
=== aaron is now known as Guest52701
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=== Guest26124 is now known as ahoneybun
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=== Guest78283 is now known as ahoneybun
lordievaderGood morning.08:46
sick_rimmitGood Morning lordievader09:52
sick_rimmitIt's Sunny and birght here today :-)09:52
sick_rimmitGoing out this morning with the family, den building and firelighting Woo Hoo09:53
lordievaderHey sick_rimmit, how are you doing?09:53
lordievaderfirelighting Whoo Hoo?09:53
sick_rimmitYes good, what you upto today ?09:53
sick_rimmitTrying the "Flint n Steel" mthod today, fingers crossed09:53
lordievaderNot sure yet... We'll see ;)09:53
sick_rimmitI just ordered another Ubuntu phone today too, this one is for development ;-)09:54
sick_rimmitLeast ways that's what I told my wife ;-)09:54
sick_rimmitLater when I come back, I going to test out Latest builds for sgclark09:55
lordievaderAre those Ubuntu phones usable?09:57
sick_rimmitOh yes, I got one for my wife Alison, as an upgrade from her iPhone409:58
sick_rimmitShe really likes it.09:58
sick_rimmitI gave her no instructions At all09:58
sick_rimmitIn fact I wasn't even at home when she set it up09:58
sick_rimmitShe says, it's really cool09:58
sick_rimmitFor me I love the fact I can open a terminal on it :-)09:59
sick_rimmitWe've been so impressed with it, we bought 2 more, one each for our daughters09:59
lordievaderHehe, nice :)09:59
sick_rimmitOh and for what you get they are incredibly cheap !!09:59
sick_rimmitGoing now.. see you later10:04
lordievadersgclark: cheers on pushing 5.3.1 to backports :)10:40
mparillo+1 (noted in the new post, along with thanks for the testers standing by).10:49
mparillohttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=348436 bit my daughter immediately, as I use a shell script in the desktop folder view to launch the minecraft jar for her.10:50
ubottuKDE bug 348436 in Desktop Containment "Clicking shell scripts on desktop opens Kate instead of running them" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:51
BluesKajHowdy all11:14
soee_mparillo: applications aren't released yet right ?11:16
mparilloI thought I saw sgclark call for testers, I did not see that she released them. Is there an easy way for me to check?11:18
lordievadermparillo: Your link mentions backports she said she needed a few testers before pushing to the backports. Backports != staging ;)11:23
soee_mparillo: applications were tested by me and one more person i think11:31
soee_Scarlett wanted one more to confim that everything is fine11:31
soee_so if someone can please test it and send test result to her :)11:32
BluesKajsoee_, the only problem I encounterd with the ppa sgclark asked us to test was the shutdown problem showed up agai, otherwise all was fine.11:36
soee_BluesKaj: this might nt be related to applications: shutdown and reboot works fine for me on my laptop here but @ work when im working on PC, they don't work since 1-2 months or longer11:38
BluesKajsoee_, my shutdown problem was solved until yesterday 11:39
BluesKajlast night actually 11:39
BluesKajbrb, gonna check 15.04 again just to confirm everything else is ok 11:40
mparilloPlasma 5.3.1 is in backports, but I do not know 15.04.1 applications is yet  11:42
BluesKajok back , the only starnge thing I found was my soundcards aren't listed (listed as default) in system settings>multimedia>phonon music>device preference , although the hardware tab lists them properly and the playback codecs like DTS and DD are decoded properly as indicated on my audio receiver, System settings did crash once but relaunched ok without any more problems12:01
BluesKajsgclark, ^12:03
BluesKajhi clivejo12:08
clivejohi BluesKaj12:08
soee_BluesKaj: yes i had also some System Settings crash12:23
BluesKajyeah , but it wasn't serious and I saw nothing in the logs, soee_12:24
BluesKajdid you ?12:24
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
soee_BluesKaj: i didnt look into logs as this happens from time to time and its hard to track it13:02
soee_im not sur if it is when entering some section or after exiting one13:02
BluesKajsoee_, it crashed when exiting display and monitor...I think13:04
soee_BluesKaj: i think the same for me13:04
soee_BluesKaj: just tried it and yes after Display & Monior -> return to main window it crashed13:05
sgclarkhmm this might be upstream13:06
BluesKaj'Morning sgclark13:06
soee_but i had this before to, so i doubt its related to 53.113:06
sgclarkI have family coming to town today and will not have alot of time to debug :(13:06
soee_sgclark: enjoy family life :)13:07
BluesKajyeah, we have to setup for a gig this aft , so I'll be gone unless it rains 13:07
