
dholbachgood morning07:23
silverliondholbach: good morning it is indeed :D07:24
dholbachhi silverlion07:28
silverliono/ dholbach07:28
silverlionI'm sorry I'm still a little bit freakin out about my new job opportunity ;)07:28
elfymorning all07:32
silverlionmorning elfy07:33
dholbachjob opportunity? :)07:35
* silverlion has signed a three-year job training to become an it specialist 07:47
dholbachnice! whereabouts?07:48
silverlionGermany ;)07:51
dholbachrighhhhht :)07:51
silverlionor did I get you wrong dholbach07:53
silverlionelfy: why ha?07:53
elfyI think it was more specific than country dholbach was aiming for :)07:54
dholbachno no - I just thought you were going to be a bit more specific, but that's alright :)07:54
silverliondholbach: then tell me what specifics you meant07:54
dholbachin which part of Germany :)07:55
dholbachbecause I always thought you were somewhere in Germany :)07:56
silverliondholbach: Nordrhein-Westfalen07:56
silverlionnear the famous "Movie Park Germany" ;)07:56
dholbachahhhh ok, cool07:57
* dholbach studied in Dortmund for a while :)07:57
dholbach... and got to know mvo there07:57
silverlionDortmund is 90 mins by train from my location07:57
dholbachhey popey08:00
silverliono/ popey08:00
popeyuh. ubuntu-app-devel mailing list suddenly got a flood of very old mail08:17
popeyoh, i see dholbach has mailed :)08:17
popeydholbach: gimmie the password and I'll add it to my listadmin08:18
* popey considers putting listadmin on his phone08:18
dholbachpopey, good luck putting perl on the phone :)08:30
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ perl -v08:30
popeyThis is perl 5, version 20, subversion 2 (v5.20.2) built for arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int08:30
popey(with 39 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)08:30
davidcalledholbach, ping11:45
dholbachdavidcalle, pong11:47
davidcalledholbach, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11431122/11:47
davidcalledholbach, I should probably add a few comments to that :)11:48
davidcalledholbach, in any case, tell me if that works for you11:49
* davidcalle is welcoming suggestions11:49
dholbachcool - thanks a lot11:49
davidcalledholbach, I've removed all the "get published page and try to diff it against the new doc" bits, the source of the published page can be VERY confusing (eg. em tags added because why not and funky indentation)11:51
davidcalledholbach, btw, regarding jdstrand comments on "meta" (some nested list issues iirc), multiple markdown parsers gave the same result, so I "think" that the issue is on the doc itself.11:54
dholbachdavidcalle, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11431252/11:55
dholbachmaybe you can put it up in a branch?11:55
dholbachmaybe a +junk branch11:55
davidcalledholbach, heh, works on my machine :p11:56
davidcalledholbach, indeed11:56
dholbachwhere do I get MAP from?11:56
davidcalledholbach, constant at the top of the file11:58
davidcalledholbach, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntudeveloperportal-editors/+junk/snappy-docs/11:59
dholbachthanks davidcalle11:59
dholbachdavidcalle, oh - I think that was removed in my attempts to remove the ^Ms12:00
davidcalledholbach, the "^Ms" ?12:00
dholbachdavidcalle, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11431359/12:01
dholbachgreat work - the version from the branch works now12:02
dholbachI'll poke a bit at it12:02
davidcalledholbach, huh, as long as it works now :)12:04
davidcalledholbach, new backlog item for the script : run a markdown linter on sources and automatically file a bug for each markdown issue...  0:-)12:11
dholbachthat's not as easy12:12
dholbachthe markdown command and the markdown library are both very forgiving12:12
dholbach"yeah, not quite sure what this means, but I'll proceed anyway"12:12
balloonsa belated good morning to you all12:34
popeyhello balloons12:44
davidcalledholbach, popey, mhall119, balloons?15:05
mhall119oh right, standup15:05
