
=== gnubie is now known as Guest74403
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hudsonkemkubuntu 15.04 high swap, but I already set swappiness to 10.02:51
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sigma_hi there06:04
sigma_is anyone here available to help me build a i386 package for the application here - http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Kup+Backup+System?content=14746506:05
sigma_i tried and failed miserably!06:05
sigma_sorry located here - https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:simper:kup/kup-kf506:08
sigma_kup-0.6.0.tar.gz is the source file06:08
sigma_i still dont get why kubuntu doesnt include this as a standard app - its an amazing backup utility06:08
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lordievaderGood morning.07:48
hudsonkemanybody there?07:59
lordievaderhudsonkem: See /names ;)07:59
hudsonkem'-', I'm getting high swap, but I already set swappiness to 10.08:01
hudsonkemso, any idea?08:01
lordievaderhudsonkem: What is the output of 'free -m'?08:01
lordievader!paste | hudsonkem08:01
ubottuhudsonkem: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:01
amichairHi, I'm in the middle of upgrading 14.10 to 15.04, and at ~75% the distribution upgrade gui window is simply frozen (after minimizing+maximizing the window is blank, so it's hung). How should I proceed?08:03
lordievaderamichair: Is apt-get/dpkg still running?08:03
amichairI saw in htop that cups was taking 100% cpu for quite a while, so killed it, but that didn't help08:03
lordievaderhudsonkem: Heh, that is odd... Could you pastebin the output of 'vmstat 1 5'?08:04
amichairlordievader: I see a /usr/bin/dpkg process with very long command line08:04
lordievaderamichair: Does it use any resources? (top -p `pidof dpkg`)08:05
amichairlordievader: looks idle08:06
lordievaderamichair: Hmm, kill the upgrade gui, and dpkg if it still runs after that. Then run 'sudo apt-get install -f'.08:07
amichairlordievader: although looking at htop I see there's a /tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader process that's around 2% cpu08:07
lordievaderThat is still idle ;)08:07
amichairlordievader: oh my. great software :-)08:07
lordievaderhudsonkem: That is quite different output than what I expected...08:09
amichairlordievader: I killed the gui, and dpkg disappeared08:09
lordievaderhudsonkem: I got something like: https://paste.kde.org/pjr0qu05908:10
lordievaderamichair: Right, good. Run 'sudo apt-get install -f'.08:10
hudsonkem.-. just vmstat and out 1 and 5 yeah?08:10
amichairlordievader: apt-get install -f fails with error about dpkg being interrupted08:10
amichairlordievader: should I run the recommended 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'08:10
lordievaderamichair: Do what it says ;)08:10
lordievaderhudsonkem: 'vmstat 1 5'08:11
hudsonkemsorry did now about this :D08:12
hudsonkemI thought "vmstat -as" -.-'08:12
lordievaderhudsonkem: I see no swap usage.08:12
hudsonkemjust a minute, up screenshot08:13
amichairlordievader: ok, it's running. btw, is this a known issue?08:13
lordievaderamichair: Not to me.08:14
lordievaderhudsonkem: The 468Mb swap usage you mean? That ain't strange. If swap is used it is not cleared. It ain't efficient to clear the swap. It is more efficient to leave the data but disregard the pointer.08:16
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netrunner_my friend's favorate japanese porn star08:17
lordievadernetrunner_: Please keep this channel family friendly.08:18
hudsonkembut it make my pc more heavy, when I was using xfce it was working good08:18
lordievaderhudsonkem: In what way does it make you pc more heavy?08:19
lordievaderIt was running out of ram, it needed to store a few pages somewhere.08:19
hudsonkem-.-' many lagg08:19
lordievaderKDE is heavier than XFCE ;)08:19
amichairlordievader: ok, dpkg is done, now what?08:20
lordievaderamichair: sudo apt-get install -f08:20
amichairlordievader: nothing to do (only a lot to autoremove)08:20
hudsonkemyeah, but to activate swap the ram must to be around 1.7-8gb08:20
lordievaderamichair: Okay: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:20
lordievaderhudsonkem: True.08:21
amichairlordievader: same result08:21
lordievaderhudsonkem: Keep vmstat running (vmstat 1) and check if swap is actively being used.08:21
lordievaderamichair: Hmmm. How do your sources look like?08:22
hudsonkemokay, thx for help08:22
