
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
InokiHey all, need to ask, am running Xubuntu 14.04.2. Do Unity indicators such as the indicator-brightness work?08:51
nomicindicator ?09:26
=== lenovo is now known as Ady
Adyhello all12:25
Adyi installed numix icon theme12:26
Adyand it says Warning" this icon theme has no chache file12:26
Adyis this a problem?12:26
glitchdhello all12:27
glitchdtrying to figure out how to remove the white background from the notification area of my panel12:27
xubuntu46wHow do I ask a question?20:56
ObrienDavejust ask20:56
ObrienDave!ask | xubuntu46w20:57
ubottuxubuntu46w: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:57
xubuntu46wAfter installing Ubuntu 14.4 as a partition on my hard drive, I was unable to return to the original OS (Windows XP).  The only way I can go to that OS, I think is to uninstall the Ubuntu OS, get the files from the original OS, and reinstall Ubuntu.  How do I uninstall Ubuntu?20:59
ObrienDaveyou don't, easier to delete the Ubuntu partition. however, your bootloader needs to be able to recognize windows. fix that first21:01
xubuntu46wHow do I fix the bootloader?21:02
ObrienDavestart here, https://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/bootcons_fixmbr.mspx?mfr=true21:03
ObrienDaveor you can try getting both to work with bootrepair21:04
xubuntu46wWill this link give me information about how to delete the Ubuntu partition?21:05
ObrienDaveno. you use a disk utility to delete the ubuntu partition. gparted, gdisks, even windows has the capability to delete the partition21:06
xubuntu46wSorry to ask so many questions, but I know nothing about all of this.  I have learned the little I know about software the hare way, by trial and error, mostly error.21:06
ObrienDaveso have all of us :)21:07
ObrienDaveso, are you sure you still have your windows partitions?21:08
xubuntu46wI guess my next move is to go to the link, and take it from there.  I'll come back for the next step.21:08
ObrienDavemeaning, are you sure you did not overwrite windows during install?21:09
xubuntu46wI am not sure of anything, at this point.  I can't get the firefox browser to work on the Ubuntu OS, and can't find out what's wrong.  I'm using a wireless connect on a home network.  Now is the first time I've had both the desk top and the laptop working to test the home network.21:11
xubuntu46wThe printer seems to be working on the network.  The Ubuntu word processor is working.  My main objective is to transfer some of the files on the Win XP OS to the loptop via flash drive, then shut down the Win XP OS, and use only Ubuntu.21:14
ObrienDaveopen a terminal, copy and paste     sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox21:15
xubuntu46wDoes "open a terminal" mean start a monitor?  Where would I find "sudo apt-get install--reinstall firefox?21:20
ObrienDavea terminal is like windows CMD. and the second part is a command you type or copy/paste into the terminal21:21
ObrienDaveunder applications, find Terminal Emulator21:22
xubuntu46wIs a Windows CMD like a safe mode command prompt?21:22
ObrienDavecopy and paste that command into the terminal.21:22
ObrienDavesort of... not safe mode.21:22
ObrienDavein windows, you would go, Start, Run, CMD21:23
ObrienDavebut yes it means command prompt21:23
ObrienDavein the OLD days, most computer systems were accessed by terminals. TTY for short21:24
ObrienDaveso, in Linux, opening a terminal means accessing the command prompt21:25
ObrienDaveand Unix also21:25
xubuntu46wThe problem is when I try to boot the Win XP OS, I get an error message telling me the computer cannot locate the partition.21:25
ObrienDaveerr, that is why you need the fix MBR page i sent you21:26
ObrienDaveMBR - Master Boot Record21:26
xubuntu46wWhen I go to that link, will it have instructions for using the MBR?21:27
ObrienDaveit shows you how to fix it so your computer will boot to windows21:28
xubuntu46wThat would be a big help.21:28
ObrienDaveyou have borked your partition table. you need to fix it before you lose windows accidentally21:29
xubuntu46wI think I'm going to have to return to this IM site to get more information later, but this will probably help.  Thank you.21:29
ObrienDaveyou're welcome. you can ask in #ubuntu also. many more people there to help you21:30
bryguy_trying to get fglrx drivers working for my video card. I used the "additional drivers" menu and set it to fglrx (proprietary) and rebooted. lsmod tells me it's still using radeon and not fglrx, but the menu shows fglrx selected. What else to I have to do?23:33
bazhangwhat card23:42

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