
=== mgz is now known as mgz_
odin_hello, can anyone assist with how to change the URL for automated source code import from remote SCM ?14:25
odin_gitorious.org is no more, so I need to change the import location to point to github.com14:26
odin_https://code.launchpad.net/~qtjambi-community/qtjambi/master  this is the relevant SCM import that is now broken14:27
odin_also both remote SCM systems are git, can it resync, keeping the BZR revision numbers intact ?14:29
dobeyodin_: delete the branch and create a new import14:29
dobeyodin_: no, the bzr revno is unrelated to what the git revision numbers are. they are not persistent, and will change at next import, if someone does a rebase on the git master tree for example14:30
odin_if I delete the branch, there are 10 recipies using it, they still remain intact (but broken) ?14:31
odin_when I re-create the branch those recipies will start using the changed data ?14:31
dobeyodin_: oh no, the recipes will be deleted i think14:50
dobeyor they will prevent you from deleting the branch or something14:50
dobeyso you might just need to create a new import and then change the recipes to use the new branch14:51
dobeyor you might be able to just edit the url14:51
dobeysometimes it doesn't work so nice, but since they're both still git, it might be doable14:52
odin_Not allowed here ... https://code.launchpad.net/~qtjambi-community/qtjambi/master/+edit-import15:04
dobeywhat's the new git URL?15:04
cjwatsonIt's usually best to create a new import15:04
cjwatsonodin_: Was the gitorious repository just moved directly to github?15:05
cjwatsonNot a reimport or anything?15:05
odin_moved directly ?  yes I believe the history is intact15:05
cjwatsonOK, bzr history can stay intact then15:06
cjwatsonodin_: Is it https://github.com/qtjambi/qtjambi ?15:06
odin_does launchpad prefer a git: or https: ?15:06
odin_yes that is new URL15:06
cjwatsonodin_: I've updated it for you15:06
dobeyi guess i won't do it then :)15:07
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~qtjambi-community/qtjambi/master shows the latest revisions now15:08
odin_ah great all looks to be building now, and some much needed maintenance completed (all but fixing build issues)15:17
odin_updated project to include: utopic, vivid, wily15:17
Penghttps://blog.benjojo.co.uk/post/auditing-github-users-keys <- wonder if anyone's scanned LP15:31
odin_in "control" file Build-Depends can I use something like "package-name (>= 3.4 || >= 2:0.0 || >= 3:0.0)"  ?16:08
cjwatsonodin_: That's synonymous with "package-name (>= 3.4)", since 2:0.0 >= 3.416:10
odin_but can I use || expression there ?16:10
cjwatsonYou could write "package-name (>= 3.4) | package-name (>= 2:0.0) | package-name (>= 3:0.0)", but no point in this case.16:10
odin_ok understand16:11
cjwatsonYou can't use | inside the parentheses.16:11
odin_well my example is contrived, but am trying to understand why packages are listed in http://packages.ubuntu.com/search but not picked up during build16:11
cjwatsonIt would be easier if you linked to the build16:12
odin_can I make a build package "optional" ?16:14
cjwatsonYou can do Build-Depends: foo | base-files16:14
cjwatsonWhich has much the same effect.  It introduces variability which may not be a good idea though16:15
jhobbsare draft inline comments on a MP lost if someone pushes an update to the MP/16:54
jhobbsyes.. yes they are.16:59
dobeyjhobbs: draft? you mean if you reload the page, before hitting the submit button on the comment form?17:40
jhobbsdobey: yeah17:41
jhobbsthey are still there if you just reload the page or open it in another window17:41
jhobbsbut if someone pushes a new revision of the branch being merged they go away17:41
dobeyodd. i'm not quite sure how it is implemented, but i'm guessing your browser cleared the form when the page ETag or whatever changed17:42
jhobbswell, the comments are stored server side, just not published for others to see until you save the comment17:43
jhobbsinline comments specifically, not the textbox contents17:43
dobeythey only stored on the server after you submit the form, afaik17:44
jhobbsnaw, the inline comments are server side as soon as you add one. just checked and i can see it in firefox when adding in chrome17:45
dobeyoh, weird17:52
=== Nigel_ is now known as G

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