
elopioveebers: hello. Good to see you back.01:29
elopiohow's mickey mouse?01:30
veeberselopio: hey how's things? Yeah got back safe, how was your time?01:55
veeberslol didn't go to disney land, got to hold a gator though: http://people.canonical.com/~leecj2/gh.JPG01:55
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elopioveebers: nice!03:29
ahayzenHi, is there documentation for the list of commands i need to run to get my device setup for running autopilot, i'm having trouble running adb/phablet-test-run and phablet-click-test-setup fails as well :-/03:32
veebersahayzen: Which documentation (if any) are you using? I'm trying to find a link that may help03:34
ahayzenheh various scripts i used to have that sortof worked03:34
ahayzenso i've run $ phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable ... then $ phablet-click-test-setup .. that explodes with http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11424180/03:35
ahayzenphablet-test-run complains that "/bin/bash: autopilot3: command not found"03:35
ahayzenand adt-run outputs the following http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11424215/03:36
veebersahayzen: what's the full command you use w/ phablet-click-test-setup03:41
ahayzenliterally just phablet-click-test-setup .. should i maybe specify the domain of the click i'm doing as well?03:41
ahayzenveebers, oo this is looking better :-)03:42
ahayzenugh but adt-run/phablet-test-run still break03:43
veebersahayzen: how does adt-run break?03:44
ahayzenveebers, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11424303/03:44
ahayzenoh maybe i need to pass a password these days?03:44
veebersahayzen: did try what line 17 of that paste says?03:45
ahayzenveebers, i did but couldn't figure out how to get that to work? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11424321/03:47
ahayzenok realised you have to add the --setup-commands to the command i was running before but then it says "adt-run [04:49:40]: ERROR: unexpected error: testbed setup commands failed with status 1"03:50
veebersahayzen: it needs to be part of the whole command03:50
veebersahayzen: is there any more details than that?03:50
ahayzenthere is "mount: only root can use "--options" option" ... i reckon i need to be passing my passcode to adt-run somehow03:51
ahayzenas it says just before about requiring sudo as well03:51
veebersahayzen: ah yeah will need password, -p <password> I think03:51
* veebers double checks03:51
ahayzenwhere abouts in the command?03:52
veebersahayzen: oh hmm, at the very end (after the ---) as it is an argument to the runner, not adt-run03:52
veebersso ". . . --- ssh -s adb -p <password>"03:52
ahayzenthat causes "adt-virt-ssh: WARNING: ssh connection failed. Retrying in 3 seconds..."03:53
veebersahayzen: have you flashed your device with developer mode (or enabled it via the UI?)03:56
ahayzenyeah it has dev mode enabled as QtC can see it and i can phablet-shell/adb shell into it03:57
* ahayzen double checks03:57
ahayzenyup its ticked03:58
veebersahayzen: any further luck?04:05
ahayzenveebers, not yet both me and Victor are battling trying to remember how we got around it lol04:06
veebersahayzen: ah ok, let me know how it goes :-)04:08
ahayzenveebers, will do i'll probably try and catch balloon s or something tomorrow, thanks for your suggestions04:08
veebersahayzen: no worries, sorry I couldn't get it sorted for you.04:09
ahayzenno problem, its probably something silly i've missed somewhere04:10
veebersahayzen: this /might/ help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Autopilot/TestRunners04:12
ahayzenveebers, oo thanks :-)04:12
veebersI know there are efforts afoot to improve and consolidate the docs around this type of thing04:13
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brendandelopio, off hand do you know the right helper for retreiving the text from the header in an app?14:25
brendandelopio, specifically i want to check if the messaging app header is showing the contact name14:26
elopiobrendand: I would say something like main_view.get_header().text14:26
elopiobut might be totally wrong.14:26
brendandelopio, well not too hard to try i guess14:28
brendandelopio, if you're wrong i'll slap you with a fish when you get off the train :P14:28
elopiobrendand: sounds like a local custom, so lets do that to get the full experience.14:30
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elopionuclearbob: they are calling kubuntu a blue-headed stepchild. You are blue-headed.15:54
elopioare you kubuntu?15:54
nuclearbobelopio: I was always a gnome guy until unity came along15:54
brendandelopio, eventually it was .title15:55
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nuclearbobmy favorite things from kde were the fuzzy clock and amarok15:55
brendandelopio, given that it began with t i'll spare you the fish15:56
brendandelopio, nuclearbob is the living embodiment of kubuntu15:56
brendandelopio, like jesus for distros15:56
nuclearbobcouldn't I at least be xubuntu? my hair has faded a lot15:57
elopionuclearbob: no, kubuntu needs your love at this time.15:57
nuclearbobelopio: what channel do I need to use to flash it?15:58
brendandelopio, btw our receive sms sanity test is almost landed. it's ultra neat :) https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-system-tests/test_receive_sms/+merge/26054515:59
brendandi will do a video and google+ it as soon as my wife comes back with her phone16:00
elopiobrendand: I took a peak :)16:00
elopiobrendand: remember to convince CI to give you access to twillio.16:00
brendandnuclearbob, this means you need to get a sim card in that krillin now16:01
nuclearbobbrendand: okay, I've got one I can activate16:02
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Letozaf_balloons, hi19:12
balloons Letozaf_ hello19:35
Letozaf_balloons, is it ok for you if this week-end, as it's a long week-end for an Italian holiday, I write autopilot tests ? (it will probably rain)19:42
balloonsLetozaf_, hehe, ofc it's ok :p Do you need any help?19:51
Letozaf_balloons, well I will try to write a test for document viewer app (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+bug/1428040) I have an email from Stefano19:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1428040 in Ubuntu Document Viewer App "Autopilot Testcase Needed: list of available documents" [Undecided,Triaged]19:53
Letozaf_balloons, I will see that if with that I can make it :)19:53
balloonsLetozaf_, sounds awesome20:09
Letozaf_balloons, :)20:09
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