
=== aaron is now known as Guest86034
=== Guest86034 is now known as ahoneybun
guest6790in my ubuntu html5 project, I am trying to combin a button and a popover and optionselector, where when the button is clicked a popover is shown with a list of clickable options, when one of those options are clicked a dialog appears, I want to know if this is possible? I have been playing around with it but haven't gotten it to work, if anyone can point me out to a resource or example which could help me accomplish this t00:18
ahoneybunI've been trying to get buttons in popups as well but QML guest679000:42
ahoneybunnot sure if it is00:42
ahoneybunother then the close button for the dialog00:44
ahoneybunahayzen: free?01:19
ahayzenahoneybun, sup?01:19
ahoneybunahayzen: I just got a idea for a app01:19
ahoneybunmembership card app01:19
ahoneybuntake pics of your card so you dont have to carry them all01:19
ahoneybunso need to be able to access the camera01:20
ahayzenwhat like student ID cards etc?01:20
ahoneybuninsurance as well01:20
ahoneybungamestop and stuff01:20
ahayzenah more documents that you would photocopy but still need01:20
* ahayzen wonders about a mobile business card app that you could then 'share' to other people you meet via MMS/email/bluetooth whatever01:21
ahayzen... but then is that what LinkedIn is these days?01:21
ahoneybunyea a bit01:22
ahayzenahoneybun, like what you said could work, suppose it just depends if the vendor themselves accept a photo of the card on a phone?01:22
ahoneybunI mean most of the time you need the numbers on the card01:22
ahoneybunlike AAA01:22
ahoneybunmembership #01:23
ahoneybunthe phone # would be on your phone and if not you have it on the phone with the pic01:23
ahayzenlike most of our cards use some form of RF/NFC or a barcode/chip ... but yeah i guess for smaller things like gamestop a photo with the id may work01:23
ahoneybunI don't like to carry more then I need01:23
ahayzensame, tbh a photo of even the ones that have a barcode/membership # could be useful01:24
ahayzenwould remove the need for 1.5 of my cards to carry ;-)01:24
ahoneybunhow would I get access to the camera01:25
ahayzenhave a look at tagger i would say01:25
ahayzenyou'll definitely need the "camera" policy in your apparmor profile01:26
ahayzenotherwise ahoneybun https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-14.10/QtMultimedia.Camera/01:27
ahoneybunthanks ahayzen01:27
ahoneybunfirst time messing with that01:27
ahayzenhave fun ;-)01:28
ahoneybunso much code to found out if I need it01:29
ahoneybunwould it be a good idea to c+p and just test01:29
ahoneybunCannot assign a value directly to a grouped property01:34
ahoneybunso it needs to be in its one qml file01:39
ahoneybunor it at least works01:39
ahoneybunthough o the device it shots at a angle01:43
ahoneybunahayzen: how do you make a button open a qml file?01:47
ahoneybunlike I want to click a button to start the camera01:47
ahayzenjust make it visible: false and flip that or put it in another page and push it on the stack01:47
ahayzenprobably best to sketch out some designs so you know what your heading for01:48
ahayzenlike multiple pages etc01:49
ahoneybunthe only problem is that I never know what I can really do lol01:49
ahoneybunI'm a bit limited in knewledge XD01:49
ahayzenhehe, just look at what other apps have done01:50
ahoneybunseems they all are out of my grade lol01:50
ahayzen..but the code is somewhere for you to c+p hehe ;-)01:51
ahoneybunwhat component holds head.actions?01:57
ahoneybunI have Ubuntu.Components 1.2 but it says "non-existen property head"01:58
ahayzenPage holds it01:58
ahoneybunoh I see01:59
ahoneybunbut I have Page01:59
ahoneybunseems the order matters lol02:00
ahoneybunI had 1.Page 2.Column 3. head.actions02:01
ahoneybun1. Page 2. head.actions 3.Column works02:01
ahayzenyou definitely had the braces right?02:01
ahoneybunto end the head.actions02:02
ahayzeni mean the closing of Column... but interesting02:02
ahoneybuncould be that02:02
ahoneybunhead.actions needs to be outside the column02:03
ahoneybunthanks ahayzen02:03
ahayzenahoneybun, generally we *try* to order things like this http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-codingconventions.html02:04
ahayzenbut that doesn't always happen hehe02:04
ahayzenthere was bug 1315796 for the coreapps to try and get something like PEP8 used with python for QML..but yeah nothing happened02:06
ahoneybunI kinda see but I would need a example of things I know (don't worry about giving me one atm)02:06
ubot5bug 1315796 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Style Guide for Core apps" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131579602:06
ahoneybunI'm trying to look though tagger for how he started the app02:06
ahoneybunthe cameraa02:06
ahayzenahoneybun, app started here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/tagger/trunk/view/head:/app/main.cpp and that launches http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/tagger/trunk/view/head:/app/qml/tagger.qml02:07
ahoneybunthe camera starts right away02:08
ahayzenlooks like the camera is here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/tagger/trunk/view/head:/app/qml/tagger.qml#L22102:08
ahayzennote the startAndConfigure() on line 23602:08
ahoneybunyea I've been using the developer.ubuntu examples so far02:08
ahayzenand the Connection {} to call that just below02:08
ahoneybunwhich does?02:09
ahayzenwhen the app gains focus it starts the camera and it loses it stops, by the looks of it (i've never used the camera component either btw)02:09
