23
ScottKmparillo: add-apt-repository is probably easier to use for a PPA.14:25
ScottK(see the man page for details)14:25
sgclarksitter: there is a missing symbol in kpackage that looks like it was added in the CI, is this safe to remove? 14:51
sittersgclark: paste symbol please14:55
sgclarksitter: I will have to email it to you, I am packaging on my laptop14:56
sitterfine by me14:56
sittersgclark: that was introduced by the CI15:01
sittereh, I mean, that was introduced after release of 5.10 (note the time stamp)15:01
sitterso, save to remove15:02
sitterCI should bring it back when a new build happens15:02
sittersgclark, Riddell, shadeslayer: KCI integration is paused for now due to problems in the launchpad cloud making builds take very long. we don't need to contribute to long build queues wiht CI builds, in particular since frameworks are red and need fixing for integration to succeed anyway15:28
sgclarkyeah, make sense. I am fixing said frameworks in the meantime15:29
sitterpossibly unpausing if it is fixed tomorrow, otherwise deferred to monday and if it isn't fixed on monday it probably will become thursday/friday as I expect to not be available much during the week as I am traveling15:29
shadeslayerlikewise, I'm not around till Thursday probably as well15:30
sgclarkI have family in town next week and will be mostly unavailable as well15:30
sittermerging is running as intented, so you still get feedback if you screw up branches :P15:30
lordievadersgclark: Plasma 5.3.1 installed and rebooted succesfully.15:32
sgclarkgreat, ty15:32
sitteroh and I think I repaired the patch-parser (again)15:45
sittercron is being very annoying15:45
sitterand with that statement I am off o/15:46
BluesKajI was on 15.10 when the testers rquest was pinged ..can some one post ppa url again? 15:57
soeeBluesKaj: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging16:00
BluesKajthanks soee16:00
mparilloDoes the PPA work with wiley main?16:10
BluesKajno it's 14.10 and 15.0416:11
BluesKajI'm on my 15.04 install atm16:11
mparilloThat explains it. Switching to 15.04. Does this PPA replace the backports PPA, or in addition to it?16:12
mparilloThat is, do I remove backports first?16:13
BluesKajI didn't16:14
sgclarkmparillo: I will only be supporting releases up to Vivid. This is not a replacement, only a testing PPA, you add it , in stall, then remove. DO NOT keep it lol, it can get dangerous16:14
BluesKajsgclark, what about just commenting the deb line and saving it for future use in case there are other packages to be added to the ppa in the future or will you just ceate a new ppa for those?16:17
sgclarkoh yes that is absolutely acceptable :) that is what I do16:17
BluesKajcool  ok will do then16:17
clivejosgclark: this test only for vivid?16:25
sgclarkI am only supporting up to the Vivid release. correct. If someone else wants to take on wily go for it.16:26
clivejowish I knew how :(16:26
micahgsgclark: no problem on libkgeomap, happy to take care of it16:27
clivejocould someone point me to the source, so I can at least have a go?16:32
lordievaderI have the staging ppa with a low priority in there.17:09
lordievaderclivejo: Add ppa  https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging to your sources.17:10
lordievaderUpgrade and disable the ppa.17:10
clivejoon on wily17:10
lordievaderAh, then never mind ;)17:10
sgclarkmicahg: thanks!17:15
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_hols
Etriaphsgclark: Got the latest package for Dolphin, still no change.  Manually editing an entry or dragging an entry and editing after, both have the same behavior in that they cannot be made to appear in Dolphin only.  I can still do this in Kate and kdialogs for anything else.19:02
Etriaphsgclark: re: places19:03
Etriaphbbiab, have to run to the bank19:03
sgclarkEtriaph: ok, looks like we are going to need to go upstream with this, is it usable at all or is this a blocker for the backports?19:07
Etriaphsgclark: It's quite stable, and at least you can add them now, it's a benefit for the backports.19:40
Etriaphsgclark: Slowly but surely :D19:40
sgclarkok great, thanks for testing19:40
sgclarkI am releasing plasma 5.3.1 to vivid backports now. 19:42
