
Unit193ochosi: Now it's all up to xfburn.00:04
Unit193bluesabre: As linked earlier, http://paste.openstack.org/show/zZTHqewdJcagM769YkZJ is a quick grep in x-d-s.00:38
bluesabreUnit193: go ahead and push any changes needed for x-d-s03:05
Unit193I don't have any changes.03:05
bluesabreso the grep is for changes we need to make for LO to take over, right?03:07
Unit193Aye, considering they all say abiword? :P03:08
Scout_Eh, so... This is a community meeting, right?03:08
Unit193Abiword, gimp, gnumeric.03:08
Unit193Scout_: No, that was hours ago. :)03:08
Scout_Oh wow03:09
Scout_Darn, lol03:09
Unit19316:00 our time (bluesabre, me), and it is 23:00 now.03:09
Unit193bluesabre: Everyone else should move to our time, shouldn't they?!03:09
bluesabreUnit193: agreed, and then maybe we could have meetings around 6pm our time :D03:10
Scout_What'd that be in PDT? I tried finding some sort of thing online for it, but didn't find much03:10
bluesabreUnit193: I'll look at swapping LO into that grep tomorrow03:10
Unit193Scout_: We're in KY/OH, but generally the team uses UTC to not be confusing.03:10
Unit193bluesabre: Great!03:10
Unit193bluesabre: Poked an infinity lately?  I got someone to pull in a pidgin with gst1.0.03:11
bluesabreUnit193: nice03:11
Unit193Scout_: We also try to link to sites like http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Xubuntu+community+meeting&iso=20150528T20&ah=1 if we can, so that it'll be converted to your time.03:11
bluesabrehaven't poked anybody lately, will probably not tonight either... but soon03:12
Unit193bluesabre: xfburn and we should be able to drop gst0.10! \o/03:12
bluesabreUnit193: the pidgin news is lovely then :)03:12
Unit193bluesabre: Awwh.03:12
Unit193And yeah! :D03:12
Scout_Darn, 1pm, wouldn't have been able to attend anyways :/03:12
bluesabrexfburn is ported as of the latest release, right?03:12
Unit193Scout_: There's minutes at least.03:12
Unit193bluesabre: Right, it'll filter in from Debian soon™03:12
bluesabrevery very nice03:13
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Support at #xubuntu | http://ubottu.com/y/ww | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Daily testing with results: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/
Scout_How long do one of these meetings typically last, and what03:13
Scout_what's discussed*03:13
Unit193Depends what's on the agenda (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings) and who is there, for both questions.03:14
Scout_Alright, only asking since I'm not much of a programmer per say, but'd like to at the least attend one of the meetings :P03:16
bluesabreusually a bit under an hour, then everybody shows up a few minutes after the meeting ends03:16
bluesabrebed time for me... got xubuntu-artwork uploaded, so accomplished 1 thing today03:17
bluesabregood night all03:17
Unit193Scout_: What're you interested in helping with?  There's many different areas.03:19
Unit193bluesabre: Awwwh, good nighty.03:19
Scout_General run of the mill testing of the latest stuff, reporting back with bugs, that kinda stuff03:19
Scout_Not sure if that's developer channel worthy, but I thought I'd poke around and ask...03:25
Unit193QA, nice!  Always need help there.03:25
Unit193Well, our QA lead will wake up at 2am (thereabouts) my time.03:25
Unit193elfy: No discussion on core.03:26
Scout_Oh, awesome! I'm assuming QA Will be something like "Does ______ work? Does _______ have issues?" 03:27
Unit193Not precisely, no.03:31
Scout_Oh, what might it consist of in that case?03:32
Unit193Sorry, have to run real quick. :303:35
Scout_Alright, well, I'll be here watching YouTube03:36
ochosiUnit193: wowza, that was a lot quicker than expected (pidgin, gst1)06:09
ochosiso how did you manage to sneak that in again? :)06:11
Unit193Bug robert_ancell, say "new and shiny", or rather say "get rid of gst0.10"06:12
Unit193pidgin-sipe is broken now, but no big deal. :D06:13
* ochosi high-fives Unit193 06:13
Unit193(Also been testing it since March.)06:14
ochosiapart from gst1.0, were there any other transitions ahead?06:17
