
=== aaron is now known as Guest86034
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torontoyespopey, I've never ported, anything noteworthy about porting for Galaxy note III?02:09
ahoneybunbig screen02:53
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speck84Good morning guys08:01
speck84I rady with my first mobile app. can somebdy tell me how can i publish it?08:02
speck84Click file is done08:02
Mister_Qspeck84: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/08:09
robert_ancellHow do I find out which SDKs are active on current devices? If I target 15.04 will that work on everything out there or only new devices?08:38
robert_ancellor in other words, what version is the BQ phone using? System Settings>About this Phone>OS08:53
Mister_Qrobert_ancell: 14.1009:17
robert_ancellMister_Q, thanks09:17
Mister_Qrobert_ancell: but i think the bq device will get updates too09:23
robert_ancellMister_Q, yeah, on G+ it was said the next update should be 15.0409:24
ogra_all phones get the same updates usually ... and yes, the next stable update is based on 15.0409:29
SturmFlutpopey: Ping10:22
popeySturmFlut: sup10:40
SturmFlutahayzen: Ping11:58
ahayzenSturmFlut, yo11:58
SturmFlutahayzen: Well, I'm an idiot, just tried FLAC playback in the music app and naturally it works immediately11:58
SturmFlutWill publish a correction immediately11:59
ahayzenhaha thanks :-)11:59
SturmFlutSorry for the accusation ;)11:59
ahayzenit could have been mediascanner2 being slow, or something weird, but no worries11:59
SturmFlutahayzen: Is there a list of supported audio filetypes?12:00
* ogra_ only uses flac ... i could have told you it works :P12:00
ahayzen"anything gstreamer supports"12:00
ahayzenor that we have the gst packages installed for...12:00
ogra_well, rather anything andoid supports ... plus some gst software fallbacks12:00
ahayzenah ok12:01
ogra_gstreamer-hybris (not sure it is called like that) does all the HW decoding ...12:02
ahayzenoh yeah i see that12:03
ahayzenand we have -plugins-{good,bad} and the mp3 one12:03
ahayzenor parts of bad at least12:04
WalexI have ULTS 14.04 on a desktop and UT 14.10 on a Aquaris 4.5 and I haven't been able to find a way to access files on the SD card. Is that a known thing?12:07
Walexacces them via MTP from the desktop.12:08
ogra_Walex, make sure the screen is unlocked and you have libmtp from the pahblet-tools PPA installed12:08
ogra_(well, the latter night not be necessary anymore, i think that libmtp version should have been SRUed into 14.04.2)12:09
ogra_hmm, or not ... looking at the trusty package12:11
Walexogra_: looking...12:14
ogra_Walex, bug 137621212:15
ubot5bug 1376212 in libmtp (Ubuntu) "BQ Aquaris E4.5 Android Phone not recognised by libmtp" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137621212:15
Walexwill have a look at the bug. I can seem to access *something* but not the SD card.12:16
ogra_and https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/ubuntu/tools12:17
Walexis there a list of stuff that people would expect to work but does not? (e.g. SIM contacts, MTP, GPS fix, so far for me).12:17
ogra_sim contacts and gps are fixed in the upcoming OTA ... which you should get next week12:18
Walexthey are all work-in-progress yes12:18
ogra_and MPT is most likely an issue of your PC12:18
mptI am always an issue12:18
ogra_nah, we all love you :)12:18
Walexeven if you squat in my PC, but I got lots of RAM and disk :-)12:19
Walexogra_: yes, the PPA MTP tools can now see the external SD card too.12:26
Walexbut not 'gmtp' will try something else12:28
SturmFlutogra_, ahayzen: Does "gst-inspect" return the full list of plugins and codecs on the phone? Or are there some additional things hidden in the Android layer?12:30
ahayzenSturmFlut, i'm not sure, jhodapp is probably the best to ask when he is about12:31
SturmFlutahayzen: Thanks. The list looks pretty complete to me already, but more input would be nice12:33
Walex'gnomad2' seems to work-ish12:41
Walex'jmtpfs' works pretty well12:44
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jhodappSturmFlut, it does, yes15:09
SturmFlutjhodapp: Thanks!15:10
jhodappSturmFlut, np15:11
SturmFluthttp://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/touch/2015/05/31/ubuntu-touch-app-wishlist-may-2015/ Any additions/corrections?15:11
brunch875SturmFlut, thanks for that list15:22
SturmFlutbrunch875: yw!15:22
SturmFlutStill needs a lot of work, but seems to be interesting enough for a lot of people.15:23
BOHverkillSturmFlut: that is my lists http://www.bohverkill.org/downloads/missingapps.md15:33
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=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
dkesselsturmflut2: a cat game is missing! like "Cat Alone 2" for Android, for example...16:36
dkessel(more suited to tablets, but hey... ubuntu touch runs on the nexus 7 ;)16:43
SturmFlutjhodapp: Ping16:44
SturmFlutogra_: Ping16:51
peat-psuwitWhy channel ubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed gives me willy-based image? Is this expected?16:55
gihelhi guys. SturmFlut: a native xmpp/jabber app is missing17:47
SturmFlutgihel: Thanks, I put it on next months list.17:48
K1773Rgihel: including OTR18:30
=== howefield_afk is now known as howefield
SturmFlutjamesh_: Ping19:04
SturmFlutahayzen: Ping19:36
ahayzenSturmFlut, yo19:36
SturmFlut(you have an incredible latency for a sunday)19:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1460464 in Ubuntu Music App "Add support for the OPUS audio format" [Undecided,New]19:36
ahayzenhaha i'm a student ;-)19:36
SturmFlutI would have set the Importance to "Wishlist", but apparently I can't19:36
ahayzenhmm swear we've had something liek that request before19:37
ahayzeni can change it to wishlist, but i think it would go against media-hub not us19:38
SturmFlutProbably against gstreamer in the end, but I didn't know where to file it19:38
ahayzenjust add media-hub to the affected and then jhodapp will get around to assigning it hehe ;-)19:39
SturmFlutOkay, done19:39
nik90mzanetti: hey I got fahrplan building and running using QtC on the phone...not sure what the problem was..I just removed the whole folder and git cloned it again20:16
nik90mzanetti: https://github.com/smurfy/fahrplan/pull/205 transitions fahrplan to the ubuntu-sdk-15.04 along with the new listitems and a couple of bug fixes.21:34
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trickviElleo: hey, I just wanted to check how things are going with keyboard layout reviewing and if there was something you want me to fix22:54
Elleotrickvi: they're all reviewed, they're just waiting to land at the moment; unfortunately they won't make it into OTA 4 though, but they should be in the devel-proposed images some time next week22:56
trickviElleo: ah! thanks! How do you keep track of what's reviewed and what's not?23:15
trickviThere's no status change nor any comments23:16
trickviand since I'm unclear about the whole process, does this mean they'll be in OTA 5?23:16
Elleotrickvi: yeah, there's MRs are handled a bit differently, because they all touch similar bits of code they'd end up with conflicts if we tried merging them all individually, so there's a big branch that brings them all together (and fixes a number of issues in some of the layouts) here: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael-sheldon/ubuntu-keyboard/layout-improvements23:28
Elleotrickvi: and yes, I they should be in OTA 523:29
Elleotrickvi: some of the work I'm doing at the moment is also moving us a lot closer to being able to distribute keyboard layouts as click packages, so once that's ready anyone will be able to create layouts and add them to the store immediately23:30

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