
liuxg__how to make a button un-clickable in QML?02:21
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Guest94518hi.  someone know how to delete document completely from U1DB and not just do him blank by deleteDoc()?05:24
dholbachgood morning07:23
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ahoneybunomg almost 900 downloads!12:07
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sturmflut2https://uappexplorer.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.robert-ancell.mines Woohoo! Another entry on my wishlist goes away!13:15
seb128Robert rocks ;-)13:18
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mhall119popey: what do I have to do to make neverball look nice on my N4?15:48
popeywe're working on that15:49
mhall119I just played the first level, was difficult to navigate the start screens with all the graphical glitches, but I had fun anyway15:50
popeyI suspect its a mir bug15:50
ogra_just get a properly supported phone :P15:51
popeymake a graphics stack that doesn't depend on the device :p15:51
ogra_you wish15:51
mhall119popey: mir or SDL's mir backend?15:54
* mhall119 would suspect the latter15:54
* popey shrugs15:54
popeyget a bug filed and let them figure it out15:54
popey(I have said this 3 times now and nobody seems to have done so)15:55
=== om26er is now known as om26er|dinner
nik90popey: hey, is the clock-app on QA's radar? Or do we let them know after OTA-4 instead?15:58
popeynik90: it's not, but we should, yes. Let me mail them and get it on their trello board. r270 is the one you want, right?16:00
popeywe can choose when to upload to the store of course.16:00
popeybut get it past them.16:00
nik90yes r270 is the one16:00
popeyok. and use your manual testing in trunk?16:01
nik90popey: yes16:01
popeyok, will do now.16:01
popeysorry for not doing it before.16:01
nik90popey: http://pad.ubuntu.com/clock-app-changelog16:01
nik90popey: it should have all the necessary links and revisions logs16:02
nik90no worries, it just got rdy a day or two ago16:02
popeymhall119: want me to file the mir bug if you're busy? :)16:07
mhall119popey: yes please16:25
popeymhall119: okay ㋛16:25
popeymhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/146014916:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1460149 in Mir "Visible corruption in SDL apps on some devices" [Undecided,New]16:31
mhall119popey: +1'd it and added N4 screenshots16:36
mhall119looks better on mine than yours :)16:36
popeymagic, thanks!16:36
popeylooks better on my arale ㋛16:36
popeyrub rub rub16:37
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* ahoneybun flashes his newly alive Nexus 4 with Ubuntu20:16
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ahoneybunthe terminal is awesome22:15
ahoneybunhow does one make a page/tab flickable?22:34
nik90ahoneybun: You would need to add a QML component called Flickable{} inside your Page{}. You can find more information about Flickables at http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-flickable.html22:41
ahoneybunwould that work in the SDK as well? Like can I test without having to push it to a device with a touch screen?23:00
ahoneybunnik90: ^23:00
ahoneybunthe problem nik90 is that the content overflows the page and there is no way to move down to see the rest, atm I moved the buttons up so they stay on the page23:01
nik90ahoneybun: Yes you can use it in the SDK as well. It is used pretty much in every app that displays lot of stuff that doesn't fit the dimensions of a phone. And yes you can also test it without a touch screen by simply scrolling.23:01
nik90ahoneybun: QML Components *generally* work with multiple input methods..so a Flickable works in a touch environment by flicking, scrolling, dragging etc...and also using mouse scrolling on a mouse input device.23:02
ahoneybunnik90: I never could get the flickable thing to work23:03
nik90ahoneybun: your use case definitely fits the use case of a Flickable23:03
nik90ahoneybun: the key thing to getting a flickable to work is the "contentHeight" and "height" property.23:03
ahoneybunhow would that work on different devices23:04
nik90contentHeight refers to the total height that your components inside the flickable would need..where as height is the flickable height that is allowed.23:04
nik90so for example, height: page.height23:04
ahoneybunnot a big deal really since I have only one device23:04
nik90while contentHeight: component1.height + component2.height etc...23:04
nik90if all the components fits on the screen, then the flickable will just not scroll but still work as intended23:05
ahoneybunwhere do I put the flickable inside the column?23:05
nik90ahoneybun: no...usually the Flickable is the direct child of a Page.23:05
nik90so Page { Flickable{} }23:06
nik90columns go inside the flickable23:06
nik90one sec, let me grab you a sample code23:06
ahoneybunthank you23:06
ahoneybunI like examples23:06
nik90ahoneybun: take a look at https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/view/head:/app/clock/ClockPage.qml23:07
nik90ClockPage.qml is a regular Page{}...in line 170 we use a Flickable23:07
nik90and put the UI components inside it23:07
ahoneybunas in buttons23:08
nik90well buttons, text, columns, rows etc23:08
nik90anything UI element23:08
nik90think of Flickable as this dynamically changing Bag..you don't put a Bag inside other stuf..but rather stuff inside the bag23:09
nik90sry, I am terrible with analogy :P23:09
ahoneybunthis is where I need it23:09
nik90ah perfect..just put that whole column inside the flickable23:09
ahoneybunlet me try23:11
nik90ahoneybun: on the desktop, try reducing the height of your app to simulate small devices and see how the flickable allows the user to scroll through it to see all the buttons and information23:11
ahoneybunit will not even work right on the Nexus 4 lol23:11
ahoneybunlook right23:11
ahoneybunI need to fix it badly23:11
ahoneybunso for my projects it would be contentHeight: omgubuntu.height + webupd8.height and such?23:13
nik90for your project it would be contentHeight: column.height23:13
ahoneybunjus that?23:13
nik90you need to give the column an id and use that23:13
ahoneybunok I'll try23:14
nik90since the column already dynamically adjusts its height to its children23:14
ahoneybunworks but I get a error: QML Flickable: Binding loop detected for property "contentHeight"23:15
ahoneybunplus it shots you back to the tip23:17
nik90ahoneybun: let me try and send you a merge request ;)23:17
ahoneybunnever had one of those23:18
ahoneybunI might want to upload my current work first lol23:18
ahoneybunthough I cant23:18
ahoneybundont think I have access to upload23:18
nik90what do you mean? Isn't this your own project?23:19
ahoneybunor knowledge anymore lol23:19
ahoneybunits been so long23:19
* ahoneybun is learning git anyway23:19
nik90anyway give me 5 mins to get this sorted..it is really easy either way23:19
ahoneybunuploaded my current changes23:22
ahoneybun2.0 is the newest23:22
ahoneybunnow anyway23:22
ahoneybunawesome job on the music player guys23:29
nik90ahoneybun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11441359/23:31
nik90ahoneybun: Since you set anchors.fill:parent to the column and at the same time told flickable to take the column's height it got confused23:32
nik90its like saying me asking you for an idea, and then you reply with "you give me an idea"23:32
ahoneybunso I need to make changes on main.qml as well23:33
nik90no not really23:34
nik90I added Flickable{} stuff to main.qml...but you could very well have done it in home.qml instead23:34
nik90its just personal prefernce23:34
ahoneybunits broke23:36
ahoneybunI broke it23:36
ahoneybunpage size if off llol23:41
nik90ahoneybun: why did you add Flickable {} to both main.qml *and* home.qml ?23:51
nik90you need it in only one place23:51
nik90also remove the onFlickStarted signal..you don't need it23:52
ahoneybunsomeone is up with the width23:56

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