
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
Noskcajthanks bluesabre 06:53
elfypleia2: are we still planning to do "Create user survey 2: Xubuntu preferences to help inform us whether defaults satisfy userbase" ?09:42
knomeochosi, ping15:50
dkesselelfy: i am tinkering around with the ISO tracker... would a script producing this information (live data) help you in any way? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11476521/16:33
dkesselformatting can be changed to your liking ;)16:33
ochosiknome: pong17:29
Unit193ochosi: No.17:29
ochosiUnit193: ?17:30
ochosino to pinging knome?17:36
elfydkessel: kind of , a level deeper would be more 17:46
elfyhi ochosi 17:46
dkesselelfy: what exactly is missing? user info or bug info?17:48
elfydkessel: what's it for though? rather - why are you looking? 17:50
dkesselI looked at the item that says "draw data from the tracker" or something on the qa blueprint18:18
dkesselelfy: ^18:20
elfyoh right18:21
dkesselIt should be possible to integrate the output of the script wherever it is needed18:22
elfydkessel: that'd be sufficient for that18:22
elfyis this script easy to run and modify? 18:23
dkesselwell it is python ;) my first draft: https://code.launchpad.net/~dkessel/+junk/python-qatracker-xubuntu18:24
dkesselIt should be possible to run that out of the box. I modified the example hidden behind the API link on the tracker18:25
elfythat blueprint item was something that ochosi and I were discussing mid vivid 18:26
elfyso it's possible I'll discard the idea 18:29
elfypersonally it would be quite useful if I could get an LP name with test reported number18:30
dkesselI'm not sure if the user names are returned through the api, but I could have a look. The blueprint is saying something like weekly stats, which could be possible.18:33
dkesselAlso, there is this work item for knome about "more meaningful data". I wonder what exactly that is.18:34
elfyright - not sure this is something you should spend too much time on :)18:34
elfythat is mostly about the same thing - given that I'm not going to be manually extracting info for the QA incentive thing18:35
elfydkessel: also while the blueprint has stuff on it - I'm still looking at it - so it's not finished really18:37
dkesselelfy: just trying to be useful while I have one or two days to spare ;) but I guess it's just too early in the cycle then18:43
elfyyea I understand that - but probably is too early18:44
elfythat said if that script could tell me that in 64bit on day x we had so many of each done - eg summary of the numbers on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/338/builds/92402/testcases 18:46
elfythen I would use it - currently I'd be opening up a weeks worth at a time to look 18:47
elfywhich is a pita18:47
dkessel I think I can make that a list sorted by day. CSV output might be nice for a spreadsheet or something18:54
elfythat'd be rather useful to me :)19:00
dkesselGood :)19:06
ochosievening all20:56
bluesabreevening ochosi21:59
ochosievening bluesabre 22:00
ochosiand thanks for the affirmative word :)22:00
bluesabreI just got excited, didn't know this existed in the api :)22:01
ochosii talked to the elementary folks, they're (as expected) not interested in our LO effort22:01
ochosioh, sounds nice, i also didn't know. but then again i haven't actively dealt with gtkapplication22:05
bluesabreI use it very very hackily with menulibre (and I think maybe catfish)22:06
bluesabrethat will make it less hacky :)22:06
bluesabreI was thinking wtih CSD catfish, maybe using a split headerbar (https://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/files/2014/01/Screenshot-from-2014-01-13-081511.png), folder selection and sidebar filters on left22:07
ochosiUnit193: while the elementary folks weren't excited about the LO icons thing, xubuntu-core got quite some praise!22:08
ochosibluesabre: yeah, that could work22:08
bluesabreotherwise, this is easy to accomplish, http://i.imgur.com/ILlFtuW.png22:08
ochosiwell, you can always start with this and move to the split headerbar22:09
bluesabrethats the plan22:09
ochosii guess what's nice about the split is that the folder-selection and the filter somehow belong together22:09
ochosiwithout the sidebar, the separator might look a bit over the top22:09
bluesabreif I went with the split, the sidebar would always be displayed22:10
ochosibut anyway, starting with the low-hanging fruit is probably good22:10
ochosialso, i wanted to ask you whether you had a minute or two to test and quickly review a commit for xfpm (eric is on holidays)22:10
ochosii think you might've tested it before, rebased it on master now22:11
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 4499 in General "Display percentage and battery time next to icon" [Enhancement,Assigned]22:11
ochosii can't properly test this atm because my laptop burned down22:11
ochosiso i have this old laptop without battery22:11
ochosinot really ideal for this feature22:11
ochosiand my new one takes anther 3 weeks to arrive :'(22:12
bluesabrejust use the latest patch?22:12
bluesabreit'll take me a bit, will add the patch to the 1.5 package and install that way (so I don't trash my system)22:13
ochosino rush22:13
ochosibut i think after that small feature, i'm ready for 1.5.122:13
