
barrydkGood morning everyone05:52
Kiloshi barrydk  mazal  and all others05:59
pieter2627morning barrydk 05:59
pieter2627hi Kilos 05:59
Kiloshi pieter2627  05:59
pieter2627oh Kilos, i read the guide, and like gremble said it is geared more to the organizer - although it does give one an idea of things that will need helpers06:40
Kilosoh 06:41
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
Kiloswe will have to hear more from inetpro  about the matter as i have no idea on what is needed and from who, pity kmf couldnt stay at the last meet to discuss it more06:42
mazalMorning everyone06:47
inetproguys, just talk to him at https://twitter.com/kmf or https://www.facebook.com/karlfischer or https://plus.google.com/+KarlFischer06:52
inetprogood mornings06:53
inetproyou might even find his email address there06:53
pieter2627morning mazal & inetpro 06:54
inetproor just start a discussion on our mailing list, I'm sure he's even subscribed there06:54
pieter2627mailing list discussion seems good so that all are in the loop06:55
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  07:53
Kilosmorning superfly  inetpro  07:56
superflyhi Kilos, TinuvaMac, pieter2627, inetpro, mazal07:59
pieter2627hi superfly 08:00
TinuvaMacmorning gents08:01
mazalMorning superfly, pieter2627, TinuvaMac08:24
mazaland who else did I miss ?08:24
inetpromazal: me and many others :-)08:47
mazalMorning inetpro and many other :)08:48
Kilosdont ever miss the pro mazal  08:48
mazalHe's too undercover , always miss him08:48
Kilosh is a master lurker and smirker08:48
mazalWhat is a smirker ?08:49
superflydon't you worry, I'm watching him08:49
* inetpro hides in the corner of the screen08:50
Kilosiirc a smirk is one of those know better smiles08:51
Kilosone that says im not blind im just ignoring you08:51
inetprohmm... 08:52
Kilosbut actually he gets rather busy at times so he is forgiven08:52
inetproKilos must be thinking inetpro knows it all08:52
* Kilos waves to inetpro08:52
inetprothanks Kilos08:52
Kilospro and fly are my favourites backstops when all else fails08:53
mazalMaaz did you learn to cook steak yet08:53
mazalMaaz !!!!08:53
mazalMaaz is also a smirker it seems :P08:53
Kiloshes gone again08:53
Kilosoh no08:53
KilosMaaz  ping08:53
MaazKilos: pong08:53
Kiloslol ya he is just ignoring you08:54
Kiloshmm... slot working08:56
Kiloshi drussell  hows things there09:42
drussellKilos: good! how's you? Happy Friday!09:42
Kilosgood ty09:42
magespawngood day all09:57
Kiloshi my magespawn  09:59
mazalYum , now that was a lekker breakfast10:24
* Padroni waves10:43
* Kilos waves back10:44
inetprohmm.... mazal has breakfast for lunch?10:46
inetprohi Padroni10:46
Padronilong time10:46
Kilosya where you been10:47
Padronibeen so busy at work :/10:47
mazalinetpro: yep , never too late for breakfast ;)10:47
inetproKilos: why so quiet? 12:38
inetproit's Friday after all12:39
Kiloswell everyone is so busy12:43
Kilosand ive been looking at the html stuff again12:43
Kilosthat link in my new site where the link to africa site is, i was thinking of making that link in large text12:44
Kilosyou like it sticks?12:44
Kilosjust if it must be em or stronge yet12:45
stickyboyKilos: Yah, I really like systemd.12:45
stickyboyReplacing cron jobs with systemd timers... w00t.12:45
stickyboyinetpro: you no approve? :P13:27
stickyboyAlso, systemd has an NTP client. No need for ntpd (which provides a client AND a server) on a desktop (or most servers really).13:29
inetprostickyboy: ai!13:41
inetprostickyboy: so how do you do the server side for an internal ntpd server?13:43
stickyboyinetpro: Oh, this is for where I only want to use network time.13:49
stickyboyFor providing NTP services you definitely need to use ntpd. :P13:49
inetproit's about time that something as basic as the time is synchronised by default on any device13:52
stickyboyinetpro: Yah, indeed.13:52
stickyboyWithout having the side effect of running ntp for the whole world to access on UDP 123.13:53
stickyboy(unless of course that is your intention!)13:53
* inetpro will have to look into the cron thing13:54
inetprostickyboy: thanks for highlighting that13:54
stickyboyinetpro: I was just setting up my new Arch box and noticed systemd can do a lot of the things.13:57
stickyboyLike, I was setting up my usual cron job for system backups (rsync to USB disk).13:57
stickyboyAnd I realized systemd has timers... and they're more flexible than cron.13:58
inetprounfortunately  'systemd flies in the face of the Unix philosophy: "do one thing and do it well," representing a complex collection of dozens of binaries'13:59
magespawninetpro but then you only have to look in one place, is that not a better way?14:14