mhall119so basically most of yesterday was CC work, I lost a speaker for UbuCon@SELF so I'm trying to fill that slot again. Had a sync call with willcooke about my convergence work items over the next cycle, no blockers15:08
balloonsindeed indeed15:08
balloonsFor me, tidying up the MP dholbach agreed to yesterday but backed out on :-)  and fixing the qml templates after review. Next up is autopilot test runners and scopes docs15:10
dholbachFor me it was lots of small stuff, like:15:10
dholbach - snappy: reviewed markdown script from David and had a look at internal docs15:10
dholbach - help-app: pushed another web update15:10
dholbach - help-app: reviewed balloons' MP, need to think about a good way to15:10
dholbach   separate web/phone tests15:10
dholbach - UbuConDE: discussion about an app contest15:10
dholbach - UbuConDE: some planning discussions15:10
dholbach - (misc) CC business15:10
dholbachStill blocked on RT#7934015:10
davidcalleDONE: duc/snappy fixes,trunk/snappy markdown fixes, some work on the blog post about obsoleting the scopes privacy flag in unity8 (waiting for thostr final touch)15:12
davidcalleDOING a demo app for QML/C++ tutorial15:12
davidcalleBLOCKED on nothing15:12
mhall119dholbach: can you remind me what that RT is about?15:12
mhall119davidcalle: are you unblocked on all the scope tutorials you had on your list?15:12
dholbachhelp.ubuntu.com/devices doing content negotiation properly15:12
dholbachlike index.{de,es,pl,it,en}.html15:13
mhall119dholbach: you mean it defaulting to Polish docs?15:13
dholbachit's evidently not set up correctly15:13
dholbachIS told me that it was more work than expected - I didn't quite understand why15:13
davidcallemhall119, yes, but the qml/c++ has been added at the top of the pile15:13
dholbachbut I'll ping them again on Monday15:13
mhall119is that the one you've been asking dpm about, or a new one?15:13
dholbachthey're busy with prodstack now anyway15:13
mhall119davidcalle: ack, I just wanted to make sure the other stuff was still being unblocked, thanks15:13
dholbachit's nothing huge, but it'd still be nice to get it off my list :)15:14
* mhall119 nods15:14
dholbachthat's it from me15:15
popeyDONE: Fix issues with podcast site post release15:15
popeyTesting profile management in Terminal app15:15
popeySetting up device for testing convergence of core apps15:15
popeySupporting community developers on SDL issues15:15
popeyDOING: Testing Notes rename of reminders15:15
popeyNEXT: Convergence compliance testing of all core apps15:16
popeyBLOCKED: Nothing15:16
mhall119popey: what device are you using for convergence testing?15:16
popeyA thinkpad.15:16
mhall119touch screen?15:16
popeynot touch (which I think is a good thing)15:17
mhall119are you using Unity 7 or 8?15:17
popeybecause it has a keyboard and mouse15:17
popeyand as such, the apps should behave correctly, if they don't, it's a bug15:17
mhall119popey: cool, can I get the model info from you? I'm going to setup a wiki page of "works for converged desktop" devices for people who want to test-drive it15:17
balloonspopey, did we hear back from CI at all? It's day 3 for me and still nothing. Did they talk with you?15:17
popeyi will once i get it working :)15:17
popeyno balloons nothing15:18
mhall119popey: :)15:18
popeyits all intel though so shouldn't be a problem15:18
mhall119famous last words15:18
davidcallepopey, which image are you using for unity8, the "daily next" one or something else (or building trunk?)15:19
popeythat one15:19
davidcallepopey, "backup" because this is last vivid build?15:20
davidcallethe last*15:20
popeyi think it's last known good, yes.15:20
popeyI'll test this and the daily one.15:21
mhall119IIRC, they were going to stop providing .deb based images of Desktop Next so they could focus on snappy-based ones, but I'm not sure that's happened yet15:21
popeyit doesn't work yet15:21
popeyproblems booting on UEFI systems15:21
popeyhence why I'm using the above image15:21
mhall119I'm not surprised, it's so very new15:22
popeyso next week is all about convergence for me :)15:22