amichairlordievader: if I do apt-get upadte it shows vivid, is that what you meant?08:22
hudsonkemabout xrender, I got same window tearing, ideas? :)08:23
lordievaderhudsonkem: Enable vsync?08:23
lordievaderamichair: Err, somewhat. Actually I'd like to see /etc/apt/sources.list08:23
hudsonkemyep but nothing happen08:23
amichairlordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11515765/08:25
lordievaderhudsonkem: Hmm, what videocard and driver are you using?08:25
amichairlordievader: but nowadays there are lots of sources.list.d too no?08:25
lordievaderamichair: That looks good. The sources.list.d things should be disabled. "sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"08:26
amichairlordievader: only *.list in that dir are considered? if so, they are indeed disabled. lots of other backup files in the dir too though.08:28
hudsonkemintel i915, no driver.08:28
lordievaderhudsonkem: No driver? Wut... What is the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA'?08:28
amichairlordievader: update & dist-upgrade same as before - nothing to do, only a bunch to autoremove08:28
lordievaderamichair: Yes, but the first thing do-release-upgrade does is disable ppa's.08:29
lordievaderamichair: Is plasma-dekstop installed?08:29
amichairapt-cache policy plasma-desktop says Installed: 4:5.2.2-0ubuntu408:29
lordievaderamichair: I guess you are all set then ;)08:30
amichairlordievader: pray and reboot?08:30
lordievaderamichair: Precisely :P08:31
amichairlordievader: ok, thanks for ur help. if you don't hear from me soon, it didn't work :-)08:31
lordievaderI hope I do hear from you ;)08:31
hudsonkemwith xubuntu 15.04 +xfwm I got tearing, after, installed compton and solved that, without drivers. but I would like to solve that with kwin_x1108:34
amichairlordievader: I didn't even make it as far as the restart dialog. if I select restart from k-menu, the screen fades out, but no dialog appears08:35
hudsonkemand I don't like compiz08:35
amichairactually I'll try waiting 30 secs08:35
lordievaderamichair: sudo reboot?08:35
hudsonkemamichair try, go to tty and press ctrl+alt+del08:35
lordievaderhudsonkem: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel_graphics#Tear-free_video08:36
amichairlordievader: well waiting didn't work. sudo reboot kills kde (session etc.) vilently, no? is there any way to do a graceful shutdown?08:37
lordievaderMeh, it is a bit crude. But it does the job.08:37
amichairlordievader: ok then, here it goes.08:38
hudsonkemlordievander I tried something like that but it a little different, let me see if this work here :D08:40
hudsonkemlordievander I dont have graphic driver installed, but yeah!, 01.org not realized yet08:42
amichairlordievader: well my desktop and all settings/widgets are gone, but at least I'm back here. I suppose plasma 5 resets everything?08:42
lordievaderamichair: Thought so. Never done an upgrade from Plasma4 to Plasma5. Or at least not in its current state.08:43
amichairlordievader: I've been doing upgrades since dapper. sometimes big things break, sometimes little things break.08:44
amichairlordievader: adding back ppas, it says kubuntu-ppa not found, does that still exist?08:48
hudsonkemamichair why not made clear install of 15.04 and upgrade plama? its more security08:48
lordievaderPerhaps not for vivid. There is a backports ppa, if that is what you mean.08:48
lordievaderThe backports has Plasma
amichairlordievader: I had both ppas, backports seems ok, kubuntu-ppa says not found08:48
amichairhudsonkem: there's too much configuration to do, running servers etc.08:49
amichairmaybe for the next LTS I'll do a clean install. I've got time to think about it :-)08:49
hudsonkem:O. u're on server.08:49
amichairhudsonkem: it's both08:50
hudsonkemrebooting here, I will be back :308:50
hudsonkemamichair got it08:50
lordievaderamichair: KDE on a server? Blegh.08:50
hudsonkemlordievader as I thought '-'08:51
amichairlordievader: nono, it's just web/mail/etc servers running on a desktop :-)08:51
amichairare the Windows theme designers moonlighting for KDE now?08:53
amichaireven taking it a step futher, with 1-bit color icons08:54
amichaircolor depth, that is08:54
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hudsonkem'-' yeah, just when intel graphics driver 1.0.9 realise, tried something but plasma not start more.08:59
amichairwell, there's the first plasma crash, in less than 20 minutes.09:01
amichairlet's try 5.3.1 on for size...09:01
