
wolfgergood morning10:08
cmaloneyGood morning12:18
cmaloneyI'm in training at the moment12:18
cmaloneyhaving remote training == A+12:19
mrgoodcatanybody here have an ergo keyboard they're really happy with?12:47
phwelogm.  kinda cool that there's a MI linux channel on the network that i was already idling daily..12:51
mrgoodcatwell hello12:52
phwelo..thinking that i'll probably join MUG as well since it takes place right behind the building i work at :)12:53
mrgoodcatThey'd love to have you. I've been to a couple meetings but my school schedule rarely lets me get over there12:56
phwelothe topics look pretty beneficial.  would have liked to have learned about it in time to attend the bind presentation12:57
mrgoodcatthink that was last month right?12:58
mrgoodcatand there you go12:59
mrgoodcatDNS in the Enterprise12:59
phweloalready subscribed and put it in my list ;)12:59
phweloty kindly though of course!13:00
mrgoodcatI don't attend but I try to watch the videos when i get time13:00
phweloi'd never get approval to switch from windows DNS, but would love to get rid of my home windows server dns/dhcp.13:01
mrgoodcathome windows server?13:02
mrgoodcatwhat posessed you to set up a windows server at home?13:02
cmaloneymrgoodcat: You might want to wait until next week / next CHC. Rick has more experience with ergo keyboards13:06
cmaloneyalso I think greg-g uses ergo keyboards.13:06
cmaloneyI personally can't stand them.13:06
cmaloneyphwelo: We're always looking for new members / talks. :)13:07
cmaloneyhe nice thing is we meet every month13:07
phweloi began my career as a windows admin, but have been moving more and more toward linux as time passes.  at this point i'm fairly unhappy with microsoft's server offering altogether13:07
cmaloneythe fun part is we meet every month and need content. :)13:07
cmaloneyYeah, I've been pleased with Linux as a server (and as a desktop. ;))13:08
mrgoodcatwe have a windows domain controller at work13:08
mrgoodcatits about the only thing i use windows for by choice13:08
phweloi really prefer it as a server offering.  honestly i still go back and forth on my laptop.  right now i'm doing the XFCE thing and it's decent13:08
cmaloneyYeah, we're doing the same thing with Linux / Samba at work13:08
cmaloneyphwelo: That's cool. I"m using Unity, but I've always been partial to the Mac.13:09
cmaloneyphwelo: Did you join the Meetup group for MUG?13:09
mrgoodcatI like unity13:09
phwelocmaloney: i agree.  i can't figure out this hackintosh business on my current computer though and my macbook has gone senile13:09
mrgoodcatbut i use i3 right now13:09
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I wish I could use a tiling window manager without wanting to hurt myself.13:10
cmaloneyclosest I've come is using tmux13:10
phwelocmaloney: i haven't signed up for anything yet, the page seems to still show the previous meeting (if that's even what you're referring to)13:11
phweloalso tmux4lyfe13:11
cmaloneyphwelo: Yeah, I've been slacking on getting hte next meeting notice out13:12
mrgoodcatcmaloney: what's the issue with tiling WMs?13:12
cmaloneyThe next meeting will cover Nagios, along with a discussion on how to preserve data for future generations13:12
phwelois all of the content relating to debian-based linux or does it go whichever way the presenter chooses?13:12
cmaloneymrgoodcat: The issue is me. :)13:12
phwelocmaloney: nagios is one of the only topics i'm quite versed on, so maybe i'll come in handy right away!13:13
cmaloneyphwelo: We cover mostly Linux these days, but we cover FreeBSD as well13:13
cmaloneyphwelo: Awesome!13:13
cmaloneyAnything UNIX is fair game.13:13
phwelosorry, i meant RHL based vs Debian based13:13
cmaloneyRight, I'm trying to say (obliquely) that we're more than just Ubuntu / Debian13:14
cmaloneyor even just Linux13:14
jrwrenif rhl v. debian is an issue, you need to step up your game :p13:14
cmaloneyIf Sun does something interesting then we'll cover it.13:14
cmaloneyWe also cover development as well as administation13:15
cmaloneyI'm a developer with strong devops tendencies (Working with Ansible at the moment)13:15
phwelosweet, looking forward.13:15
jrwrenunless by RHL v. Debian you really mean ancient kernel v. newer kernel :p13:15
jrwrencmaloney: you know ansible?!?!  cool, imma ask U stuffs13:16
cmaloneyjrwren: I'm targeting CentOS right now. It's like I'm wearing bell-bottoms13:16
cmaloneyjrwren: I'm just learning right now. ;)13:16
phwelojrwren: yeah for debian i have package names memorized, i know the structure, i know where my configs live, etc etc etc13:16
mrgoodcatI did the LFS project once13:17
jrwrenphwelo: ah, familiarity. What is that saying about familiarity?13:17
phwelobut i know that a lot of commercial entities use RHL13:17
mrgoodcatI haven't personally seen RHEL at a workplace yet13:18
mrgoodcatidk if i'm an edge case though13:18
cmaloneyYeah, I've only seen CentOS13:18