dholbachwhat a brave soul! :)15:22
davidcalleNice :)15:22
dholbachall rightie... are we done?15:23
popeyI am.15:23
dholbachin which case I'm going to call it a day and a week and go out while the sun is still shining15:24
dholbachthanks a lot everyone15:24
popeyExcellent plan15:24
dholbachhave a great weekend!15:24
popeyHave a great weekend!15:24
davidcallepopey, dholbach, same to you!15:25
dholbachthanks :)15:26
* davidcalle waves, have a nice weekend all15:47
popeymhall119: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/ubuntu-update/id99980598217:14
popeydammit, unity next doesn't work on my thinkpad17:26
popeyI thought Mir worked on all intel machines17:26
mhall119popey: \o/17:54
mhall119I'm famous now :)17:54
mhall119popey: Mir works on *all* intel machines that Mir works on17:55
mhall119popey: what chipset do you have?17:55
* popey boots it to find out17:56
popeyI installed unity next onto a usb stick so I can boot it on various machines :)17:57
jcastrohey have they merged the desktopish branch into the dailies yet?18:10
popeymhall119: intel 965 - a bit old18:10
popeymhall119: I think lunduke is just playing at being dumb _really_ well18:26
popeyHe's clearly intentionally calling it the "Canonical Community Council" as he's been corrected multiple times.18:26
popeyjust trolling now18:26
jcastrowell of course he is18:45
jcastrohe's also really fun to hang out with though18:45
jcastrothat's part of his charm I guess18:45
czajkowskijcastro: charm usually means nice  not trolling18:46
jcastrothere's pretty much no escape from any of this18:47
jcastroit's already a popularity contest, except everyone loses18:47
jcastroif people who write linux blogs have to ask "does anyone know how to get ahold of such-and-such a council?"18:47
popeyits not helped by people with a big mouth(piece) being deliberately wrong to trigger reactions18:48
popeyit's maddeningly childish18:48
jcastrowell, some of us have the luxury of hitting "m" on their mail client18:48
jcastrobut councils don't have that.18:48
jcastroczajkowski: this benchmark you guys did looks awesome18:51
czajkowskithanks :)18:52
czajkowskiit's gonna be a manic week next week except more stuff like that coming18:52
czajkowskipopey: ot any mobile folks in SF/Ca area ?18:52
czajkowskimobile workshops next Tuesday18:52
czajkowskiand server also18:52
czajkowskiif anyone else is interested18:53
jcastromarcoceppi: http://blog.couchbase.com/couchbase-server-hits-1m-writes-with-3b-items-with-50-nodes-on-google-cloud18:53
czajkowskijcastro: popey if you know folks in the area in san fran who are interested the event has a free reg code now and I can also see if I can get you a code for the workshops19:20
jcastroczajkowski: hey you guys have offices on the west coast?19:49
czajkowskitwo in fact19:49
czajkowskione on Mission St in SF and our larger HQ in Mountain View19:49
czajkowskithe inbvasion takes place next week19:50
jcastrohey so if you have people going to dockercon at the end of june19:50
czajkowskitueday full day of workshops in the Levi's stadium wed and thurs 2 days of talks and keynotes19:50
jcastroyelp is going to host an orchestration panel the night before19:50
jcastrowe're sponsoring, got booze, etc.19:50
czajkowskiohh nice19:50
jcastrotell them to reg thru eventbrite as soon as they can, or I'll run out of shirts.19:51
czajkowskinods will do19:51
pleia2czajkowski: you're welcome to share in #ubuntu-us-ca too19:52
marcoceppijcastro: nice!20:09
jcastropleia2: next week monday is when I'll start to push it more20:17
jcastronow that all the ODS stuff is dying down20:17
* pleia2 self-imposed moratorium on events until book is done20:18
jcastrooh there's a book?20:18
pleia2not if I keep goofing off :)20:20
jcastrowhat about tho?20:23
* jcastro takes a wild guess20:23
jcastrooh, so NOT eucalyptus, that was going to be my guess20:23
czajkowskiohh thishotel has vending machines20:32
czajkowskichoclate tastes odd20:32
czajkowskibut bonus is I now have root beer!!20:32

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