amichairafter the upgrade, a driver manager notification pops up with a checkbox for  intel processor microcode (proprietary). Should I select it? (never saw this in previous versions)09:29
lordievaderErr, you might want to read more about it.09:30
lordievader!info intel-microcode09:30
ubottuintel-microcode (source: intel-microcode): Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs. In component restricted, is extra. Version 3.20150121.1 (vivid), package size 562 kB, installed size 809 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)09:30
amichairlordievader: how would I know if I should enable it or not? Any way to tell what's in it?09:32
lordievaderamichair: apt-cache show intel-microcode09:32
amichairlordievader: any reason one should not enable it?09:33
lordievaderCan't really think of any.09:33
amichairthe notification icon doesn't seem to disappear though09:34
__dan__i enabled it, along with nvidia proprietary drivers, haven't seen the notification since - you'll almost certainly need to reboot for it to take effect tho09:37
amichairany idea why the battery icon is red and blink-zooms every few seconds? (I'm on a desktop)09:38
amichairand how do I close the instant messaging icon?09:39
amichairI see missing pidgin icon is still not fixed09:40
amichairclock date still unusable09:40
amichairtaskbar can't be manually reordered09:41
amichairis there any estimate on when plasma 5 will get back the plasma 4 functionality? 5.4.0 maybe?09:41
__dan__no idea on the battery, instant messenger you should be able to right click and remove that way (may have to unlock widgets first), some taskbar icons don't appear anymore because those apps use a taskbar API from the 60's (i've had this happen with dropbox) i have a workaround if you're interested09:42
amichair__dan__:  yeah there was some replacement tray applet for those... do u remember what it's called?09:43
amichairman that's ugly09:44
__dan__some apps need to be updated for tne new millennium unfortunately09:45
__dan__personally I've only seen this happen with dropbox so far09:46
__dan__in the meantime, wmsystemtray does accept some parameters you may be able to tweak it more to your tastes09:46
__dan__but yeah, lipstick on a pig09:47
__dan__wmsystemtray --non-wmaker --bgcolor white09:48
__dan__put it where you want and tell KWin not to draw the window decorations, a reasonable starter for 1009:48
__dan__taskbar can be manually reordered, right click on taskbar, "Task Manager Settings", under "Grouping and Sorting" set Sorting to Manually09:52
lordievaderamichair: Your battery indicator seems like a bug.09:57
amichair__dan__: thanks09:58
__dan__amichair: yw :)09:58
amichairany way to make the clock date readable? it's 3px or so09:58
amichairI understand iso-formatted date functionality has been removed09:59
__dan__amichair: either increase the vertical width of the taskbar, or right click, "Digital Clock Settings" and turn the date off10:00
amichair__dan__: I'd like to see the date, but how can I enlarge it?10:26
amichairalso, is there a way to remove the underline on each task button on the panel?10:29
__dan__amichair: increase the size of the taskbar10:30
__dan__amichair: no idea on the underline10:30
amichair__dan__: increasing the taskbar height to a point where the clock is readable makes all other icons ridiculously large...10:31
__dan__amichair: other than playing with the settings available I'm not sure what else to suggest, maybe set taskbar to two rows etc10:34
amichairbtw any idea how to restore the original height?10:34
yossarianukI recently tried out Gnome 3.6 (Fedora)10:35
yossarianukI can safely say KDE is so far ahead its untrue.10:35
__dan__amichair: same way you changed it in the first place10:35
s_20yossarianuk: to be fair, so is gnome (3.16)10:35
amichair__dan__: but I don't know what the original size was, or what the size is as I'm dragging10:36
amichairis it possible to restore the default?10:36
__dan__not sure tbh10:37
canis_Are KDE guys and GNOME guys rivals?10:45
s_20uuuh.. i suppose not really10:45
canis_So is there anyone who has worked for both KDE and GNOME?10:46
Roland__canis_: sorry, worked with.. not worked for :P10:48
canis_Roland__: Yeah I meant with10:48
s_20it certanily felt different though a few years back10:49
canis_s_20: what are you referring to?10:49
Roland__it seems to me that GNOME is for first time users, KDE is more a poweruser thing10:50
s_20canis_: well, gnome users making fun of kde users and vice versa10:50