Haudegensgclark: Thank you!19:43
sgclarkonce I get ktp* sorted I will need testers for 15.04.1 applications vivid backports19:44
Etriaphsgclark: If you ever have a running list of things to test for after packaging, you can shave off a slice of that list for me anytime.19:44
Etriaphsgclark: Is there a Trello card with anything like that already?19:45
sgclarkI suppose there should be19:45
sgclarkUsually pasted in the IRC status, but it is getting rather long..19:46
EtriaphWould it be in 15.10 card or 15.04?19:46
sgclarkI am working in 15.0419:46
sgclarkdoes anyone still use Utopic?19:47
sgclarkguess I need to see if it is missing bugfix releases19:47
EtriaphI think those that didn't want to make the leap to 15.04 are using that or 14.0419:47
clivejosgclark: do you know where plasma 5.3.1 source is?19:48
sgclarkyeah I know I have to do 4.14.3...19:48
EtriaphI spend time in #kubuntu, that's about the state of most people.19:48
sgclarkall by hand though19:48
sgclarkclivejo: debian git for packaging files and download.kde.org for kde source19:48
* ahoneybun hugs sick_rimmit20:17
ahoneybunsgclark: do you still need testers?20:17
sgclarkahoneybun: yes once these ktp* packages finish20:18
ahoneybunsgclark: ok I have a Laptop loaded with 15.04 on it so I'll update it later tonight and add whatever ppa or such I need20:18
sgclarkok thanks, will let you know20:19
ahoneybunnp 20:19
clivejois there an archive of library on debuild error messages ?!?20:22
sgclarkmy library is google search lol sorry20:24
clivejoany idea what this means?20:26
clivejodpkg-source: info: building baloo using existing ./baloo_5.9.1.orig.tar.xz20:26
clivejocan't find file to patch at input line 520:26
* sick_rimmit Slides two cool beers over... 1 4 sgclark 1 4 ahoneybun20:26
sick_rimmitHey folks20:26
sgclarkit means the patch is gone from debian/patches20:26
sgclarksick_rimmit: hi :)20:26
clivejowhere's it gone!20:26
* sick_rimmit waves, grins etc...20:26
sgclarkthat is a good question20:27
* clivejo bangs head20:27
* BluesKaj gulps water ...now that the lawn is done20:27
clivejodo the patches live in the tar.xz file somewhere?20:34
yofelclivejo: they'll be in the debian.tar.xz, and in debian/patches/ when unpacked20:35
clivejocd debian20:35
clivejohow do I know what order to build these in?20:36
clivejocant find KF5IdleTime and KF5Crash20:38
clivejoare they part of plasma-workspace?20:40
sgclarkkidletime-dev and kcrash-dev20:42
clivejois there like a dep flowchart or build list?20:42
sgclarknot that I am aware of. But those deps should already be defined... 20:44
clivejowhat package?20:44
sgclarkin the control file20:45
clivejoI cant get my head around this!20:52
sgclarkclivejo: an entire suite like plasma might not be the best place to start20:58
clivejono, I think not20:58
sgclarknot to mention it also involves merging CI branches20:59
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sgclarkVivid applications 15.04.1 is ready for testing in next-stage221:32
sgclarkahoneybun: ^21:33
ylaissussgclark: Hi, I just installed them on a VM and it seems to work just fine, even the dolphin bug about places !21:40
sgclarkylaissus: thanks!21:40
sgclarkif I could get one or two more testers I will release to backports.21:41
ubottutesters is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip for information21:41
soee_sgclark: will test now21:46
soeesgclark: smooth upgrade, gj :)21:57
sick_rimmitsgclark: So I need a special PPA configure to pull the new packages ?22:01
sgclarkyeah it is still in testing till one more tests :)  sec my net is crazy slow22:02
sick_rimmitOK, will set that up and pull them :=)22:03
sgclarksoee:  great thanks!22:09
valorieooo, we should use this on our new site: http://simplesharingbuttons.com/22:14
valorieone of the linuxchix made it22:14
sick_rimmitWell it looks pretty cool22:20
valorieinteresting, I think my router is dying22:34
valorieso many freaking problems with connectivity lately22:34
valoriebut now need to make a costco run22:36
valorieno rest for the wicked22:36
ahoneybunyay LP: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/+junk/kubuntu-manual-dev/view/head:/docs/advanced.rst23:46

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