ahoneybunonTriggered: start() might work02:12
ahoneybunbut I need find what to connect it to02:12
ahayzenahoneybun, literally do the same as they did from L243->24602:13
ahayzenthat should work enough for now02:13
ahayzenif not yeah try doing it on the trigger/onVisible02:13
ahoneybunI dont know02:14
ahoneybunwhat connections does02:14
ahoneybunyou said it02:14
ahoneybunbut I'm still trying to understand it02:14
ahayzenso like if you had a Rectangle { id: rect }02:15
ahayzensomewhere else in your code you could do Connections { target: rect; onWidthChanged: { // do stuff } }02:15
ahayzenso you can like connect to another object02:15
ahoneybunim not getting it sadly02:16
ahayzenlol its complicated until you try it02:16
ahoneybuncan't try if I dont get it02:16
ahoneybunplus I like pictures lol02:17
ahayzenlooks like you need Reader {} somewhere02:18
ahayzenthen you need to make that visible onTriggered02:18
ahayzenbut idk what design your going for ;-) anyway i need sleep02:18
ahoneybunok night ahayzen02:19
ahoneybunthanks a lot :)02:19
ahayzenno problem, night o/02:19
=== ahayzen_ is now known as ahayzen
ahoneybunmoring ahayzen14:44
ahayzenahoneybun, afternoon14:44
ahoneybunso I put the camera on a different tab14:45
ahayzenahoneybun, does it work as you expect now?14:48
ahoneybunthe camera does, at first it was at a 90 degree till I took some code from tagger14:53
ahoneybunorientation: device.naturalOrientation === "portrait"  ? -90 : 014:54
ahoneybunfor VideoOutput14:54
ahoneybunnow displaying the cards is a different ball game14:55
ahoneybunmight be easier with textfields lol14:56
ahoneybunto put the numbers lol14:56
SturmFluthttp://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/touch/2015/05/31/ubuntu-touch-app-wishlist-may-2015/ Any additions/corrections?14:56
SturmFlutI actually thought about uBeginner, but wasn't sure which category it fits into etc.14:58
ahoneybunit would be a utils14:59
ahoneybunbut you have clone of small utils14:59
* ahoneybun is a bit biased as he is the dev of uBeginner lol15:00
SturmFlutBut it is not actually a "clone", is it?15:00
SturmFlutMight have to rework the categories again next time. Work on progress.15:00
ahoneybunof course15:01
ahoneybungames, utils, music,15:01
ahoneybunsome really cool scopes out there too15:02
ahoneybunis Level a clone of something?15:02
SturmFlutYes, there are lots of these level apps on Android and iOS15:02
SturmFlutMaybe just call the category "small utilities"?15:03
SturmFlutAnd add a "Scopes" category15:03
ahoneybunyea since the concept is not really a clone15:03
ahoneybunit is not copyrighted to make a level app (yet) lol15:04
ahoneybunahayzen: missing: Business card scanner15:08
SturmFlutahoneybun: We have a business card scanner?15:32
ahoneybunhe was talking about it15:32
SturmFlutOh cool15:32
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
SturmFlutIn the last two months the app store has seen an added/updated entry every three hours on average16:02
SturmFlutHm no16:02
SturmFlutThats just the additions16:02
SturmFlutA new app/scope was added every three hours16:03
ahoneybunthats kinda good16:06
SturmFlutThat's awesome! In the first year, we didn't even average one new app/scope a day!16:11
ahoneybundepends on the quality16:12
ahoneybunDanChapman: Dekko is damn awesome17:09
DanChapmanahoneybun: thanks :-) glad you like it so far.17:30
ahoneybunBeta is pretty damn stable18:00
ahoneybunahayzen: I'm bothering just you too much right? lol21:35
ahayzenahoneybun, possibly, why? lol21:39
ahoneybundon;t want to do thatlol21:43
ahoneybun*don't want to do that lol21:43
* ahoneybun will poke other people lol21:46
ahayzenahoneybun, haha i was only joking :-P but i do need to go to sleep soon gotta get up early tomorrow, whats the issue your having?21:48
ahoneybunI'm trying to make a function to switch from 6 different TextFields21:54
ahoneybunbut I thought you could just click the textfield to edit it21:54
ahayzenyou can?21:54
ahoneybunbut " property TextField focused: score1"21:54
ahoneybunthis keeps me from it21:54
ahoneybunbut if I remove it it breaks21:54
ahayzenno like TextField { id: textField1 }21:55
ahoneybunI'm working on Gazeteer (sorry for that21:55
ahayzenthe focussed var thing i remember21:55
ahayzenso you want it todo what?21:55
ahayzensix different?21:56
ahoneybunlitle me show you21:56
ahayzenyeah either your gonna have a horrific if then else if then etc statement or you could like have a list containing the textfields like [field1, field2] then keep an index and just increment that or you could do something funky with repeaters as they are all the same anyway21:58
ahoneybuna combo button?21:59
ahayzencould do that21:59
ahayzendepends what you want the UI todo?21:59
ahoneybuncombobutton to change what score I am editing22:00
ahoneybunremoving this: property TextField focused: score1 ; gives me a error about actualValue22:00
ahoneybunnot defined..22:00
ahayzenyeah it will you need to set the focused value depending on what you select from the combobox?22:01
* ahoneybun 's head blows22:06
ahoneybunCannot assign to non-existent property "spacing"22:06
ahoneybunComboButtons have spacing22:06
ahoneybunahayzen: list? index?22:12
ahayzenproperty var myList: [textFieldA, textFieldB]; property int currentFocusedField: 022:13
ahayzenor something idk22:13
* ahoneybun moves on for today22:16
ahoneybunthanks ahayzen22:16
ahayzenhaha no problem22:17
ahoneybunbest for both of us lol22:17
guest67898anyone there?22:25

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