ochosi(i mean yeah, gtk3.16, but other than that)06:17
ochosibluez was a topic last cycle, but i don't remember whether it was upgraded06:18
elfyochosi knome: graphics for team pages? something like this for QA methinks http://tinyurl.com/pxyosc407:31
Unit193I call http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/234/137/5c4.jpg07:39
ochosiyeah, sry elfy, i'm with Unit193 on this one :)07:40
elfyworks for me - looks like an application for QA lead to me :D 07:40
ochosimight be one of my favorites07:40
elfyI'm free !!!!!07:40
Unit193Nono, yours fits for QA, mine fits for devel! :D07:40
ochosielfy: i know you have a desktop and all, but would you mind testing a new xfpm feature i was working on for 1.5.x?07:57
elfyif you keep asking me if I mind then I'll start saying no :D07:57
elfyof course I will - as always ;)07:57
elfynice to be polite of course - but you can take it as read that if it's possible for me to do something then I will :)07:58
ochosiit's attached here: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=449907:59
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 4499 in General "Display percentage and battery time next to icon" [Enhancement,Assigned]07:59
elfywith the obvious caveat that ellipse=circle for my eyes unless it is blindingly obvious 07:59
ochosino, this is very visible08:00
elfyochosi: would that not be better to test on laptop? 08:00
ochositheoretically yes, but actually the times are values returned by upower08:00
ochosiso if they're wrong or off, not our fault08:00
ochosiit's more about the label showing up and all08:01
ochosithat could use some testing08:01
ochosiand no nasty sideeffects08:01
ochosi(like breakage of the systray icon)08:01
elfyok - well I can do both if that's helpful 08:01
ochosiactually it would08:01
elfyokey doke08:01
ochosii mean you can also just test it on the laptop08:01
ochosithat would be better, i forgot you had one08:01
elfyright 08:02
elfyso just patch the git xfpm and install it? 08:02
ochosiwith "git apply $patch"08:02
elfyokey doke - got a few things to do today,but I'll fit in 08:02
elfyyup 08:03
ochosioh, actually08:03
ochosithe hidden property doesn't get created automatically08:03
ochosiso open xfce4-settings-editor, channel xfce4-power-manager08:03
ochosiand create "show-panel-label", Integer08:03
ochosithen you can switch through 0 to 3 for all variants08:03
elfyok 08:05
ochosiyou can also use this:08:06
ochosixfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label -s 108:06
ochosiwhere "1" is the integer value08:06
ochosiand first this to create the property:08:06
ochosixfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -n /xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label08:06
ochosi(sry, i really should've thought more about this initially and given you a clearer writeup :/ )08:07
elfyha ha ha 08:07
elfyit's ok - I'll work it out :)08:07
ochosierrr this will create the property:08:07
ochosixfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -n -p /xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label08:07
ochosiforgot the -p08:07
ochosiwell if you get stuck just lemme know!08:08
elfywill do 08:08
knomeelfy, haha, you made me literally chuckle08:38
knomeelfy, but to answer your question seriously, no, i was just thinking about the involvement frontpage - but why not teams too - later08:39
slickymasterWorkmorning elfy, knome 08:39
knomehey slickymasterWork 08:40
elfymorning 08:40
qwebirc153739Unit193, you messed up the minutes in the wiki08:42
qwebirc153739you add the ones from the 12-05 meeting, not the ones from yesterday :P08:42
Unit193I didn't edit that page.08:44
knomeUnit193, you no good08:44
qwebirc153739yes you did Unit193 -> Xubuntu/Meetings (last edited 2015-05-28 20:57:44 by unit193)08:44
=== qwebirc153739 is now known as slickymasterWork
Unit193But for other things.  That's automatic, or something, I think.08:45
knomethis is so good08:45
* knome gets popcorn08:45
Unit193It's close enough at least.08:45
slickymasterWorkweren't you supposed to add the minutes to the wiki Unit193?08:45