lordievadercanis_: Dbus is a Gnome thing that is heavily used in KDE.10:51
s_20lordievader: once again, didn't use to be that way10:51
s_20remember dcop?10:51
s_20so it seems like there's more of a spirit of cooperation between *nix desktop environments10:52
s_20"Desktop COmmunication Protocol (DCOP) was an inter-process communication (IPC) daemon by KDE used in K Desktop Environment 3. "10:52
canis_I never knew that GNOME guys made fun of KDE guys10:52
s_20essentially what kde used for exactly that purpose before they switched to dbus10:52
lordievaderAh, I see. Anyways, dbus is quite nice.10:53
s_20canis_: it's been a few years, it was like vim vs. emacs10:53
s_20maybe not quite as bad, but still10:53
Roland__most gnome apps work nicely on KDE and KDE apps on gnome, so there's not really much of a competition, everybody can use whichever Desktop Environment they want... GNOME / KDE / or LXDE (for slower computers)10:53
Roland__they can even be set up on the same computer, so you could switch and work with any of those10:54
s_20Roland__: well, now - but sometimes you still hear people moaning like "ugh, i have to install *all* these packages and run *all* these services to run $random_kde_app"10:54
s_20but yah, it's better than it ever was before, no sarcasm there10:54
Roland__there are always people, who aren't happy with the work other people have done... for free10:55
s_20for the most part, i'm a happy camper10:55
s_20been using kde for about 10 years now10:56
Roland__I've been using it at work for 7+ years10:56
rharishis this channel logged ? if not can anyone pass me last night's logs ?11:34
lordievaderrharish: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/06/01/%23kubuntu.html11:35
rharishlordievader: thanks :)11:36
ejayhi, did any of you noticed that, when opening multiple windows of same application, little triangle that indicates that multiple windows are open is out of place? http://imgur.com/kP1T5jM breeze theme, kubuntu 15.0412:06
ejaythis bug is rare tho12:10
BluesKajHey all12:22
amichairis there a plasma 5 panel widget that can show a folder as a simple list, like there was in plasma 4?13:05
soeeamichair: what about Folder View widget ?13:07
amichairsoee: I can't get it to show a list, is it possible?13:07
amichairsoee: i.e. it's a window filled with rows and columns of icons, not a simple list with one line per file. unusable as it is.13:08
amichairI'm not sure if in plasma 4 it was folder view or quick view or something like that13:08
amichairbut I used it all the time13:08
soeeamichair: i dont think so13:08
amichairman it's frustrating, so much funcionality gone in plasma 5.13:09
amichairand in 5.3.1 too, not 5.0.013:10
amichairhow about a resource load viewer that can show individual core utilization, like the System Load Viewer did in plasma 4?13:11
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amichairdoes anyone know if there's a way to remove those wierd underlines from all panel taskbar buttons?13:59
yossarianukamichair: change plasma theme perhaps ?14:07
amichairsounds like overkill... I'm hoping there's a setting somewhere for it14:08
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nfk|laptopdoes anyone know how to access wm console from plasma2?15:18
ds_guys ... i turned my laptop on today and there are like 30% Icons missing in the menu (example: http://i.imgur.com/wfLFJqL.png) ... when i switch to oxygen icons in settings everything is fine, with breeze or breeze dark icons, it looks like in the picture)15:21
ds_i would like to have my breeze icons back, any suggestions?15:21
BluesKajyeah ihave problems with breeze too, so I use oxygen instead, but I think there is a bug filed, ds_15:23
BluesKajbreeze dark desktop theme doesn't work at all here15:25
nfk|laptopi'm fine with breeze dark so far15:28
nfk|laptopthough it is missing some icons but not 30%15:28
ds_nfk|laptop: i was fine with it too, it just changed today after login. Did nothing special last time using this laptop. I hope watching netflix and surfing a little bit dont make my icons go away :P15:31
gr00v3rOn Kubuntu 15.04 i386 with full disk LVM and Home encryption it asks disk password 3 times. 1 for crypt sd5 and twice for swap. It is known behavior?16:32
gr00v3rThe disk was completely wiped off and slow formated. It was a clean install16:34
Bronzegr00v3r; what are you really asking?16:35
Bronzegr00v3r: Are you asking if that set of password prompts is the way that is supposed to work ?16:36
