
bkerensawxl: I will have to pass my booth app was approved too15:34
bkerensagoing to be demoing Mozilla VR15:34
wxlbkerensa: yours is for kde?17:07
wxlno mozilla that's right17:07
wxlso sgclark you want to round up the kde folks again?17:07
wxlsgclark: bkerensa: all this talk about kubuntu/cc may generate some more interest XD17:08
bkerensawxl: will you pay for power out of pocket?17:13
bkerensaits like $300+17:13
sgclarknot entirely sure kde will be interested after the laast email17:13
wxlyikes, is that a thing?17:13
wxlholy f*********************17:13
bkerensathey just give you a booth man17:13
* wxl facepalms17:13
bkerensayou pay for everything else17:13
wxlscrew it, i'm bringing brochures and nothing else, then.17:14
bkerensaMozilla pays for it all17:14
bkerensalast year our booth cost $70k17:14
wxlholy christ17:14
wxlhow is that possible?!17:14
bkerensawe paid a firm to design us a booth17:14
sgclarkit was pretty fancy though..17:14
wxlwell ignoring the booth design and swag17:14
wxland dinners17:14
bkerensadinners at fancy swank restaurants :P17:15
wxlstill $300 for power?17:15
wxlthat's some total bullcrap17:15
bkerensaUnionized labor man17:15
wxli'll freaking bring a bike and generate my own17:15
bkerensathats how much it cost a guy to come and unlock a metal panel and plug in a power strip17:15
wxlsgclark: the one from charles?17:15
bkerensaman it cost us like $3k to get this give away free donuts to attendees17:16
bkerensawe then had to pay for the donuts too17:16
bkerensa$3k just to have the privlege to do something nice17:16
wxlsgclark: i wasn't too convinced by his proof17:16
bkerensawxl: http://benjaminkerensa.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/IMG_20140723_161033.jpg17:16
bkerensaso that was our booth17:16
sgclarkme either, I am contemplating giving up hope and drafting my resignation17:17
bkerensaand that was my team that worked under me to make it happen :D17:17
wxlfrom kubuntu you mean sgclark ?17:17
wxlor kde?!17:17
sgclarkmmhm (k)ubuntu , I will continue supporting bug fix releases to Vivid. but not wily17:17
bkerensasgclark: why resign?17:18
sgclarkthe whole dang thing was handled soooo badly17:18
bkerensajust ignore Ubuntu17:18
bkerensathe CC anyways17:18
wxli kind of agree with bkerensa17:18
wxldo your own thing17:18
bkerensa^ that17:18
sgclarkwhy should I put in my valuable (free) time to a project that has no care at all for the community.17:19
bkerensasgclark: thats the thing the project you contribute to is Kubuntu17:19
bkerensanot Ubuntu17:19
bkerensastop supporting Ubuntu and focus solely on Kubuntu tasks17:19
sgclarkHow is providing KDE packages to all of Ubuntu not contributing to ubuntu?17:20
bkerensabecause it supports Kubuntu17:20
bkerensaUbuntu users dont use KDE stuff17:20
bkerensaI never did17:20
bkerensasgclark: although if you do #ubuntu-expats is a channel to join17:21
wxlwell i still have faith in the concept of ubuntu17:21
wxlmaybe not the current practices of the community leaders17:22
wxli'm sure going to keep trying17:22
wxlalthough i feel i should join someone like mozilla instead17:22
sgclarkI up till a week ago, so did I17:22
wxl(if only i didn't prefer chrome)17:22
bkerensa^ sgclark also probably worth a read especially the comments17:22
bkerensaa former Kubuntu Leader left a comment there... she left because some of the stuff that kicked off some years ago17:23
bkerensahonestly Ubuntu has changed a lot since 200917:23
bkerensawxl: :( chrome17:23
bkerensayou hate the open web bro? :P17:24
wxli know, bkerensa17:24
wxli know17:24
wxlit's not a political move17:24
bkerensawxl: kees works on chrome ;)17:24
bkerensachrome OS I think17:24
wxli'll be honest: i love mozilla17:26
wxli love everything they stand for17:27
wxli love the people!17:27
wxland i don't hate firefox17:27
wxlin my mind thunderbird is the only option for a gui mail reader17:27
wxlbut man there's just little tiny things about chrome that keep me with it17:27
wxlkinda sucks.17:27
bkerensawxl: like what? I would like to know so I can share the feedback with the User Advocacy Team in case its not something we are aware of17:31
wxlbkerensa: dumb stuff. and actually most of the non-FOSS stuff, like pepper, the pdf reader17:31
sgclarkahh yes like of pepper is my main complaint17:32
wxlthe other stuff is just like i've gotten used to. certain extensions (which invariably exist for firefox), apps, sync17:32