elfyochosi: re meetings - you want the next one soonish? and what time would you want it if we're going to "blueprints"? 08:45
Unit193I did.08:45
slickymasterWorkapparently you didn't :P08:45
elfyUnit193: frankly I think that editing the meeting page should be docs responsibility 08:46
slickymasterWorkit's still with the 12-05 meeting minutes08:46
slickymasterWorkto start that elfy :P08:46
Unit193elfy: Yesyes!08:46
Unit193slickymasterWork: Yes, yes I did.08:46
knomeelfy, next week?08:46
* slickymasterWork takes a sabbtical until the wind changes08:47
Unit193Now, I'm not saying Xubuntu/Meetings is correct, but I did put the minutes up.08:47
ochosielfy: the blueprints item in the meeting yesterday was only intended as a reminder and a potential discussion item if people have questions or wanna contribute or have ideas08:47
knomeslickymasterWork, which "wind" are you referring to?08:47
slickymasterWorkthe one elfy is trying to blow08:47
knomeochosi, i don't think it would hurt to see what people have put up until then though and discuss that08:48
slickymasterWorkok Unit193, don't read me as if I'm chasing you down08:48
ochosiyeah, i think we should keep the discussion item for the next meeting08:48
knomeeg. if somebody outside the team added something, to discuss if it's realistic and if the team wants to pursue08:48
ochosii only meant that this item isn't critical for determining when the meeting should be scheduled08:48
knomeochosi, yeah but elfy asked "when" too ;)08:48
knomeno, but it would be nice that the next meeting was sooner than later08:48
elfyassuming that ochosi wants to be about 08:49
knomeeg. if it's a month later, then the all stuff is a bit moot08:49
ochosisure, i don't mind if it's sooner08:49
Unit193slickymasterWork: I may be under the impression something is dynamic that isn't, though.08:49
ochosii thought we were picking up the 2weeks schedule again anyway08:49
elfyochosi: was thinking about next Friday morning ish 08:49
slickymasterWorkI can't fix it for you, if you're busy dealinf with other stuff Unit193 08:49
slickymasterWork* DEALING08:50
knomeslickymasterWork, you "can't"?08:50
elfylol 08:50
ochosielfy: should work for me08:50
slickymasterWorkbah, damn keyboard08:50
elfyochosi: okey dokey08:50
slickymasterWorkI blame it on the weather knome. 34º since 8:30 Am08:51
slickymasterWorkit's affecting me08:51
slickymasterWorkUnit193, I meant I can do it for you08:51
knomeslickymasterWork, you sure it's not the "wind" that's affecting you?08:52
Unit193slickymasterWork: So, current minutes aren't on current agenda page?  I suppose I was under the impression that was somehow dynamic, oh well.08:52
slickymasterWorkI wish it was windy over here today, knome 08:52
knomeslickymasterWork, you are seriously missing my joke :P08:52
ochosislickymasterWork: maaaan, you're lucky. summer hasn't really come to us08:52
slickymasterWorkit's hot as hell and not even a small breeze 08:53
Unit193Someone is breaking wind?08:53
elfyknome: he must be too hot to see it 08:53
knomeelfy, or too "windy"08:53
elfyochosi: you're lucky - you might get one - we had ours last week :)08:53
slickymasterWorkno, I'm not knome, too early and too hot to have a laugh :P08:53
ochosielfy: idea: you inform me of my weather next week by telling me the weather you're having now!08:54
elfywe'll need to keep the joking in between slickymasterWork and qwebirc153739 - loads of opportunities for that during the day :p08:54
elfyochosi: rain ... 08:55
ochosielfy: together we'll put all meterology out of work!08:55
elfyha ha 08:55
Unit193Lisboa, Portugal: Temp: 66 F (19 C) ~ Clear ~ Humidity: 78% ~ Observed: Fri 29, 04:3008:55
slickymasterWorkthat's 350 km down south Unit193 08:55
elfyguaranteed rain next - a year older for me 08:56
Unit193Was going to say, that's nice and cool.08:56
=== qwebirc1020516 is now known as slickymasterWork
elfyochosi: so - tried all those xfconf things - and doing it in the settings editor - not getting very far and ended up with it all going horribly wrong with no xfpm running at all ... 10:59
elfythough I did have for a short while (0.00,0.00%) in the plugin 10:59