ochosiit's a bit early, but the bugs in 1.5.0 with the icons are just too annoying22:14
ochosiand this way at least there's a new feature to test22:14
ochosibtw, i'm not sure the patch will cleanly apply on top of 1.5.022:14
ochosiyou need git master22:14
knomeochosi, did you mean "you need a git, master"22:17
bluesabreochosi: so it seems :(22:17
ochosibluesabre: didnt we set up a daily built xfpm somewhere at some point?22:17
bluesabreoh right, thats in https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/ppa22:20
ochosiheh, there you go ;)22:22
bluesabreochosi: its installed22:40
bluesabrewhat do you need me to test?22:40
ochosithis sums it up: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4499#c3322:40
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 4499 in General "Display percentage and battery time next to icon" [Enhancement,Assigned]22:41
ochosibtw, i've meanwhile replaced 30 icons for LO, this is really quite a bit of work22:41
bluesabrefor some reason, not getting any label here22:44
ochosiscreener of xfce4-settings-editor with the property plz?22:45
bluesabremaybe its because my battery is so full22:45
ochosiif it is, then yes, the label is hidden22:46
ochosiit depends on whether upower says your battery is still charging or not22:46
ochosinot on the load-level22:46
bluesabreI see22:47
bluesabresuppose I should play a game to empty it out a bit then22:47
ochosiyou can check with "upower -d" whether it's charging or not22:47
ochosithe property looks ok though22:47
ochosiso in case the patch got applied, everything *should* be working22:48
ochosisry, not sure now why that's not working :(22:51
bluesabreI think upower 0.99 is no good with my laptop... I'm definitely no longer charging22:52
bluesabrealso, GTK's hiding scrollbars kind of suck compared to Ubuntu's, I don't need the scrollbars to cover up the content I'm scrolling through :\22:53
bluesabre(gtk 3.16)22:54
ochosiyeah, haven't tested those yet22:55
ochosimeh, adding a modified zip folder to /usr/share/libreoffice/share/config/ obviously isn't enough to make the theme show up in the LO icon theme selector22:56
bluesabreyeah, for other non-official themes, they end up replacing the theme with tango22:56
bluesabrerename your zip to images_crystal.zip and replace the existing one22:58
ochosiactually i made it show up now22:59
bluesabreoh cool22:59
ochosiit has to go in /usr/lib...22:59
ochosifor whatever reason22:59
ochosithe icons don't show up yet though, something's clearly not working right22:59
ochosii have no idea how they create the zips23:00
ochosimaybe there's something special about them23:00
* bluesabre shrugs23:00
bluesabrefancy theme23:03
ochosiyeah, i prefer it to the "human" theme :)23:03
ochosiok, got it working now23:10
ochosii think the best way to make this available for testing is the zip23:13
ochosiwe should just create a package that installs that and a symlink to it in the right place23:13
ochosimaybe you can take a peek at the packaging23:13
ochosii think if we only want to replace the essential icons, we can do that this cycle easily23:13
ochosithing that cause the most work is that they have ridiculous icon size like 26x2623:14
ochosithink i'll focus on the toolbar and the primary menus23:16
bluesabreochosi: sure, I can investigate creating a package with this... maybe we can set up a branch for it to to work with23:30
ochosishould be fairly easy23:30
ochosithe final package does very little23:30
ochosisoon, most of the horrible orange icons will be gone btw23:32
* bluesabre doesn't suggest that he likes Human/Humanity23:33
bluesabreand ochosi is using adwaita?23:33
ochosino, that's only cause i was testing a local copy of greybird and synaptic wanted root23:33
bluesabreah, gotcha23:34
ochosiso many horrible icons23:34
ochosioh lord, that'll be a nice piece of work23:34
ochosiquestion: can you somehow make the zip-ification of the theme take place in the packaging?23:37
ochosii mean theoretically i guess i could script it, too23:37
ochosithing is i would prefer to keep the whole icon theme somewhere as source files in git or something23:37
ochosiand then the zip is needed for packaging, so i could push that to a separate branch or something from which to build the package23:37
ochosior keep it there in the same branch even23:38
bluesabrewe can do that23:39
bluesabremake a branch and drop all of the folder structure in a subfolder, we can zip that structure23:39
ochosiso zipping in the packaging?23:41
ochosithat'd be perfect23:43
ochosiso the next question is: git or bzr23:43
bluesabreeither, shimmerproject exists in both :)23:44
ochosiif you dont care at all, i'll go for github23:45
bluesabrego for it23:46
ochosii'll have something for you to work with in a few minutes23:46
ochosibluesabre: there you go: https://github.com/shimmerproject/libreoffice-style-elementary23:56
ochosii wonder whether the subfolder was a good idea...23:56
ochosisince you said you can zip it up in the packaging23:56
ochosibut either way, that's a hint: the zip has to have that name: images_elementary.zip23:57
ochosii'll remove the folder again now23:57
bluesabreochosi: sure23:58
bluesabreI'll actually add a makefile that does the zipping, and the package will be easy because of that23:58
bluesabreso it won't be debian only23:58

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