gr00v3rBronze: I newbie to Kubuntu, should I file a bug or  this is the way it is supposed to work?16:37
Bronzegr00v3r: Are you asking if that set of password prompts is the way that is supposed to work ?16:37
gr00v3rBronze: exactly16:37
BronzeI personally have no idea. But I do want to suggest asking question directed specifically at the issue you are having. don't be indirect.   The way you asked, originally, it couldbe a bug, or it could be proper operatiion and people could answer yes either way.16:38
gr00v3rBronze: OK16:39
mozafarhi, suspend-to-ram not work in my kubunu (latest version). After resuming, all things just hangs. Machine is Lenovo Z510.16:48
mozafarIt did worked on kde 4.16:49
hudsonkemis it a good idea install zram-config in kubuntu 15.04?16:54
hudsonkemonce again:: is it a good idea install zram-config in kubuntu 15.04?17:25
lordievader!info zram-config17:28
ubottuzram-config (source: zram-config): Upstart job to enable zram support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3 (vivid), package size 3 kB, installed size 54 kB17:28
lordievader!info zram17:28
ubottuPackage zram does not exist in vivid17:28
lordievaderhudsonkem: Do you need it?17:28
hudsonkemdont know17:30
lordievaderI take that as a no ;)17:31
hudsonkemnow I really dont think so17:31
hudsonkembecause im using systemd so .. :)17:31
hudsonkemthx man17:31
hudsonkemlordievader thx for tearing help I fixed that17:32
lordievaderhudsonkem: How?17:33
hudsonkemwell just create a folder "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/"17:38
hudsonkemand create a file named "20-intel.conf". echo>>https://paste.kde.org/pjzqu0vap17:40
hudsonkemso just reboot and works is a bird17:40
lordievaderRight, thanks :)17:41
lordievaderhudsonkem: Logout -> login should have done the trick too ;)17:41
hudsonkemyeah! but I really like reboot :P17:41
hudsonkemyeah! without zram-config, my swap is better17:59
hudsonkemlordievader any alternatives to zram-config?18:00
lordievaderErr, no idea? Buying more ram?18:01
hudsonkem'-' hahah, thats a good joke18:01
hudsonkemhold me one the dollar :P18:02
hudsonkemreading here>> a zram feature is already in the kernel18:04
hudsonkemso dont need anymore :)18:04
NeuhNeuhHello :)19:15
BluesKaj_hey NeuhNeuh19:21
BluesKaj_hi zamazan4ik19:22
zamazan4ikwho can tell me about stability of plasma 5.2?19:22
zamazan4ikbecause i want to install kubuntu 15.04 on my work machine, but i am afraid of bugs19:24
BluesKaj_it's under still under development, so not as stable as expected on an official release, but it's working quite well for me19:24
Etriaphzamazan4ik: Do you have a spare drive to test the hardware with an install?19:24
zamazan4ikand i don't want to see a plasma's crash reports every hour19:24
BluesKaj_zamazan4ik:  not recommended for a work machine yet IMO19:25
EtriaphPlasma hasn't crashed on me for about 2.5 months.19:25
zamazan4ikno, i have not any drives to test19:25
zamazan4iki want to upgrade because now i use a kubuntu 14.0419:26
BluesKaj_plasma doesn't crash , but the kde 4 apps that run on it sometimes do19:26
zamazan4ikand my laptop(asus k55) with touchpad, of course. and 14.04 have some troubles with touchpades19:27
zamazan4ikthanks :)19:29
zamazan4ikand maybe you know19:29
zamazan4ikwhen can we upgrade to plasma 5.3? and when can we upgrade to linux-kernel 4.0.0 ?19:30
eXistenZeHey guys20:33
eXistenZeGood evening20:33
rharishEtriaph: hey20:43
Etriaphrharish: Hi.20:43
rharishI was rhn yesterday20:43
EtriaphAh, how's it going?20:43
rharishyeah, so all fine now. I didn't have to use the backports ppa afterall20:44
rharishfrom what I understand, the daily ppa, for kubuntu-ci gives 5.2 with editions before 15.04 and 5.3 on 15.04 onwards20:44
rharishso right now, daily ppa + 15.04 = 5.3 :)20:45
Etriaphrharish: Now to write some code! :D20:49
rharishyup, finally :)20:49
rharishEtriaph: thanks for your time and help though20:49
EtriaphHey no problem.20:51
eXistenZeany kvm user here?20:52
mparilloI am not a kvm user (VMware Player for me), but there is a virtualization forum at: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=30822:13
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JR2573Hi, I just installed Kubuntu, and was wondering how I can change the settings in Dolphin to display device sizes in decimals (19.2 GB) instead of commas (19,2 GB)?23:18
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