
wgrantblr: Does it have a diff yet?00:22
blrwgrant: ooh, yes.00:22
blrI had given up00:22
wgrantblr: Why isn't a nav cursor added on comment navigation?01:04
blrwgrant: if the comment is in the edit state, it looks rather ugly.01:06
blrdecided it was better left out, it really makes more sense when you have a specific lineno at any rate I think01:07
blrhmm actually the same would apply for a saved comment - given it intrudes into the left hand margin01:08
wgrantAh, hm.01:08
blrfactory.makePreviewDiff(size='large') and add a few comments perhaps01:09
blrsee what you think. I think it is probably okay just there for the code navigation.01:10
blrwgrant: not related to this branch, but do you think we need a different branch location widget for git repos?01:11
blror should the existing branch location widget support both01:11
blrcontext, linking to existing git repo01:15
wgrantblr: I know the widget you're talking about, but I don't quite understand the question.01:17
blrwgrant: hmm, I'll try to clarify, in the search modal, should we list both results for bzr and git, or should we handle the bzr/git cases separately with different widgets02:43
wgrantblr: They need to be different widgets.02:44
wgrantFor one thing it'd be an awkward widget to achieve.02:44
wgrantFor another it'd be quite confusing, and the UI should be separated anyway.02:44
blrwgrant: yep, agreed - was just wondering if there were cases where it would be convenient to see both (fairly certain that widget is used elsehwere)02:44
wgrantIt's unlikely you'd ever want to search both.02:45
wgrantIt should only be used in one or two places atm.02:45
wgrantAnd they all need to be fixed for the git/bzr split anyway02:45
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blrwgrant: hmm weird, working in chrome.05:29
wgrantblr: Firefox here, maybe it's special.05:30
blrI'll have a look05:30
blrwgrant: working for me in FF O.o05:32
blranything in the console?05:32
wgrantblr: Ah, it was because the comments were unsaved.05:32
blrif an input has focus none of the keybindings work05:33
wgrantblr: The comment navigation doesn't consider drafts to be comments, but the top hunk header is considered to be one.05:34
blrwgrant: is navigation between drafts useful?05:38
wgrantblr: I think it's weird that they appear the same but don't navigate the same.05:38
blrwgrant: the problem is the dom node collection isn't refreshed, otherwise the nav code would work for them I think.05:39
blrI'll find the callback, should be easy to fix05:39
blrwgrant: fixed05:48
wgrantblr: Yay05:48
blrwell, still including the first hunk, not sure wtf is going on there.05:48
wgrantYeah, that's an odd one.05:49
blrbut the drafts are included now05:49
wgrantI'd expect the first *file* header.05:49
blrwill debug05:49
wgrantNeither should happen, but I don't see how first hunk could :)05:49
blryeah, very weird.05:49

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