mrgoodcati've seen cent and debian13:18
cmaloneybut then again I work at places that are allergic to support contracts for OSes13:18
mrgoodcatand one place that used ubuntu servers13:18
phwelotrue, mostly centos, i'm lumping debian/ubuntu and rhel/centos/fedora13:20
cmaloneyWe have some Ubuntu machines acting as servers.13:20
cmaloneyYeah, I'd regard RHEL as an anomaly.13:20
phwelobut i'm aiming for the west coast and see a huge trend of centos unfortunately13:20
cmaloneyif I saw Oracle Linux in the wild I'd really freak out13:20
phwelocmaloney: i've seen it in job postings recently! yuck13:21
cmaloneyOracle Linux? Yipes.13:21
cmaloneyCentOS isn't bad by any stretch; just feels clunky to me compared with Debian13:22
phwelobut yeah my wife says i'd better make some friends so i'm going to multitask and socialize while learning stuff.  glad to make you guys' acquaintance13:22
cmaloneyAnd it's o-l-d.13:22
cmaloneyHey, we all started new. :)13:22
phweloi always hit dependency issues that i can't use the package manager to meet, and it annoys the heck out of me13:23
jrwrenubuntu makes a great server os.13:23
mrgoodcatyea i like ubuntu server13:23
jrwrenubuntu-cloud-image is the most used OS in the cloud.13:23
mrgoodcatits what i use for my personal servers13:23
jrwrenI was very surprised to see that Jono quote recently where he implied ubuntu desktop and debian server.13:23
phwelowhat's different between the cloud-image and servers?13:23
jrwrenphwelo: about 600MB :)13:24
cmaloneyThey're minimal images then?13:24
jrwrenphwelo: cloud-image is about 400MB used deployed.  200MB compressed images.13:24
phwelolol, isn't that like an 800m iso (server)?13:24
* cmaloney doesn't know. :)13:24
jrwrencmaloney: they are minimal with some special cloud stuff like cloud-init13:24
cmaloneyAh, OK.13:24
phwelodo they have orchestration of any sort built in?13:25
cmaloneyI've been playing with LXC and wondered why CentOS didn't ship with things like Tar13:25
cmaloneyso something tells me it's more about getting the image down in size than anything13:25
cmaloneyphwelo: You just entered the Juju sales zone13:25
cmaloneyjrwren works on Juju13:26
cmaloneysmoser works on Ubuntu Server13:26
phwelooh neat13:26
jrwreneven still, juju isn't built into ubuntu cloud img13:26
jrwrenso I'd answer "no"13:26
jrwrenand that orchestration with puppet, chef or juju can be added trivially and others, likely trivially, but I don't nkow13:27
jrwrencmaloney: really? it doesn't have tar?13:27
phwelothat's kind of the benefit to that crowd, how easy it is to add them to a minion/target/whatever13:27
phweloalright jrwren i'm going to bite, does juju do baremetal provisioning?13:28
mrgoodcatoh boy13:29
mrgoodcatjuju is the best13:29
jrwrenphwelo: yes, it does.13:29
jrwrenphwelo: it uses a provider model. maas is one of the provider models13:30
phwelostrangely enough, there aren't a ton of options that do13:30
jrwrenits cool doing bare betal deploys, the image install might take a bit longer, but once you are running, OMG it is so fast.13:31
jrwrenits easy to forget how slow cloud instances are.13:31
phwelowhat does it use for the pxe part, or is it built ground-up?13:31
jrwrensmall, medium, large, SOOO SLOW!!!13:31
jrwrenphwelo: its all open source. you can go use maas yourself right now.13:32
jrwrenphwelo: it is an automation of the debian/ubuntu network boot stuff that has always been there, with a nice web frontend13:32
phwelototal tangent, but does ubuntu have a presence in s/e mi?13:33
jrwrenphwelo: you are in it.13:33
cmaloneyjrwren: At least the image I am using with LXC doesn't have tar. I had to include it.13:34
phweloah man i need to suck up, my long term goal is to get the F out of the financial world and into a legit tech company (without losing an ungodly chunk of salary in the transition)13:34
jrwrencmaloney: did you use the lxc-download template and choose centos from the list?13:34
jrwrenphwelo: financial world is pretty great from what I hear.13:34
cmaloneyI did lxc-create -r centos --name foo -- R 613:35
cmaloneyalso: Legit tech companies are pretty scattershot.13:35
cmaloneysome are awesome. Most are fair to good.13:35
cmaloneyand some are pretty terrible.13:36
phwelocmaloney: kind of like any business really i'm sure13:36
cmaloneyI worked in the automotive industry for a long while. The corporate lines were pretty heavy into Microsoft. Fortunately I was able to carve out some Linux13:37
cmaloneydepends on the manager and their willingness to buck the trend.13:37
cmaloneyphwelo: Are you at Quicken Loans?13:37
jrwrenoh right, that is financial. :)13:38
phwelogetting into a company who's developing tech serves a bunch of goals for me tho.  i want to work around people who i can learn from, i want budget going into IT, I want a freaking test environment, I want to be able to sleep at night, and i want to never tell my children i work for a bank13:38