sgclarkhow have applications been?13:09
* ahoneybun needs to get time to test for sgclark13:09
sgclarkunfortunately I don't want to release and run lol13:09
ahoneybundon't run at all lol13:10
soee_sgclark: i think it is already testes by 3 users13:10
BluesKajsgclark, did you see my post above about phonon?13:10
sgclarkno I mean to tend to family 13:11
sgclarkBluesKaj: yeah, that will require more attention. Can you file a bug?13:11
soee_one thing i noticed was that my Places in Dolphin weren't in teh same order after upgrade but thats not an issue for me and probably happend due to this Places bugfix13:12
=== soee_ is now known as soee
BluesKajsgclark, I'll check again later (on 15.10 atm) , if there's a problem I'll file one13:13
soeeis there some KDE app to optimize images ?13:15
soeelike select ~ 100 image files and optimize them13:15
sgclarkdon't work with alot of images :( seems like there should be something though13:21
soeeBluesKaj: bshah helped a bit to debug System Settings crash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11452714/13:21
soeeBluesKaj: SystemSettings crash bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34354313:30
ubottuKDE bug 343543 in kcm "KDE System Settings crashed when dispaly settings changed" [Crash,Unconfirmed]13:30
sgclarkreleasing 15.04.1 applications to backports13:38
sgclarkor not13:42
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sgclarkwell I am getting internal error messages from launchpad :( I noticed backports is nearly full..14:09
sgclarkno idea who to bug14:09
* sick_rimmit pulling kubunu next-stage2 into VBox Kubuntu for testing ;-)14:17
sgclarkok bug files, my backports efforts is at a standstill until this is resolved.14:20
kubotusgclark meant: "ok bug filed, my backports efforts is at a standstill until this is resolved."14:20
sick_rimmitWow! - That's alot of packages being upgraded14:21
sick_rimmitYou've been very busy sgclark14:21
sgclarkwill slow this week though, family arriving here in a few hours14:22
sick_rimmitOh that's nice, family time14:22
sgclarkyes much needed break to relax14:23
sgclarkstep away from the computer ;p14:23
sick_rimmitsgclark: Where do you find out what to package next ?14:24
sick_rimmitsgclark: How do you ensure that your not duplicating work with someone else ?14:24
BluesKajhad a t-storm, had to shutdown all devices, lightning was close14:25
mparilloIt looks to me as if  15.04.1 applications have hit the Vivid backports, but Muon throws up a warning about authentication?14:37
mparilloBad habit, I simply clicked proceed without getting the exact message.14:37
sick_rimmitPah! I'm getting agitated...14:45
sick_rimmitBloody UbuntuSDK is a pile a tosh14:45
sick_rimmitThe UbuntuSDK Config parser, has mashed the config files, so it wont run out of the box..14:46
sick_rimmitI managed to hand edit those to fix them14:46
sick_rimmitNone of the QT Examples will run... throwing permission errors all over the place14:46
sick_rimmitThere is a deathly silence in #ubuntu-app-devel14:47
BluesKajlost the internet again ...bad storms 14:47
sick_rimmitAnd I have know idea where the Bug Tracker is for the UbuntuSDK..14:47
sick_rimmitNo flaming wonder there's no Apps14:47
sick_rimmitI suppose, I'll have to roll my sleeves up and fix it14:51
mparilloThere is a Ubuntu SDK team on Launchpad. Maybe e-mail them?14:52
sick_rimmitAh, yes I just searching for them on LP14:54
sick_rimmitI'm just frustrated, as I wanted to play with some App Dev, but it's all broken.14:54
mparilloI was just thinking as it is a weekend, they might be more likely to check e-mail on a smartphone than have IRC up14:55
sick_rimmitAh yes that's a good point..14:56
sick_rimmitBut why are they not standing by waiting patiently to assist my every whim...14:56
sick_rimmitlol :-O14:56
mparilloI have seen that behavior on the #kubuntu channel. BluesKaj in particular is very patient with demands for immediate attention (maybe that observation is off-topic)14:59
sgclarksick_rimmit: well we usually commuunicate to each who is working one what. there is also fallback git to reject conficts14:59
sgclarkmparillo: authentication error? does it not update? can you create a bug with the exact error? I have to head out to airport ot pick up family :(15:00
sick_rimmitsgclark: I am off and on with packaging, because I am so busy, and last time I did some I ended up duplicating work of someone else :-(15:01
sick_rimmitI was trying to repackage latest avconv stuff to get audio problem in kdenlive fixed15:02
sick_rimmitanyway... it became clear that I was outside the process loop, so I kinda wasted my time, and that of others.. sadly15:02