sgclarkand cross pc sync17:32
sgclarkotherwise I love FF17:32
wxli use gmail a lot (i know, i'm like the devil's right hand man) and i like how it integrates neatly17:33
wxlbut i'm sure those things are pretty much good on firefox17:33
wxli haven't tried but i've been watching the development17:33
wxli used to have problems with memory leaks but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore17:33
wxlin fact i've had problems with chrome lately17:33
wxlalthough i do use beta so that may be the cause17:34
bkerensawxl: right memory leaks on Linux had been an issue17:37
bkerensaLinux kind of comes last in terms of focus17:37
bkerensaits our smallest user base17:37
wxltl;dr i'm totally in support of mozilla everything17:37
wxli'm just so far kind of stuck on chrome17:37
wxland honestly i don't know why i care so much about flash. i kind of freaking hate it.17:37
* wxl sighs17:37
bkerensaPepper we cant support because we hope flash dies and think its a terrible technology17:37
wxlflash is the new php17:37
bkerensaPDF... we have a great pdf support in FF17:37
wxlbkerensa: without extensions?17:38
bkerensabuilt in17:38
wxlok well i can mark that off the list17:38
bkerensafor gosh a long damn time17:38
bkerensatwo years or more?17:38
bkerensahow long you been away from FF?17:38
wxlit's been a while!!!17:38
bkerensayou also are on LTS maybe?17:38
bkerensathats much slower than our release cycles17:38
wxlyeah i'm using lts but it doesn't matter17:38
wxli won't pull from the repos typically17:38
wxllike i'm running thunderbird daily >:)17:39
sgclarklol Mutual Mexican standoff17:39
bkerensaThunderbird imho will die eventually17:39
bkerensaits not in good shape17:39
sgclarkaww I like thunderbird17:39
wxloh god don't tell me that bkerensa17:39
bkerensaI was doing Thunderbird Release Management in addition to FF Release Management17:39
wxlplease don't tell me that17:39
* wxl cries17:39
bkerensawell they dont have any real fulltime devs anymore17:39
* sgclark does too17:39
wxli've tried and tried and tried and i cannot find anything else i like17:39
bkerensaand no security folks17:39
bkerensano security reviews17:40
bkerensaof code17:40
bkerensaits all community folks now17:40
bkerensaone guy doing QA17:40
bkerensaFirefox has hundreds going QA17:40
bkerensaas an example17:40
wxlfix it bkerensa !17:40
bkerensaits all about money17:40
bkerensaTB made only debt17:40
* wxl cries17:40
bkerensamillions in debt17:41
wxllet's do some crowdfunding17:41
wxltell me more about that17:41
bkerensaten full time staff with 100k salaries for years and marketing = debt17:41
bkerensaPostbox FTW17:41
bkerensait is the future17:41
wxlsurely it's the same thing for ff tho?17:41
bkerensaand the original thunderbird team actually makes Postbox17:41
bkerensawxl: no17:42
bkerensaFirefox makes millions17:42
bkerensatens of millions annually17:42
wxlthrough the freaking search engine crap? :)17:42
sgclarkhow? I thought it was non profit?17:42
bkerensaand other things17:42
bkerensasgclark: non profit doesnt mean you cant make money17:42
wxli thought firefox was a "low profit" corp17:42
bkerensaMozilla makes more money then Canonical easily17:42
wxl(like there's a thing in some states for that now)17:42
wxlwhat do they call them? l3cs?17:43
wxlpostbox = ??/17:43
bkerensaTB team when they got laid off and left went to make Postbox17:43
wxlalso i see no linux option17:43
sgclarkok, clearly I need to pull out my dictionary lol17:43
wxlf this noise17:43
bkerensabut its great17:43
wxli forgot you are a freedom hater with yoru mac there, bkerensa :)17:43
bkerensawxl: I have multiple systems17:44
wxlsgclark: read the book drive by daniel pink. that's where i learned about it17:44
wxlbkerensa: excuses, excuses :)17:44
bkerensawxl: also you been to a open source conference lately other than LFNW?17:44
wxlbkerensa: not lately, no. you win. :)17:44
bkerensaLinux is in the minority even at FOSS conferences17:44
wxli know17:44
bkerensa FLOSS Weekly hosts = all mac users :P17:45
bkerensaeven The Linux Action Show = all done with mac osx17:45
bkerensabkero:  lawl17:45
bkerensayou didnt know this?17:45
wxlbkerensa: well not at lfnw17:45
sgclarkI am growing tired of fighting with OSX builds on my kde ci17:45
wxlsgclark: sounds like bkerensa is volunteering the foss community to deal with that XD17:45