phwelonah not quicken.  though nearly half of the people you meet in metro detroit seem to work there!13:39
cmaloneyphwelo: I can sympathize13:39
cmaloneyI'm in marketing. :)13:39
cmaloneyThough I'm in a company where the current management is exceptionally clueful about tech13:39
cmaloneyat least as it relates to me13:40
cmaloneyBut yeah, getting an opportunity to work with folks who are making the stuff you use is awesome.13:40
cmaloneyI worked at Sourceforge for a bit. Worked with the guy who maintains rsync.13:41
cmaloneyand worked with mramm who maintained Turbogears for a while.13:41
phweloidk turbogears, but rsync is a pretty big deal!13:42
phwelocan't wait til the kids are a little older and i can work on a project on the side :)13:42
cmaloneyI can't say you won't be able to sleep at night though13:42
jrwrenphwelo: Shore Mortgage?13:43
cmaloneyheh, we're going down the list. ;)13:44
jrwrenmore interested if we have any common aquaintences13:44
cmaloneyOnly other one I can think of is the auto-financials.13:45
jrwrencmaloney: so that centos lxc template is kind of cool. it doesn't look to install based on an image at all. It creates a filesystem and installs packages. It is its own installer.13:45
cmaloneyyeah, it's pretty strange / neat how it works13:45
cmaloneywhen it asked me to install alien I figured it was going into strange and wonderful worlds.13:45
cmaloneyand it looks like it updates every image and doesn't cache.13:46
cmaloneyor rather it caches and does the update each install13:46
cmaloney(somewhere in there is what I mean)13:46
cmaloneyjrwren: That's pretty awesome15:48
phwelokinda interesting that all it took was one large project pointing it out, when they've been doing the same thing for a year or two without much noise16:16
cmaloneyGIMP is the first project to make noise about it because it's the first project that was appropriated despite their objections16:39
jrwrenyes, my understanding is that they did it often without notice, but would undo it if asked.16:41
jrwrennow they aren't undoing it16:41
phweloi'd imagine the first point to be enough to move your project16:42
cmaloneywell, there's nuance16:42
cmaloneythey have an ad-sponsored program for revenue sharing16:43
cmaloneyvia the downloaders16:43
cmaloneyGIMP refused and abandoned the project16:43
cmaloneySF.net doesn't delete projects if they release files16:43
cmaloneyso after 18 months of abandonment they picked up the project16:43
cmaloneywhere it gets douchey is they continued to mirror GIMP Windows packages and added the adware on top16:44
cmaloney(which is my understanding)16:44
jrwrenseems close to a GPL violation. sad that it isn't.16:45
cmaloneyIt's not GPL since it's binary distro16:46
cmaloneythe original project was binary distro16:46
cmaloneyagain, some nuance in there16:46
jrwrenGPL specifically covers binary distro.16:50
jrwrenits not a GPL violation because its an installer which install 2 things. GPL software and malware.16:51
jrwrenif anyone wants to trade their email to enter a free chair contest: http://virl.io/FUGoMtmk17:35
phwelothat is one fugly chair, but sure why not17:38
phwelowth is twitch?17:38
wolfgervideo streaming. Typically video games17:46
phweloah a coworker was telling me about this, how his kid will just sit and watch other people watch videogames for hours17:48
ColonelPanic001god, that stuff18:04
ColonelPanic001that sounds terribly boring18:04
greg-gI uh... did that once, but I was sitting in a dorm room watching my friend play the game in person, and only for like 30 minutes18:04
ColonelPanic001it was college. he was experimenting.18:05
phwelois anyone in southfield?  is it raining over there?18:14
brouschmy son does it on youtube sometimes18:18
brouschmostly for the crazy comments from whoever is playing18:18
cmaloneyphwelo: I'm around Royal Oak. It was raining hard for a bit18:19
cmaloneySeems to have let up18:20
phwelohopefully it's not travelling my way.  people drive poorly in the rain18:20
brouschoff and on since lunch for me18:21
wolfgerwatching other people play video games is a thing now, I guess. "E-sports". I don't get it.18:42
wolfgerbut it's a real thing, with money and everything for the best players18:42
greg-gmoney doesn't make things real18:42
greg-gbecause money isn't real18:42
greg-gcome on man18:42
wolfgerfriggin' hippie. You can't buy food with hugs.18:43
wolfger...or I'd be fatter than I am.18:43
jrwreni watch people play video games for hours. I'm nuts about starcraft218:48
jrwrenit has a larger economy than the NHL18:48
phwelooh yeah, i saw something about an "e-games" player retiring at the ripe age of like 20 from repetitive something injury in his hands18:48
jcastroI watched the International on ESPN20:26
jcastrothinking it would be stupid20:26
jcastrobut it was awesome20:26
jrwreni'm watching WCS right now.20:26
jcastrowhich one is that?20:26
jcastroDOTA isn't as fun to watch as counterstrike to me20:27

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