Kiloswb Padroni  14:17
Kilosoh 2 of you now14:17
Kiloshard day tail dragging14:18
magespawnhome time chat later14:21
inetproMaaz: hmm...18:40
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking18:40
Kilosyup just sitting, not thinking as well18:41
Kilostoo cold18:41
inetproso do we have any winners in the chess game yet?18:42
* inetpro hoping that the community will be the winner18:44
Kilosi want kubuntu18:44
Kilosinetpro  did you see my lekker hackegotchi ?18:50
inetprouh, have you seen mine?18:51
Kilosmy dogter slim ne18:51
Kilosnono where is yours18:51
Kilosheehee mooi man18:52
Kilosbut those drawing things arent the true you18:52
inetproit's just another Avatar18:53
Kilosand you dont even wear a hat18:53
inetprojust a personal icon18:54
inetpronothing special about it18:54
Kilosyeah i know but someone has to rag you18:54
Kilosotherwise you get too parmantig18:55
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:00
stickyboyI want more systemd in my life.19:16
stickyboyI do I do19:16
inetprostickyboy: why?19:26
inetprohi alphad19:26
alphadhi inetpro 19:26
inetproalphad: how are you doing on this Friday evening?19:29
inetprostickyboy: what else have you found that is so magic?19:41
stickyboyinetpro: systemd timers are cool.19:47
stickyboyinetpro: Also, I learned how to setup network bridges in pure systemd.19:47
stickyboyinetpro: Also, systemd-nspawn is amazing... fuck docker.19:47
stickyboyinetpro: Also, systemd-timesyncd is simple replacement for client-only ntp19:48
inetprostickyboy: sounds interesting, have you blogged about it yet? :-)19:48
stickyboyinetpro: Also, systemd unit files are way better than shell scripts for daemons.19:48
stickyboyinetpro: Eventually. :P19:48
stickyboyThe systemd-timers are easy to blog about, I'll do that this weekend.19:48
pieter2627stickyboy: what improvements do see in nspawn that beat docker - me also saw and only skimmed it the other day?19:49
pieter2627then there is also rocket19:50
stickyboypieter2627: Well, let me rewind. systemd-nspawn isn't supposed to be a docker killer.19:53
stickyboyIt's for simple containers.19:53
stickyboyAnd for like, developing systemd.19:54
stickyboyAs you can imagine developing an init system on real hardware is really annoying19:54
stickyboyRegarding docker, I just can't figure out how to use it for anything in production yet. I deploy stuff with ansible, I manage "machines" which have firewalls and packages etc... not sure how to use containers yet.19:55
stickyboyCoreOS scares me. etcd, fleet, JSON API all teh things, etc.19:56
stickyboyAmazing potential... but I don't have those kinds of apps or infrastructure.19:56
stickyboyContainer performance is enticing though. VMs blow. :D19:56
pieter2627i also only started using docker 3-4 weeks ago - home server also 'crashed' and decided to redo the services using docker to learn it19:58
stickyboyContainer security sucks too :D19:58
pieter2627VMs are too resource hungry for me19:58
stickyboySo it's "LOL". :P19:58
pieter2627yea that too, mine only binds on the internal interface... if that even helps20:00
stickyboyCoreOS has a better website than Docker. Those fonts, that color scheme. <320:00
stickyboypieter2627: It's more about breaking out of the container than network stuff.20:00
stickyboyI brought up a CoreOS cluster last year... kinda cool. But I don't work on that level yet.20:01
stickyboypieter2627: Containers are supposed to be contained, isolated from the host OS. But they're not quite there yet.20:02
stickyboyAccessing the host. Accessing other containers.20:02
pieter2627too hard or to easy20:03
stickyboyToo easy to break out of container.20:03
pieter2627yes that does seem to be an issue20:04
pieter2627isn't LXC a bit more contained - don't know much about it either20:04
stickyboyWell they're all using the kernel's LXC.20:05
stickyboyI think LXC itself just isn't there yet, security wise.20:05
stickyboyContainers are fast though... man.20:05
pieter2627yea so the kernel is still 'open'20:05
pieter2627massively, for development they are great - can have a web server up in secs20:06
stickyboyI don't know specifics though; I just see infosec guys laughing about container security on twitter sometimes.20:06
stickyboyI gotta read more.20:06
stickyboypieter2627: Totally20:06
pieter2627i also see the 'clever' peeps moaning in blog posts, but don't know enough to understand half of it20:07
stickyboyAight, I gotta hit the sack. I spent 4 hours tonight fighting with SELinux.20:08
pieter2627same here, see you guys tomorrow (maybe)20:08
inetprogood night ...20:16

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