sgclarksick_rimmit: ack :( yeah when I first started that happened to me a few times. We need to probably integrate trello for packaging processes15:04
sick_rimmitsgclark: Yes an action list, like trello where you can assign something would help15:07
sgclarksick_rimmit: do you have trello access?15:07
sick_rimmitI did think about just getting say you, or jonathan to just task me with stuff, but then sometimes my family steel all my time15:07
sick_rimmitYes I do have Trello, and I have some of the Kubuntu boards..15:08
sgclarkyeah those darn pesky families :)15:08
sick_rimmitPesky yes, but I do love em, I'll drop anything and everything at their request :-)15:08
sgclarksick_rimmit: if you have access to 15.04 board can you create a task for this? It is a good idea.15:09
* sick_rimmit reaches for his Galaxy tab and Trello15:09
sgclarklol yeah so do I :)15:09
sick_rimmitI seem to have 14.10 15.10 15.10 Docs and Kubuntu Promotion15:10
sick_rimmitBut I am not on the 15.04 board15:10
sgclarkI am still on the fence with working on Wily. I am taking this week to reflect. I will make it a local task for now until I can add you.15:11
sick_rimmitI'm a newbie with Trello really..15:11
sgclarkI have to go to the ariport now. May or may not be able to sneak back on.15:12
sick_rimmitCould you add me to the 15.04 board ? I'm looking to see if I can figure out how to add myself15:12
sgclarksec let me see if I am admin15:12
sgclarkit should have added you15:13
sgclarksick_rimmit:  ^15:13
BluesKajsgclark, so far Wily has fewer problems than Vivid , at least on the surface 15:13
sgclarkBluesKaj: good to know ty15:14
sick_rimmitYay! Perfect15:14
shadeslayerScottK: does the ubuntu-backports team accept backports of python15:27
shadeslayer( I know you're not involved anymore, but curious since you deal with python stuff )15:28
shadeslayerScottK: the KDE sysadmin team wanted a python backport15:28
mparillosgclark: I think it did update on muon, after I clicked proceed. I will try to do so on my other box using apt. I think it failed on apt. Enjoy your family and I will ping with the launchpad bug. 15:35
sgclarkmparillo: thanks!15:36
mparilloOf course, there were no errors on the other machine (real HW). Ready to announce  15.04.1 applications?15:56
clivejoanyone else experience this - https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34843416:01
ubottuKDE bug 348434 in general "Akonadi doesn't start anymore" [Major,Unconfirmed]16:01
sick_rimmitI've nearly finished the next-stage2 build in VBox, which is looking good so far16:01
ricktimmisDo you know, I like the dark breeze theme, but it does have a few problems with forms, black on black16:11
ricktimmissgclark: You'll be please to know the next-stage2 packages all installed and upgraded seamlessly, and the VBox install of Kubuntu 15.04 is working fine16:12
soeemparillo: ping18:13
soeemparillo: Scarlett posted comment that applications are push to backports https://plus.google.com/110954078302330754910/posts/Xtt7p6nPzgX18:14
soeeso i think you can announce it18:14
mparilloTY. Will do. I am curious, did you chat client alert you that I was active after being away from keyboard?18:15
soeenope, i just saw her comment and contacted you18:15
soeei didn't know you are on or off :)18:16
mparilloIt was just strange that you pinged me the moment I sat down the computer.18:17
soeerandom luck :)18:18
soeei came home like 10 minuts ago 18:19
mparilloOnce is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thrice is enemy action ;-)18:20
mparilloI will announce in news and G+ (news will feed Planet KDE and Planet Ubuntu)18:20
soeecool :)18:22
ahoneybunanyone around to help me with this card: https://trello.com/c/19vTqg3v/13-port-muon-discover-featured-apps-to-kf518:31
kubotu[15.10 :: Doing :: Port Muon Discover featured apps to kf5 ++ JR, AH]18:31
Gamayunclivejo: was the database working in vanilla 15.04?19:18
valorieyay, backports!19:41
valoriethank you, sgclark19:41
EtriaphG'day folks.20:27
* Etriaph hugs his 5.3.120:30
mparilloTweeted also.20:32
valoriemparillo: what's your handle?20:32
valorieoh, you mean from @kubuntu20:33
mparilloI have no handle. All my social networking is thanks to Riddell's gentle encouragement. And having something worth tweeting (and G+'ing) is thanks to sgclark and the testers who hang around here. As somebody might say {{{hugs}}}20:38
valorieheh, that's my calling card20:47
* valorie {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} mparillo20:47
valoriethanks for tweeting20:47
EtriaphI retweeted earlier too.20:48
EtriaphGotta spread the word!20:48
valorieyup, that's how it works20:52
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