ochosifor a short while? that doesn't sound good11:00
ochosithat is with the laptop?11:01
elfyno the desktop - not got as far as laptop11:04
elfythe short while being that I ended up removing the plugin and rebooting - kept getting an xfpm is not running do want to launch it11:05
elfythen apport starting ... 11:05
elfyI'm now back at the pre-patch git and running11:05
ochosihm, no need to reboot usually11:05
ochosiwere there any compiler error messages11:06
elfyno that was fine11:06
elfynot sure that thwe xfconf stuff was working properly - I'll be back to it in a short bit 11:07
elfyand when I used settings editor - it created it above xfpm 11:09
ochosithat's wrong11:24
ochosiyou need to create /xfce4-power-manager/show-panel-label instead of just /show-panel-label11:24
elfyyea I realise that - doesn't seem to want to let me 11:24
ochosi(don't ask me why all xfpm properties are in a separate xfce4-power-manager property when the channel is already called that)11:24
ochosiit has to11:25
ochosiit only doesn't let you if you have a syntax error11:25
elfytrying that then 11:26
elfyok -thanks :)11:27
elfytrying with patch again 11:27
elfyochosi: ok - all variables work 11:30
ochosikewl :)11:30
elfywill grab it all and double check on laptop too 11:30
ochosithanks a lot!11:30
elfydo you want me to comment on the bug? 11:30
ochosimuch appreciated11:30
ochosiyeah, that'd be great11:30
elfyokey doke11:30
brainwashbluesabre: does 11:36
brainwashdoes the new upload of 11:36
brainwashgtk2-engines-xfce fix bug 142488711:37
ubottubug 1424887 in gtk2-engines-xfce (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Xfce 4.12 for Vivid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142488711:37
brainwashversion 3.2 is now available in wily11:37
brainwashalso, could or should it be backported to vivid?11:40
bluesabrebrainwash: yes, the wily upload fixes that, and no, lets not backport it11:44
ochosi+1 on not backporting that11:44
brainwashalright, thanks11:44
ochosifeels like a waste of time11:44
bluesabreI'll sync all the wily packages in the xfce-4.12 ppa this weekend, folks that want it can get it there11:45
ochosithat's definitely good enough11:45
ochosiwe should focus on 15.10 now11:45
bluesabreNoskcaj: I'll take care of the panel upload tonight or this weekend, had some things on my plate11:46
ochosiwhich reminds me...11:46
ochosibluesabre: what was the status of that script of yours for LO icons?11:47
ochosiand did we settle on a potential path forward with that?11:47
bluesabreeh, not so good11:47
ochosiright :)11:47
ochosiit's ok, i guess i can work it out manually too11:47
bluesabrethe LO icons for each of the themes differ enough from the upstream themes that I was getting a lot of false matches11:47
ochosii just wonder what the best route for us would be11:48
ochosiupstream themes?11:48
ochosiyou mean there are differences between ubuntu and upstream LO iconsß11:48
bluesabreas in LO-tango vs tango, LO-humanity vs humanity11:48
ochosiyeah, that doesnt surprise me too much11:48
ochosiLO icons are a pain11:48
bluesabreif we do take on this herculean task, we should document it for other themes11:49
ochosidocument that how?11:50
ochosialso, *if* i take on that task, i definitely won't do it for a second time ;)11:51
ochosianyway, pinging around in the LO dev community now11:52
bluesabremaybe we can create a bug bounty on elementary :D11:53
ochosijust to see whether we could upstream it11:53
ochosiindeed, nice idea :)11:53
bluesabregotta run, bbl12:00
ochosisure, ttyl12:00
elfyochosi: ok - so on desktop plugin variable just shows up if it is more than off13:04
elfyon laptop variable only shows when on battery - when on mains it just shows the battery icon and no text13:05
elfycommented on bug13:09
elfyscratched my head a bit till I realised laptop didn't have staging and that's were the libxfce4panel-2.0-dev was ... 13:29
ochosielfy: yeah, that's intended13:31
ochosiwhen the battery is full, it doesnt show anything13:31
ochosii guess i should've mentioned that13:32
elfybit hard to tell with any certainty here - battery lasts 5minutes if lucky ... 13:32