bkerensawxl: oh they have a macbook all their software is OSX stuff ;)17:46
bkerensawxl: I am about to launch a show with them and its all OSX17:46
wxlos x pisses me off17:46
bkeroI didn't know. I care as much now as I did back then though.17:46
wxlit's not freebsd+17:46
sgclarkdarn osx and its crazy stupid outdated system libs...17:46
wxlif it was, i'd be fine17:46
bkerensabkero: is it surprising to you though?17:46
bkerensabkero: you go to OSCON17:46
bkerensalook around17:46
bkerensaits like 60-70% OSX/Windows and the rest linux17:47
wxllook, honestly i'm a pragmatist17:47
wxlthat's one of the reasons i choose the sometimes non-foss software i do17:47
wxlfunction wins out over politics17:47
bkerensaAnyways my setup at home is: Macbook, Linux on Mac Mini both into one display with Synergy17:47
bkerensaso I can switch between both17:47
wxli had a period where i really loved os x17:47
wxland i think on the surface, it's wonderful17:48
* bkero will live in his beautiful free software world, tyvm.17:48
sgclarkI have several linux boxes, but I do have a windows box. OSX is too rich for my blood >.<17:48
wxlit's the underpinnings that irritate me17:48
bkerensamobile though its almost always OSX right now because I have not bought a new Linux laptop yet and my two linux laptops are dying17:48
wxlyeah i'm kind of the opposite. i don't do windows, sgclark :)17:48
sgclarkhehe I like games, and alas windows, though steam is coming along nicely17:48
bkerensawxl: btw if you have not met bkero he works at Mozilla and is perhaps one of the biggest Linux zealots there17:48
wxli'm kind of exited about what open source microsoft might mean17:49
wxl+1 for steam17:49
wxli need to build a steam box17:49
bkeroIt means http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend_and_extinguish17:49
bkerensaI think the only way Linux will have parity with OSX or Windows is if Canonical or Red Hat start bankrolling devs to port17:49
wxlbkero: heard it before, but i think that may be a jaded view17:50
bkerensaparity in terms of desktop apps that is17:50
bkerensawxl:  also Mozilla was a big reason I got a macbook17:50
bkerensabkero:  I blame Mozilla ^17:50
bkerensathat and gaming17:51
wxlbkerensa: as you knwo, jmarinacci is a big apple fanboy. well, he uses just about every one of their products. i don't think he's a regular drinker of their kool-aid, though.17:51
bkerensarunning dota2, HoTs etc on Wine is not a option17:51
bkerensawxl: I use as much free software on OSX as possible17:51
wxlbkerensa: in case it's not clear, i wasn't actually insulting your choice of hardware :)17:52
bkerensawxl: I know you were not17:52
wxljust checking :)17:52
bkerensaI hope someday I can play games without Wine on Linux17:52
bkerensagood games17:52
bkerensato clarify17:52
sgclarkme too17:52
bkerensanot TuxRacer ;)17:53
wxlhey come on17:53
wxli love tuxracer :)17:53
bkerensaand fwiw steam fking blows on Linux17:53
bkerensathey need to optimize their code17:53
bkerensait always cause my CPU to panic and shutdown17:53
sgclarkand to be fair I am trying very hard to get OSX going with KDE, and we are making good progress17:53
bkerensaprobably the hardware17:53
wxlmight be a particular game or games17:53
bkerensabut still17:53
sgclarkWindows is next... that will not be fun17:53
bkerensaI like "it just works" for gaming17:53
wxli play heavy bullets all the time quite happily17:53
bkerensatry playing dota217:54
bkerensaits supported on steam linux17:54
bkerensait would cause panic and shutdown17:54
bkeroIs this going to be the conversation where we all talk about how hard we tried to use linux but ended up needing to use windows/osx instead "to get real work done?"17:55
sgclarkI have not had much time to game, but the mmo shrouds of avartar runs great on Linux, native steam build17:55
sgclarkmeh I use Linux for everything but the occasional gamines17:55
bkerensabkero: no because I still use Ubuntu on my desktop17:55
sgclarkerr games17:55
bkerensaI'm flexible in my use of OSes17:55
bkerensamuch like my use of mobile OSes where I switch between my flame and Nexus 6 often17:56
sgclarkbut I may have more gaming time soon! : /17:56
bkerensawxl: anyways if you want to use the Portland office bkero is a great contact17:57
* wxl only uses linux except where we need to use windows for microsoft access at work… which we'll eventually deviate from and even then it's in a virtual machine17:58
