
=== aaron is now known as ahoneybun
pitchblackHey! I have a questoin about GObject.MainLoop . Can someone help me out?11:54
pitchblackHey! I have a questoin about GObject.MainLoop . Can someone help me out?12:12
ricotzpitchblack, better ask in #gtk+ on gimpnet12:54
LinDoli all13:44
LinDolhi all :)13:44
=== njalk_ is now known as njalk
slava_Does anyone know if Ubuntu-Gnome will stay with the Ubuntu package manager once it migrates from DPKG/APT to the new one that Canonical is making?18:57
dtigueAnyone know how to import a connections folder from another machine in to the network manager in order to get VPNs working again without having to manually set them all up again?21:22

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