elfyochosi: but long enough to see that icon expanded when on battery :)13:37
micahgbluesabre: mind if I unseed any gstreamer 0.10 packages?  xfburn can use its own depends/recommends14:06
ochosimicahg: would you mind to – for testing purposes – at some point in the cycle throw LO in a PPA?14:15
micahgochosi: LO is in the archive, why do we need a PPA?  it's already on the images14:16
ochosioh wait, i think in ubuntu the icon themes are separate from LO14:16
ochosipoint is i'm considering to make an icon-theme for LO that integrates with our default14:17
ochosiand it would be good to enable easy testing for it14:17
micahgso, let's get the icon theme in the PPA, I'd really rather not start mucking around in LO unless we absolutely have to14:18
ochosiyeah, absolutely, just gotta check out how those icon themes work (they're in a zip from what i've seen)14:18
=== qwebirc636565 is now known as slickymasterWork
pleia2knome: care to look at latest xubuntu at... draft? I hope to publish monday16:32
pleia2looks like knome got twitter, posted ochosi's latest email to fb and g+16:37
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_hols
knomepleia2, i will17:58
pleia2knome: <3 thanks17:59
knomepleia2, maybe an editors note on this:18:03
knomeBoth 32x and 64x are based on Xubuntu 14.04 LTS so we can expect updates through early 2019.18:03
knomei can add that, i'm editing already18:04
pleia2yeah, I might leave a footnote about how stuff shared with Ubuntu will, but not all of Xubuntu18:04
knomei thought inline18:05
pleia2that's fine too18:05
knomealso "Xfce's Whisker Menu" -> "the Whisker Menu"18:07
knomepleia2, ok, did some editorial editing18:10
pleia2knome: I didn't do any editing of the inline interview itself because it's their words o_o18:21
pleia2I guess it's ok though18:21
knomei didn't change any meanings18:23
knomejust fixed typos, some formatting, etc.18:23
* pleia2 nods18:25
knomefor the full change list18:25
knomewhich is short18:26
pleia2I'll final review on sunday and publish on monday18:32
knomeyep, i'm fine with it as it is now, and i believe changes you make won't make it worse, so ++18:35
Unit193I've segfaulted, someone needs to fix me. :320:09
drc  sudo rm -rf  Unit193 20:10
drcnot fixed but no longer a problem :)20:10
Unit193bluesabre: I'm confused with all the VCSes, there's a new xfdashboard.  HALP!20:12
micahgUnit193: something I can hepl with?20:13
Unit193micahg: It's more of a "What do I do?" thing, though if you wanted to knockout the Debian one I can use ubottu to randomly select which git repo so I can push to the PPA?20:14
micahgnow I'm confused :\20:14
Unit193bluesabre, elfy: See -devel.21:04
knomethis is -devel? :P21:14
elfythat was my reaction ... 21:52
elfyUnit193: read that -digested - probably forgotten so will rely on a ping to remind me to remind myself :p21:54
Unit193elfy: At least I tried to keep you updated! :D21:55
Unit193bluesabre: 16:39 local time.21:55
* Unit193 looooves being in the same tz as the one he pings a lot.21:55
elfyUnit193: yep - thanks - was interesting reading - and infinity is a great guy to talk with for sure21:56
Unit193Yeah, but I wanted someone else to, people and all.21:56
elfyUnit193: we should really get that in a meeting and/or on m/l 21:57
knomewhat is "that"? :)21:58
elfythe 'core' thing21:58
Unit193That I don't talk to people.21:58
knomexubuntu-core? yeah.21:58
Unit193elfy: What time is the next meeting?21:58
elfyUnit193: not set yet - but trying to fix it during UK 'day' so bluesabre can be here - but have dentist at midday 21:59
Unit193I'm in and out all next week.22:00
elfybit hard to work that though22:00
elfyUnit193: well I think that if I can find a good time with 2/3 of ochosi bluesabre you 22:01
Unit193I think the others'll be more important, perhaps.22:01
elfyyea - xtl tz is going to be onerous I think 22:02
elfybasically I need to be gone 10:45UTC22:02
elfybluesabre: ^^ what time are you about UTC wise? 22:02
elfywandering off again now into Friday evening :)22:02

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