bkerensahe also is a great speaker on all things open source but more so electric bikes :D17:58
wxlbkero: so i don't know about these weirdos but you're in good company with me :)17:58
wxlbkero: bike friday just started offering bionx builds on our cargo bikes and regular singles17:59
bkerensawxl: do you use irccloud?18:00
wxlbkerensa: btw that dude you suggested who's the debian packager never got in touch at all.18:00
bkerensawxl: who?18:00
wxlno, irssi18:00
bkerensayou mean Steve Langasek?18:00
wxlbeen meaning to switch to weechat but i dread the set up time :)18:00
bkerensaslangasek is in this channel ;) you should have pinged him more18:00
bkerowxl: bionx?18:00
bkerensahe is a Canonical Dev too ;)18:00
bkerensanot just a Debian Packager18:01
wxlbkero: electric bike bits from canada18:01
bkerensawxl: slangasek likes beer :D18:01
wxlbkerensa: do you think if i just keep mentioning slangasek in every line he'll reply?18:01
bkerowxl: Oh, cool. I built my own. Just finished my second.18:01
bkerolipo battery packs, lyen controllers, crystalyte motors18:02
wxlbkerensa: i know that i could certainly provide slangasek beer for a talk on debian packaging. our lug is full of beer nuts.18:02
bkerensawxl: it is possible18:02
wxlbkero: nice. we experimented with our own builds but in the end, the bionx system is pretty amazing. the lack of a front wheel drive kind of sucks, though.18:02
wxloh and also slangasek18:02
bkerensawxl: also bdmurray gives good talks he is the Ubuntu Bug Master18:03
wxli like bdmurray. (slangasek, btw)18:03
bkerowxl: Check out flykly18:04
wxlbkero: will do. oh, and slangasek18:04
bkeroI have one of those coming. I'm grumpy because I was part of the second batch which is coming in july/august.18:04
wxlbkero: the only thing i don't like is the dependence on the single speed18:06
bkerensawxl: you could also email him ;) vorlon@debian.org18:06
wxlbkerensa: i already did that, so i think i'll have to keep mentioning slangasek for him to reply, as you suggested :)18:06
bkerowxl: you can always do the front chainring gear selection18:07
wxlbkero: come do a talk at our lug in eugene!18:07
bkerensawxl: slangasek@ubuntu.com perhaps?18:07
bkerowxl: Eugene LUG, 'eh?18:07
bkeroIs it Eugene or UofO?18:07
wxlbkero: yeah but that's not really significant enough18:07
wxlbkero: eug18:07
wxla wee bit out of date but http://euglug.org/18:07
wxlbkero: i'll get you a ride on the bionx cargo bike :)18:09
bkerohaha okay18:09
bkerowxl: I'll bring the electric skateboard down then.18:12
wxlbkero: no way!!!! what deck? show me pics!!!18:13
sgclarkI wanna see that18:13
wxla member of the lubuntu team has one or is working on one18:13
* wxl is healing from sprain caused by a skateboard injury18:14
wxl…so you';re in good company yet again :)18:14
bkerowxl: Old sector 9 (Sektor9?) longboard that I had. Turnigy 63mm motor. 6s lipo battery pack.18:14
bkeroUsing a wireless RC car throttle18:14
bkeroIt's fun18:15
wxlwhat length board? what wheels? reverse trucks?18:15
bkeroAlien wheels, standard trucks. There's a plate welded to the back truck, and a sprocket and belt that attach the motor to the wheel18:16
bkeroHere are some good kits: http://diyelectricskateboard.com/18:16
bkerohttp://diyelectricskateboard.com/product/single-motor-electric-longboard-kit/ is likely what you want.18:17
wxlwow niiiiice18:17
wxlalien workshop or those sunset led ones? :)18:17
bkeroI have alien workshop18:18
bkeroThey do alright. They're pretty hard.18:18
wxlhard for a longboard or hard?18:18
bkeroHaha, I wouldn't know the diff. :)18:18
wxli think i'm running 80a's on my hybrid deck18:18
bkeroEither way it's fun, and zips me up hills.18:18
wxlsuper rad18:19
wxlcan't wait to see it :)18:19
bkeroIs dangerously fast18:19
bkeroThere's no speed limiter, so it'll knock you off and zoom away if you're not careful with the throttle18:19
bkeroIt's cool that you can build one for around $350-400. The weirdest part is finding a way to mount a battery box.18:20
wxlbkerensa: does mozilla sync extensions/themes/bookmarks/history across devices?18:39
wxli know firefox DEFINITELY handles session management a lot better18:40
wxlman does that get me about chrome18:40
slangasekthat's a lot of highlights20:44
wxlslangasek: yep, all to get you to come talk at our log!21:24

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