
owlmanHi, is there a git branch with only the packaging patches for the mainline kernels (e.g. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.1-rc5-unstable/) publically available?03:42
owlmani.e. the 3 patch files 000?*03:53
apwowlman, no they are not in a public git tree, just in the directory07:47
thomaSomeone knows a SIMPLE way to collect MCE information ?10:11
genkgojsalisbury: unfortunately, the hyperv is still there. could we collect more information somehow? i am not very experienced with kernel. e.g. a backtrace. i now only use dmesg.10:23
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apwgenkgo, do you mean the "going offline on backup issue is still there" ?12:26
genkgoapw: yes13:06
genkgoapw: but it took a while to trigger13:06
genkgoapw: much longer than before13:07
trippehHm. wireless-regdb is still way out of date13:08
apwtrippeh, yep we are working on that right now13:08
trippehwohoo :)13:09
trippehhad to disable VHT80 on the network here, or else iwl keeps downgrading to 802.11n.13:09
genkgoapw: is there any method to do some sort of trace? e.g. to see where an error is coming, to exactly see why the system goes into read-only. i would like to add more information than just my dmesg, because that one is always the same.13:23
apwgenkgo, i suspect that that contains the real info ... and thaat implies the fix just made the window smaller not removed it13:24
genkgoapw: i guess so13:27
genkgoapw: maybe it also proves why testing with a development machine is so hard with this problem. the io pattern of a testing machine does not match a production machine and therefore the window is too small on a testing machine. hence, it is likely the bug to manifest faster on a production.13:28
owlmanapw: thanks.13:57
owlmanI found the git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/unstable.git repository. Where is the wily master-next repo?13:59
owlmanawesome, thanks14:03
jsalisburygenkgo, thanks for updated the bug.  We'll see what the response is from jrp and see if other commits are needed.14:29
genkgojsalisbury: yes, let's see. i am also wondering how they have done their tests14:30
genkgojsalisbury: we are pushing limits of course by creating snapshots every half an hour14:31
jsalisburygenkgo, right14:31
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