
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:42
lordievaderGood afternoon.10:49
lotuspsychjegood afternoon11:34
lordievaderHow are you doing, lotuspsychje?11:35
lotuspsychjelordievader: hello im fine tnx, and you?11:35
lordievaderI'm doing allright, I guess ;)11:36
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: hello mate14:55
lotuspsychjeyour late :p14:56
lotuspsychjeheavy saturday? :P14:56
BluesKajHiyas all14:56
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje14:56
BluesKajyeah, we did a gig for a friend's birthday/BBQ14:57
lotuspsychjehere its too rainy :p14:58
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Indeed :(14:59
lotuspsychjelordievader: 30+ degrees next weekend yes yes14:59
BluesKajit was cool here yesterday, almost cancelled the party but a big bonfire helped :-)14:59
BluesKaj30 is too much for me15:00
BluesKaj23 is perfect15:00
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: well in our countys, sun is soo much away...30 we dont mind15:00
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Hmm, there doesn't seem to be many thunderstorms involved with that 30...15:01
lordievaderOdd ;)15:01
lotuspsychjeyeah mostly we have like 3 days 30 degrees that end with thunder15:01
lotuspsychjethen back to rainy summers :p15:02
BluesKajyes here if it's that warm we have short 20 min thunderstorm in the late afternoon15:03
lordievaderTue 09 we get thunderstorms it seems.15:03
lotuspsychjewhere are those 2 months sunny summers15:06
lordievaderI got them in Canada, lots of nice weather :D15:06
lordievaderIt wasn't two months, but still. Very nice weather.15:07
lordievaderJups :)15:08
BluesKajonly 14 here today with N wind, so summer hasn't totally arrived yet15:14
lotuspsychjeyeah todays cold n rainy brrr15:14
lotuspsychjeonly good to irc  on ubuntu :p15:14
bigdissavedI have a quick question, Where/how could I recoment a kernel drivers be added to the ubuntu dist?17:42
bigdissavedkern module17:42
BluesKajbigdissaved, in #kubuntu-devel17:44
bigdissavedthanks. :)17:44
lordievaderbigdissaved: File a bug report.17:51
lordievaderKubuntu has pretty much nothing to do with the Ubuntu kernel.17:51
lordievaderOr ask around in #ubuntu-kernel ofcourse.17:52
bigdissaved:) thanks, I will17:52

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